Avatar of Pudding
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    1. Pudding 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Im back again, for who knows how long. Its been a few years, Hello again.
7 yrs ago
Was stuck in a rut, so I had a break from the internet just for a bit. But I'm back now working my hardest.
8 yrs ago
Guess who made it into Uni? This basic bitch, that's who!


I'm 20, Tired and depressed, my family has been dying around me.

Most Recent Posts

* I feel like Kara got shoved to the side a little *
Nobody likes to really include the poor girl xD
So. are we all still alive? Did we guess the murderer? :o

With the idols on stage in their set positions, the concert was going underway without a hitch, not a problem to be seen in sight.

The MC clapped his hands together, as he sketched a large grin on his face, addressing the crowded he cheered into the mic.
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYA! WASN'T THAT AMAZING, WITH ALL THESE IDOLS ON STAGE, IT'S GUNNA BE ONE HELL OF A CONCERT! Spinning the mic in his hand he continued on. Well then, let's get this show on the road! Starting with our very anthem! 'Please! Cinderella' As the anthem began to play through the speakers, the female idols were forcibly transformed into princess outfits, fitted with glass slippers that fit perfectly and tiara for each princess respectively. The males were swapped into suave black suits. Each buttoned up, a pocket on the left with a silver stopwatch inside. The only exception, of course, being Law, instantly unbuttoning his top to expose his bare chest.

As the opening event went underway there was one unfortunate person who was missing out on the fun. A woman in her 20's, blonde hair and green eyes. The Swedish sensation herself, Terra Green. The poor thing must have gotten lost somehow and gotten out of the staff's eye. She was a member of team visual and wasn't anywhere near ready for the onstage show. An interne reached out to the idol.
I'm sorry miss green! But it's too late for you to join the show at the moment! You'll have to just look at the staff area and remain quite until it's over. Once they're done, everyone will be taken to the team rooms as pairs are taken off to perform the lives.

After the anthem song, the crowd cheered in awe. The beauty of such a spectacle was only one of the many great scenes lined up for today's concert. Wanting to get the next show underway without delay, the stage lights were turned off and the idols quickly made their exit backstage. The lights then flashed upon the stage again, showing a bare area with not a single person on it. Even the MC had disappeared. It was for a brief moment the crowd made noises in anticipation for the next event. Confetti began to fall upon the circular main stage in the centre of the concert arena. Confetti also began to fall on the stage where the Idols had just performed. Large sparkling cannons arose from the gaping length of the stage, a few cannons were position along the edge of each stage too. THey began to blast out more confetti.

Hello! Hello! How's ready for our first live?! The very first one will take place on a simple stage, 'Confetti Confusion'! The idols will need to duke it out in these eye straining conditions. Let's hope they remember to take a swing at their rivals and not a puff of confetti! Oh! Make sure you keep an eye out for those cannons! One good shot from them and you'll certainly go soaring!
</3 they never taught me.

I know a lot of things in regular gana form. Just no Kanji lel
I only know very basic things:
(The numbers)
今日 隣 火 水 見 高 分 止 左 右 光 女 男 大 川 明日 秋 夏 食 行 犬 買
今 金 土 生 生 日 月 何 口 体 音楽 母 父 田 好 曲 春 冬 道 小 出 物

Those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head @_@
Ohoh if you learn any cool kanji, send it my way too~!
*scolded by tobi*
uguuu Q_Q

So the group was all invited inside for a tour of the grand facility. This, of course, happened when the remaining group of stragglers showed up. One of them being a girl younger than Mirei. Her hair was clearly dyed, so she must be a trouble maker. To her dismay, the entrance to the place didn't have any wackdonalds to be seen. No burgers stacked as high as the ceiling at all, how despair inducing.
They were handed these flimsy things called 'passcards' they were basically backstage all access VIP E-passes that were the size of a visa card. Figuring she wouldn't have to use it if she was in a group, Mirei brought it out her purse, sliding the card in one of the free slots right next to her debit card.

The group hadn't even started their tour yet but Mirei was already C&TC vibes. She honestly wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of tiny people came out singing about their impending doom. But in this scenario, nobody would be falling into a chocolate river, the tiny people would probably also be dressed up as different Digimon.
Our First Stop Is The Programming Department
'Oh Boy!' thought Mirei, she so totally wanted to go there. She couldn't possibly imagine sneaking away to nap under a table or something. The only thing keeping her going was the hope that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. A paid meal. To the companys' credit, the room was fairly interesting, to somebody who was actually interested in coding and data. There were several workers taping away at keys that flashed upon a monitor with every key pressed. Mirei peered over the shoulder of a worker, resisting the ugre to spook them as she watched them furiously type away in some kind of language she'd never seen before. The one thing she knew about computers is that it uses 0's and 1's so what was this stuff?

Leaving the worker to his device she listened to the jolly man Kuroda talk about Digimon. This room is where they're 'born' Mireis' mind moved to her D-Scanner she left at home. The Digimon inside probably reset by now or something. It didn't particularly bother her, it had happened multiple times already, after all, it's just a toy.

The next stop on their tour was the art department. To Mirei it was the most interesting, she could look and gaze at the amazing designs of old and new Digimon. The colours of some attracted her like a mosquito to a bug zapper. She practically drooled over the dragon-esque Digimon, they looked so awe-inspiring and powerful. There was, of course, the one time only, Burgermon, which of course Mirei had several copies of when they released them with a promotion with Wackdonalds. Unfortunately they had to move along from there and went to where all the cards for the game are produced. It was more interesting than the coding room but not by much, everybody else seemed mildly interested.
The deaths were easier to guess than the walking dead lol
Realistically the first person to go would be good ol' blind bertha. Afterall she'd never see it coming.

Kara has many possible ending routes to go down

Despair End: Losing all hope, Kara falls endlessly into the loving embrace of despair, bringing despair wherever she goes. Despair to the past, despair to the present and despair to tomorrow.
Chiaki End: Is everyones hope and friend, dies cruely at the hand of bad luck

But I also think it'd be more, she gets filled with hope but is crushed with despair due to the deaths and executions of her friends. Possibly suicides el ogre style. Or maybe she finds herself madly in love with despair as an admierer of Junkos' work. Building hope up in herself only to transform it into a flame of burning despair.
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