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As Louis dragged her back and Damien's laughter rang in her ears, Shay knew she wa screwed. He threw her up against a tree then held her wrists with one hand. She tried to move, but the immobilization was strong. She stared at him as he snarled, "You have some nerve don't you?" For the first time that night, she wisely didn't reply. Leaves and branches fell around them form the sheer force.

Unexpectedly, he began wailing on her. Shay inhaled from shock and pain as her vision turned white. Her face started to throb and an audible crack told her that her nose had broke. She started to cough up blood and felt it gushing down her chin onto her neck and chest. She lost track of time or how many times he'd punched her: all she knew was she was unable to fight back. The pain was intense. She willed herself not to cry and give him that satisfaction. Nonetheless, she couldn't breathe, so tears of pain and helplessness unfortunately overwhelmed her. Shay's vision blurred form tears of pain. She tried to breathe but her body was in shock.

The onslaught of punches came to a screeching halt. Shay leaned against the tree, immobilized, staring in shock. What had happened? She coughed up more blood onto herself and the ground. She blinked and found she could move. Shay immediately wiped her face off with her arms. Both of her eyes were swollen; the right one was nearly completely shut. Shay squinted at the scene. There was a wolf on top of Louis and then a girl speaking to her. It looked like Lucy. Shay had no idea and cried out blindly in pain. "Don't touch me!" She yelled immediately but it was muffled and garbled. Who the hell was grabbing her? Was it the Guardians? She couldn't tell.

She was pulled along by whoever it was. "Sorry I gotta get you out of here!" Shay moaned and didn't respond. She held onto whoever it was and coughed up blood. "Who are you?" she tried to ask, but it was muffled once more. She squinted again and discovered it was Lucy. She gripped her hand tightly and obeyed her commands.

As Louis knelt down in front of her, Shay felt a chill run up her spine. She swallowed and stared up at him. His words next scared her:"You don't wanna try me, Shay." he said darkly, "You see it's not just you I can hurt." He crouched down and touched her cheek with a crazed grin. She glanced at his hand then his gaze. She averted it quickly. "I know the dorm room numbers of all your friends. I know little Rosaline Gale is your room mate and best friend. I know Alexander is your boyfriend and you're quite good friends with Jason and Harry is a childhood friends of yours. Alcina is another close friend who helps you with your schoolwork. Ariana her sister... Garrett your adoptive father. I know you get in a lot of trouble at school often and you like to wear plaid. I know more about you, your life and everyone you care about than you think Shay. Consider everyone you love doomed-"

Thank God he broke off, because Shay's anxiety had risen. What the hell? This was beyond her imagination. She was thankful for someone else speaking, because she had to process everything. Wheat were the guardians going to do? she had to see them - if she ever got the hell out of this shithole. The scene flashed before her; the red-haired was yelling at a woman then passed out, and the one who was threatening someone else. She tried taking in everything, but her body was shaking too much. She wondered what he fuck she'd do now. This wasn't just a random creeper: he was prepared and knowledgeable. Toby... She had to get a sign to Toby, or Aidan...

She swallowed and looked up when she heard her name. Her focus was disrupted, but she earnestly continued trying to create a lightning bolt. "You know Shay, I was really worried that these would take too long to dry but here you are coming in clutch." She glanced up and managed a laugh. She briefly could see her and felt stunned when she made eye contact. She looked so familiar: almost like Alex and Emma... But he didn't have an older sister, right? Or maybe he didn't know, or tell her...

"Feel free to hit me up any time for nail drying," She sounded strained but managed a smirk out of force. She wouldn't let him get ot her. The Guardians would protect them, wouldn't they?

The blonde's comment only made the man irate: "I'm going to rip off those fucking whore nails-"

Before he could do anything, a voice stopped him: "Silence." The voice boomed over everyone else and she craned her neck to look over. Unfortunately she couldn't see, so she waited for more information. Her heart was hammering. The man came into her eye view and she sucked in a deep breath.

"Oh," she whispered, staring up at Damien Graves. She stared, awestruck. But he was supposed to be dead, right? So were the superior. Clearly everything she knew was a lie. How much else were the guardians lying about? Her mind was reeling. The night didn't seem real. She was high still, right? The pain in her sides, her stomach and legs, told her this was real. She was silent now and listening.

