Avatar of Overlord24
  • Last Seen: 19 days ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2446 (0.82 / day)
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    1. Overlord24 8 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm alive?
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5 yrs ago
To those I rp, my wifi went out recently so I haven't been able to get on at all since today.
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5 yrs ago
I know that this is late, but I started working, so I won't be able to reply a lot, less than normal. So apologies to those I rp with, I will try to reply whenever I can.
5 yrs ago
With the holidays coming up soon, I will not be able to reply as much as I normally do, so apologies to those I roleplay with, I will try and come on as much as possible.
6 yrs ago
Hell hath come on Earth, and by that I mean school has officially started back up, so sorry to those I roleplay with, my schedule is going to be a bit weird.


Hey everyone, I'm Overlord24, I have no idea what else to say except, ALL HAIL THE OVERLORD!

Most Recent Posts

Gray blanched at being directly addressed so quickly. "U-uh, I'm Gray Arnadalr, she/her currently." She stuck out her hand to the girl, Madison. "Pleasure to meet you. It's nice to see another royal so soon. I was a bit worried that I was going to be the only one here. Which was kind of stupid since there are so many princes and princesses. Sorry, I was rambling."
Gray walked up to the others but stayed a bit away, not trying to make contact yet. A fairy zipped near her and she put out her hand for it to land. The tiny creature made to do so, but when it was mere millimeters away it stopped then zipped a few feet away. A puff of white breath came out of its mouth and it rubbed its arm from the cold, even though the temperature around them was quite pleasant.
Gray sighed and walked away from the fairy. She looked around to try and find someone to talk to when she noticed an odd looking character talking to what looked like another royal. She walked over to the two to introduce herself.
"Gray is perfectly fine. Please no Miss of your Highness or Princess." She had enough problems with that back in Arendelle, she didn't need it here.

After hearing what Edwyn had said about moving she looked around and saw that they were in fact the only people left where they were told to be. She saw the others by the woods and she thought this was a good a time as any to meet her classmates.

She nodded, "I suppose we should. And, nice to meet you Edwyn.
Gray heard the boy talk about the carriage and she blushed, hard. "Yeah, I missed the school's carriage so my mom had to give me a ride. Or rather make somebody give me a ride." Figuring she'd been awkward enough she stuck out her hand. "Gray Arnadalr. She/her currently if you please. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
@Crimson Flame
Sorry, kind of scatter brained today.
@Crimson Flame
Ahh, sorry I didn't see yours immediately. Looking forward to roleplaying with you and your character.

Gray was rushing around, trying to pack her bag as quickly as possible. As much as she didn't want to go to this school, going on time was better than having to be driven in the family carriage. When she finally had all of her stuff together, she ran out the door to try and get on the carriage, but when she got out the carriage was miles away. She let out a sigh and went to go find her mother to ask for the carriage.

Fast forward a good hour, and the carriage pulled up in front of the school, right behind the carriage that she had missed. She stepped out in time to hear the message about leaving their bags in the carriage, so she quickly dropped her's off in the other carriage and ran to join the other students, hoping to stay unnoticed.
Glad to meet another person doing a genderfluid character. Not a common occurrence on the site.
Student's Name: Gray Arnadalr
Appearance: Male or female, Gray has white hair and blue eyes, but whilst female their hair is a bit longer. Overall in clothing and other forms of presentation, they go for the non-binary look.
Age: 14
Gender: Fluid, their gender changes without their control, and I will make sure to make it plainly obvious what gender they are at any current time.
D.0.B: December 14th
Parents: Elsa Arnadalr
Health problems: Overheats fairly easily.
Personality: Unless Gray is friends with somebody or warms (I apologize for that) up to them, they usually stay pretty quiet. Towards adults, Gray believes in, you respect me, I respect you.
Likes and Dislikes: Likes: Cold, animals, Winter, Fall. Dislikes: The heat, dress codes, Spring, Summer.
Fears: Losing their friends and family
Quote: "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."
Theme Song: Sit Still, Look Pretty-Daya
Anything else you would like to add?: Gray will not put up with any shit from anybody, be it against them or one of their friends. They are also pansexual.
Student's Name: Gray Arnadalr
Appearance: Male or female, Gray has white hair and blue eyes, but whilst female their hair is a bit longer. Overall in clothing and other forms of presentation, they go for the non-binary look.
Age: 14
Gender: Fluid, their gender changes without their control, and I will make sure to make it plainly obvious what gender they are at any current time.
D.0.B: December 14th
Parents: Elsa Arnadalr
Health problems: Overheats fairly easily.
Personality: Unless Gray is friends with somebody or warms (I apologize for that) up to them, they usually stay pretty quiet. Towards adults, Gray believes in, you respect me, I respect you.
Likes and Dislikes: Likes: Cold, animals, Winter, Fall. Dislikes: The heat, dress codes, Spring, Summer.
Fears: Losing their friends and family
Quote: "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."
Theme Song: Winter-Antonio Vivaldi
Anything else you would like to add?: Gray will not put up with any shit from anybody, be it against them or one of their friends.
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