Avatar of Potemking
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  • Posts: 1087 (0.63 / day)
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    1. Potemking 4 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 5 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current One month away from SMT V's release. Super hyped
3 yrs ago
Rest in peace, Koichi Sugiyama. Dragon Quest won't be the same without you
3 yrs ago
Timeless River Sora mains unite
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3 yrs ago
Writing is a fickle process. Sometimes you're not sure what to put down, sometimes you write way more than you ever intended.
3 yrs ago
Excited to play Deltarune Chapter 2 tonight. What a perfect start to the weekend!


~ 27 Years Old.
~ Enjoys all sorts of settings, and genres. Fandom and Original. Loves writing combat, and sappy stuff.
~ Slow but steady posting schedule, and notifies you of complications!
~ Stupid funny meme guy that prefers friends rather than flame wars.

Most Recent Posts

Hurray! More friends.

I'm really excited for this, looking forward to seeing how things go IC.
I'll poke my head in here, PMD is a very fun setting. And especially with freeform combat in the mix, that'll be joyous to write.

WORD COUNT:1,126(+2 EXP)
MENTIONS: Sakura, Rika, Bowser, Junior, Kamek

Mirage was both glad and concerned when Larry plucked Bella from her place above the flames. They had to move, and now. Unfortunately as they got closer to the butcher, Mirage realized his lack of weaponry meant piercing the boots the man wore would be impossible. But, between the chaos around them, another factor added in: Larry seemed to be surprised by something. Looking up, a familiar tail was visible and a clear indication for their attack to start now rather than later, as Bella seemed awake! Was it all a trick on her end? The girls wept to get him to take her down? They were crazy, but it worked so he couldn't argue too much with it.

He winced at the blows Link and Geralt delivered, watching Larry tumble helplessly. Rushing forward as Bella was dragged off the table above, the pathetic sight of Larry now that the tables had turned wasn't going to get much in the way of mercy from him. Stabs, choking, and being shot were all fair game. He'd approach with the others, try to finish things so they could get the others down. Though, a certain piece of brutality he wasn't expecting came up that changed his plans.

Bella's tail digging into Larry spouted blood as the lights flickered, Mirage finding his face covered in splatter. Considering he experienced more than his fair share of close-combat situations, this wasn't anything new. But there was an odd feeling lurking in his mind, and causing a tremble straight from his gut. His hand slowly raised up to wipe a finger across his own face, observing the blood with wide and dilated eyes. His tongue slightly slipped out from between his lips, swiping to the left and catching a hint of Larry's blood into his mouth. It wasn't the same copper taste of blood, it was oddly more enjoyable. Tempting, even. Though Larry, despite his durability, seemed nothing more than human.

His eyes darted between Bella and the blood on his finger. The taste ran through his mind, as the temptation to follow after her rang out in his thoughts. But, the humanity in Mirage, as well as the horror he felt in regards to the knowledge he'd come across already, brought him to panic instead of act on these urges. He shook, as if a newfound addiction was being forced away, but tried to stand strong as the only person who could stop it was himself. And if he felt this way, something had to have changed. The food, perhaps? Regret filled his mind, he should've just trusted the others about not eating.

The only one who had the opportunity to stop Mirage at this point was himself.

Gripping the dart gun, he braced himself as he swung the pistol at his own head with full force, pain rattling through his skull upon contact. "Hell no!" His shouts became less cohesive upon each swing despite being weaker than the initial one, the boy literally beating himself backwards until he was against one of the legs of the table Larry used for his butchering duties. He slid down to a sitting position, feeling dazed from his own strikes, trying to center his thoughts. He wasn't going to go that far: Something like that was beyond human, and a line he'd try and kill himself over before partaking in. He had to organize, focus on something else. Anything else. He couldn't even bring himself to look back towards Larry to see how the others reacted, or explain. Maybe it was selfish, but he didn't feel like he had a choice. He had to pull away before he made a horrible mistake.