Damien argued with the man (now known as Louis to her) over her. When he commented on her "little breeze", Shay felt a surge of fury. Shay knew she could do a lot more than just a breeze. If anyone were wise to weather manipulation, she could create catastrophic disasters. Shay growled at him menacingly under her breathe but remained silent otherwise.

Now, she watched as he turned to look down at her now condescendingly. He knelt in front of her and she stared back into the Devil's eyes. "You are your father's daughter. Stubborn and fearless with eyes as grey as the clouds you control. Unfortunately that will be the downfall of you both." He roughly let go and she snarled at him viciously. Her eyes had widened at the mention of her father. Her dad. Her dad!? He knew her dad!? But he had died, hadn't he - along with her mother? Shay jerked, trying to move so she could keep her gaze on him as he stood up. She had to know what he knew. It was short lived, though, as a result of what he said next: "Put her back before I kill her." Shay felt her fear accelerate. Now, her life was on the line, and it relied on the crazy superior Louis. The odds were not in ehr favor.

"Fine." Louis said lamely. She glanced up at him now, distracted and "Stop using your power Shay and I'll take you back to the school." She swallowed, tensing. Now she either became defenseless, or continued fighting. She swallowed and took a chance he'd return her. With a deep breath, she focused on stopping the storm. Toby, Scarlett, Lucy, Dalton, Aidan, Jessie - the other guardians... They had to find her. Shay knew she couldn't trust Louis to return her like he said; he didn't look committed to it. The tone of his voice was telling enough.

As she quit the storm, she managed to create a discreet bolt of lightning strike near the guardian's wing. Someone had to have seen it. There weren't many people in the school with the ability to control the weather or lightning. She focused and shut her eyes. The wind picked up only near the guardian's wing. She spoke, hoping Dalton's enhanced senses, would hear it. She was dry mouthed, shaking, pale and wide-eyed. She felt as if she would have a panic attack any moment now.

"I won't use them." Shay replied and coughed again loudly. A guardian with superior senses just had to fucking hear it. She was betting on them. "I guess the superior are alive and kicking, huh, Damien? You don't look a day over twenty. Good for you."


Leslie watched from the back of the superior gathering, eyes narrowed. The tiny girl had been about to intervene when Louis had come towards her sister. Thankfully, Damien came to interrupt instead. She skipped to Skylar's side and hugged her waist. "Sky, are you okay?" She stared up at her with concern. She frowned at Shay and moved behind Skylar with anxiety. She was shaking at the thought of Sky being hurt. She watched the black haired girl look her in the eye then away. She swallowed and hid behind Skylar.






One hour later

When Marcy woke up, she found herself staring at a white marble ceiling. She glanced around in confusion. This place was unrecognizable. Where was she? Her senses rapidly came at her. There was a routine beeping to her right. After she moved her hand, she discovered there was an IV in it. Memories of the crash briefly filled her mind, but it was fast for her to clearly recall the details. The pain blinded her and she gritted her teeth from it. It felt as if her whole body had been trampled on. Everything hurt. Her mind began racing. Hunter.. Was he okay? She had to find out. She tried to yell his name but was met with silence. Panic rose inside of her, causing the rhythmic beeping to escalate. She spoke again, but gibberish came out. She raised her hand and batted at the wires angrily. She had to find Hunter. what if he was seriously injured, or worse, dead? Where was her family? Marcy' eyes filled with tears.

Marcy imagined Jason and James, terrified out of their minds; Jessie crying, the others grief-stricken and panicking. Why couldn't she get up? She glanced at her body and found it wouldn't move an inch. Her breathing hitched and the beeping accelerated. "Oh shut up," she manged to whisper. Running footsteps alarmed her and she quickly shut her eyes. Voices filled the room.

"She's definitely awake," a doctor informed the others as he checked on her. "And completely fine." He scratched his head, perplexed. Marcy squinted up, barely opening her eyelids. He had scruffy black hair and dark green eyes.

