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@Nosuchthing You scumbag.

I wanted the first post of the new page.

Someone has to be the scumbag around here ;).

I am going to do an Ellen post, probably after the time skip, it's extraordinarily frustrating not being able to post in piratepad :(

Alice Barrett & Seraphine Campbell

Alice paused behind a stall, her urge to throw up had only intensified since the entire fair had gone to hell. People were running screaming and a sniper had taken potshots at Deborah Jauvant. All in all, it was not a good day. Her head was pounding and her vision shaky, the explosions and clouds of metahuman gas were not helping her hangover, and she pushed her back against the flimsy wood and canvas construction to try and regain her senses. Her glock was in her hands, clutched in a ready position, though she hardly felt ready. She hadn’t fired, there were too many civilians, and her hands were unsteady enough that even if there was no danger of friendly fire she probably wouldn’t hit anything helpful anyway.

Unusually, she’d brought along her helmet, mainly in case someone got close enough to question her bloodshot eyes. She’d clamped it on as soon the first telltale cloud of metahuman suppressant had erupted amidst the RAVEN agents. At least her internal compass had still been bang on she’d extracted a handful of kids and put down one assailant, though more through luck than anything else. Now she was just crouching behind cover and waiting for the chaos to stop, hoping that none of her colleagues saw her and realised the reason for her lack of action.

She’d definitely be court-martialled if she was reported. She was hungover, sleep-deprived, and had a flask of whiskey in her pocket. She dreaded to think what might happen to her career. There’d be no more drinking after this, she’d stop, throw away the whiskey, empty out her cupboards, she couldn’t be on duty hungover or drunk.

She pulled out the flask, cocking her arm back to hurl it away, then stopped, ashamed. It wouldn’t work. She’d tried to give up drinking three times since the Eco-Natura attack, and each time it had only ended up getting worse. She slipped it back into her pocket. She’d just have to make sure she didn’t get caught then, she’d be damned if some pencil pusher was going to take her life away.

Alice pushed herself to her feet, and, gun extended, advanced into the swirling red mist. Her coms seemed to be out, but she could hear gunfire not far away, and shouts. She began to move faster towards the sound, gun held before her, hardly steady, but enough to hopefully dissuade immediate hostilities. She was wrong, it turned out, as she barrelled out of the fog and into the centre of a squad of heavily armed men. They weren’t in RAVEN uniform, and the way the guns were instantly trained on her revealed their allegiance. Alice vanished as bullets pockmarked the smoke behind her. She appeared behind them stumbling slightly, and fired a spray of shots. Only two found their marks, one man crying out and going down clutching his leg, another stumbling back as a round ricocheted off the plate in his back armour.

Alice swore, then emptied the entire pistol in their direction. Holding down the trigger until nothing but a hollow click emanated from the small, evil looking device. She vanished again, pleased to see when she reappeared that now two men were down. She reloaded, or tried to, her fumbling hands, normally so practised and assured, were far from adept under the influence of alcohol, and she dropped her spare magazine.


She bent down to pick it up and met a boot coming the other way…

Seraphine had been on a date tonight, well, a ‘date’, fully bought and paid for. She’d been on the arm of some rich guys kid, a brat about twenty years old who clearly had been looked after by Daddy’s money since he was born, and would be until the day his scrawny ass died. He’d run screaming at the first sign of trouble. Seraphine would have done as well if she’d managed to get more than ten feet. She’d been knocked down by a group of fleeing carnies, and was now covered in mud, her hair in disarray and clothes ruined. All in all, it hadn’t been a great date. Fortunately, the Society was not inclined to give refunds due to events outside of their control.

Now all she had to do was figure out how to get out of here alive. She was the Prime, and she had no desire to experience death again, second-hand was bad enough. Worse, if she died, that was it, the end, it was a terrifying, but sobering thought. There were explosions and screams all around her, but the red mist ahead of her seemed to be clearing, and she knew better than to try and make it through the thickest parts of it.

Holding her breath as best she could, she plunged through the smoke, grateful that the wind was picking up and beginning to clear the ground. What she hadn’t expected was to run into the middle of a fight, a spray of bullets shot past her, making her scream in shock as they carved contrails through the clearing smoke. There was a RAVEN agent, helmeted, but apparently out of action on the ground, and two men looming over her. One kicked her in the side, prompting a groan and a contraction from the prone woman. Apparently she was awake then, although not for much longer as a gun was lowered to her head. There was a click, and the man swore, apparently out of ammo. He began to reload his rifle, and Seraphine, unwilling to watch murder, charged, all four of her.

