Avatar of ONL
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  • Posts: 1888 (0.50 / day)
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    1. ONL 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I now identify as a Master Procrastinator. Thank you all, and good night.
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1 yr ago
New medical term: Dizzy mummy (condition of patient when world is spinning and only treatment is confinement to bed). I hate being sick...
1 yr ago
@Vampiretwilight: Funny indeed. Now to make it into a roleplay here...let the madness and sassy Narrator commence.
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1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
Anyone up for some esoteric fun with cosmic horror? Wait! The stars are soon right! Tekeli-Li!


-The bio will be added once the profile user can be bothered to finish it. Right now he's probably busy doing nothing and stressed about more. Please come back later. Have a nice day.

Most Recent Posts

Alexander Polawski

Location: Outside Eden, Golf Course: 8 treeline

Radio silence had been enforced just prior to the small squad splitting up, and Alexander was certain that also applied to talking then and there. But oh man how much Alexander wanted to swear and curse at the world right then. He felt like an idiot sitting there flat on his ass, stuck in the snow-covered underbrush like a racoon trapped in a snare. And he was getting real sick and tired of it. "Fine, if you want it the hard way..." Alexander whispered under his breath, holstering the Colt he'd taken earlier and taking his fireaxe. He was not going to give up.

Alexander hooked the end of his fireaxe on some vegetation nearby and pull his butt out of the underbrush. Finally standing upright again, he tried to pull his feet out as well. No luck, they were still stuck. This was when he got real tired of the bullshit, and started hacking and cutting himself free from the underbrush trap. And alas, he was free! But that raised the question actually; was that simply an unlucky placed piece of vegetation, or somehow a trap put there by Eden? Not that he had time to elaborate on it, since time was ticking by.

Back on his feet, it was possible to get a better look around him. As he looked out through the treeline and out on the winter-wonderland golf course, Alexander tried to make a mental path; he was not going to fall flat on his face/arse again. Not that it was easy, far from it. It was difficult to discern which patches of melting snow was safe to run across and which would certainly hinder him. Difficult, but not impossible, as Alexander slowly but surely found...a...way...

The village was engulfed in flames. The jungle was engulfed in flames. The people, the women and children were all engulfed in flames. The young soldier, with his green helmet, rolled up sleeves and radio strapped on his back stood in complete shock with what could only be described as the seventh Circle of Hell unravelling before his eyes. Sergeant Jackson emptied his M16 into a young woman running towards him, not giving a damn if she was a danger to his men or not. Bunker and Holey both lay dying by his own side, blood pooling around their bodies as they cry out for their mothers. And the soldier?

Alexander stood in a state of shock, cluthing the radio in his left hand and an half-empty M1911 in his right. He wanted to scream. He had to scream. But no sound could compare to that deafening storm of Hell. And Alexander was in the eye of the storm, not able to do a damn thing.
Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: The Museum - The Archives --> Outside of Vera's office
Skills: None


Mahendra had said he would go looking for the Curator, and about to make his way out of the Archives to find him, when Neema went through the door before him. And while he didn't want to appear unwilling to get going himself, he still was unsure of the layout of the whole museum. What if he got lost while the others found Mr. Kohn before him, or he too ended up getting crushed by another inanimate object? And who knew, perhaps he could be found at Vera's office by sheer luck? As Mahendra decided to follow the rest of the group after all, his eyes did dart around the room, still feeling a sense of dread.

If the open door of the office didn't catch Mahendra's attention, the fact that Neema pulled a weapon did. But with what had just happened with their Norwegian aquaintance, perhaps it wasn't so uncalled for? Mahendra looked from the open door, to Neema and then to Lauren. He was having a bad, bad feeling about this. "I may not know the Curator very well, but he did not strike me as a person to leave a door open. Especially an office."

Alexander Polawski

Location: Outside Eden, Golf Course, Treeline east of 8 --> Between eastern treeline and 8 --> 8

What must have looked like a war-comedy like that of M.A.S.H or something light-hearted, was in fact deadly serious business taking into consideration that there wouldn't be just camera- and audio-crews listening to Alexander continuess singing. For all he knew, there were walkers just waiting for a chance to bite off his ankles, or worse; those folks at Eden he had heard about. Probably wouldn't take kindly to strangers lurking around their B.O.O. Especially one singing like he was in a musical.