"She's lucky, incredibly lucky," a nurse agreed as she came over to check her blood pressure. "Either she's passed out or playing opossum." She smirked down to Marcy who had shut her eyes quickly before they noticed. The beeping was beginning to deescalate now. Thank God. She wanted them to go away but she needed to find out about Hunter.

She finally looked up at the crowd.


As Derek led Angel to class, he couldn't contain his excitement. His best friend was back. He was so pumped. He couldn't wait to show her around, hangout with her, be her friend... He glanced sideways at her and smiled. "I'm so happy you're back. We should catch up after school. Are you free?" He went red after babbling and ducked his head bashfully. "Sorry, I don't mean to overwhelm you. I'm just glad to see you again. If you don't want to catch up then we can just hangout or I can show you around town..." He went red in the face and managed to stare at her one briefly then move into class. "Ah, home sweet home - for the next 50 minutes." He snickered and led her to the back. "I figured you'd like less attention, and that's in the back."


As the bell rang to leave, Holly grunted as she stood up. She was quickly shoved down by a group of cackling witches. She hit the chair and glared at them. Heat shot to her face and she clenched her fists. They knew how much muscle she had, and that if she wanted to, she could kick their asses. She scowled at them instead and they ran off, laughing. She shrugged her arms and pulled her backpack over her shoulder. Holly ducked her head. This was so insanely ridiculous. It wasn't as if she were a bomb. Holly sighed heavily. At least she had the hunters. Her heart swelled with warmth as she thought of them. Will, Phoenix, Violet, and Niko; they were everything to her. She saw Phoenix and Will as parents, though he fit the brother category as well.

Holly maneuvered through the throng of people when she heard a faint scream. She froze and looked up. As she gazed around, Holly found that nobody else was reacting to it. It happened again. Holly doubled backwards to find the source of it. Her heart was to leap out of her chest. The scream was filled with terror and fear. The agony in it made her eyes tear up. There was definitely a vampire around; but they never came to the school at this time... Holly began to pus her way through the crowd as the voice begged for help. People bashed into her and shoved her around but Holly persevered. She forced her way through and ran towards the side doors leading to the track, baseball diamond, and bleachers. The scream was closer now. Holly narrowed her gaze and began to sprint. There was cruel, menacing laughter following the screams. It was a vampire but why?

Noise form the school overwhelmed her and she covered her ears. She paused as voices from everywhere strung themselves together. Laughter, screams, giggles, flirtatious comments; Holly began to tremble. Why was everything so loud? The menacing laughter grew louder. She turned and looked around, wide-eyed. She turned and ran towards the bleachers and reached into her backpack for a stake. There was a shadow and then another one looming over it. She ran at them and saw curly blonde hair splayed around the victim. Holly ran over and felt rage rush inside of her. The cold sweat drenched her and froze her temporarily. That was Madison Moore, a sweet and innocent girl in her grade. She was always so nice to everyone, including her. Holly tossed her backpack aside for speed and felt an inhumane control fill her like a dam breaking.

Holly ducked easily into the bleachers and ripped the vampire off of her. The man roared out in fury, face full of blood, and whirled to face her. "Hey you piece of shit; fuck of and leave her alone." Holly pulled her fist back and punched him in the face. Disoriented, the man fell backward. She didn't hesitate and continued her assault, throwing punches, kicks, and then eventually throwing him into the back of the bleachers. Madison was barely conscious, but she was watching with terror, shock and pain. "You sick bastard!" Holly yelled and cried out as she was kicked in the stomach. He roared out at her and knocked her down. She quickly kept her hand on her stake and aimed it up at him as he loomed over her.

"Pathetic little hunter," He sneered at her and spat in her face. Holly groaned and wiped her face off fast, "you won't win. None of you idiot humans will. All of you are going to die or serve us. We'll be back." He disappeared with lightning speed and left her with Madison. She turned to her and watched her pass out. Tears filled her eyes now and she dropped beside her. She pulled her hoodie out and began trying to bandage her neck temporarily. She sobbed and whispered, "Stay with me, Maddie, please!" She took her phone out after with bloody hands and called Violet. "Get to the bleachers. Now." She hung up, set her phone away, and then held Madison. She sobbed and buried her head. This couldn't be happening to poor Madison.

