Avatar of Ookawa
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    1. Ookawa 6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current There are some things that are... you know... because... then... well... yeah. You understand, no?
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Bleh bleh bla bla bleh bla.
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University starting very soon...
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I am now not useless to society anymore, yay~!
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I officially count as a NEET right now... :/ I plan to change that soon...


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Heya, you! :3

Btw, I dunno if you remember me, I changed my name in the meanwhile, but if you remember PyroDash888? That was me. My old, very cringy username ;-;

In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Thora peered into the semi-darkness of the cave system stretching out in front of her, the dim lights of the Dragon's Gold being the only thing lighting up the cave. She did not know what expected her in that cave, but, it did not matter, she had to do it anyway.
So, slung her gun in front of her protectively and entered the dark mouth.

Cautiously she stepped around the first sharp stalagmites and stalactites when she felt something. The air was brimming with something, strange, billowing. One thing was sure, it wasn't normal and it was not something she had felt before. This feeling made her hesitate.

A rumble pierced the deafening silence and the billowing feeling was disturbed, waves of humidity and hot air hit her unprotected face making her recoil in surprise. Just that instant, with an almost ear shattering sound, enhanced by the tightness of the cavern, hot water erupted from a puddle she had mistakenly judged as not too deep in a geyser of boiling water. She didn't see, but she could feel the water hitting the ceiling for a short while until the stream stopped.

That was supposed to be challenging? A geyser...? Though one which periodicity Thora did not know, so there was that, but... What kind of idiot would you have to be to get hit by that? A slight chuckle escaped her as she sat down, tuning her gun to let out drops of water in a regular interval.

She seated herself cross-legged on the rough stone floor of the cavern watching the drops of water come out of her gun, counting every one of them and feeling the water in the air. It was a peculiar feeling. In her entire life so far, she hadn't felt water this much before, not even on her one trip to the ocean, the trip, where her parents learned of her "talents".

Thora closed her eyes. She could practically taste the element, her element. But now she had to wait, figure out the specific qualities of the geyser in front of her and, since this was a test, she judged that, if there were more geysers ahead of her, they'd have the same, or at least similar enough qualities, so that she did not have to do this for every single geyser she encountered, though, if she had to do it, she'd do it just as well.
Patience was a virtue after all and Thora had a lot of it.

She let the geyser in front of her erupt twice, carving every last detail into her brain that she was able to catch, before she got up and, after the third eruption, crossed it.
She now felt ready to sense at what stage of eruption a geyser, at least in this instance, would be.
So, with careful steps, she crossed the geyser field, only having to stop once more to let a geyser calm down.

However, now she had a problem.

The close and tight cave had given in to a massive cavern, the air being significantly colder here, though, as a result, it was way less stuffy and Thora could, now, actually properly breathe well.
But, the big thing, literally, was the massive wall of ice in front of her now... And up on top of the face of the wall appeared to be the exit.

Well, shit.

She had no climbing equipment whatsoever, no rope, no pickax, no climbing boots, nothing... Nothing but her water gun and what could a water gun do to help her climb...

Her heart sunk and she slumped to the ground, one hand on the massive wall, though, now, as she touched it, it didn't feel as massive anymore as it appeared. It seemed like a trap,.but... that didn't matter that much to her anymore.

How was she supposed to do this...

Depressed, she leaned her back against the cold ice, the water seeping through her clothes and slowly into her skin.
Even though it was super cold, it felt good. It always did when she bathed and swam. She might not have been able to control the water around her, but it still gave her strength.

A lone tear rolled down her cheek resting on the glacier like that. Frustration welled up in her. Why? Why was she born with powers that excluded her from participating in society, but were so weak that she couldn't even climb an icy cliff face?

With an extremely hoarse, croaky and alien sounding scream, the first sound she had made in the Academy so far, making it clear how much her vocal chords had already deteriorated, she punched the solid wall of ice. Chunks broke free and impacted the ground all around her shattering on impact and showering her with icy debris. Then she spotted one of the chunks heading right for her.

