Avatar of NeverEnding
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 79 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. NeverEnding 4 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
'Cause it's so catchy, catchy; It's such a catchy song; Gonna make you happy, happy




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Is anyone excited about Diablo IIII

Kind of? It looks like they took the feedback we gave them from D3 and made a better looking game. So it’s possible it can be good.
@Zoey BoeyIm a sucker for Cass Cain. However I need some changes.

@EchoicChamber@ShepherdOfHope@Flower@LostButterfly92@The Ghost Note

If you guys have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
The Headmaster
Alpha Biology and Political Science
Epsilon Criminal Justice: Julius Rees
Alpha Students
Audrey Underwood II

Epsilon Students
Both Teachers and Students (Alpha and/or Epsilon) are acceptable characters.

There are three different types of acceptable characters. Type A is a reworked character from an established universe (DC, Marvel, etc). An example of a Type A is below:
I will not accept a character copy/pasted from a wiki. Please make the character your own.

Type B is an original character with an established character’s name. E.G. Naming a character Peter Parker without using the Marvel character’s background, looks, traits, etc.

Type C is a completely original character.

For the CS, please feel free to make it as pretty as possible. I’m coding challenged. :)

Black listed powers:
The basic structure of the universe are as follows.
There are aliens that have already made contact with our planet.
Advanced tech exists, but isn’t completely common.
Magic, powers, and supers are accepted as everyday life events.
There have been world ending events but only one of which is known to the public.
There are laws that govern Superheroes (don’t think accords) as a international force.

Major Events:

The Magician - Retired
Black Justice (Anti-hero) - Retired
White Wood Academy

Welcome to White Wood Academy. Whether you are a returning student or a new student, White Wood is the primer place of learning for those with extraordinary abilities. We offer courses for those who are just coming into their powers and for those who want to take the next step into the Superhero community. We accept anyone from all walks of life. Cannot afford the tuition? Apply for a Xerus grant today and join us here at White Wood.

-Headmaster Xerus

Hello and Welcome to my RP! This is going to be a little different because I want the players to have a direct input on shaping this world. Names of predominate Superheroes. Places, even countries. And most of all, major world events. This means I’m going to be general when talking about our world. Anyone mentioned or even vaguely mentioned is fair game to pull into your character’s background if you so desire.

If world building in a group setting is not for you, this probably isn’t the place for you. That said I hope this creative direction doesn’t scare you off. I will allow inspiration from Marvel, DC and other indie comics.

As names, places and events come in through accepted character sheets and OOC chatter, I’ll start compiling it into the 0 post and making edits to this post if needed.

White Wood was founded in 1946 by a retired Superhero. They recognized there needed to be a safe place for those who were not heroes. Children, who had powers they couldn’t control. Individuals who decided they needed to use their abilities for something other than themselves. Thus, White Wood was created. There are two distinct programs at White Wood. The Alpha Program and the Epsilon program.

The Alpha is aimed towards children. They accept any child who has magical abilities and/or super powers. The program is there to train them to control their abilities and to make sure they do not harm themselves or others. It also educates them in the dangers they face from others who would want to use their abilities in harmful ways. (E.G. Child Soldier, Evilsidekick, etc) This program is not geared as a gateway into super-heroism. These students are called Alpha students and they wear blue school uniforms.
The following courses are offered to their Alpha students.

The second program is aimed at training Superheroes. They are young adults/adults who wish to be a Superhero. Anyone under the age of 17 cannot be accepted into this program. This is a rigorous set of courses than span at least four years. Third year students are allowed to go out in the field and intern with a Super if they desire. They are not required to wear a uniform. Below are types, not all inclusive, of courses White Wood offers for their Epsilon students.

White Wood’s Campus is a multi-acre complex. It has artificial created ecosystems to support life other than human. There is a large lake in the middle of White Wood that supports aquatic life. The main building also connects to rooms under the lake that allow access to the waters.

There are multiple buildings. Two dorms for Alpha and Epsilon students. A large cafeteria. Specific buildings for courses. Multiple libraries and training centers.

And we've made it to the rules. (If you’re looking for information about characters, please check out the character tab)

1. Don't post your CS in the Character Tab until it has been reviewed and accepted.
2. Follow the rules of the guild.
3. Expect to post once every other week or else your character will be remanded to the GM and becomes an NPC.
3a. If you cannot meet posting requirements let me or my Co-Gm know and we'll work with you.
4. We will cover mature themes in this thread. However if sexy times ensue, take it to PMs.
So much interest. You guys are great.

@FlowerI really appreciate the offer. Thank you!
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