Avatar of OldManWong
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    1. OldManWong 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Mugging a bush for its berries


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Sora Naruse

Sora slowly awoke from his short lived nap at the sounds of tenuous commotion in the building beside his humble tree. His sleepy features slowly livened up as he rolled onto his stomach atop the branch and happily watched the snarky confrontation. He spotted a familiar face down the hall belonging to the renowned Yoshino Tsugumi, but even better was the somewhat infamous Chiyo Kuroke. Sora observed as a smaller girl began to tug another doll-like girl away, the boys making haste to give chase. Unceremoniously, Sora swung down from the branch he sat on and launched himself towards the open window recklessly. His left foot clipped the trim of the window at full velocity, allowing him ample rotation to completely wipe out across the floor of the hallway with twisting flips, landing inelegantly against the opposite wall to the window on the small of his back, his butt pressed against the wall, and his legs dangling over his head. Additionally, his uniform had been completely disheveled, the bottom of his shirt's buttons completely ripped off and his suit jacket dangling from his shoulders. His tie swung loosely about his neck.

As he stood up, Sora made a pained inhale and exhale followed by a series of "Ouch, ouch, ouch..." as he rolled his shoulder, pushing his jacket back into place. Looking about, he grinned innocently before fixing his gaze on the bullying party and sauntering toward them while running a hand through his long hair.
"Aiyah! Too aggressive, too aggressive! That's no way of chasing tail, my seniors! Leave the physical bit out. Follow my lead!"
Sora flourished as he floated between two of the boys and mischievously snatched Chiyo's hand with an impish smile. He lowered his head as he rose her hand before she could react and touched his lips to her fourth finger's knuckle with practiced movements. His limpid eyes maintained direct eye contact with Chiyo's, but rather than giving off a sense of insanity, his eyes shone with pure wildness, as if he were an untamed animal.
"My name is Sora Naruse, I hope we can get along, White King."

It is hot. And hot. And hot. Maybe just a little...

Alright, just got back from Graduation, then an all night party with my entire senior class, then sleeping for 3 hours before a training camp for SPOURTS. I was feeling like shit, but then KoL put down some sick NGNL beats so now I'm okay. I have no songs to put forward but I like all the songs so far.
Oh shit, I didn't even notice I got the 420 post.

Alright, back in the game now that the arc is over. I leveled Sora without him participating in the whole debacle but I can redact if it's not okay. I switched up some of his back story and personality just so I'm not trying to pick up something I started almost half a year ago. Finally done with school for the most part, so I'll be able to keep up now.

Sora Naruse

Sora stretched out with a contented smirk as he thought over his recent progress in DGO. He had been a growing presence in the arena as he constantly fought continuously in both 1v1 and team battle settings. Although he most enjoyed duels, he quickly found his character was most geared towards duels and in a simple match with only one opponent there rarely was a skill set as specific as his in fighting a singular enemy and he would often transcend levels. Thus, he began prevailing more in team battles where he could hone his skills more aptly while maintaining an intensive degree of challenge, often embedding himself in outnumbered fights. Whenever he wasn't fighting in the arena, he was diligently farming dissolutions. Eventually, he had leveled up and attained his second ability, causing no small amount of elation.

Following his level, he continued to practice in the arena and farm dissolutions until he was promptly kicked off following the events that transpired around the Corpse Collector's defeat. As pleased as he was with his current standing, however, he currently had nothing to do. His apartment recently had repairs and had reached livable conditions while his income was finally back on track with a part-time job. Without any sense of urgency, it had felt as if Sora's days had slowed to a crawl. Thus, Sora trudged out from his class and into the sun. Eventually, he made his way to a fairly large tree to which he propped himself up against and fell asleep with his backpack at his side.


I was wongering where you went.

I have just realized what has been done.
Yo! It's been a while and I really would like to apologize for my sudden absence. I had numerous things come up that made it difficult to divide my attention, and although I still have a few AP tests coming up, my life has quite notably stabilized. I'd like to eventually re-enter, but as of now, I'm content to just catch up and see what I've missed.

I've missed you all so dearly.
For me it's more of a 'too busy to post' and thus 'I've no idea what is going on' sort of thing. I'm starting to catch up but I'm way far behind and not totally sure when I should get Praeth to be brought into existence.
Thanks for the notice. Somehow life managed to line up with humans coming into existence so I am ridiculously busy all of the sudden. I'll try and look into it asap though.
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