Avatar of Nytem4re
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    1. Nytem4re 10 yrs ago
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Current The irony of someone telling other people they have nothing better to do when they write on a roleplaying forum is not lost on me
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Goodbye alt man it was nice knowing you
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Oh don't worry they're just terrorist sleeper cells LUL
4 yrs ago
I’ve worked min wage jobs and I’ve done the bare minimum and have still gotten the measly ten cent raises yearly and good references from them. There really is no point, bare minimum gets you by.


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<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>
You did certainly try to bring me back in this and admittedly I could’ve expressed my comment with less sardonic quips and dismissive remarks. I apologize for that in hindsight, but I do think it is sowing dissent though I probably should have articulated this in a better form. That said, you are correct that I ‘laughed’ at said post. I thought it was ridiculous to be brought up since it reminds me of the whole sentiment of “well they did it too so its okay!” which I’ve always lambasted as an argument.

“well they did it too so its okay!”

Which nutts did? So you agree with me?

Which I criticized within the first few sentences?
<Snipped quote by Didgeridont>
“I like to condescend and patronize someone with veiled passive aggressive comments instead of having civil discourse.”

Which is exactly what you did? Hell, you even put a laugh reaction on a previous reply of mine.

Or this

"But I do appreciate you trying to sow more dissent, Nyt."

If you're going ask for civil discourse at least act the part. I'm willing to have this dialogue with you, but at this point you just seem intent on disregarding what we say.
<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>
This is pretty much the definition of false equivalence. I sent screenshots of a “private community” that was effectively conspiring to get Ruby removed from her place as moderator because of past transgressions and personal squabbles. Which by the way, I sent these images to the Site Administrator that a dangerous precedent was beginning to unfold that I personally found problematic despite being friendly acquaintances with the core group at the time. I never aired these images “publicly” and told Mahz specifically that I quote:

“It seems there is a particularly vocal sub-sect of the unofficial discord server that are confused, angry, and disappointed. I’m not sure how to report things in this manner since I don’t want to waste your time – I’m sure Cynder is expressing her concerns. With that said, I wish you the best in this situation.”

It is only comparable if you take things at face value alone. But I do appreciate you trying to sow more dissent, Nyt.

"sowing dissent"

Must be why the United States is destroyed, seeing how much criticism ther- wait.

Please. Criticism isn't going sow much dissent.

I've already addressed this so I don't see why you keep making this point.

I mean, if you look at the screens that were given, Nutts was pretty vocal about how he wanted me gone because I was "toxic" and "lustful for power".

Could you not argue that the taker of that screenshot was worried about the "dangerous precedent" this was setting? It suggested that he was going to shadowban anyone who weren't positive.

Pug has already addressed the whole "j8cob would have gotten worse" thing, so I'll go on to talk about other points made.

"I'm not the one who started it!"

Yet, don't you find it hypocritical you're condemning one person over tactics she used when you used it too? "I didn't start it" excuse isn't really a compelling one. You willingly took part in these so called tactics you supposedly are against. You perpetuated this "battle of site politics."

Thus, you share blame as well. Regardless of "who started it".

If you followed your own advice, would you have not DM'd the people who were "exposed" and asked them for context? Because I don't recall you doing that.

Nor did I ever get a DM asking me whether I actually had a lust for power/"upset over the supposed official discord". Nor did I get a DM from my first post in babycrib asking me to take it to "official channels".

You might argue I would have never found out, but if I remember correctly inkarnate took screens in Valhalla and you didn't rebuke him for a use of a tactic you claim is causing a "battle of site politics"? Valhalla was a private community at the time, so isn't this exactly what you're condemning now?

And pug didn't get his apology until recently, if this thread never happened would you have apologized? I don't know for sure because I don't know what made you apologize a week later, but for some reason I highly doubt you would have if this didn't come to light on this thread.

*misjudged the time pug went without an apology. said weeks, when it was about 10 days. changed in last sentence.

So if pug wasn't banned for having a quote from another moderator (not saying i condone it) why did J8cob get banned subsequently? Seems like they should have gotten the same treatment.

And honestly, I don't like how you pin this all on Cynder as if she was the only one taking screenshots. If I remember correctly you did as well in the past. You are not as innocent as you portray yourself.
Well, I live in saskatchewan Canada.

