Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
4 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts


Humanity is much as it’s always been. The only difference now is that their conflicts are more focused outside of Terra. Their heads faced to the stars, they are now blasting through the stars with the pointed ear Elves of fantasy and the almost supernatural Myrkith at their sides.

While the Elves focus on their magical prowess and the Myrkith focus on heavy firepower of physical armaments and explosions... Human’s goal has shifted from such supernatural and crude means to one more focused along the lines of energy tools. For both weapons and protections.

Lunalel Lightsword and Katherine Lindall

Luna giggled a bit. She doubted that her Wyrm would have taught much. Maybe how to be distracted, but that was besides the point. "Yes, yes. Good job." She said, patting Avaline's head. "I hate to ask, but, Sorcha." The Knightess said, as she turned to the dragon. "Can you take Avaline home for me? I have something planned and I need to go by myself." It looked as if it were a troublesome task she was about to go one, though she seemed adamant she went alone. "I shouldn't be more than an hour, maybe two."

Katherine held the fox in one arm and patted Meowka. "You're fine for tonight, Meowka. Just relax and do whatever you do. I will be giving my entire focus on the task at hand though, so I won't be able to communicate through the dolls." The Dollmaster said, giving a small sigh. "Here's a bit of money, so you can buy some food for later. I'm not sure how long this will take, but it's going to be rather... Interesting." She reached into a pocket and gave the cat more than enough coins for whatever she wanted for the night.

With Meowka handled for now, she turned to her apprentice. "Now, you just thought she had a ravenous hunger? Never wondered why though? Her soul is in quite the mess you know? It's like it's a rope that's all tangled up. A mess that was locked and cursed. You know, all those times she said she was a Shellagh Queen? She was. Like, a queen-queen. A ruler and all that." The woman giggled a little bit. "After we're done, all the things they did to her are going to flood back. It's necessary for her, but ultimately also a horrible experience." Holding the fox again with both hands, Katherine didn't sound upset at all. Oh well, let us go Apprentice."[/color]

Eith the Shellagh

"Yes, let us go." Eith said, following Miren. She wanted this to be done with. She'd probably be able to be more funny. Be more friendly. Perhaps she communicate better. That would be wonderful! Well, probably. This wouldn't change her personality too much, right? They said her soul was tied up, right? She followed behind Miren, trying to think but failing for the most part.

Kozue Komichi

"I'd rather not mess with the headmistress too much if I can help it." Kozue admitted, wondering about that woman a bit. "I feel something weird from her." The Shrine Maiden added, not liking that as much. "But a 'Phoenix' you say? I've never heard of such a thing. But it can heal anything? The tears, at least? I don't see how I'd manage to get one of those tears." How did one get tears outside of pain or sadness? The only thing she could plausibly do was inflict pain until she teared, but that would be horrible. She wasn't a thespian or anything of that sort, so she couldn't tell a sad story. "That doesn't seem a possible solution."
I know I'm late on saying this, and I apologize, but I'm not feeling this right now and it feels like that's all around. Apologies, but I believe I'm going to pull the plug on this.
Lunalel Lightsword and Katherine Lindall

"Oh yes, if you want your oversized Lamia, follow me." The teacher said beckoning the Dragon and Knightess with her head. The walked out of the classroom with Katherine yelling back, "Make sure you remember what was said today. We're talking about it and discuss what was exaggeration and what wasn't even if miss Dragon doesn't show up tomorrow." She teased. Once out of the class, she peaked back at Sorcha with a bit of mischief on her face.

Soon enough, they came to the room where Selvina was teacher Meowka and Avaline. "We've returned, my apprentice! I've brought your cute little fox too. Can I keep her?" She teased.

Luna walked into the room, but there was one thing she didn't expect. "Oh! Selvina. Are you... Miss Lindall's... Apprentice?" She looked a little surprised. "Learning directly from a teacher then?" She was slightly confused.

"Oh, mostly correct. She's doing a lot of it on her own. I figured trying to teach two id-- Two problem students, would be good for her." The teacher said, looking over to Selvina. "It looks like those two started working hard after a bit. Good job you two. Also, we have an 'operation' to prepare for, my apprentice. A hound you are all too familiar with is getting 'repaired'. Ever wonder why she was always so.... Off?"

