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Hello. I've seen this ad and the one over in the casual section. I don't think your idea is necessarily poor or even as unorganized as you think. But for some people you may want to offer additional clarification on certain rules and structures. Especially if you intend on pursuing this in the advanced section ( and be sure that is what you want to do because rps in this section will have certain expectations placed on them by players.)

For example. How might things like magic work? What classes can people play and what setting might you be drawing inspiration from? Is this a D&D-esque dungeon crawl? Etc, etc.

Also don't be worried if people don't immediately flock to your post. Sometimes it takes a few days for an idea to leave the interest stage. And there are Sometimes people who are interested but are waiting to see if anyone else posts interest first.

If this is your first time on this site i reccomend sticking to the casual section. It will be eaiser on you as a DM to control and keep pace with.
What the hell, I'll thriw my interest into this. I'd like to see an ooc and a little more info before i say anything for sure
@Mister Thirteen

I dont think its to restraining, if anything i think the opposite. You should probably specify the limits of what we can take in terms of enchantments and the like or people might go a little wild.

Maybe some other guide lines, like only people who specify themselves as mages cab have adept level prof in spell schools. None mages can only be prof in one school of magic to start. Give more variance and meaning to picking a class. At least for the start. I don't necessarily mean these specific changes *should* be made. Just some examples.

We are just novitiates, magic rings and necklaces may or may not be a little beyond us to start.
@Mister Thirteen

Ya I was thinking about those, honestly... i'd tread carefully around those. Leave the main story line and anyone related to it untouched and as the outcomes as ambiguous as you can.

I assume your leaving the grand quest line and the imperial/stormcloak thing? If so there can be some fun to be had eliminating certain officers from either sides. Just not any of the really higher up or story critical ones. Or taking out a few nosey Thalmer (or the Thalmer are a client)

The story of rebuilding the brotherhood itself is compelling enough and can require more than just shiving people in the dark. Contacts need to be made, bribes collected and given and maybe a bit of travel to the other provinces.
This seems like it could be fun
Very well, @Quincy Here is Viktor Thark, Polished it up a bit so it should be better. Question. As a mage can I have a familiar? And how would familiars work? are they magically summoned/bound or just abnormally smart pets?


Was the sheet I pm'd no good?
I'm between two character ideas right now, hopefully i can have something soon.

Cool... gives me something to think over, thank you
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