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  • Old Guild Username: Sir Skellington
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    1. Peik 10 yrs ago
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@Peik Yeah, I mean... Think of it. "Huh, Oh wow... That's pretty spooky, though I find my sword works nearly as well as my flames."

I honestly can see a really bizarre camaraderie there, or a fantastic pair of nemesises (nemeses?)

Marcel isn't the sort for long-term foes or competition, he's just too amiable and shy for that sort of thing.
@Peik Hm... Considering Marcel's identity, he'd be pretty intriguing. But also incredibly unsettling, seeing as she's focused almost entirely on magic and one-handed sword combat her entire life. :p Like talking to a black hole.

I can see it going well.

''Yes hello, I've proven to be a bane against your kind at birth and have been trained since my youth to kill your sort, want to have a cup of milk?''
@Peik@MacabreFox@Scout I am juuust typing up a post with Dax and was going to have him approach Do'Karth and Sevine. Should I make sure that doesn't happen with y'alls collab going on?

Don't ya worry, I ain't in any collabs yet.
The Bosmer clanswoman, in her mannerisms through her traversing of the riverbed, proved to Balen that she was a part of nature like an animal, rather than a being aside from nature, like civilized man. In her primitive clothes (or perhaps, lack of), mannerisms and body paint, she blended into both the literal and figurative background so well that she looked like a creative painter’s attempt to hide a sapient figure in a pastoral painting, or a figure straight out of that popular children’s book, ‘Where’s Waldovius?’. Balen reassured himself to the figure’s sapience, given the clothes and the bow, but in truth could not help but feel as if he were his great grandfather Edras, watching Kagoutis to take note on their mating habits.


Balen purposefully delayed his reaction as to not scare the beast-woman (he had read that wild creatures were not fond of sudden movements), expecting a possibility of her reacting physically in response to the shout, such as running away. Contrary to his expectations, the little Bosmer proved that she was willing to hold her ground or at the very least look like it, and immediately drew and nocked an arrow, aiming towards an entity whom Balen could not see at that certain moment, since he was so focused on staying put as to not accidentally get a first hand outlook on the effectiveness of tribal arrow craftsmanship.

Upon Hector’s request, or order given the circumstances, Balen slowly took a breath and cautiously spoke.

‘’We are friendly, woman,’’ Balen said in Bosmeris, although a skilled linguist or a native could probably argue that the way he spoke the language was influenced by Ayleidoon (Balen, not having practiced Bosmeris for a time, could not tell, and only assumed that he probably did not sound very natural). His voice was loud enough to be heard, but low enough as to not sound like a danger. Nonetheless, as he spoke, he relaxed his posture and prepared his muscles for a possible dash to cover behind the tree trunk that he was sitting on.

‘’Please,’’ he added in Bosmeris, ‘’lower your weapon and come over,’’ concluding in Tamrielic, for he did not know Bosmeris that well, and wanted to believe that Hector and/or his superiors had found a guide that the group could communicate with, no matter how rudimentarily, in a common tongue, rather than having to use a dead ancient language as a medium. Afterwards, he could only hope that the group did not create a sight odd enough to scare the Bosmer woman away.
<Snipped quote by Hank>

I dig it :) We'll go with that.

@Peik@Scout A good talk over a mugful of ale is a good ice-breaker

but marcel is a literal milkdrinker an abstinent
@Peik I would not be against meeting Marcel either, just looking for the most believable step. Meeting new people is great, but I like to think of organic ways too.

Either way is good, just gimme a collab pad (whichever it may be) and I'll be there.

I do not disagree. It's best to have a narrative that feels alive rather than an inorganic one that branches everywhere just to touch on everything (pretty sure we have party members from the heyday who still haven't had proper conversation - might come off as weird but I appreciate how it relays the busy work of being a mercenary, how you may not even have a proper chat with someone you're entrusting your life to).

If I come up with a creative reason for Elmera and Marcel to chat before the Foxy Woxy beats me to it, I'll get a pad for a collab.

@Peik all trained Dibellan clergy are also trained in Dibellan orgy, and that includes getting to know S and M inside out.