She stretched her arm outwards to catch it and at least prevent damage to her head and closed her eyes in preparation of the pain of her arm bones breaking to bits. But it didn't happen. Instead, she felt a flow from her hand, icy, cold, fluid, running through her blood and from one arm into the other and from there, through her connection with the gun, into its chamber. She could sense it there, inside the water chamber of her gun.

What had happened? Confused, Thora opened her eyes to see just a tiny bit of ice left on the flat of her hand that slowly withered away until it vanished. With it, the flowing feeling inside her body stopped as well.

The most trying times make you grow the most, she had once heard somebody say, whoever that was, wasn't important at the moment, but it appeared that she had made the chunk of ice melt in her hand to serve as water supply for her gun, just like she is constantly using the air humidity to serve as her water supply.

That... She could use that! If she could convert the ice to ammunition...! She could, instead of climbing up, which would be dangerous anyway, as she now had seen, brittle as the wall was, but she could dig herself up there, yes!

Excitedly, she patted herself off of chunks of ice and let her skin absorb the wetness from her clothes. With a spurt, she emptied the chamber of her gun and laid a hand on the ice wall. Concentrating heavily, she managed, after a while, to draw upon the same feeling she had earlier.
In front of her, the ice slowly vanished and a small indentation in the wall formed as she sprayed the water she gained from that out her gun behind her. It was small, though, even if she was tiny herself, the tunnel she was starting to dig herself was smaller than her still, so she had to duck.

But now, she was elated. Aiming upwards, she slowly, quite slowly, ascended through the wall, spiralling upwards further and further through thick, massive ice in the core of the glacier. It took time, lots of time, but exhausted, she dug herself into the teacher's lounge from the bottom.
Arriving there, she broke down on the ground, breathing heavily and staring into nothing, unable to think, unable to move any further.

What I gotta add, too, is:
I don't think we need a Second Lieutenant. The Aquarius is a fairly small ship, about a sixth-rate.
So, having three commanding officers, I feel, is a bit much, don't you think?
@Zelosse, I've already noted some errors, also CS will be posted once I get to my computer

*shrugs* There is only so much I can do to get things through his thick head :P ^.^

Luv ya, Zel :3

The salty air tasted good... too good. That could only mean that blood was in the air or would be soon. Chirina loved that smell and taste. Of combat soon to be had.

Chirina of Tuul released her grip on the railing and turned around facing the rest of the ship she had joined not very long ago. Activity was buzzing, so close to the engagement. But she, personally, was ready for anything to happen. Her musket slung over her shoulder, with powder bags on her belt, she inspected the work the crew did, even if she technically wasn't responsible for that. It didn't matter to her, really. If the ship ran well, everybody on it would profit.

She sighed and marched down the line to the stern of the ship where the first officer awaited to order her to prepare the guns.
Chirina saluted. "Aye!"

Stiffly, she turned around and headed downstairs to the gun deck, inspecting one gun after the other. To be honest, she found that the armament of the ship was kind of laughable. For a mercenary ship that would want to go against pirates, who sometimes are quite well equipped, six guns in total seemed wholly inadequate. She hoped, for her own life's sake, though, that the crew would be at least capable in musket combat and later in hand-to-hand combat. She didn't exactly want to go back and find yet another crew to join.

Knocking with her gloved fist on one of the steel guns, she nodded satisfied. At least those guns they had were of decent quality, that was better than she had expected when she had taken a look at the ship for the first time.

Satisfied with what she had seen, she went even further down to hold, where the magazine, protected from the water by not being directly on the hull, but separated from the outer hull by an extra chamber, lay. A safety procedure that she was thankful for. The last ship she had joined did not have that measure, since it was a very old ship, built before the prevalence of firearms. As soon as a single shot pierced the hull under the waterline, the powder magazine was already unusable, which had, in the end, cost almost the entire crew their lives.