"The most refined ladybugs do it. When a gentleman calls, Moths in your rugs do it..." Alexander sang out in a not too-bad voice, but that was beside the point. He still thought he was out on patrol in Vietnam, his mind still playing tricks on him. Soon the squad leader, Sergeant Jackson ordered them to stop while he checked out a suspected Viet-Cong village up front. But with Alexander still singing, it didn't take long for the massive brute of a former Texas ranch boy to stare just as madly as Thalia had at him. "I swear to God, Chatter, I will rip out your vocal chords and show them up your ass if you don't shut up!"

That Alexander did. With a sudden shock, he found himself once again standing in the treeline outside of Eden, Georgia, not Da Nang in Vietnam, 1971. Cole Porter still clung tightly to his mind, but he no longer sang that cursed song. Back in action, Alexander kept up the pace and spacing he felt was best, and kept moving south. But as he did, he lost sight of Thana. Even if she was Navy, Alex trusted her to take care of herself, as well as Thalia. He had to, if they trusted him. He kept going south until he had the treeline at 8 at his right.

If Alexander was to get to the other side of the golf course, the other treeline just in front of him seemed like a good staging point as any other. Alexander hadn't noticed anything as he made his way down the original treeline, but as he began moving quickly out of his treeline and towards 8, he clearly didn't notice where his feet were going. After running a short distance, he snagged his foot in something hard enough for him to fall. Hard. On his face. He had no idea what it was, not that he had enough time to think before his face made impact with the ground as hard as a long-distance bomber.

It hurt. Oh yes, it hurt like a cheap Italian beer on a thursday afternoon, or a punch the same night. Alexander, still lying on the ground, tried to raise his head to see if he had exposed his position, but still dizzy he couldn't make left, right or center. "...I'm getting too old for this shit..."

And getting too old was perhaps a fitting description of him, as the old vet kept tripping over his own feet, again and again like he was over 60 or something! His face once again made contact with the golf course, which would have been ironic if he had enjoyed golfing. He did not. For all intents and purposes, he was stuck right there in the middle like a sitting duck. And since he clearly could not walk, the veteran pushed on the only way he could: he crawled.

Even the crawling was filled with trouble. He slipped in parts of the snow, then slipped some more on parts of ice, and the cold temperature was starting to crawl up his body. But with some divine intervention, good old luck and military perseverance, he finally made it to 8. Sure his pride was hurt, but it couldn't possibly get any worse after this? Alexander, now prone in-between trees and snow, tried to stand back up. He had to see if he had been spotted or not, or else his current position would be compromised within seconds! But with a crack, thud and hushed groan, he was back on his ass, sitting in the snowy underbrush of the treeline like a useless retiree who couldn't get up.

He wasn't sure if this was worst, or the consequences if Thalia heard about this later, only reinforcing his nickname.
Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: The Museum - The Archives
Skills: None

As more and more of the group gathered in that narrow row, Mahendra felt the tragic scene slowly but surely sink in for him; a known man was dead. And for the American starlet, the realization that she had lost a dear friend; what actress could possibly fake the true sense of grief that she displayed right then and there? With the others starting to tend to Josephine, Mahendra felt convinced that the tears were real. He himself felt of little to no use in taking care of a lady however, leaving that more or less to the others.

Mahendra's eyes once again fell on the lifeless body, lying in its own pool of blood underneath that divine crate of death. He couldn't help but feel a little frightened of the whole situation; sure they were in an old archive with plenty of crates stacked up high, but for one so massive to suddenly fall and kill a seemingly innocent man? To the superstitious Bengali, this smelled like bad karma, being more than unlucky, or something...something much worse. A shiver going down his spine, Mahendra didn't want to look at Haakon again like this, and did something he perhaps would regret later; taking of his jacket, quickly emptying the most important valueables, and covering Haakon with the jacket. At least now he was covered from prying eyes.