It was unclear whether the man were more effectively taken aback by the surprise attack, or by the fact that the four girls who attacked them were identical in every single way. One of them went down with a cry as two clawed at his eyes, the other grunted and doubled up at a knee to the groin. And then everything went wrong at once, the man on the ground kicked out, knocking one of the clones off him, he punched the other in the gut, then dragged a pistol from his holster. He levelled it at the nearest girl, and fired.

They all dropped, instantly. It was unnerving, as if they had all been the same person who had just been shot. “Fucking duplicator.”

He helped his comrade to his feet, then turned to finish off the women. Something was missing though, his rifle, and the black clad form of the RAVEN Agent.

The alcohol had saved Alice, even if it had put her in danger in the first place. It had helped to numb some of the pain, just enough to allow her to get back to her feet while the soldiers were distracted, and retrieve their discarded weapon. She levelled it at them now.

“You got half a second to drop em.”

They didn’t. She did.
So the connection through my phone isn't stable enough for Piratepad it seems, I'm going to have to get by with solo posts until I get proper broadband next week. Going to have something up in a couple of hours though :)
Seraphine Campbell

Seraphine relaxed in the sun, allowing the golden rays to caress her skin. She was nonetheless grateful for the cooling breeze that blew from the bay, robbing the glare of some of its punishing heat. She tapped her pen atop the heavy book before her. It was nice to get out in the sun, even if she still had to study while she did so. It was tempting to simply relax, the Society kept her well, and would likely have provided her with accommodation here in Spain, as long as she worked for them here as well. She had other plans however, Seraphine was not going to remain working as an escort until her beauty faded, she wanted more, and she intended to exploit her ability in order to get there. She was already part fluent in Spanish, and had nearly completed two years of her course here. At the same time she was currently enrolled in another two universities on the other side of the world, studying Medicine and Law in America. Achieving the grades needed for scholarships had been child’s play when she could revise for twelve different exams simultaneously. The work was tiring, and irksome, but it was a means to an end. Seraphine would not be a whore forever, one day she would have power and influence. She wanted to be someone, and this was what it took.

She was alone here, so to speak, Only the Prime could reabsorb a clone, and each clone needed food, and somewhere to stay. Sending yourself halfway around the world was expensive, and even with scholarships, maintaining three people in University was expensive, the Society paid extremely well, especially for those who were valuable to them, but even those funds were strained by the depths of her ambition.

She nodded and waved towards a classmate, he turned and made his way over to her as she closed the book. Ambition was all very well, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy herself along the way…

Alice Barrett

Alice was much more at home in Baybridge now than she had been some months ago. She’d already acquired a dozen boltholes in the city, places that she knew she would be able to teleport to in a fraction of a second if she was in danger. It had been a practice she’d maintained in New York as well, on the advice of an erstwhile colleague. They didn’t talk anymore, but it had been good advice. Loathe as she was to keep it.

Her phone rang, and she stared at the handsets screen for six full rings before denying the call. She’d been meaning to change her number, but somehow had never quite gotten around to it. The calls were getting less frequent however. It was getting even harder to simply ignore them. Especially considering everything else that had happened in Baybridge since. The riots, the Eco-natura attack, the death of Old Man Winter. Fortunately the cure for both was the same.

She rapped the bar, and her glass was swiftly refilled by the man behind it. This wasn’t a good bar, it was a dive, the kind of place you didn’t find until you’d already had a few too many. Alice was past caring about the quality of the alcohol she imbibed, as long as it meant that she couldn’t remember what happened at the end of it.

He drained the cup already, and tattooed the bar once more, the barman didn’t care, he knew she could pay her bill. He didn’t know she was a metahuman at least, she’d heard the conversations of some of the bar’s other patrons. Metahumans were becoming less and less popular, not that people had ever really been thrilled to see them. She stood, glancing at her watch, it was blurred, and swayed. She realised that in fact the room behind it was swaying, that then lead to another realisation, she was swaying. She blew it off, moving uncertainly to the door before making her cautious way outside. The street was spinning as well, but she began to walk home.

It took her two hours.

