Avatar of MurderVictim


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7 mos ago
I can't believe Shaggy was William Afton all along
10 mos ago
me, watching the clock slowly tick down to my 30th birthday: send help
4 yrs ago
when I was a kid, I called someone a bitch on neopets and that's honestly the most hardcore I've ever been. I peaked there
5 yrs ago
Bring the chains
6 yrs ago
Eat him instead.


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Frisk let her words hang between them, considering them and those vague memories for some time before Sans began to drag her. Blinking out of her thoughts, she held no resistance against him, hurrying her pace to match his. She was a little surprised at his sudden pulling, but didn't question it as she spotted their home up ahead. Considering the distance between the ruins and Snowdin, it was a miracle they had made it there in one piece.

Seeing him stumble, Frisk moved to his side, prepared to catch him in case he fell. She wasn't entirely sure if she could hold him up, being that she didn't have much physical strength even when she wasn't tired. Of course, she didn't have much time to question herself before Sans collapsed completely.

A pang of fear hit her as she scrambled to catch him before he hit the ground. She pulled her hand from his and wrapped that arm around his waist. Her other arm grabbed his own and set it around her shoulders, allowing her to awkwardly pull him further inside. She had never been more thankful that the couch was so close to the door.

"Papyrus!" She cried out, fearing for Sans' health. She knew he was exhausted, but never had she seen him like this. Her chest tightened with panic, while her sore muscles screamed in protest against Sans' heavy bones. Struggling over to the couch, she bent down slightly to carefully deposit her dear friend down on the cushions.

Frisk dragged her gaze up to look at Sans, taking in his,appearance as he spoke. She listened, but couldn't keep her attention from mostly being on how exhausted he looked. How much magic had he used? Obviously too much if he was choosing to walk, rather than teleport them back home. Frisk wrung her hands together nervously, vaguely hoping it looked like she was only trying to warm them up rather than worrying over Sans.

And it wasn't just concern for him. She worried for their timeline, for their safety against such a foreign and dangerous counterpart. She worried for Sans' happiness, for out of them all he deserved it the most.

She looked away, and jumped when she felt cold bone against her skin. Letting the action take some of her stress away, she tightened her fingers around his. "Neither do I." Perhaps this wasn't the best time to have this conversation, but it had to happen sooner or later. Preferably when Sans was too tired to brush her off and try to change the subject.

"I won't let it."

Not without a fight, even if it was against a being with far more abilities than her. Would the saves help? As a failsafe against damage that would otherwise be irreversible without resetting completely? She hadn't saved in years...She wasn't sure if she even had the power, anymore. Just when she had a good reason to use it...How ironic.

"I've seen one of the other universes before," she suddenly said. "I don't know how, maybe it was a glitch in whatever controls this whole thing." She looked down at the snow, her gaze unfocused like she was lost in a far off memory. "Everything was so...wrong. Flowey was good, but he begged me to kill him. Everyone else was so bitter and angry."

"I lasted...maybe an hour? I probably would've made it a little farther if that version of you hadn't found me." She squeezed Sans' hand. "No matter how much mercy and determination I showed, he just got angrier. Like he had no idea what kindness was." She rubbed at her eyes with her other hand. "I can't imagine what it takes to break someone like that."

"I never want to go back there again, Sans."

Buummp :3
One more bump!
Frisk didn't know how long she had been standing there. It could have only been a few, it could have been several...She didn't know. She shuddered. The hall provided shelter from the wind and falling snow, but it did little to shield away the cold.

She hadn't heard Sans approach, so she tensed when he pulled her into a hug. The hall had been so still, so quiet aside from the wind outside, that the sudden change startled her. Relaxing at Sans' words, she pulled her hands away from her face and returned the embrace. Wrapping her arms around him, Frisk could swear that he felt...different. Maybe it was all in her head, but it wasn't hard to see how exhausted he was. She held him tight, yet silently feared that he would turn to dust right then and there, that any touch could break him.

It was hard to remember that he only had one HP. He was incredibly hard to hit, confident in his magical abilities, and rivaled Undyne when it came to smarts in battle. He was the strongest boss monster around, and no one knew that better than Frisk. But he had his limits. Frisk knew that, too.

It made her think. Who else could take him away from her and Paps? Would it only take another Sans catching him off guard? When he was this tired, how easy would it be to just...blink and he'd be gone? She swallowed hard and hugged him a little tighter. "Yeah, let's go."

She lingered for a moment, hesitant to leave his arms, then finally backed away to open the door. As it creaked open, a rush of wind and ice billowed in and made her shiver.

Frisk was quiet as they walked, watching the ground as she moved. She stuck close to Sans, occasionally brushing against him. Rather than feel flustered at being so close to him, she found it as a great comfort. After what happened, he was still there. He hadn't left her.

"So," she finally said, clearing her throat a bit. "That was...another you, right? Someone from an alternate universe?" Her gaze was still cast to the snow at her feet. Of course, she knew the answer, but figured it would make a good opener for what they should be talking about.
Just a quick bump before I head for work!
To all the people who are sick of seeing Undertale all over the place...I'm so sorry. But, you know...not really.


I'm not just craving Undertale, I'm craving Underfell - a vague alternate universe of Undertale created by fans. The edgy designs finally grew on me, and after reading how other people perceived it I realized how much I want to try it out for myself. I'm not sure if anyone's gonna bite, but it's worth a shot!

To make things short and sweet, I would prefer to play female!Frisk (or any fallen human) with someone's Underfell!Sans. That's the only thing I really need. The rest can be decided between us and built on. There are so many different ways to take this, and it doesn't even have to take place in the Underground.

There doesn't need to be romance. If my partner and I decide to throw it in, the human character WILL be an adult. I'd honestly prefer she be an adult either way...But violence and drama is more than welcome! (How else would it be Underfell?)

Basic understanding of the game is much appreciated. I haven't even finished it, but every aspect has been spoiled and explained to me, so...Meh.

Lastly, I really do need a partner who is willing to bounce around ideas with me. I hate being the only one to come up with anything. It makes me feel like I'm the only one who cares, and it makes my interest go down fast. Also, considering this has the potential to be very violent, I ask that anyone who is interested is 18+ just for my sanity.

I'm up for giving any alternate universe a shot! Or playing with the original! I just love Undertale!

I might add to this later, but for now feel free to post here or PM me!
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