Avatar of Nexus Prime
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  • Posts: 92 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Nexus Prime 8 yrs ago


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Lower Manhattan, New York City, New York
September 5th, 2016 9:56 AM

What a perfect way to start out the new school year. Here I was, the very first class just about to begin, and still minutes out from campus. And unlike most occasions, this time I didn't have my super-activities to blame for sleeping in. I had even turned in early last night in preparation for today, yet here I was as usual. I had planned to meet with Gwen before today's lessons, but at this rate I'd be lucky to make it to class before the lecture began. Word had it this professor was a no-nonsense kind of guy, and didn't tolerate students he saw unfit for his course. Showing up late on day one wasn't exactly my idea of a good first impression, which was why I was currently swinging through the city's skyline desperately trying to make up lost time.

It was the first time I had been back in the costume in a couple weeks. With how hectic things had become for me in my hero life the last year - what with handling Rose and his goons, and being framed for murder - I had needed a break. Spending the entirety of August with Gwen and the others relaxing and having fun had been just what I needed. In fact, despite fighting more crime in the past year than I ever did in high school, that whole period had been amazing, and it was all because of Gwen. Since becoming a couple, I've been happier than I can ever remember being. Her bright smile always warms my heart, no matter how tough a day I've had. Sometimes I ask myself why I had been so stupid in waiting for so long to be with her; if it hadn't have been for Norman Osborn's insanity I'm not sure if I ever would have recognized my feelings for her. Strange as it was, and as much as I hate to admit it, I owed my current happiness to the madness of the Goblin.

Swinging low over Greenwich Village, I tried to calculate how much time I had remaining before the class actually started. The costume didn't allow for a watch, and my phone was stuffed in the backpack I wore with the rest of my civvies. I knew I had left Queens with just under fifteen minutes to spare, and at my best estimation I had been traveling across the skyline for ten minutes or so. Which would give me just a scant couple minutes to change into my street clothes, and make my way to the university's East wing. So long as the professor didn't mind a few seconds of tardiness, I might actually pull this off. Consider me hopeful.

As I adjusted my body weight to my right side, preparing a quick left turn into the boulevard leading towards Empire State's campus, my spider-sense tingled sending mild pulses through my head. No sooner than I had groaned, cursing my bad luck and the poor timing, than a muffled explosion rocked the streets behind me. I whipped around in time to see dust and glass scattering across the road, with drivers slamming to a stop to avoid the debris. The building the explosion had come from was a little mom and pop jewelry shop, because of course that and banks seemed to be all that the creative criminals I dealt with were capable of targeting. Not that I minded in the long run, it certainly made it easy for my patrols, but this wasn't the time for it.

A lone figure's silhouette stepped through the cloud of dust towards a van that must've been their brilliant getaway plan. I didn't know who this guy was, and at the moment I didn't care. Just a quick quip, a couple strands of web-fluid, and a soft tap to the skull and I could be on my way to class again. As I got closer to the would-be-thief, and the surrounding soot cleared I made out their features. White armored portions over black spandex was his fashion statement of choice. An awkward looking helmet, and some kind of small, wing-like structures on his back completed the look. Alright then, he doesn't look all that threatening, this should be a piece of... oh, no. No, no, no. You've got to be kidding me.

Directly overhead, and mid-heroic landing I had noticed a few extra details about the outfit. Namely the curved, sharp instruments strapped all over his chest, and thighs. Those things attached to his back I thought were wings shared the same curved design, and all were too familiar, as was the man who wielded them. God, not this guy again. There was good news and bad news to this encounter. The good news was this would be a ridiculously easy fight that would take all but a few seconds guaranteed. The bad news was it caused me to relive memories of a pretty embarrassing event in my early Spidey years in which I had come across two idiots trying to rob a very similar jewelry store. Two complete buffoons, one using run-of-the-mill boomerangs, and the other on stilts, and both of whom gave me a headache from their sheer stupidity and claims of epic villainy. Harry hadn't let me live that down for months afterwards, and it was one of the lower points of my crime-fighting career having my name forever linked to those two numb-skulls.

Granted this time the guy - who in a previous bout of originality had named himself Boomerang - seemed to be wearing a legitimate costume as opposed to the trench coat and long-johns from before, and his weapons appeared a tad sharper than the typical child's variant. That, and the fact that he was supposed to be locked up in Ryker's Island Penitentiary, gave me a slight pause as I landed in front of him. As much as I wanted to mock and question him on his new getup, though, I was limited on time and got right to it.

