Avatar of NewMoonGamer
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1064 (0.35 / day)
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    1. NewMoonGamer 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Anyway, I'm back for now. :)
8 yrs ago
That's one game development course out of the way. Now I only have 3 more to go. It has also occurred to me that I can't draw. ... Oh well, practice makes not terrible, I guess. :>
8 yrs ago
Sorry for the inconvenience. I work quickly, so worst case scenario, I'll get in a post tomorrow.
8 yrs ago
Hoi, guys, I'm working on a project for a summer course right now. I kind of misread something and my assignments are overdue, so I won't be able to post until I take care of that.
8 yrs ago
A spider. A spider. A long legged spider just freaking CRAWLED OVER MY ARM! O_O Welp, time to burn the house down...
1 like


Hoi there, my name is NewMoonGamer, or Kit The Kat if you know me on Quizaz- I mean "Quotev." I like video games, especially those in the Persona series. I cannot wait for Persona 5 to come out. HYPE! OH HOHOHOHO!! LOOK AT ME, ON THIS DAY, 5/31/2016, I HAVE BECOME A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD! ...Which only means I'm 2 years from being an adult... But anyway, Anime is life. We all know this. The current anime theme song stuck in my head is the Akame Ga Kill opening theme, the first one, even though the last anime I watched was Erased. Both are really good anime! 10/10 would recommend.

Most Recent Posts


"Why hello there Avary." Aya said as she adjusted the device. She pressed a button and it began firing a series of shots into the metal, staying within the perimeter of the box. She'd test the other settings later. So far everything looked good. She turned to the boy who had entered. "Hmmm? You want a sneak peek or something?" she asked.

"Very well," Emma said with a chuckle. "Alright, see you Brian." she said, waving to him as he left. "Now, I'll see you later Avary.I must prepare for the day ahead" she said before rushing off towards the showers, her makeshift cape flowing in the wind. She did wonder about the accident that made Aya have to teach them about weapons.

Aya smiled as she drew lines on a slab of metal in the shape of a box while humming. She was about to test out the lazer cannon, which was supposed to be a stronger and easier version of the beam cannon. She hummed a cheery tune as she finished up the little box and moved over behind the weapon.

"Hm... Most likely. Though hopefully it'll end sooner rather than later." Lucas said. Aya said it would be quick, but she had managed to leave out the time. As if on cue,

"Well it looks like Aya forgot to tell you guys what time you should be there. Kinda hard to justify feeding ya to the goom if you don't know when you're late. Starts at 9:30, see you then."


"But alas, I have already sold my soul to to the king of breakfast foods who calleths upon me." Emma said. "Anyway, you think Aya will let us use the 'dangerous weapons' she won't let us touch?" she asked.
Some shiny colors are just hatred. Therefor altered color shinies.

Litheral town

"..." Emma stayed quiet at first. She would have preferred to be by herself, but she didn't say it. "The pokemon league should be safe. That's all." she said, still looking at the streets. She wasn't really in the mood for chatting.


>A wild Gible came up through a floor tile. It had a sandwich in its mouth.
>The Gible is brown and gray as opposed to the usual blue and red.

Welcome to the dark side-
I mean-
You've been approved move him over to the char tab. :)

I think you got your character mixed up with a different one. ^^
*24 hours later*
*Forgets mentions*
I'll just put them here,
and also edit them in.

Emma rolled her eyes at the silliness that Avary was displaying. "In your dreams, Muse. I'll be doing great as long as they have waffles for breakfast" she said.

An announcement came on over the PA system.
"Attention all SATU Agents, we've got an announcement for ya." Agent Minx said over the PA system.
"Starting today, I've been asked to give you all 'training' with the weapons and gadgets I make. There was a small accident earlier this week, so I kinda have to now. Everyday, if you don't have a mission in the morning, report to the Helix Ward and Agent Minx and I will teach you a thing or two. It'll be real quick!"
"Doncha be late, or we'll summon the great lord goomy to eat yer souls- OW! Goshdarnit Aya!"
"Disregard that." Aya said.

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