Avatar of MikkishtheLeprechaun


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4 yrs ago
Current I’m also on RPnation and roleplay.me/join/AndrewRyan93
7 yrs ago
We are born of the Blood, made men by the Blood, undone by the Blood. Our eyes have yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD!
7 yrs ago
If anyone wants to be part of an rp skype chat, hmu on skype. My username there is mikkishtheleprechaun. Or you can give me your username and I can find you.
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8 yrs ago
MAn, this place has changed. Wonder if anyone else is here from way back in 2012
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8 yrs ago
I am the one once known as TheApprentice on here.


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Most Recent Posts

I had to look and get caught back up
Jesse was annoyed. He was lead all this way only for this god to abandon the mission.

"Fucking gods." Jesse muttered.

What was this world? It seemed like the Times Before that he had always heard of, but there were murderous machines and people came back to life and attacked. Thats not to mention so many seemed out of place like himself and the man with the chainsaw arm and these guys with godlike capabilities. Jesse contemplated his next move.
In which case maybe I'd play Albert Wesker from Resident Evil.

This might have something to do with my decision.
@Dark CloudI wasn't planning any nukes tbh.

Know what? I will come back. But the posts will be fewer and further between.
There were deadites AND robots from Terminator when I left, as well as cultists who I'm assuming were from an rp. The idea was that whenever a character entered the world, the enemy creatures invaded as well. I had no ideas for "resolving the deadite problem." My be a perfect opportunity to use you creativity.

@HEAVY METAL TBH I didn't have an end in mind but if someone else picked up the torch I would stop in every now and again.
"I haven't played that game since I was 22" Mathew said, referring to Alexi's Yu Gi Oh deck. It was clear to Matt that he wasn't going to be getting his jacket back, but he felt a lot better.

"I like Attack on Titan, Spy Family, Dr Stone, Death Note oh and have you guys seen Boccano?" He asked finishing his drink and ordering another.
@aia2022We absolutely are
"Oh...this guy just had a hood. It looked kinda sci-fi. I will just keep coming back here each weekend. I'm bound to run into him again eventually." Mathew said, finishing his drink "I don't know about any cosplay event. I'm relatively new to the cosplay and convention scene. I've also considered getting a vinyl record player just because it would be cool, but I'm a cheapass."

Near the liquor shelves were two TVs at both ends. One was playing a stream of the newest Call of Duty, while the other played Parasyte.

"So what animes do you guys watch?" Matt was assuming anyone who came here liked anime.
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