Avatar of Ozymandias
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ozymandias
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 557 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ozymandias 10 yrs ago


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Awesome stuff, guys :)

Whos the highest ranking marine on the ship?

An NPC, I guess. Doesn't really matter, there's only ~10 of them aboard this ship
Don't worry about times, guys, Cathy and I are fairly laissez-faire. Get it done when you get it done, no rush
I did, but I can't remember how I did that

Unlike the majority of the crew aboard the Scythian, Loken was one of the few born on Earth. The rest were offspring of a hundred different moons, backwater planets or coreworlds. Humanity was so widely spread that aboard some ships, and in some regiments, it was difficult to find Earthborn servicemen. He still referred to himself as that; a serviceman. He had spent six years in the marine corps, fighting what seemed like an unwinnable war at the time. ‘Chasing worms’ is what they used to call it. He may not have worn the uniform anymore, or kept his rank, but what was he doing in the Intelligence service if not serving?

Aboard the Scythian he was pleased to have the chance to serve with marines again. They had been skeptical of him at first, a common thing among military personnel regarding spooks, but they warmed to him a degree when they learned he was a former marine himself. That was almost all the information he could divulge. His past career spoke volumes during their visit, board, search and seize manoeuvres. A few days prior, he, a few marines, and some of the ship’s security detail boarded a vessel acting suspiciously, and discovered it had been fleeing the system with illegally stowed supplies. In his daily report submitted to M (Mother), he had included a small paragraph on the event. The captain’s report to Fleet Command was far lengthier as it was more relevant to the navy than to intelligence.

Sat at his desk in his provided quarters in the officer section of the aft maindeck, Loken closed his computer and stowed it securely in the bulkhead. Sensitive information was sent to Command and wiped, but it never hurt to be careful with devices. Checking his watch he saw the time was 1300 zulu, meaning they were coming up on a small colony moon. It had been given an insufferably bureaucratic name; RX3248, just another number. Loken called it ‘Rex’ colloquially from the RX. Having made his way to the bridge, he found that the radio operator was already in the midst of communicating with the flight tower.

Captain,” he began as he stepped into the conn. The captain looked at him from his chair and mumbled a greeting. Naturally, the commanding officer didn’t take kindly to having his vessel commandeered. His executive, a spry young woman with tied back golden hair, was the opposite. Loken had accessed the service files of all personnel aboard, and while the captain had been in the service for more than a decade, Lieutenant Kate McGregor, only eighteen years old, had completed her officership training at the naval college that same year. She was almost obsequious to Loken, and the bootnecks aboard joked that she was smitten with the ex-marine. She gave him a salute and smiled. “Welcome to the bridge, Loken,” she said joyfully. He responded with a nod and a smile. “Lieutenant.” The captain groaned and shooed her away from Loken. “XO, go oversee the comms,” said the captain, and the lieutenant dutifully followed orders.

Agent Loken,” began the captain. He gestured to the screen in front of him. “We’re coming in to land shortly, as you can see. We’re the only ship in orbit, so there’s no interference, should be a quick arrangement.

Flight Tower, this is UWS Scythian, come in, over,” began the radio operator in the far side of the conn. It took a few moments for the civilian operator on the other end to reply.

Scythian, this is RX3248 Flight Tower, we read you, over,” said the tower with some urgency. Loken supposed they had been half asleep when their call came in and had caused the operator to panic.

We are requesting permission to dock and unload, over,” continued the RO. Loken nodded to himself. His input wasn’t needed for this portion of the procedure.

Uh, wait one, over.” A full minute later came the response. The captain’s skin had been crawling under the supervision of Loken. “Scythian your permission to dock has been granted, and the Director requests a direct line with the captain of the vessel.

Patch it through,” began the captain. Loken shook his head. “No, not here. Captain’s quarters, just you and me,” he said. The captain obeyed and instructed the radio operator thusly. Loken instructed one of his team, a tall man with cropped hair like his own, to stand outside the door and to allow no one, even officers, into the hallway until the transmission was complete.
Loken listened intently as the conversation began between the captain and the Director, James Ogilvie. He stood over the captain’s shoulder and kindly directed the officer on what to say. “Director, this is Captain Landers, commanding officer of the Scythian in orbit. We read you.” He began a dialogue under the quiet supervision of the shadowy agent. In response to the question as to why they were in orbit, the captain informed the Director that the ship carrier medical supplies, food and clothes for the colonists in the wake of the war and the wounded crisis, as part of a humanitarian mission. It couldn’t have been further from the truth. There were no supplies aboard save for what the ship needed for the Scythian’s complement. The Director requested to see the captain in person, and Loken nodded to himself.

... One of my staff will show you the way,” said the Director. “There’s no need, I know where the man’s bedroom is,” said Loken. “But I don’t,” replied the captain. “You’ll be staying here to oversee the wounded,” said Loken. The captain stood and faced Loken.
He asked for me,” he said. “He did. But you aren’t going. Myself and half of my team are going, as well as a few marines to keep up appearances. The rest of my team are staying here to supervise,” said Loken. The captain opened his mouth to respond, but remembered the noose around his neck and sank into his chair. Loken nodded at him and turned to leave the room once the transmission had ended and waited for the ship to dock.
Yeah, played it on and off since 2007

Hello! I was wondering if their is still room for this. If so, is it possible to make a character that "Has no connection" to the Naval Intelligence Department, but is secretly working for them? He just happened to be on the Moon base when this all goes down doing "work".

Can you explain a bit more what you mean by 'has no connection', etc.? People in the intelligence services already essentially don't exist, you can't be much more rogue. Incidentally you're welcome to make an intelligence character

Hi, I'm interested in joining this RP and really am digging the lore you've created. This would be my second RP, the other being a short lived stormtrooper campaign in Star Wars.

Would the best way to join be to create a character for you to look at and give the okay?

Yeah, make a character and most it here in the OOC or PM it to one of us (myself or Catharyn) and we'll take a look :)

Ok, sorry there. I thought that the ranks and roles are two different things. He attains the rank of lieutenant, but plays the role of the ship's vice-captain(Since the captain and vice-captain of a ship can be appointed to several different ranks, that's what I heard.) Well, then I would just cross it out. And basically, the Intelligence and the UWSC is two different organizations. Got mixed up with that because of the term Navy. Ok, I'll reconsider my NPC's role. Should not take long. Thanks for notifing me.

I see what you're saying, yeah he's 2IC of the ship.

They are indeed separate, which is why we don't have military personnel in the intelligence services. 'Naval' basically just means they operate by means of the navy, and are extra-terrestrial, rather than being limited to one planet.
I have finally found a picture that best represent him. Blame my artistically blind nature for not being able to draw. ;-:

Character is awesome, all good, but there's no such rank as a vice-captain. There's a list of available ranks on the OP. If you want to be 2IC of the ship, it's just a lieutenant. Also be aware with regards your NPC, people generally aren't intelligence AND military. To be NI and an admiral is an absolute TONNE of power. NI aren't just spies, they have the power to commandeer basically anything and represent humanity's clandestine needs. Being a top brass officer is a bit overt
<Snipped quote by Ozymandias>

It is to be expected really. The UWG was on total war footing which meant conscription on a planet-by-planet basis depending on their situation. As individual worlds are pretty much free to run themselves as they see fit provided they adhere to UWG legislation, there will be a lot of variation on how they prepared to face The Nomad. The way to most accurately describe the UWG would be a planetary-scale melding of the EU and the UN. This probably worked against Humanity rather than for it when faced with an agile and extremely dangerous outside enemy.

Which is why I said it's not necessarily a bad thing :P
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