Avatar of Phantomlink959
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  • Posts: 1765 (0.47 / day)
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    1. Phantomlink959 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Today I reached the conclusion that, if presented with an exact duplicate of herself, one of my characters would DEFINITELY hit that.
5 yrs ago
They're not LONG chapters; but the fact I've managed to right 2 meh and 4 half decent ones in 4 days makes me very happy with myself.
5 yrs ago
Wow, I just realized it's been a full year since the Avadon incident.
5 yrs ago
Decided to half-ass nanowrimo by doing a RWBY OC fanfic I've been thniking about for ages. The fight scene I'm working on rn just feels.... right.
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5 yrs ago
According to the scale i just weighed in on I'm down to 313 from a starting point of 330 when i started going to the gym a little ovver a month ago


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I would also like to say, having a bit of buddy cop interaction wouldn't be an inherently bad thing; as long as it's just one character dynamic rather than eating up the entire RP. We'll have to see if anything like that develops, though.

Now, do you prefer if we @ all of our messages in OOC? The other RP I'm in prefers if we do.
Damn, EDENPOL is straight up hemorrhaging officers.

I feel like I may have unintentionally started a trend......

"My turn then, I suppose." Rost coughed to clear his throat before reaching inside his jacket and retrieving his sidearm, the pistol had a number of ornate symbols etched into the frame and grip,
"I am, for lack of a better term, an enchanter. I have mastered an art called scrivening, the weaving of magic into spells through the use of symbols and incantations rather than complicated gestures and direct manipulation of mana."
he explained, tilting his weapon in hand and allowing a slight shimmer to be seen on the surface. "It's not terribly flashy, and is time consuming enough to not be directly useful in combat; but it is powerful nonetheless. I created the magic sealing handcuffs issued to every agent, lead the development of our containment cells, and aided in many other such projects including teaching others the craft. I'm also a fully trained and accredited archeologist and have substantial knowledge in a number of arcane fields." The scribe returned his pistol to its holster underneath his jacket,
"And of course I have completed all qualifying tests to become a field agent; I'm not a bad shot if I do say so myself."
I'm still here btw just haven't had anything to say
@Blueflame Just a random thought, with Shadow sealed will Mason's powers still behave the same way or will he have more control over the transformation now?

Obviously he wouldn't know yet, but it might be something to think about.
If you overthink it railroading itself could be considered to BE fate in roleplay terms, meaning an argument could be made for the character not to be affected.
Why not just go all-in and have them be effectively a lich, if not be one outright?

Like you said, the phylactery/soul-jar is the main weakness. No matter how many times you kill them they keep coming back, but if you destroy the artifact they're dead and gone.
Name: Asche Stauss

Alias: Smoker

Appearance: Asche is a tall, muscular man with noticeably broad shoulders, short cut black hair, and black eyes. He has a strong, square jawline and pointed nose with extensive scarring on the right side of his face; including faint traces of corrupted tissue above his eye, in the form of three thin black streaks.

Some components of his preferred clothing are salvaged from his EDENPOL armor; namely the pauldrons, shoulder pads, and boots. The rest of the outfit consists of olive green cargo pants, a black synthetic leather vest reinforced with scrap metal plates (including a knife holster mounted to the right shoulder), and a dark grey t-shirt. In addition to his clothing, Asche wears thick brown bandages wrapped around his arms at all times to hide his ritual scarring and blackened flesh.


Asche Stauss is a complicated man. He retains an outward attitude of cold indifference and rarely expresses himself; but this is simply a mask. In truth he is deeply caring, and assigns more value to the lives of others than to his own, preferring not to bother others with his own troubles if he can avoid it. These troubles have been magnified tenfold since the incident that removed him from EDENPOL; he is perpetually plagued by alien thoughts from a mind that is no longer solely his own, thoughts which pushes him constantly towards the abyss from which it was born.

Spending so much of his life as an EDENPOL operative supporting his family, Asche has developed a strict personal code which can be summed up simply; never leave a man behind, always protect your brothers in arms, and the ones you love are more valuable than your own life. Informed by this philosophy he has isolated himself from his sisters, only further compounding his inner turmoil.