"Yes, agreed. The crates can wait until later. I'll go and inform Mr. Kohns of the...circumstances. I can take the crates afterwards, if the police will allow me." Mahendra spoke to the group in general, perhaps more so to Neema and Lauren directly. He understood that the crates they were originally searched for were important, but more than the sudden and tragic demise of the journalist? "I'll meet you in Lady Munn's office as soon as I can." Mahendra said quickly to the rest of the Fellowship, as the Lord Major called them, before making his way past them and quietly saying to Josephine "I'm...I'm sorry...", then heading for the door.
Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: The Museum - The Archives
Skills: None

The friendly words from Lauren could not keep Mahendra away from the chaos that attracted the attention of everyone in the archives, even if he felt humbled by her kind attitude towards him. After the immense crash of...something heavy, the others too called out asking for each other's safety, signalling that none had actually been hurt. At least that was the immense hope of Mahendra, until he heard Neema's words loud and clear; Haakon had been hit by a crate. "By the power of Krishna, please let him be okay..." Mahendra quietly prayed as he began to follow Lauren. Hopefully he was just knocked out cold.

What he instead found in front of him and Lauren right in the middle of the rows, was anything but hopefull. Beside the apparently randomly placed leg lamp, stood the massive crate. And beside that...well, underneath and all around was a pool of something red. Blood. The hope that Mahendra had prayed for not moments ago, subsided in an instant as the revelation of Haakon's condition came to him. Lauren had already sweared, but that didn't stop him. "পবিত্র শিট, indeed Lauren..." Mahendra said, slowly walking towards the box as if it was a dangerous Bengali tiger that could pounce at him any moment. He had seen death before, but that was long ago so he did feel uneasy. Still, he kneeled down and tried to see what was left of Haakon. "He's dead, I am afraid!"

Alexander Polawski

Location: Near Eden

Alexander nodded to Thalia, acknowledging her last message for Lola, her crazed friend in the Steel Duck. "Decker, this is Mugs. Watch yourselves, we all want to see you alive and well afterwards. Tell Kiwi to be safe." Alexander was unsure of how to phrase Thalia's message, but decided that Lola probably knew what Thalia wanted. Or not, but did it make any difference? If she was crazy, she might as well pull through the coming engagement with the enemy. Thana's message was clearer though. "T-minus 18 Mikes. We're going silent, no comms after this. Mugs over and out."

With that, Alex turned off his radio and holstered it in the belt. Never knew when a clear line of communications was needed. And after grabbing the Colt M1911 and the magazines, he saluted Thana back and waited for two things: Firstly he waited for Thana to get the ordered spacing between them before he started moving too. He knew all too well what a cluttered squad would look like in a firefight, or around a Viet-Cong IED . And secondly he thought about the so-called 'rule' mentioned by her. Quietly he questioned himself "I thought Rule 16 was to always have an extra pair of socks...", hopefully quiet enough for neither ladies to hear him.

Now on the move and armed to with what he felt to be the teeth, Alexander let his eyes wanderd around the landscape in front of the group and to his sides. Even the most well-made plans got ruined within seconds of enemy contact, and this was no different. Well, at least Alexander instinctively thought so at first, before his observations made him change his mind; the coast was clear and was getting to his mind. Not only that, but in the emptiness of his observations, his mind began to play tricks on him. All he could think, see and hear was a very specific song playing on repeat in his head. The one Lola had sung when they first met that day, one that made her look even more wacky than one could possibly imagine without actually meeting her. And what did he do?

Alexander, the old veteran and probably partly scarred for life both from old and new memories, pictured himself on patrol in the humid jungle once again; a melody played over this series of images, "Let's fall in love", and Alexander just had to start singing himself. He pictured it to be a rather harmless situation, seen as they hadn't been hit by Viet-Cong guerrillas all day and their NCO was in a good mood for once. And so he started to sing, lounder and louder for every step. "...Mosquitos, heaven forbid, do it - So does every katydid do it - Let's do it, let's fall in love!"

