Avatar of Ollumhammersong


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God save the Queen!
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Space, da final frontier. Dese are da voyages of the warboss Grimmsmasha. 'iz mission, to fly frew space fasta den any ovva git. Ta find new worlds an civilizashuns, an kick da zog outta dem. To boldly go where no ork ‘as gone before!

"Warboss grimmsmasha was a dead gud boy, 'an at iz back was a fleet uv kroozaz ‘dat kould get stuck 'n wit' any ship da otha git races kould drow at us. Every planet we kame across we looted, an put da boot ta loads uv humies, chaos boyz an otha gits. Dat was until da warboss went an got himself kilt ‘n a propa gud fight wit' some beakiez. Da beakiez was driven off right propa' but da damage was done.

Wit' da warboss dead 'der were a lot uv orks 'oo kould step up an’ take his place. Problem was, all uv em wanted ta be da boss, an' none uv im wanted ta see any uv ‘da othaz 'n charge. A great fight broke out, all across da fleet, wit' every ork choos'n a boss dey wanted ta see as da new warboss an' join'n his mob. It was a gud fight, an lasted for a long time.

By 'da time 'da dust settled not many orks was left, an da fleet wasn't ‘n 'da best shape eitha. 'der were only four ork kaptins left, each kall'n himself warboss; shazz snaznabba, gakk blakteef, gorgutz redskull an kork sixfingas.

Lucky for us, ‘da boyz floated into a new system ripe for plunder'n. Although da boyz were still keen for a fight, da four kaptains agreed ta a ceasefire; 'der were otha fings out 'der worth fight'n'. Loot kould be used ta rebuild da grimmsmasha, an' it would take a while for more boyz ta stumble outta da mushroom groves ta repopulate da krew.

Each kaptain also knew dat ‘da kaptain 'oo got ‘da most loot would become ‘da grand kaptain an’ rule ‘da fleet. Da race was on!!
I really can't think of a character concept that I want to play
I think I am going to have to withdraw from this. I hope everyone has a good time.
Starting to get a little impatient truth be told
Kneel before him and tremble in awe of his majesty!
The question now is, will we actually get a third player?
@The Fated Fallen No it isn't odd for the mechanicus to have some level of presence on a hive world, given the nature of heavy industrialization & infanstructure. Some agents would need to be on-world to make sure everything doesn't fall apart. As far as storing artifacts, again not really I suppose. If they discovered something and felt it was safer or easier to keep in on the surface rather than remove it to a forgeworld. Or they could better disguise their facility & research from prying eyes by keeping it on a civilian world. It's happened many times before in the lore, and in those instances a detachment of skitarii guardians would not be out of question.

I was just curious as to the angle you were playing. It wasn't meant as a hard critique of your choice.
Not for me to say, GM's call. He looks cool. my only question might be, what is a skitarii doing on-world, were they guarding a cult mechanicus facility or...?
Finally, a second character joins the fray
Time for a speed-waaaagh motherfuckers

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