Eith the Shellagh

"A Shellagh Queen is not either." Eith retorted. While she'd normally be up for such a challenge from a subordinate, now was not the time. "Though, perhaps you should hold on to that until after I get better from this thing." She said, resisting the urge to jump over the table and hugging Miren. She did love her bunny. She knew that much. Though it was hard to show it, wasn't it.

Doll in Livia's room

The doll made a small blushing motion, before writing something else out. "Well, take a small rest you old woman. Your spry and young friend will take care of the setting up of the ritual. It's a lot easier with an apprentice." Katherine continued to tease. She wouldn't have said that so much, if Livia hadn't really said anything about it. "I'll have the doll wake you up. Did you want to use it to hug as you rest?" It wrote. After which, it lift it's arms up if she wanted to.

Kozue Komichi

Kozue sighed. She took off her top which left her chest binding in sight. The priestess then complied with the doctor and laid on the table. "I'm a little sweaty. Sorry about that. I have to keep in shape and early mornings are the best time to do that around here." She said, sounding rather sincere. She was starting to wonder if Aetheria's healing was doing anything. It seemed she mostly seemed to deal with physical wounds.
Astrid Dokkalfar

"I won't consider this running in the face of a challenge Miss Maid, perhaps we can trade wits over tea sometime." The Elf said as her mental opponent went off to her duties. Such was the life of a maid. Much like her mother. It made Astrid feel a slight bit of pity for her, really. Though this woman seemed to have it better. "Yes, then. Miss Mugi was it? Would you kindly show me the way?" She asked.

"Huh?! Oh! Yes! F-follow me!" Mugi said, slightly distracted by giving her love a goodbye wave. "It's this way." Mugi added as she led the small elf to a room across from this "Fia". A neighbor it seemed. Perhaps she should introduce herself... Eventually. Hopefully, casually as she was walking but for now she entered the room. "Ummm, if you need anything cold or straightened up, I guess you can call me. I can't really do anything with heat, so I apologize for that." Mugi said with a bow.

"Oh, no, thank you for this much." Astrid said, waving the Yuki-Onna off. It was a decently sized room, as one would expect from a Villa of this such. It didn't have too much really, a bed and a bookcase. Luckily, it had a desk, but that was about it. Well, at least she could make just about anything she needed out of stone or something. For now though, "I wonder when they do dinner around here."

Lunalel Lightsword and Katherine Lindall

"A threat? Oh please, that's not a threat, just a fact. I keep an eye on all the interesting things around here. You, those two girls that came with you, my familiars, and the headmistress. It's kind of amazing how dolls can hide in plain sight." Katherine said, giggling. Of course, this little creature was adorable.

"Chivalry, huh?" Luna muttered to herself. "If she knew it, then maybe she should show it sometimes." She scoffed. Still, the dragon was fairly confidant regardless. There were likely embellishments but that probably didn't matter way too much.

Katherine seemed to light up slightly. "Hmm. Is your story finished then, Miss Dragon?" She asked, petting the fox a bit more. "If so, I believe we can call class quits for the day. If you remember our little expedition not long ago, we're helping that hound with her issue today." She stood up but picked up the fox to see if she'd go along for now.

Eith the Shellagh

Eith nodded happily. "Yes, it's delicious." The Shellagh said, wishing for more but knew it'd probably not be great to ask the bunny for more. They needed to leave soon after all. She did look at Khira though. "Yes, Khira, stop teasing her. I want to tease her when I get better so I want to make sure she's not tired of it by then." It probably would have been a good statement for the bunny, had the last part not been there. Still, the Shellagh seemed proud of herself for saying that.

Doll in Livia's room

"Those can be rather fun." The doll wrote out before just sitting down by the bedside for a minute before it wrote something else. "Did you need a message or anything? I've heard older people like those." The doll teased, though the offer was legitimate.

