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    1. Moonlit Sonata 9 yrs ago


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Current The dazzling Sonata makes her return~!
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A flowing darkness surrounds all. A pure darkness unlike any other, impenetrable by anything that is or could be. There was no light, no sound, no motion. There was only that transcendent black, endlessly expanding in all directions. And yet...rather than disturbing, this eerie ocean of black was calming. Like the feeling a child has when closing its eyes to sleep, like the fading world at the end of a play. The darkness is embraced with open arms and hearts, taken in like air and water as the warmth it brings is recognized.

Light pierces the dark. A lance stabbed upwards from the Kingdom Below, the light pervades this space of tranquil knowledge. The darkness is burned away, twisted and perverted by the all-consuming light. Fear strikes, as just moments after embracing the blackness, it is forcibly torn away. The warmth is replaced by a burning pain. Born from the interplay of shadow and light, figures take form, but they cannot possibly be acknowledged. No, the only site of importance is this light, this damnable light that takes away everything.

The light cools. The scars left from its searing pain throb in the recesses of existence as their cause recedes. The light returns, but this time it does not crush the darkness; this time it merely illuminates what was present. Eyes cracking open for the first time. Formless figures who steadily take shape as the light is adjusted to, beings that aren't recognized but still feel familiar.

A single word takes form in the mind, not spoken in a language but in something more primal, something that appeals to the deepest part of existence as information in a language that was never learned streams into the soul.


And before the crowd of these now-awakening bodies stood a lone figure, back turned to them as she called out to those nearby.

Come now, we've wasted enough time already. No sense in wasting any more.

Wake up.

Now, it is worth noting the current situation for the Goblin tribe of the Ironwood Forest.

After being birthed, the youngest group of Goblins had remained asleep for three full days, a sleep that none of the elder Goblins could rouse them from despite their best efforts, and now several of them seemed to have begun stirring within mere seconds of each other. Accordingly, they were waking up for the first time in bodies that were just a hair's breadth away from being fully grown.

This rate of growth is only natural. When compared to the civilization built by humans, who grew up without worry of being attacked by a foreign enemy, goblins, since the moment of their birth, must deal with the fierce struggle for survival. Humans could afford to grow more slowly than the Goblins living in the wilds, where the law of the jungle requires their offspring grow faster. Of course, one of the elders had been sure to help feed them while they were in the depths of sleep so that they wouldn't starve, though it had been difficult to do so without causing them to choke to death. In truth, there had actually been more children present, but some had choked to death while the elders tried to feed them, and their corpses had been carried out two days prior. Necessary experience, and whatnot.

The other children from this group of newborns were still asleep, slumbering peacefully in the further recesses of the cavern, as if they were comatose. The elder who had seen some of them awakening had carried the waking ones out of those recesses mere minutes earlier, when she noticed them starting to stir. Hopefully the others would also wake up soon, but only time would tell.

As the newborns gained some bearing of their surroundings, they would notice that they were in the middle of a cave, a natural cave with a few traces of sunlight from the midday world outside filtering in.

"Chief, chief, some of them are waking up!"
Good to go.

Just realized I need to go buy stuff in a bit, so IC post will be pushed back a bit, but it should still be up in the next couple hours.
Unknown Berserker Matrix updated.
In order to reach the area of Shinto that they had started off towards, a certain pair that could only be characterized by their inexperience had passed through the graveyard, the cleanest path that avoided being noticed by others.

However, in this case, that decision to head for Shinto instead of the church on a hill could only be called a mistake.

Unknown Berserker

Foreigner's Graveyard

Muramasa would feel it before he saw it. The presence of a Servant. And, once he felt its presence, so too did it feel his presence. The previously-distant figure immediately grew closer, approaching at a speed that only a Servant could enter the realms of.

Something was wrong. Not the magus, but the Servant could feel that something was wrong. Horribly wrong. Transcendentally wrong. Terrifyingly wrong.

This was not the mere worry that "a powerful enemy approached". This was something that shouldn't have been possible.

Fear. It was fear, but it wasn't fear that originated in his blood as a human. His blood as a human didn't seem to feel anything wrong.

His blood as an oni, though, was screaming. Bellowing, roaring, shrieking at him.

You'll die.

You'll die.

You'll die.

Run away. Run away. Run away. This thing is wrong it's wrong it's wrong. It shouldn't exist. You cannot hope to resist this thing. You will be utterly destroyed. You will be unmade. You will be returned unto the dust from whence you came.

Slaughterer. Conqueror. No, it's too weak. How is it weak but this terrifying. What did it do how many did it cut a path through how how how---

"...oh, damn. You're not him. I felt a Servant on my way over, so I thought it might be him, but I guess not. Damn, damn, damn. That kinda pisses me off, ya know? Got my hopes up, thought I'd get to start playing with him before night."

Standing before the Master and Servant, she appeared.
Alrighty, so given the issues we've had with Team Muramasa and Team Norton, a solution has been worked out with their roleplayers.

However, enacting this solution will require something a bit unorthodox.

I wish everyone luck in what is about to come.
@Holy Grail@Lauder
Good to go.

Limit the Gift to the species, at least for now.

Given the number of accepted characters, the IC will be up in a bit.
@Moonlit Sonata So maybe a Gift related to "Lava" in some sense would at the start at Goblin-level simply grant the wielder a "Minor Earth Affinity" as well as a "Minor Fire Affinity" perhaps?

Sure. Obviously each affinity will be weaker than if you just decided to go for fire or earth alone.
People will probably be annoyed by him having a six syllable name but listen to your heart, I guess. Keep in mind my prior comments on the Gift, but you're good to go.

@Moonlit Sonata Also, is there such a thing as a "Volcanic" or "Lava" affinity?

That would be more akin to cross-applying earth and fire than a standalone thing, at least for the majority of beings.
EDIT: Instead of a general "better at magic" Gift, i do something different altogether. What about a Gift that allows her to bend and move earth and earthen substances (such as dirt, stone, metal, or sand) with her will? Something like "Earthbending" from ATLA (but without having to make physical movement), and while also obviously limited by the strength of her soul since she is just a Goblin?

That's fine.

Good to go.

Right now I am thinking about joining. The idea of the character is a red-skinned goblin who can locate anything, some long as that anything bleeds, and he has the blood of the previously mentioned anything (In simple terms, if he has somethings blood, or he has injested something blood in the past 24 hours, he can locate it. If it split into multiple pieces, he is drawn towards the largest piece, or the largest gathering of smaller pieces.)

The only reason I didn't post a CS is that I don't yet have a personality and a background, so it would be simpler to just ask if that would would be ok.

It should be kept in mind that, at least initially, the Gift will be pretty bad. Something like what you've described is a no-go. It would probably start off as either an enhanced sense of smell or a low-level Blood Affinity, and whether he becomes full shark/bloodhound would depend on how he trains it and evolves.
There's no real point to either. Magical energy's pretty much omnipresent in the world, and unless you're humanity's greatest magician casting something capable of leveling a landscape, you're never going to be like "damn I'm out of magical energy". Magic's more akin to a school of research than anything else; ability in magic is fostered by understanding, not by having lots of magical energy around.

There's lots of air around me and outside of very specific circumstances, I'm not gonna be needing more air than there is around me. At the same time, having a fuckton of air around me doesn't mean my breathing form gets better. I've gotta learn how to use my diaphragm and shit for that.
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