As Shay laid there, staring up at the psychopath, astonishment washed over her. How could he just sit there and laugh? Clearly he was crazier than she had imagined. The knife piercing her caused her to cry out. Tears of pain filled her eyes which blinded her from seeing which other psychopath joined. Whoever it was kicked her hard in the stomach. She grunted in pain and managed to blink hard enough to clear her vision. She stared at the red-haired boy and briefly recalled him from earlier before school. Who the hell was Riley hanging out with? This wasn't like him. These people were not people he'd ordinarily hangout with either...

She washed it out of her mind and glared at them. They were laughing. Her arm and stomach were killing her and pain flooded through her. She managed to swallow hard and spit at them. "Tough guys aren't you, torturing an immobilized girl? What a bunch of cowards you are." Shay rolled her eyes and bit her lip hard to avoid crying out more. She was still half blind from pain but was overpowered with anger and disgust. Her chest was tight and her body quivered from pain and fear - yet she wasn't backing down. This definitely had to be the superior. Surely the guardians knew, right? She had so many questions.

"If I'm so annoying, why are you still bothering me? You want to teach me to be afraid of you, huh? All I have to do is look at your ugly face and a piece of me dies inside. I bet your mother abandoned you the moment you came out of the womb." This was pushing it more than she had wanted but she hoped to distract them. Above them, the sky started turning black. Clouds were swirling together and slowly thickening. A thunderstorm was starting to brew despite the clear forecast predicted for tonight.

Leaves, sticks, and other woodland debris was starting to rustle, but only a bit. She could feel the shift in her body. The weather and her were unified. If she focused hard enough, there would be damaging winds, rain, and lightning. Still, creating what she had imagined was harder to perfect without her hands. The amount of concentration needed was rough and she was already in pain. She gritted her teeth and tried to focus as best she could.

It didn't help that she was surrounded by these crazy shits and God only knew their powers. She had to be fast and unpredictable. Hopefully, the guardians would notice her storm, she thought bitterly. She prayed to God Aidan and or Toby would find her too. How the hell would she get out of here? She had never felt so afraid and bewildered in her life. Her heart was going to burst out of her chest.


Rose's bloody hand on his face caused James to shudder. This was not right. It couldn't be his girl, right? He was just imagining this... As he stared down, though, he saw her and the blood. He swallowed hard as his panic mounted. James set her down carefully, keeping their bodies barely inches apart. He lifted his shirt over his face briefly and wiped her blood off of him. Thank God he had Jason. He glanced at him as he teased her but didn't laugh. He pulled the shirt down finally and sniffled hard. He had to be strong for her, no matter how sick he felt.

In the back of his mind he knew he'd probably have a tougher time being here for her after tonight. He had to be strong... He had to... James felt a cold sweat overwhelm him and began to wipe his face off with his arms. He was turning slightly blue in the face and coughed hard. He bit his tongue not to cry out or show anymore distress. He was going to kill Moe. Absolutely rip him to shreds. He was going to die - painfully.

Rose passing out only scared him further. Quickly though, the guardians and a few superior hunters came at that time. He watched Scarlett arrive with a dark and sullen expression. He wondered what she had seen in her visions. If only he could read her mind.... "She'll be okay," she told James as they loaded her onto a stretcher, as if hearing him, "just make sure to stay by her at all times now." He sniffled and nodded. He knew he would if Mortimer was attacking her and hurting her especially. This arse was never going to lay a hand on his babygirl ever again. He would make sure of it.
TIME SKIP - 30 minutes later. ER waiting room


At the hospital, James paced like a caged tiger in the waiting room. Marcy and Hunter were being treated in the back. He didn't know what to do if he lost his sister. His family and friends meant everything to him. He glanced at Jason for help and hugged him tight. "Please don't leave me, Jace," He sniffled and watched doctors rush down the hallway to the ER surgery area. He swallowed a lump in his throat and sat down. He prayed to God that his sister and best friend were safe. He needed them both to be okay. His heart had never pounded so hard. Their parents had been contacted and informed. They were more than an hour away though so it would be a while before they arrived.