But here? This seemed too perfect... and it worried her. When things went perfectly, she expected something to go wrong at one point or another. Carefully, she opened a barrel of black powder, sniffing on it and testing its consistency. Everything seemed fine.

After another short visit to the armoury, she went back up to the spar deck to report in.

With a slovenly salute she stood in front of "vice captain", as he seemed to be called, Valencia.
"Reporting in: Everything is in order, sir. As gunnery officer, there is nothing on my side that would prevent us from engaging. On a personal note, I cannot wait to taste their fear... and their blood."
A vile grin spread over her previously professional looking facial expression and her tongue rolled over her exposed teeth, the canine teeth unnaturally long with her and her entire clan. Not even humans were safe from the mutations the new water world brought.

Chirina Shuurga of Clan Tuul

(Tuulyn Shuurga Chirina)






Main Gunnery Officer/ Tactician


Rough, like the stormy sea, Chirina can be, at times, rather uncomfortable to be around. She drives herself and others to be as perfect as they can possibly be and doesn’t take no for an answer. Still, just the same, she has difficulties with people who think they are higher in standings than she is, no matter if they have the right of it or not.

Outside of her job, she can sometimes seem like she doesn’t care about things as she goes about things laissez-faire, but she certainly is far from being a girly girl, the opposite being true. However, she is starting to develop into a leader and seeing some of the error in her disrespectful ways, though she still has a good amount to go.

Chirina loves combat and battle. Gaining glory in battle is her highest purpose and she sees no bigger goal in life than that of glory and honour for her clan. That is why she can fall into a sort of state of bloodlust, a state of combat trance that can make her lose focus of the bigger battle, another thing she has to overcome, even if that bloodlust makes her terrifying to go against alone.


Chirina was born into a tribe of nomads, restless, always sailing the seas as the daughter of the chieftain, the Khaan. Her clan is a very old one, stemming from before the flooding when her clan lead her people on horseback roaming the steppes. Now, her people switched to boats, never staying on a single island for more than a year harvesting the resources to then move to another island using those resources instead. This kind of “island rotation” allows islands to ecologically recover before her tribe would revisit an island.

Growing up in such an environment, she learned everything about navigation and sailing from an early age, since in her smallish tribe, every member counted and so even children had to work with the group and learn to become less of a burden and more of a benefit to her tribe.

And such, when she reached “maturity”, meaning 14 for her tribe, she learned the art of combat. In her tribe’s nomadic ways, they came across many enemies, from orc raiding parties, to pirates, to monsters. But even her tribe did not shy away from raiding themselves, so, at the age of 15, Chirina participated in her first raid in which she killed her first humans, her quickness, bloodlust and developing magical ability earning herself the epithet “storm”, Shuurga, in the language of her people, honour and glory being a cornerstone of her people’s society.

After turning 18, she, together with her father, the Khaan, decided, it would be time for her to learn how to be a leader, since she, as the eldest child of the Khaan, was going to take over for her father as leader of the tribe.
They decided, it would be best for Chirina to gain experience leading somewhere else and so, she went to sign up for a mercenary crew that would be doing exactly what she was already doing, extinguishing pirates, though her first crew turned out to be a bunch of babbling, incompetent idiots, who managed to get themselves killed in the first encounter, herself being the only uninjured survivor steering the ship and the loot safely back to harbour, where she, having just turned 19 that day, signed up on another ship that had a much better track record, as far as she had heard, so… she hopes, they won’t suck as much as the last one….


  • Her trusty Tanegashima matchlock musket, slightly enhanced in accuracy with a bayonet mount.
  • A slightly curved sabre, read Dao, for close range engagements.


  • Lightning Strike: Chirina can call a lightning strike down close to where she is aiming out of black clouds that form above. Very mana intensive ability.


As usual for her people, Chirina is rather short, at 5ft.