Slowly, he shifted away. Pushing himself up, he was stumbling but conscious. He looked up towards Sakura, and Rika. That was it, the distraction he needed to stay away from the ordeal. To keep that new developed urge from going further. It wasn't a good view of Mirage for the girls, considering he made no real attempt to wipe the blood from his face due to the previous shock. But he had a focus now, at least. Away from the human being he was quickly beginning to identify as just 'meat'.

But how the hell was he going to get them down? Scouting revealed no sinks on this floor, and he couldn't get liquid from the lower floor all the way up here. Shaking his aching head, he needed to find something and fast. "Don't worry--" Yeah, with the stuff going on with the fat guy, like that'd do a lot of good? "I-I'll find a way to get that fire put out!"

Keeping faced away from the gruesome display, Mirage darted off towards the explosion's source. Whoever caused it, he figured it had to be one of them, right? The door was the locked one, and apparently it was also barricaded if the site of the explosion was any indication. Any chance to avoid that terrifying hunger was ideal, and considering some of the others had partaken in food... Maybe setting another objective was a good idea, until after Larry was a Spirit. The horrific scene going on behind Mirage as his bloody-faced self ran up to try and make progress on their rescue wasn't pleasant, but he seemed more relieved to be away from the scene than bothered by the mess he currently was. "Oh man! Do you guys have perfect timing." He sighed, unsure who's idea it was for the explosive, but considering Kamek's usual caution he was ruled out pretty fast. Speaking of fast, Mirage decided to throw down a quick explanation of what exactly the hell was going on.

"Everyone's alive, but there's a fire beneath the girls. We'll need to put that out before we can get them down, the chef up here is..." Mirage didn't look back, but his expression did display some discomfort. "Being taken care of. So no worries, there."

To get back on track, he'd have to ask: "You guys see a sink or anything on your end? If we can douse that fire the rescue is done at least, the only water source on this side is downstairs." Hopefully they didn't end up in a dead-end scenario from lack of water, which would be absurdly painful considering they were both on a boat, and just got done dealing with a flooded area prior. "Which currently sounds like a warzone. I'm guessing the others decided to make some noise down there."

When things were less of a panic, perhaps telling Kamek about the assumed side-effects of the food would be a good idea. But knowing Bowser and Junior had chowed down, getting them on the water effort seemed safer than them maybe falling into the interests of the Maw's live meat.


Through hardship, Mirage was satisfied with being off the sausage chain and instead onto solid ground. Taking a peek to see the situation, the butcher seemed busy enough for him to scamper up. He was smart for going for such an odd choice, he thought. Nobody expected the worst routes to be the ones traveled, especially when at a larger size, they seemed physically impossible. He'd have to be called the Sau-sage based on that move.

Pausing for the briefest of moments, he scratched that off the board. Thank goodness he didn't say it out loud, or that'd be embarrassing. This moment of relief was quickly broken, as all hell seemed to break loose in quick succession. First thing was first, Mirage scrambled for the nearest space he could crawl under to avoid Larry's detection. The smell was putrid, but he was at least somewhat prepared from the nasty sausages. What he wasn't prepared for, was hearing Sakura and Rika. Eyes widening, he caught view of the girls dangling above a flame, smoke brushing up to them which would cause obvious health concerns. But, why they were crying was what got Mirage more worried. Bella, compared to the other two, was completely unmoving. "Over there." He pointed for Geralt, quickly trying to disarm the anger he knew the guy was going to start busting out from how he was acting earlier. 'Whoresons this' and 'Whoresons that'.

"The smoke inhalation probably has her unconscious," He noted to at least keep him from thinking Bella was dead. "remember how that jackass taunted us when he took the girls? He said he'd take time with fresh meat, right?" He eyed Larry, before adding: "With the others throwing a fit, he might panic that his 'game' is deceased. Might let her go and bring her to his work station."