He watched as Shay came in with McDonald's, coffees, and a few other bags. She looked haggered, but James understood. Her hair was windswept and she was pale. Her silver eyes had lost their usual sparkle. She sat beside the two of them and set the coffees and bags down. "I got us all a little bit of comfort food." She explained and nodded to the big bag, "And some gifts for Marcy and Hunter." She wrapped her arms around the twins and pulled them into a hug towards her. "I love you both. I'm here for you." Then, she let go, and folded her hands together and bit her lip hard.

What Jessie and Isabelle had said about deja vue was familiar. In Shay's case, it hadn't been cars but instead it had been a demolition with construction workers. Apparently, there had been a strong thunderstorm that day, but why? There had been no reports and nobody had a clue what she had meant. It went black before she could recall what happened after though. She had woken up in her house after it with a hazy memory. Now that she thought of it, the skies had been clear that day. She shook her head with a grunt and dismissed it from her mind. She had to focus on reality: the Salvatore's and Hunter needed her. She looked at the two of them and then down at her bag. She took a book out for James and the leaned into Jason. She took his hands and held them tightly.
Kate - September 9th - 12:50 am

Kate whirled around to face Xander. Her expression lit up and she ran over to him. She wrapped her arms around him tight and then let go. "No, this asshole Micah killed and then turned him on accident." She huffed and moved away to come back to Zane's side. "And he saved us from being slaughtered by all these crazy vampires outside but now he won't let us leave. " She rolled her eyes and bounced her leg. "I'm so pissed that I could rip his throat out." She sniffled and sat Zane down beside her on the bed and held him tight. "Come sit with us, Xan,"

Derek - September 9th 8:30am

"Yeah, it's me."

Derek beamed at Angel and ran over to hug her tight. He wrapped his arms around her torso tightly. "God, I missed you so much. Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you." He let go and moved away to give her space. It felt as if he were walking on the clouds. He had to grip a chair to keep himself steady since he was dizzy with elation. He quickly took his schedule out to compare it to her's with a delighted smile. "Do you mind if I see your schedule? I can help you find all your classes and everything. Oh my god, this is great. I'm so happy you're back, Angel."

He glanced up as the bell rang and cursed under his breath. He shook his head to forget it and leaned against the pillar behind him to look at her. His friends bid him goodbye and went off to class to give them privacy. "Screw that. My priority is you, now." He of course cared for Charlotte, but he trusted Jesse with her. He knew Jesse would protect her. He was so happy his little sister had him as her boyfriend and best friend. The two of them were so cute. He always worried of course but he trusted Jesse.

When the maniac grabbed her throat and her hands separately, her eyes widened. The names he called her then his statement were frightening. She realized her mistakes too late now. He'd immobilized her. She fell against the wall, her wings smacking painfully against them. They were tucked uncomfortably against her back. She thought there may have been a crack, but she wasn't sure. She had no time to assess any damage because they were telported out.

Fear rushed through her and adrenaline; yet she could not move to act upon it. She looked over Louis' shoulder at their surroundings. They were in a forest with large indistinguishable buildings. Shay stared in awe. How had she never seen this place? It was massive! There were people everywhere, and especially around a campfire. She swallowed hard as a thought rushed through her mind: the superior? But they didn't exist.. Was this some off-brand psycho group of them? She was silent for five minutes, then managed to say to Louis, "Nice place you got here." She looked around as people turned to stare at them. "No worries, just a kidnapping. Commence your activities,"

She wondered about Alex and bit her lip, finally quieting down. This was insane. She had to tell Aidan but how the hell was she ever getting out of here in the first place? No wonder they could never go in the forest. There was this psycho kidnapping group here. She was hesitant to call them superior though without proof, but her gut told her otherwise.

James' throat swelled shut as he rushed to the room. At first he feared the worst, then saw it was Rose attacking. He stared, jaw agape. Rose was beating him? Oh God. He was so proud of her but it was short lived. Unfortunately, Mortimer's gaze fixated on him and managed to kick Rose off of him. James lurched forward when he did that and screamed in panic. He was too late. Mortimer had grabbed the gun and shot at Rose. His heart stopped and his pupils dilated. It was a scene out of one of his nightmares: Rose in danger. It rooted him to the spot and he thought he might have fainted inside.