It was midday…

Ellen Nile

Academy 61, Roseview, was well equipped, every Academy was. They had expensive labs, complete computer suites, hi-tech classrooms and most importantly, in this case, a brand new, fully equipped gym. Ellen was there now, it was a recent interest of hers, a sudden recent interest. Since the Eco-natura attack she had spent a great deal of her spare time in the gym and the simulation room. It was already beginning to have an effect, her stomach had lost the paunch she had acquired on Academy food. Her limbs were becoming toned and strong.

She dropped the weights back into their rack, wiping sweat from her brow. She was exhausted, her limbs felt weak, and she walked on shaking legs towards the door, pausing only to retrieve her water bottle. It was like an elixir of life, quenching her parched throat. She sat down for a moment to regain some strength, and rested her head against the wall.

She could almost feel the case in her lap, though it rested hidden some distance away. She couldn’t risk bringing it into the Academy itself. After all, it was the property of Mannequin, and he was now imprisoned by RAVEN. She couldn’t imagine what they might do with the vials that he had given to her. They meant to much to her now. She’d used them twice, and each time they had worked. There hadn’t seemed to be any ill effects. He had given her a solution, it was imperfect, but it was the closest to an answer that she’d yet received.

She would have to use it tonight, because tomorrow she was going to engage in an activity she had yet to try in her time at the academy, thanks in part to the limitations of her abilities. Tomorrow she was going to fight someone…
NPC's powers and their weaknesses would be really helpful for me to come up with a sensible weakness for a character of lower power. I am not arguing with the fact that characters might and should be outclassed - there is always a bigger fish and the PC's are not gods after all - but it'd make sense for the NPC's to work by the same rules as PC's even if they are on a whole different level, no?

You don't need to know NPCs power levels, there are multiple characters already posted, and dozens, if not scores, hidden away in the older RPs that were accepted. Look at them, why do the NPCs (who your character will likely never meet) matter at all?
>They're only mediocre if you're applying DC/Marvel power levels instead of thinking about how they'd be in the real world.
It's more "thinking about how characters of DC/Marvel power level would be in real world", really.

>about the characters themselves rather than their powers
Not to say that it's a bad thing but i've always imagined that with superhumans, their powers often define and shape their characters and personalities to a great degree.

>The NPCs are just going to be side characters/villains to help advance the PCs.
In that case could you perhaps help me understand this whole thing better by explaining (if it's not a spoiler) the weaknesses of Jade West, Mannequin, Bison, Toro and Phoenix, the guys who, at least from my point of view, seem to posess powers on a level quite different from the PC's? I think i can guess that Jade's primary weakness is that she refuses to use most of her powers, but that does not really relate to the power itself.

But they're NPCs. Their power level is irrelevant. The events in Verthaven were caused by a metahuman of godlike power, are you suggesting that the ultimate threat to human life on earth, a major plot point, should have an equal weakness?

It sounds like you're having a go at the GM for wanting to create a legitimate story, in which characters are frequently outclassed. I'd suggest you think carefully before continuing with the passive aggression.

Vyri Underfoot

Vyri didn’t look behind her as they charged out of the building, though she winced at the sound of bones snapping and skulls exploding under the charge of enormous beetle. She would have shrieked in terror at its approach, but was too focused on getting as far away from the wights behind her as she possibly could. It was definitely friendly though. At least for now she mused as the crunching and snapping continued.

“Oh Ma’el thank you!”

She clambered awkwardly onto the coach beside a small and extremely elderly gnome.

“I thought those things were going to… going to…”

Exactly what those things had been going to do caught up to her, and she slumped in the seat of the coach, her face considerably whiter.


She realised that one of the warriors was indicating the sky with the sword, and she looked up to see an enormous bird circling above them, except there was something strange about it, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

I haven’t seen one of them in a very long time, figuratively speaking…


She’d almost forgotten about the old sage, and responded automatically. Fortunately she was staring at the creature and the swordsman was still talking. She could only hope that the gnome either hadn’t heard her or assumed that she was simply questioning the impossibility of the descending avian.

The fairfolk who was speaking had already started running before Vyri registered that she was in danger, the swordsman took off after her with the rapid reaction of a warrior. A simple servant couldn’t hope to move as fast, not when she nearly fell flat as she scrambled from the seat of the coach to crawl under it.

Follow them!


Once the monstrous flying beast had soared into the sky once more she scrambled on all fours across to the shop in which the party had taken shelter. Then the shock set in. She slumped down against the wall wrapping her gloved hands about her knees.

“We’re going to die…”
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