"Hey, Freddy." I called out, using his given name of Frederick Myers, "you keep acting out like this, and mommy'll have to take away all your little toys."

His head whipped around to face me at the sound of my voice, and there was a grin on his face and a fire in his eyes as he noticed me. "You!"

"Oh, come on now, Freddy, you don't remember my name? I'm hurt." I clutched a hand over my chest for dramatic effect.

"Don't call me that!" He shouted, "my name is Boomerang. Boomerang!" His left hand tightened around the bag of jewels he had taken, and his right reached towards his hip to rest atop a boomerang. "I've waited for this moment for so long, and now you'll finally give me the respect I deserve!"

"Sure thing, Freddy, if that's--"

"My name," he was screaming now, spittle flying past his lips, "is Boomerang!"

My spider-sense flashed a warning, and my body was already moving to dodge the bladed boomerang that arced past my face. I'll give him this much, he certainly got a lot faster at throwing those things, but bringing a toy to a super-fight was still to be frowned upon. "Now, now, Freddy, I know it's been awhile, but you remember how this works. I make with the jokes, and you make with the rage after I've apprehended you."

Another tingle indicated the boomerang had curved back around and was making it's path back towards my head. I leaned towards the left to avoid it, and reached out with a hand to grab at it with the intention of snapping it in half. However, a third, more powerful alarm bell rang throughout my skull and I snatched my hand back just in time as the boomerang that was now a foot in front of my face exploded. I reeled back, caught off guard and confused. That was definitely new. What the hell--

My thought was cut off as my spider-sense continued to buzz, and I moved on autopilot, ducking and weaving out of the path of another two boomerangs. This time I was ready for them, and as they passed me by I whirled around and let out several blasts of web to coat them, knocking them off balance, and muffling the oncoming detonations as they tumbled to the ground. More buzzing, and I leaped up high to avoid a slightly larger boomerang, this one from his back wing-like formation. A brilliant flash of light erupted from it in some sort of stun grenade effect, but my tinted lenses shielded me from the severity of the blinding light. It did momentarily distract me, though, and I barely dodged the next boomerang as it missed my face by mere millimeters. Expecting another explosion of some sort, I moved to shield my face from the blast. Nothing happened, however, aside from another warning as yet several more smaller boomerangs flew towards me while I was still mid-leap. I aimed two web-lines at the ground ahead of Frederick, and pulled, tugging myself speedily towards him. He seemed prepared for this, however, and back-stepped, dropping the stolen jewelry and grabbing two of the larger boomerangs, wielding them like daggers.

As I landed, he swung out, right, then left, though I easily avoided both attacks. I may have been caught off guard by all of this, but the novelty had worn off, and I was ready to end things. As he went for another right-handed strike, I deflected the blow with my arm and fired off a quick blast of webbing at his raised left-hand he prepared to swing at me with next, catching him at the wrist and pinning him to what was left of the storefront's wall. Gripping his right arm, I pushed it against the wall's surface and webbed that, too. Frederick kept trying to scream at me, shouting about how he almost killed Spider-Man, and so I webbed the nutjob's mouth shut, too. What just happened was bad enough without him piling on with embellishments of deluded grandeur.

Jesus, Peter, you nearly let the freaking Boomerang walk over you. If Harry had been around to see that, I'd never hear the end of it. That officially took the place as the most embarrassing moment of my time as Spider-Man, bar none. Talk about a sad turn of events.

A crowd of people were now starting to gather around as they realized the danger had passed, cellphones beginning to be pulled out to document the event for social media, and typical New York gawkers searching for an interesting tale to brag to their friends about. I gathered up the jewels and walked them into the ruined shop, offering my apologies to the owners as I handed back their property. At least they didn't accuse me of trying to steal the jewels myself in the first place as had happened the first time I apprehended Frederick Myers, so I could chalk that up in the very short "win" column for today.

A quick glance at their clock told me I was more than late to class, and shook me out of the slight daze I had entered upon the surprising return of Myers. I would have time to reflect on all of this later, but for now I had somewhere to be. Taking back to the skyline, I continued heading towards ESU with all previous hope of this being a good day now gone. Yeah, perfect way to start the new school year indeed.

I posted a Bullseye CS. 22 days ago. I didn't hear anything from anyone so I took it to mean no.