James watched with horror as Rose was shot. He ran forward and watched Mortimer kick Rose in the stomach once more and sneered down at her, "You're mine, Rose," and teleported out. Jame's eyes teared up as he ran to Rose's side and scooped her up into his arms. He started sobbing and shook her gently "Rose, can you hear me? My love? My girl?" He started texing Toby, Aidan, Jessamine; anyone, to come save her. He held her close and sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! You're gonna be okay, I promise. I'm here now, babygirl, he'll never touch you again." He rocked back and forth as he held her and clutched her tightly.
IP - ARIANA & superior


The reaction from Rose drew loud booming laughter from him. He could barely stand upright. The laughter emanating from him was high-pitched and wavered on the edges of sanity. He had to grip a dresser to stay standing. After he wiped tears from his eyes, his gaze locked back on her. He held the gun tightly and straightened up. "Alright, cinnamon," he came up to her and shoved the gun into her body, "You use your power and not only will I kill you in the worst way possible, I will make sure to murder everyone you've ever known or loved. Do you understand me? So be a good girl."

He smiled and shoved her onto the bed and then moved over her. The gun was still aiming at her in his hand. "Are you going to be good, or do I have to go outside and kill everyone?" He smiled down at her and touched her cheek with his free hand. "Your skin is the softest thing ever. I can't wait to be with you soon, little Rosaline."

He traced her face with the gun and then set it out of her reach. He was not letting the opportunity get away from him. He knew he had to be quick, though, because James could come out of his traumatic flashback soon.


When he opened his eyes, James found himself in an empty room. He stared with panic; then relaxed seeing Jason. "What.. What just happened?" He gulped in air and stared for Rose. "Rose, where is she? Rose?" He tried to get up but his knees unbuckled. Was she mad? Did she hate him? He felt tears sticking to his face and wiped them. He felt as if he had been hit by a truck and left out to die. If he had lost her over this, he'd never forgive himself. "Where is she? I hope she didn't get mad and leave me. I have to apologize." He sniffled and stared at his twin with desperation. "Please tell me she doesn't hate me."

James' gut, which was already a wreck, tightened into a knot. He got up frantically and left the room to go find her. Something may have happened to her. It would be his fault. Thing usually were. His mind reeled when the familiar maniac laughter of Mortimer filled the air. How nobody heard would have been a mystery if he had not been in the superior. At the ripe age of 16, James thought he was having a heart attack. Rose was mysteriously gone, and now Moe was laughing? It added up. He began to yell at the other students to find where Rose had gone but nobody seemed to know. They just stared at him like he was some sort of freak. He certainty felt like one.

He frantically began tracking their phones. After using tehcnopathy and locating them, he started sprinting madly to the room. He wanted to die. This was not happening to her!


"Why are you so obsessed with me?" The words left Shay's mouth before she could stop herself. She may have been high, but alarms bells were sounding in her head. This was the man from earlier who had pissed Alex off. She stared with wide-eyes into his and gulped. The situation was real. No matter how many times she blinked, it did not change. This was a nightmare, or something out of a movie. It wasn't happening; but the scene before her did not change. Her heart was going to jump out of her chest.

Alex. He'd threatened Alex. Her eyes widened to the size of the moon, and her skin began prickling. He wasn't just a creep, but a psychopath. He seemed to be the kind of guy who believed it was him or death. Shay grimaced at him kissing her neck and his sentence. She wanted to jerk away, but the threat to Alex caused her to remain motionless. "What fucking hole did you crawl out of?" She averted his gaze and tensed up. Did no-one see? She couldn't help but wonder if Alex would be mad at her. How could he? She wasn't fighting back, but on the account it didn't harm his life. She felt conflicted.

"What the hell is your name and are you even a minor?" Her voice was low so it didn't cause attention, because she felt too afraid of something horrible happening to Alex. Was that why he left? She squirmed uncomfortably. It was minor, so she didn't piss him off."You know I couldn't care less; just so I can kick your ass later, you punkass bitch." She had to distract him but how? There was no way she was cheating.

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