I was interested in a new computer for the forums here and just typing stuff out like emails.

I don't do computer gaming, I mean I might now that you guys mentioned these different available computer parts.

It sounds like computer customization could be really cool.

Another question: how did you guys get introduced to computer customization?

oh yeah and computer budget is max 5k.

if you're not computer gaming there's little reason to spend nearly $5000 unless your job requires a high end computer, like a graphic designer or something. Even if you were going into the gaming scene, $5000 is overkill. 1000$ already gets you a very high end PC that will run whatever.

If anything, if you're only looking for a leisurely computer, you can probably build a decent one for 300-500$.

pcpartpicker.com is a great website if you want to get started. If you have no idea what you're doing, or just want to spend less time, you can search for other people's builds and just get a carbon copy of theirs.

Or you can choose to build a pc here, where it'll tell you the prices and what you need.


I mean, the head admin himself said he wasn't willing to discuss my j8's/ban, claiming it was between me and him. Even then he made it clear he was not going to listen to any repeals made by me or j8cob.

Even though people speak very harsh words about Ruby, She was responsive (to my dms at least, I know people have had different experiences) and even told me she attempted to repeal my ban, however, it was obviously unsuccessful. I appreciate that at least, seeing as how most of my criticisms were about her most recent actions at the time, and we were able to both walk away on amicable terms, even coming to an agreement.

We've had genuine concerns and requests, denied time and time again by other mods- While I am appreciative you are willing to hear me out, again, as I pointed out earlier, there's really no point when the head admin already said he would stand by my ban with little to no discussion, as evidenced by j8cob's attempt.

I forgot to also add I wanted uniform application of the rules- You weren't there on the discord when I decided to air my shortcoming about babycrib and the lack of a proper warn then ban system, (Chai, another user on the thread also expressed the same misgivings about the so called "babycrib") Yet only I was targeted. So why was Chai, this other user not targeted? She can vouch for me since babycrib is obviously now deleted. It makes little to no sense, which is why I've really not talked about the issues I had until now- seeing as Nutts and Mahz are willing to disregard what I say, I didn't feel there was a point in protesting any of it.

And as you say, as things are supposedly mostly mutual decision, if Mahz is going to stamp his foot down, then dming you would have little change from DMing mahz or nutts themselves.

Curiously, as it interests me a great deal, what exactly do people want done/changed? What policies and all.

While I cannot speak for everyone, what I want changed/done is simple.

Follow your own moderation policy/or ensure everyone is onboard.

Hank and Kangaroo say they're happy to help if you DM them or whatnot... but not all moderators are as willing to be helpful. One only needs to look at mahz's replies to spectre and j8cob, or nutt's reply to cyn.

I mean, hank said he was willing to listen to an appeal, yet when j8cob actually tried to do that mahz was less than willing to hear him out.

Who should I trust then? the Co-Admin and Kangaroo, or the main admin and Nutts who do the opposite of what Hank and Kangaroo are claiming mods do- Some mods will not listen if you DM them, and might actually give a response that come off as rude. If they can't serve the entire community, well then whats the point?

Get everyone on the administration team on RPG on the same page. There are so many conflicting responses between certain moderators. One says yeah, okay talk to us, while the others just basically tell us to step off even if we legitimately ask for help.


Even if you've seen screenshots of j8 supposedly trolling, did you send them to the actual guild administration before j8 was banned? Not really relevant if Mahz didn't know beforehand, so... yeah.

j8cob barely talked in official, so the last straw thing is kinda pointless. There were no straws to begin with.

It’s fine if you disagree since I really don’t have any evidence that this has happened, but given conversations in discord and some of the replies in this thread as well as some private correspondence between myself and friends of mine it’s obviously triggered something. Re-posting threads and dragging moderator’s names through the mud for a personal grievance is a way to exasperate this and I’m afraid that albeit in the short term that is exactly what is going to happen.

But that's the ENTIRE reason why you're using a slippery slope fallacy. If there is no evidence that your proposal, that these events actually did trigger something substantial, then it really is a fallacy. Personal Anecdotes really aren't evidence either, as you yourself note.

Also, now that my memory serves me right, didn't you take Chai's comments in Valhalla out of context once, blocking her over a misunderstanding?

Cyn is at least trying to let the mods have a chance to explain themselves rather than doing something like Grim.

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