To be honest, I don't think anyone noticed. I doubt this current batch of GMs would say no to a CS from you, regardless of its content. Might want to link to the CS again, and tag the GMs. Everything's just been hectic lately, but I'm sure we can all get this back on track.

@Spud Juggernaut is currently out of control in downtown Manhattan. If nothing comes of this, then I may have to hash out a CS for Professor X to try and come in to stop him. Juggernaut is currently going through a "Trying and failing, miserably, to control his uncontrolable power" arc

Shouldn't you have had a plan to begin with for the direction in which you were taking that post, without having to rely on making another PC to make sense of it all? Just my two cents.

Anywho, alrighty. Since it looks like there's still interest in this, I'll work on churning my first post out. I will be busy today, but this weekend I will have more than enough time.

@GreenGrenade and @ErsatzEmperor had also been showing interest, so this is a friendly tag saying to get your asses in here. :)
Apologies to everyone for suddenly disappearing. I had a family emergency of sorts suddenly spring up, and because of that and the ensuing problems it wrought, I haven't been in front of a computer these past two weeks for more than a few minutes in total.

I'm sorry to see that Sep has unfortunately stepped down, and that things have substantially slowed down here, but if most or all of the remaining players are still interested and determined to giving this a go, then I will get a post up. Wondering how many are still present and dedicated, though.
No apologies required, I was just making sure any references to my properties remained accurate and consistent is all.
Claiming the one hundredth OOC post like a champ.

@Mattmanganon you mention a few Spider-villains in your post, so I have to correct you on that. Semantics and whatnot.

1) There is no entity called the Green Goblin, just the Goblin. Nothing major, just a quick edit.

2) Doctor Octavius (Doc Ock) was never seen or known by the public, nor did he personally terrorize anyone other than Spider-Man himself, so that reference would need to be removed.

3) The Rhino sort of died and failed to rampage and terrorize anyone successfully, so that example doesn't really work. I'd suggest - if you're adamant on only referencing Spider-foes and no others, that is - on referencing the Shocker instead. He was an actual recurring villain, and one people would know of for the most part.

Anywho, I've finally got substantial free time available for the majority of this week, and will be using some of it to work on the first Spider-post among other things. Just noting that my silence has not been out of disinterest or lack of motivation. Expect a post in the coming few days, sooner or later depending on circumstances.

Racing through the labyrinthian coliseum at just over one hundred miles per hour, Pietro dashed between crumbled statues of strange, alien beings and narrow pathways overgrown with rotting vines. Due to his abilities, despite traveling at such a speed, Pietro's mind was capable of enhanced perception, able to see his surroundings at a rate proportionate to that of a leisurely light jog. As such, he thoroughly scanned the ground ahead, and the walls around him. From his extensive time in Mojo's death races, Pietro was wary of any traps ready to be triggered and claim his life at any moment, but the more he ran without spotting any the more confident he grew that this forced match between slaves was meant to be conducted in its simplest form, without external dangers, and through sheer murderous brutality.

The arena, a near-perfect cube with curved walls, stretched for a roughly a mile in every direction. Even with the maze-like structure, it took Pietro just under forty seconds to travel from the pillar he began at to the next pillar on his right - the span of the entire length of the building. He was planning to do a wide arc around the pillar to search for whomever had been deployed there, but soon found this unnecessary as a very small explosion sounded out from several paths ahead of him. Zipping through the tight walkways, Pietro rounded a corner and spotted his target.

Standing just behind a chunk of demolished pillar, a dust cloud scattered about, stood an odd individual. Short and not all too physically imposing, the figure was clad in some kind of full-body black and blue armor carapace that reminded Pietro of a bug. It was difficult to glean all that much information as the slender, armored form offered few clues as to their identity or skills. Their back was turned to Pietro, however, and he was sure he could reach them before they ever noticed his presence.

Sorry. Have to do this. Have to get out. Pietro would forgive himself later for what he was about to do, but there was no other choice, no other way out. It was him, or them. It was the safety of the one he had left behind, or the life of a stranger. There was only one path for Pietro to take.

Just then the armored figure reacted, somehow alerted to Pietro's presence, and rather quickly considering how fast Pietro was rushing towards them, they took to the air as insect-like wings materialized. Simultaneously, a burst of blue energy bolts fired from the end of their arms and struck around and at Pietro. Despite his increased speed and reflexes, he had been too close at the time they were fired to dodge with any success. Several of the concussive blasts hit Pietro dead on, and he skidded to a stop. And although they had carried a degree of force behind them, the attack had barely fazed Pietro; the light grey-blue aura that protected him from the strains of high-speed movements also shielding him from the impact.