Slowly, he began to navigate around the area, keeping opposite of the girls while routing towards Larry's own position. "If he does... When he sets her down, we have to make a move." Mirage insisted. "You take that nail, stab it into one of his ankles. I'll..." He didn't have any weapons. So, uh... "Guess I'll bite the other. I've been bitten by a kid before-- Stuff hurts. Especially from pearly whites like mine!" They couldn't spring up into that fire to free Bella, but if she was brought to the table, they could definitely buy her time with violence.

As he planned to lash out against Larry, things got loud downstairs. More yelling, not the arguing chefs kind. And... An explosion, too close sounding for comfort. Worse than any grenade he'd ever heard, Christ. What the hell were the others up to right now? He had to think of an alternative, if Larry ended up running downstairs. They couldn't just leave the girls up there until he came back. He eyed the area, wondering if there was a sink up here. If they hurried, they could probably grab a container laying around and start trying to put out the fire with water if the butcher went to investigate. Some teamwork along with darts for easier climbing shouldn't of made that too overly difficult.

"Sh-Sheesh-- Plan B, if he rushes off." Mirage spoke quick, trying to keep their options open. "If he rushes off to investigate that explosion, we find a water source up here and transfer some over to put that fire out. We'd have to put it out to get the girls anyhow, even if he takes one of them down."
Dakota Rhett

November 29th? - Entertainment Hall

Dakota looked back at Vincent for a moment, pupils dilating from the idea of being chased by a giant bird. "You think?" He muttered, another gust of rage-filled wind nearly toppling him over. That being said, this was all his idea anyways. And he chose to come here... So it was only right to be the bait, yeah? As fucked up as it sounded, he nodded along. "Yeah, I've got it. Just don't take too long!" He insisted, turning back to the creature in front of them.

Nick went off too, and for that moment, the creature took pride in the scrambling students. "You can't escape, you'll be stuck running in fear until I finally pin you down!" It remarked, a flap of it's wings blowing the curtains up for a moment in a violent gust. It barely got a look at the others, though, instead becoming distracted as a loud voice interrupted his taunting through the form of a still-functioning microphone.

"We're not done yet!" Dakota insisted, feeling a chill go down his spine as he caught the creature's attention. This thing knew a lot about him, and while he hated that, it could be useful here. Fortunately, or unfortunately, this bought Nick enough time to get back. To which Dakota nodded back to him, giving him a few cautious words away from the mic. "Let's try to not stay too close together, might swat us both." He quickly stepped closer to the end of the stage, deciding to play his part as bait first and foremost. The last thing he wanted was to see anyone hurt, after all. Especially considering their conditions already. What were the right words? What would piss it off in particular? He had to think quickly.

"You act like singing's the only quality I ever had," He commented, catching the creature's glare. "What happened to looking after bandmates? Other people? It's not selfishness, it's genuine!"

"Bullshit!" The creature's voice echoed, talon swiping across the outer area of the stage, possibly needing Nick to back away, but Dakota himself had to panic and roll off to dodge, a few of his dyed hairs getting cut from the narrow escape. They fell in front of his face at the front of the stage, bringing concern, but he couldn't hesitate now or he was definitely dead. "We're genuine, alright! Genuinely angry, with those bandmates, and the world! When we turned down Micki, do you think that was kindness? We're spiteful and wanted him to just get lost, or suffer." This brought Dakota pause, but as the shadow of a looming talon brought him back to reality, he quickly began scrambling down the straight path in front of the stage. as it crashed down, swiping down the narrow alley after him. "Why would they need OUR help? We're the ones that got fucked over! That was the first time we let our true self out in a long time...! That moment was what gave me the chance to sift through the cracks and bring us to this point! Where the facade will die, and we'll live as we truly should!"

Dakota's attempt to flee was met with a slash across his back, causing him to cry out and trip, shoulder smacking against the stage before he crashed down to the floor. Thankfully it was clear this creature's size was a hinderance, has it had struck him at the last possible moment, and now had to shift itself on stage to get a grab at him again. It laughed, confident it could just pluck him up and finish him off. Though, his voice brought momentary pause to the beast.

