Avatar of PrincessVampora


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Also @Blaze Gama, Hope you feel better Soon
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1 yr ago
I still have pain when swolleing but its gotten better. i can manage the symptoms with cold melon fruits, or hot Raman and lots of Advil/Tylenol but godsdamn the mucus its f-ing ridicules
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1 yr ago
Thanks for the well wishes, And im in a corse of antibiotics. Doc said that if i dont feel better in 5 day to go into the ER to get IV antibitoices, and if they dont work i have to get them removed...
1 yr ago
I have tonsilitis for the first time in my life-and it sucks! (already getting Antibiotics for it, so im on the mend but i hate my very limited diet)
4 yrs ago
Me: REALLY GUYS? CAN WE JUST ENJOY THIS? Slut me: Heckyls Hot, You should REALLY Revise your OC you made long ago. Me: *Sighs* Fine, Ill do all, Ive been working in my OC anyways.....


I'm a 27 year old mom and yes i am engaged who has multiple interests, like Rping witch i used to do a lot in high school, i love working with Resin even though i have only done it a few times (i need to get more supplies but we are dirt poor lolz), i love reading and writing you can find me on Wattpad under the same name and profile pic, i love fantasy of all kinds. i love anime and you can find me under Rangiku on FanArt Central (dont use but will check now and then), Princess-Vampora Is my DA account (Art only no RP) and I have an insta I use for art but thats my main one and i tend not to give that out. You can also find me on Discord PrincessVampora#2488, Its where i RP the most. All that i ask is that you Tell me your from RPG when you send a friend RQ.

I tend to prefer playing female Characters The most, though if I feel like it or am asked nicely to ill play male characters. My writing style has changed from Free to low Casual to More advanced and long To be honest. I adore long detailed posts the most. I give what you give me, for the most part. I love Fantasy, Romance, and fiction. I tend to stay away from Horror, Post Apocalyptic....(Though if it starts out normally Ill give it a shot.).

I give no fucks about grammar for the most part, Unless its hard for my brain to process, ill playfully tease and ask you to correct it, as i have a hard time spelling.

BIG warning.

YOU MUST BE 18+ As i love Smut.....^^

Most Recent Posts

Rose followed them. She frowned when she saw the hooded figure
Rose nods and quickly gets behind Az
Rose sighs as she had been stopped from leaving. She winced as she looked at Henri. She sighed as she spoke to the guards in there native tounge. She explaines shes just a servant and not a whore....
@Jasper19 yep....i mean hes the one that kidnapped arty....his girlfriend....or EX (is it bad i still ship him and arty and adam and arty?)
Rose stays on her horse looking down at the ground.
@Jasper19 lolz like i said im still bent out of shape that hes evil....we now call any character thats secretly evil.....pulling a charlie.....well thats what i call it....
@Jasper19 your still rubbing salt in the wound.
Rose looks down and sighs....snips of her memories flit throw her head

Rose just followed.
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