Before being captured, Pietro had been unfamiliar with the use of his powers, and while in captivity, although he had been forced to observe as other powered slaves killed one another, he had never in his life faced another being with enhanced abilities. And so he stood below the flying figure, curiously observing as they spoke aloud to, seemingly, themself. The figure, as best Pietro could tell given all of their features were hidden behind armor, seemed to be unsure and hesitant about fighting. Either out of fear, or due to the naive belief that no one had to die, Pietro didn't care. He couldn't allow himself to care; not anymore.

Pumping his legs again, Pietro zipped off, running back down the passageway he had come through. He wasn't sure how, but it was clear his first opponent had been able to see him coming despite his speed, and had been quick enough to react accordingly. Running through the narrow passages, the young silver-haired man circled around in a wide arc, picking up speed. The surroundings weren't optimal for him to reach even close to his peak limits - too tight and enclosed - but by looping around Pietro afforded himself the time and space necessary to increase his pace to higher levels. At a mere 120 MPH before, the armored being had only barely noticed and reacted to his presence in enough time to avoid him. This time he wouldn't give them that chance.

Only a scant minute after he had left, Pietro once more ran down the same path leading towards his target, able to still see the blue bug-like being floating in the air. Rushing forward at more than double the speed as before, Pietro enclosed on them. Placing his right foot on top of the rubble from earlier, he pushed off, catching the wall with his left and angling himself perfectly as he jumped towards the flying figure. Right arm outstretched to connect surely with their armored face, the force of Pietro's blow to be greatly enhanced due to both momentum and the barely-visible, incredibly durable aura that enveloped his entire being.
That reminds me I've been thinking of applying for Cage too. I figure with the Netflix show coming someone is going to want to jump on the hype train.

I know GreenGrenade is in the process of writing a Jessica Jones sheet, and I think he was going to do something with Luke. Would be neat to see two players potentially have some actual well-written interaction between the two characters.
I have to wait to finish up other things and responsibilities before I can get a post worked on, but I plan to do so as soon as I'm able.
@Nexus Prime

Peter Benjamin Parker
The Amazing, sometimes Sensational, always Spectacular, Spider-Man

Story Arcs:

- A new year at Empire State University, Peter must contend with both a forced arrangement in school, and an old foe returning. (Brief, introductory arc.)

- Sightings of the Lizard creature from several years ago crop up once more. The creature is attacking others with intelligence this time, but Curt claims he has none of the serum present in his blood, nor remembers changing again. Peter must figure out what the truth is, and determine if his godfather is lying about the serum.

- Street gangs and organized crime in the city is even wilder than before. With Rose on the loose, multiple criminals obtaining advanced technology, and seemingly new players on the field, Peter will have his hands full as Spider-Man.

- With financial struggles at home increasing and his part-time job as a photographer not covering the bills, Peter must figure out a new way to earn money, and fast. At the same time, a mysterious new figure takes to the skies of New York.

- Tons of other stuff and things.
(Note: the order of the arcs may change as the RP progresses.)
Anyway, I am very slowly writing up my proposition for Judas Traveller. Don't worry @Nexus Prime it has almost nothing to do with Spider-Man and your participation in it is completely optional.

So long as it doesn't involve Kaine or any other clone, and the Traveller character isn't connected to Spider-Man in the (convoluted) way it was in the comics, I've no issue with you using Judas.

I was planning to have Kingpin get his hands on some of Spider-Man's blood and use it to pretty much turn his spider-senses into a drug (Spider-Man's contribution to the story ends there). I mean, if they added a little bit of upper and some addictive chemicles to that shit, I imagine that it would be absolutely amazing. Everything is simultaneously happier and you are able to sense danger coming whilst on it. Most criminals will be selling their mothers to get their hands on another taste. So, really, I kinda just need Byrd Man's consent since this concerns his character's arch nemesis and all Nexus needs to do is just agree that, at some point in Spidey's career, he got cut enough to draw blood (Which is not really a stretch)

This I'll have to veto straight up, regarding the Spider-Man blood and whatnot.

Also, Byrd, as far as I understand, has no intent for Kingpin, so at the moment I'm the one establishing Kingpin's origin and role as the Spidey player.
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