Avatar of Nightfury Kat
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 166 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Nightfury Kat 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I am back from my hiatus; though I have limited capacity for RPing.
7 yrs ago
Sorry I haven't been on. I had a death in the family and have been trying to work through it.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for another delay guys. No real good reason aside from just having trouble braining lately. I'm working on responses now and I hope you will all see something within the next day or so.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Sorry to everyone waiting on responses. Was out of the house/unable to get on my computer pretty much all day. I'll get to responses tomorrow.
8 yrs ago
Furnace fixed...but dealing with sleep deprived and sick me. Please be patient!


Most Recent Posts

@sirena Ariel's a freshman (despite being 19), moved in three to four days ago - a favor Nola called in from back when she was a teacher.
@sirena Would you be interested in having her and Ariel be dormmates? Ariel is a little shy and sheltered at the moment (not much contacted with others outside of Nola and Jack) but smart, artistic, and a fellow witch to boot. Or Willow and she may know of one another by family reputation, though?

Oh, since I haven't made mention of this yet, for the time being I'm taking over as GM to help out Emma. She'll be back eventually, but has asked me to step in as GM until she is able to fully return.
If you have questions that don't concern Alice, please feel free to send them my way or @mention me here so I have a better chance of seeing it and responding while I'm at work so you're not left hanging.
@Piercing Light Yes, you could make a vampire that used to be an ESPer human. Just remember that they lose whatever ability they formerly possessed when turned.

@sirena Did you plan on having Willow dorm or commute?
@sirena Willow looks great. Go ahead and post her in the Character Tab whenever you get a chance.
@Lemons that sucks. Thanks for the notice.
I like him.

Well there he had it; the woman was an elf. He knew she didn't look like any of the other fae he was more familiar with, and her voice was so much nicer on the ears. Jack's gaze shifted to observe her ear when she was kind enough to show it, before moving back to her face. It all made sense now. He felt like an idiot for not realizing it beforehand. If he could have, he would have tried to play off like she didn't know his specialty. There was no lying to an elf about magic. This year was going to be tricky, figuring out who he could get away with lying to about what. He liked the challenge.

"Guardian applicant," he repeated back with a low whistle. He could overlook trying to compliment the laugh for the moment to focus on her specialty. "I've met a few Guardians - none quite so attractive, but I'm sure you hear that a lot - and I have heard how dangerous the test is. That is quite the impressive task to undertake."

He paused, momentarily, while considering how to execute his next move. "I'm Jack, by the way. I hope you don't find this overly forward, but - have you eaten anything yet? I skipped breakfast for going to orientation, and I was wondering if you would like to continue getting to know one another while we got something to eat. We might have some classes overlapping, and I like to get to know people I will be seeing on a regular basis. I hear the cafeteria has an extremely extensive selection of food." She had every right to say no, and he would deal with it, but what was so wrong about innocently getting a bite to eat with someone with whom you were socializing? Hopefully nothing.

The scowl that grew on Penelope's face at the answered question she hadn't asked came and went quickly. She couldn't decide whether he was doing it just to bother her, or to move the conversation along. It didn't matter, ultimately. She knew it wasn't worth the fight. Well, it usually wasn't worth the fight, and this was one of those times that it wasn't worth it. Two years ago - yeah, that would have been a fight. Look how much she grew.

"I'll pull my punches, and I'll do my best to not start a fight to protect my ego, but I will not back down if they pick a fight," Penelope stated. It was just a matter of fact. She never backed down from any of the fights she got into; she could never bring herself to do so without someone else intervening. Usually that someone was Tony. But that was still one of the reasons she wasn't up there with others from the Auxiliary showing off for the club; though the part about many finding her unsettling just because of her father was another part that Richard picked up early and often.

"And I will not be apologizing if I step in to keep someone safe, again," she said. That had lost her a lot of good grace with some of the pack members, but she wasn't about to idly stand by when a lousy sod was trying to take advantage of someone barely conscious from intoxication. She'd take on the whole pack if it meant keeping that standard safe, which was why she'd go to the party regardless of if Tony agreed to go or not.

Shaking her head pushed the new scowl from her face. The tiniest bit of a smile pulled the edges of her lips up when Tony's stomach growled. Loud. It kind of made her glad she kept protein bars in her dorm as a quick breakfast before training. "Not yet. Did you want to head into town for a bite, or just get it from the cafeteria?"
@TheIrishJJ Interested in having one of your guys sitting next to Ariel during orientation?
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