Asche Stauss is notoriously private about his past. The only known details are that he has two sisters and worked with EDENPOL for an extended period of time.

He did not leave EDENPOL by choice. During a raid on a group of suspected terrorists, Asche’s was separated from his team when he fell through a rotted out floor in the run-down building where their targets had set up base. Knocked unconscious by the fall Asche awoke to find himself stripped of most of his armor and strapped down to a stone slab, a cultist standing over him and slicing arcane symbols into his flesh. When he awoke, the cultist panicked, unable to finish as Asche struggled against his restraints and called out to his team.

The incomplete summoning had far different effects than they had planned. In their haste to finish a different rite had been performed, rather than ending his life to call forth a monster, the cult had merged Asche’s physical body with the essence and will of that same beast.

After slipping off the blood-soaked restraint on one arm, he seized the knife which had been used to mutilate his body, using it to kill the cultist who had done the deed just in time for his team to arrive and finish off the others.

Upon seeing what had become of their brother in arms, Asche’s squadmates reached a decision. They would return to EDENPOL with his ID tags and what remained of his armor to report him as KIA and spare him what was likely a far worse fate than simple execution.

In the two years between leaving EDENPOL and his recent recruitment into Ultralight Asche lived as a scavenger, surviving on stolen food and wearing clothes liberated from waste processing centers; never spending a night in the same alley twice as he desperately evaded discovery. He spent that time learning to control his newfound gift and coming to terms with the twisting of his psyche, until a chance encounter with Cider ended in his recruitment as a member of her cell.

As a new recruit Asche has not yet been deployed by Ultralight, though he has prior experience in covert operations from his time with EDENPOL.

Asche possesses the ability to enter a mysterious dimension, traveling instantly between points in the real world. This dimension -dubbed Shadow Space- exists between the corners of our world, and within it neither time nor distance have meaning. It is an alien realm the geography of which is incomprehensible to any mere mortal, and only as a result of his corrupted mind and body can Asche traverse it. Even still, this carries the risk of further wearing down his humanity.

Modified EDENPOL magnetic combat rifle: the weapon has been stripped down to the minimum of parts, removing the stock and shortening the barrel; while it lacks in accuracy and power compared to a stock model, the weapon is lighter and no longer recognizable as an EDENPOL issued weapon.

Carbon fiber combat knife: A simple serrated combat knife made from next-gen carbon fiber and polymer materials. It is lightweight, razor sharp and nearly as hard as diamond; but with greater resilience.

Athame: A traditional ritual dagger made from common steel, with an ebony handle and silver inlays. Used for mundane purposes such as preparing his own personal meals.

Body armor: Asche retains only the minimum of what once constituted his EDENPOL issued armor; his boots, pauldrons, and shoulder pads, all of which have been stripped of identifying markings and integrated with clothing typical of a scavenger.

Other: Carries a locket containing a picture of two identical teenage girls bearing a strong resemblance to himself, and one of a middle-aged couple whose faces have been scratched out
Argus nodded along with Amaya's explanation, comitting it to memory, "Okay, my turn then." he announced, "To start with, I can produce fire by expending part of the energy keeping me alive, drawing from my inner flame. I can manipulate that fire pretty freely, but don't really have control over other flames. I'm able to shapeshift by changing between my human and Djinn forms at will, in whole or in part." he explained, eyes skimming the team to gauge their reactions, "When in my Djinn form I can enter a person's mind while making physical contact and mess around with their memories. The older and more ingrained the memory, the harder it is to do anything to it. Lastly, my Djinn form has a few sensory advantages over human; I can detect distances and directions based on the smell in the air, and identify pretty much any supernatural being I've encountered before in the same way. Y'all smell pretty specific. I'm also quite a bit stronger in that form, though I lose agility so in a fight I prefer to just transform my hands or arms in order to use my claws for close quarters combat." It was a quick explanation, but covered everything the others might need to know, "And before anybody asks, I don't sleep in a lamp or grant wishes. The lamp thing got started because some magician sealed a few of us in lamps a couple centuries back, and the wishes is all part of a coverup for our memory alteration.
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