Yeah, he was losing it again.
The Heavy

Level: 2
Day/Time: Day 3 - Morning
Location: Boo's Castle
Tag: @Majoras End@Tenma Tendo@Lugubrious
Experience: //////////////////// (6/20)
Word count: 521

Heavy's 'sharp' senses - surprisingly no way hampered by years of bloody abuse of violence and death around him - , made the Russian brute turn his head towards the ghastly laugh aimed at them. The rest of Heavy's limbs followed in quick succession towards the spectral voice, if only he had been able to exactly pin-point its location; it appeared to echo all around him, surrounding him and his teammates, mocking them. And then it appeared; He appeared. The Ghost King, floating around them, doing what Heavy could only describe as taunting them. "Stop and fight me then, coward! Make job easy for us!" Heavy shouted at King Boo, throwing a heavy punch towards the ghost, but to no avail as his fist was pulled off his target.

And not just his fist. All of him was sucked away from King Boo towards the mansion…castle…thingy building, alongside the others. In a moment of desperation, Heavy grabbed hold of a small shrubbery, but only managed to pull the little green tree with him. "Oh no!" And like that, Heavy flew through the air like a lifeless ragdoll of a man he had previously shot to death with a certain secret weapon, uncontrollably waving his arms around in hopes of grabbing hold of something else solid, or even someone. But all he got hold of was the cold, wooden floor of the mansion as he hit it hard, face first.


Heavy Weapon's Guy could taste something in his mouth. His first thought was blood, but he vividly knew the actual taste of it, and this was different. As he pushed himself off the floor he came to realize what it was; a mix of green leaves from the shrubbery and dust from the floor. His face was covered in both, which he annoyingly brushed off; he had had worse. Heavy looked around him as he stood back up on his feet, taking in the contradicting reality around him. The mansion had looked big from the outside, but this big? Then again he could simply have gotten hit on the head, like always, and see funny things? Who knew?

"Labyrinth? I thought this was castle…mansion?" Heavy's confused words appeared to echo through the first room, which had out of thin air been lit by candles. They only made the scene spookier, if Heavy had felt scary at all; this only made him be further on his guard. Heavy listened to Slayer's plan; go together in the beginning through the spooky mansion, and perhaps then split up. Akira piped up as well, agreeing on Slayer's idea , which reinforced Heavy's approval of what his friends planned ahead."I think going together is good idea, Comrade Slayer and Comrade Joker. More difficult to have ghost sneak up behind. They better not make me and Sasha angry, baby ghosts." Heavy replied to their 'leader' and the mask-wearing teenager, unholstering his beloved Sasha and checking her over as he followed Slayer down the main hall.

"But what are ghost afraid of? Sandwiches? What about Six? Pumpkin man said something about our 'young one' being our best choice?"
Haakon J. Elvsgaard & Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: The Museum - The Archives
Skills: Haakon ("Luck") - Mahendra (Egyptian superstition)

A figurative lightbulb suddenly shined brightly over the certainly sweaty hair of the Norwegian reporter. Of course! Why hadn't he thought of that? Something to write on would be just what Haakon needed to actually assist in their endevour. If Neema could write down and perhaps even draw the symbols they were looking for, Haakon was certain his otherwise keen eyes could be of use. "Yes...yes! Give me but a moment please." Haakon said to Neema, slowing his pace as he began to rummage through his various pockets. He a was a journalist, of course he would have a simple piece of paper!

Mahendra returned the friendly smile to Lauren, approaching her at the cart and listening to her proposal for joining her in the further search. "That would be lovely, Miss Ridgeway. I'm certain there must be more than just that crate there." Mahendra stated, continuning his approach towards her down the aisle. But as his eyes drifted towards one of the shelves, a word stuck out to him. 'Bubastis'. It sounded familiar, even more so once he thought back to what Neema had said; This was important. "Would you look at that? I might have found another crate! Babustis, the center of worship of Bastet. Two down, perhaps many more to go." Mahendra said cheerfully to Lauren, mentally marking where he had found the crate before following her down 23RTS.

