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4 yrs ago
sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
4 yrs ago
*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp
5 yrs ago
finally home and at my computer - ready to get replying and gm-ing again!
5 yrs ago
congrats. i'm going to see astro this month :D
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Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

1x1 Interest Check: roleplayerguild.com/topics/180117-on-…

Café Crème: roleplayerguild.com/topics/176064-caf…

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As the dawn broke this morning, Momotaro could hardly wait to get going for the capital; the night before he slept but a little, and as a farmer's boy, he was up before dawn to carry out his daily chores, for the last time, in fact! His excitement reached the highest peak once he caught sight of those flying ships; having grown up in the countryside, airships never were a common occurrence, and so his brain was being overloaded from every possible angle. The students upon these airships came from every corner of Valenia! There were alchemists, archers, mages, even some country-folk, like him!

Then he promptly fell asleep for the remainder of the ride.

Now, fresh and ready after an excellent nap and armed with his luggage in hand, Momotaro steps foot onto the sacred grounds of The Peak, home to the honorable and illustrious Erstwhile Academy. To put it simply? Not bad. In fact, so "not bad" that Momotaro loses control of his vocal cords for a second, making a vague "oooooh" sound as he advances onward, eyes frantically taking in the scenery. This, he realizes, is way better than Tamako, peach trees and all (sorry, mom and pop!). And he gets to live here! Talk about lucky.

"What a place..." Momotaro murmurs, thick country-boy accent slipping through his words before he catches himself. Nobody heard that. That's right; as excited as he may be, he still has a reputation to uphold, a script to follow. (Or maybe, just maybe, he's simply worried about being teased about his accent. Shhh. Don't tell.)

Still, just 'cause he's gotta be careful with his words doesn't mean he can't make friends! Quickly, Momotaro scans the area, and settles on a sorta-shady-looking dude with a sleeve of ink and a vague tobacco smell. Then he reconsiders. And then he thinks, eh, what the heck, nobody earned anything without taking a chance anyway, a statement that is definitely not true, but cheers him up nonetheless. Catching up to the guy, but not full-on approaching him, Momotaro shoves his hands in his hoodie and makes his move.

"Impressive, huh?" he comments, in a voice loud enough for the five people closest to him to hear, but not quiet enough that it seems like he's talking to just one. A perfect delivery, if he does say so himself.
@Ginnungagap IT'S A BIRD!! YEA BOIIII

(seriously tho, your writing is awesome)
@JrVader btw, do you have a character too? i'd like to see them if so ^^
@JrVader absolutely!

@Squeaky yup, I think I'll be making the OOC soon, in a few days or today if possible :)
@Spoopyskell@Ginnungagap as far as I know the gm is still accepting characters, the status is still "apply," they mentioned starting the rp soon so better now than later!

on that note, I hope you guys join~ i'd like to get familiar with the company, but seeing as i'm not accepted yet, I might be jumping the gun a little. but I'd love to talk about character interactions! my peach boyo is going to (try his best to) befriend you all!!

and wow! both new! welcome to rpguild, hope you find it to your liking :)
@JrVader works for me. i'll just drop my CS here and you can tell me if there are any problems with it.

and so, I present to you: my grunge peach boyo

btw, I have a totally legit reason™ for his being at Erstwhile, if you would like to hear it, I can PM you :) and i'm not really sure what house he should be in, considering his only real strength is his people skills. maybe a diplomat role would fit him?
i'm having a few issues with my character sheet. what's the setting like? have things progressed enough for, say, smartphones? or are we doing a medieval sort of thing? my character has a pretty specific style, but it relies a lot on the culture of the place. like @SmokeDragon said, are there sports bras? or is this a ballgown-only sort of affair?
Is this still active? All I see are CS but not the GM?
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