Hope you guys like her :3
In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Don't worry, I have been way too lazy... ;-;

Her skin felt dry. Going even a couple of days without having herself covered in water completely made her feel really unwell. Niyu sighed and slowly waddled to the stream, her flippers making locomotion on land a bit harder for her than most. She stepped into the shallow river, the water playing around her feet.
Sadly, she couldn't immerse herself in the water of the nearby lake. According to several people in the camp, the lake was cursed, so she wasn't allowed to swim in it, which made her really sad.
Sighing, she flopped backwards into the small stream, the water covering her as much as she can make it to do so, the cold wetness spreading over her exposed skin and the cloth made out of her scales that she always wears.

She wasn't really happy with her position in the camp at the moment. There was literally nothing she could do. No body of water in the proximity was fishable and so, she couldn't contribute to the camp much, other than waddling around evil-eyeing people.
Especially now, that new people have started to literally drop into camp, she felt useless.

Still a bit sour, she got up, took her spear and returned to patrolling, everything, from her skin to her hair, glistening with water droplets.


Pain. White. White Pain. Everything hurt. Blinding light, burning. Compressing, shrinking, growing, swelling. Different feelings all over the body, everywhere.
And then, colours. Greens and browns, some blues, but mostly greens. A soft impact onto plant surfaces...

Eyes were opened. The pain had numbed, but everything felt wrong. Everything was different, the air even felt different.
But that was due to the fur now covering the entire body... A shocked gasp escaped the mouth. But the gasp sounded wrong, too high. A hand moved to the throat, but even that felt wrong. Not only did the throat lose its Adam's apple, but also the hands were different. Claws tipped the slim fingers on the slim hands, both covered in fur, orange on top with black stripes, white on the underside.

"Ehh?", a slightly scratchy, but indistinguishably female voice exclaimed. A scramble to a stream later, a cute female, humanoid tiger's head peered back... at HER. It was unmistakable, she was female now. She looked down at her furred, humanoid tigress' body, small bumps extended from her chest and the fur-covered crotch did not leave her sex to the imagination.
But at least she was lean. Her body looked athletic, long legs stretched out from her lean torso, though her new feet, including paw pads and a digitgrade stance. A long tail curled around her legs, too.

"What happened... why am I a girl...? What am I...?"
But it did not seem like she was alone... A camp, though quite rundown, stretched out in a little clearing in front of her.
Slowly, she got up, wobbly on her new legs and uncomfortable with her new way of walking, so she stumbled towards the camp, maybe there, somebody could help her, explain to her what had happend, who she was, et cetera.

The loud sound of turbines howling out as the craft approached the mooring at Beacon. Blaire stared out the window at the massive academy complex. Replacing her sister at the academy had seemed really silly at first, but as usual, Skyra was very good at convincing people... well, mostly her. Apparently, her convincing skills weren't as refined when it came to others. But in the end, going to Beacon was the only legal way to become a huntress, so she had to go here and Skyra offering her place up in exchange was a good deal for both of them. Especially now that Skyra had missions to do.

With a bit of a jerk, the docking clamps caught the aircraft and Blaire had to concentrate to not fall over, but she managed.
Why did they have to make this docking jerky like this...

She shook her head and proceeded to disembark, her blade clinking a bit as she moved across the gangway and onto the cobblestones of Beacon.
Looking around, she saw that everything lay quiet, probably because Blaire did in face come to the school during 5th period and not before or after a period.

Whatever, it didn't really matter. Steadily and assuredly, Blaire marched towards the entrance of the academy hoping to find something there that would lead her to wherever she was needed to report in.

In the lobby, though, she encountered somebody she presumed to be a teacher, a gruff dude, sure, but he did not seem like a student at all.
"Hey, you. Are you a teacher here? New student here, I was told to report in somewhere. Where do I need to head to?", she casually asked the man. Rank did not seem to matter to Blaire much and as such, she seemed rather crude and impolite.

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