Haakon went through the pockets of his pants, but could find nothing. He continued in the chest pocket, but still nothing. Not even a tiny fragment of an old napkin used to clean off bits of a tuna sandwich. As he continued his search, his attention was almost fanatically invested in his various pockets, and not where they should have been in hindsight. About twenty feet up in the air, previously stored safely on top of the massive shelves, stood a crate. A special crate, one which would change Haakon's life forever.

For once, quite literally.

The crate, with a long side and a short side, which previously stood so solid up there, began to fall. Ever so slowly it tipped over the edge of the shelf, before it began its ever quicker descent down, as demanded by the Laws of Gravity. Even for its size, which was quite big actually, it rapidly sped up its journey down towards ground. More specifically, towards an unsuspecting journalist looking for a piece of paper. The very last thought that ran through Haakon's mind as the crate made contact with his head, was something like this; "Hvor er det fordømte papi...". He didn't realize something was happening until his mind stopping functioning due to, well, getting crushed.

Before the blink of an eye, the crate had pile driven itself and crushed Haakon's body entirely. And it wasn't quite either; a deafening crash of the weight echoed throughout the archives, thankfully camouflaging the sounds of bones crushed together. If that didn't catch everyone's attention, what would? Not Haakon, of course, since he was very much dead. All that remained of him was the massive pool of blood forming underneath and around the crate. And as for the crate itself, it too didn't go unscaved by the fall; as if on queue, the crate popped open and expelled out the last one would expect; a lamp formed as a leg.

"Various reasons, but the most interesting is my connection to Egypt, I would say. I served in this country during the War, and it seems to pull me back. That, and the endless possibilites for a geologist in the Valley of the Ki..." Mahendra said, gladly sharing his interest for Egypt with Lauren. He still found the interest put into him by the others surprising, but even more enjoyable. But before he could inquire as to what brought Lauren herself to the ancient lands of the Pharoes, a deafening crash made him jump and turn around. "What in the name of Mount Kilimanjaro was that? Hello? What happened? Is everyone all right?" Mahendra shouted out as loud as he could, thankfully oblivous to the gruesome sight around that cursed crate.

Alexander Polawski

Location: Near Eden
Skills:Radio Operator

"Ah...that really filled the spot." Alexander said, like a gust of wind that flew out of his previously empty stomach - save from a few, if any, worms hiding in the handful of snow he'd eaten earlier. He really couldn't complain about his current treatment; more than he had expected from an MRE, some peace and quiet, and best of all cheese! He was in his little personal Heaven there in the backseat. Yeah, the world had gone to shits and most of it's people too, but for a moment, Alexander enjoyed the moment.

It wasn't much, but more than enough for the old veteran to get going for a long day. Alexander climbed out of the truck with Thana and Thalia, following to the bed of the truck. With the call for an equiptment check, he swallowed the last remains of the glorious food down and started going through his pockets. " I've got a Beretta, 9mm; two mags. And my fireaxe." He said to Thana, before observing the weapons she had lain out in front of them. "If I have to choose; The Colt. More used to that than the 357."

The crackling of the radio caught Alexander's attention immediately, and he quickly held it up to listen to the message coming through. This time it was neither the Kiwi or the Cowboy, but a third voice; Decker. It had to be the third one going in the Stuart, though he hadn't gotten much of a picture of her before they left. 10 minutes until ETA. The veteran looked at Thana, listening and watching to her explaination for their route. "Mugs here. 10-4. ETA 20 Mikes. Over." Alexander communicated, releasing the transmitter after said message. Then he had an idea. He quickly, but dilligently changed channels in quick succession; if anyone were also using radios to communicate in a hectic situation, like observing something strange or an imminent attack, they would want to check the radio.

Nothing. The airwaves were dead silent, only the static akin to a lone night in the Artic, save from their Brothers in Arms in the tank. "Can't hear anyone else out there. Might mean our cover isn't blown, or that they're keeping radio silence. I'm for the former." Alexander said to his would-be superior, then turning to Thalia. "Any word you need passed on?"
@William CadeOf course! You're more than welcome. Life's just been very hectic the last month, but next week there might be some progress!
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