"I'm fine!" He'd call to inform the others, though his voice was shaky. A form of bravado, perhaps. He was trembling as he pulled himself up, scrambling farther along to make the creature turn further. Giving Vincent time for his plan, at whatever cost was necessary. "Yeah, I didn't help him when he asked..." Dakota admitted through his pain, unsure if the tears welling in his eyes were from the pain or the fact this thing made sense in a sick way. "I can't help everyone. I have to look after myself, too! I'm not entirely selfless." He genuinely couldn't do it, but, if it spited someone who he felt betrayed him...? Was that a justification for not being able to? Such frustration had brought him momentary relief, and that made him angry. Thinking he might have something in common with this beast after all.

A change of pace happened in the form of the turning creature stretching it's head out, attempting to tear at Dakota's flesh with it's large and threatening beak. He barely skimmed out of the way, but heard the voice of the creature behind him. "That's right! We're not selfless at all. We're not heroes, we're just filled with spite! Accept this, and die already! And then your true self can be unleashed!"

Dakota stopped in his tracks. His head turned to glare back at the eagle-head of the monster who took his name, gritting his teeth with one clear emotion: Anger, just what the thing wanted. Gripping the mic stand in his hands, he lifted it as he turned, feeling pent up stress from this whole ordeal peaking. "How's this for spite?!" His words rang out as he thrusted the makeshift weapon forward with both hands, stabbing the beast in the eye. An ear-piercing screech filled the entire room as it recoiled, stomping the stage as a black substance poured from it's eye socket onto the stage, wriggling but seemingly doing nothing else of note. During this, something was more obviously revealed: There was a marking of some sort, on the lower stomach area of the beast. It almost looked like a comically obvious weakspot, but after it's rant about physical issues beforehand, it might've made a bit of sense to Nick that it was there. It practically oozed with the same substance that leaked from it's now empty eye-socket, the mush of it's eye falling into that shadowy muck, bubbling alongside it.

"You..." The anger in it's voice filled the room, it's front talons stomping as it was now fully dedicated to stamping Dakota into nothing but paste. "I'll tear you apart!" Each crash was destructive, crashing the stage and bringing holes and craters to the surrounding area, shaking the area up. The very foundation of the stage was becoming damaged, and the lights above shook violently. If Vincent was to make a move, now seemed as good a time as any.

Dakota, figuring he'd have to run into the seats now to keep away, quickly found it was no longer an option. A large wing swept in front of the stairs, sweeping him back and nearly slamming him into the stage again. Thankfully, by gripping the creature's wing, he managed to pull himself up enough to roll onto the stage, even if it did cost him his microphone. This left Dakota with little room to run, but he made use of what he could: Scrambling backwards to avoid the large talons of the beast, it's cries of violence making it clear it's full attention stood on him. Where it had toyed with it's food before, now being injured it realized that Dakota's swift death was necessary to ensure things went as planned. This meant that as a distraction, Dakota was actually doing pretty damn good! The beast was fully turned in the opposite direction, too. Meaning the others were, at least Dakota hoped, safe.

Without help, however, his little cat and mouse game would come to an end very soon, as his amount of space to avoid the approaching violent stomps was quickly dwindling.



Right now I have a pretty busy log of stuff to get through. Finishing Yakuza 5, then playing 6, then Like A Dragon will take up a bit more time. Then I still want to do a run of Terraria on 1.4 as well, and before all of that is even done, SMT V will be released. And by the time I'm done with THAT, Elden Ring will be out.

So it will be a long, long while before I get around to it lmfao
I never ended up finishing Hacker's Memory, I had a decent time with the first game though. Just ended up a bit tiresome after awhile.

Now if only Digimon Survive would get an actual release date rather than remaining in development hell. That'd be nice!
There we are, done at last~ I'm pretty excited to have these two start interacting with the others~

Intellectual is just a fancy word for N E R D.

I do love Abigail and Hideaki though, I think this is gonna be a fun little group. Maybe we'll even round up a few more for the trip. Still have one sheet coming at least

Another update: Just working on writing samples now. Should be done tonight once I have the time to finish up.
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