Unfortunately Sadri's taken now, and we all know just how much of a prude Marcel is.
Note that the former player character, now NPC, Almad, has returned from Winterhold. You may obtain adept-level restoration from him. In addition, he offers cuddles (and other intimate services) as a trained Dibellan clergy, at a bargain price.

I misread that as a 'trained Dibellan orgy'.

Had a giggle.

Also, does anyone else want Sadri's place in the possibly upcoming Leif collab? If so, who else would like to collab to get to know S and M better?
The Dunmer had, true to his nature, spent most of the journey quiet, trying to arrange his thoughts on the recent developments to find some peace of mind, despite knowing all too well that what he was doing was futile. Ever since Hector had first informed him of the mission, and showed him those documents, Balen had feeling unease and elation at the same time (or perhaps, two emotions had simply wrenched more power than usual), which proved to himself (Balen liked using absolute terms about himself, since relativity meant uncertainty, and Balen was not comfortable admitting that he wasn’t certain about his very own thoughts and feelings) once again that he was a mer of contradictions.

There was a certain appreciation to be found in this mission for Balen, just as there was a certain appreciation to be found in everything that filled a sapient being with emotions – the body liked the action, the hormones, and the adrenaline. Balen, having long since accepted his body as a burden that he was to take care of, just like an unwanted child or your superior’s pet, found its constant, self repeating and purposeless desires (such as action or adventure) uncomfortable, yet also necessary, since his body was (at least for now – he had yet to receive any answers from his attempts to contact the Psijic Order, or find that fabled tome on using ectoplasm as a vessel to leave the body) what was sustaining his existence. Thus was Balen, locked in passive hostility against his flesh, akin to two exhausted warriors just staring at each other, unwilling to give up but too exhausted to continue fighting.

He got up from the fallen tree trunk he had been sitting on, and stretched his torso and arms back and forth in an attempt to shake away his constant and clouding thoughts, and began scanning his surroundings to keep his mind busy. Indeed, there were many objects to be distracted by – the relatively alien and untamed look of Valenwood, while nowhere as mind-boggling and awesome as the light-refracting, illusory towers of the Summerset Isles, was still enough to keep his mind busy. Alinor, by Anu, Alinor… He took a look at the river in an attempt to retrace the gleaming lights of the city’s skyline (A skyline! What other city had a skyline?) in the whirling reflections of light in the water, but unfortunately for Balen, night had not set yet, and thus, all he saw was a blurry image of himself, more than enough to disappoint.

‘’I hope she comes,’’ Hector repeated. Balen felt a tinge of discomfort in his voice, which he attributed to the wait for the guide, and his choice of attire contrasting with the climate, both of which were valid points in his opinion. Balen saw Hector as a simple man, relatively at peace with himself, unlike Balen, whose melancholy had been wrought into him to a degree that he occasionally entertained himself by thinking of scary things such as consciousness after death. The duo’s friendship, if it could be called that, was a source of bewilderment for the Dunmer. The two personalities had almost nothing in common, save an interest in board games – even the circumstances in which they were met were as inauspicious as a hymn to Molag Bal in a shrine to Arkay. Then again, considering that they only met whenever there was some danger to be overcome, perhaps their friendship had been created by the circumstances.

‘’Well, she’s Bosmer,’’ Balen muttered slowly as he sat back down, as if his mind was too busy with other things. ‘’Might be watching us from amongst the tall grass. Might be hiding between the tree leaves.’’ He picked up a broken, little branch from the ground and began drawing lines into the muddy soil to pass the time. ‘’Might be hiding under the soil.’’ He stuck the branch into the ground, and let it go. ‘’But I have a feeling she’ll come around, one way or another.’’ He tried to whistle quietly, but interrupted himself after he saw Sibassius grasping onto his sword’s grip. Balen’s hand instinctively pulled his walking cane closer to himself, and looked at the other side of the river after hearing Sibassius’ question.

‘’Short, primitive,’’ Balen replied. ‘’Has pointy ears.’’

He felt like such a dick sometimes.
@Hank, Is it safe to assume that Hector has heeded Virelo's advice and brought the news along with the excerpt to Balen?
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