Kozue Komichi

Kozue had been out doing her everyday training routine since she got here, with the addition of a certain priest. They got along fairly well. There seemed to be a mutual hate for demons so that was nice. Still, she had to come "home" at some point. Aetheria seemed fairly insistent on that earlier. It was a bit later than the woman had told her, but she didn't care too much. "I've returned." She said, as she looked around the clinic for the woman.
Astrid Dokkalfar

"We shall be seeing each other around then, Miss Maid." Astrid said with a smirk. The maid had just given her an insult. "I'm sorry if you think I'm such a minor distraction. I was just wanting to get to know all those who were here." She said, almost completely convincingly innocent.

Mugi fell for it at least. She tried to see the best in everyone after all. "No need to be so cold, see? She's just being friendly." Mugi said looking to the small elf girl. She nodded to herself before switfly turning to Cynthia. "I can help you set up, dear!?" The Yuki-Onna exclaimed, as she noticed her leave the room.

Astrid giggled a bit. There was a bit of a relationship between these two? Well, this one seemed a foreigner as well so maybe she was misusing words... "If I'm a small distraction, I can only imagine you're a big distraction." The elf said whilst pointing at the large lumps on the Snow Woman's chest.

Mugi blushed. Did... This little girl just suggest something absurd yet... Not really absurd at all? She did, didn't she?

Lunalel Lightsword and Katherine Lindall

The doll fell backward but was otherwise fine. It stood up and shook it's "fist" at the fox before walking away as annoyed as it could look. Katherine didn't much like it, but she should have known better, really. "You should be more careful with other people's things you know? It'd be bad for someone who knows everything going on in campus to have an extra eye on you." She gave a veiled, yet not really meaningful threat. She sounded like she was joking as she scratched behind the fox's ear.

The whole class was otherwise enthralled with Sorcha's story of Vortigern and Arthur. A tale of heroism and injustice... Then the self insert of the dragons's made Luna laugh a bit. Of course Sorcha thought of herself as the hero of the tale. It wasn't big hearty one that would disrupt class but something slightly more than a giggle, being helf back by the Knightess' hand. She just muttered after her giggling. "Good old Sorcha."

Eith the Shellagh

Eith sat at where her bunny had set the food. Two hams... While not something to fill her capacity, hardly anything was. Luckily... Since she had that odd trance state a while back, her food consumption has lower drastically. Rather than the perpetual hunger she had felt before, it was mitigated greatly to the point of not worrying about being hungry every hour. IT was only every other hour now. A fifty percent reduction she had been told.

Doll in Livia's room

The doll in here had laid dormant for most of the day. Livia wasn't in here as much as one might expect, though it had plenty of up time. As Livia entered her room, the Doll came to life. It'd hate to bother the woman, but it found a piece of paper and a writing utensil. "Hi there, Livia deary. When are we helping that mutt out? I'm having a dragon teach the kids of her first hand experience with Arthur Pendragon. Thought that might be better than teaching them how the ancient greeks were the first to come up with the basic elements. -Your Favorite, Well, maybe not so much anymore?"
The room was quite a mess as the troup left. With Noru and Rex first, Fumi and his partners would be out last. If they bothered to look behind them all as they exited the room though, they'd notice that it quickly fixed itself. The tables that were broken were repaired and put back where they started. Perhaps it was an auto-repair feature, or perhaps more sinisterly, someone was watching them. Either way, they'd continue for a minute down the hall and see another room. With it, voices. Familiar ones even. "The big boyz' 'll teach them some manna's!"

"Ye'! Stupid hummies, comin' here 'n takin' wezez food!" Another one cackled. One could mistake them for a pack of Hyenas with the amount of stupid sounding laughter. This time though, they had a watchman and when he noticed Noru and Fumi's group, he panicked.

"Oi'! Hummies! Scatta'!" He ran into the room and they all noticeably joined in the small panic. Someone ran off to the side of the room and did something, opening a trap door in the center of the room that most of the Goblimon jumped into. If the party rushed in after, the hole closed before they could jump in. Down a hallway ahead was a what seemed to be a transportation pad from Eden. A way to get around certain zones. Some of the Goblimon ran into that. Should our forge on ahead? Or try to find the trap door?
Astrid Dokkalfar

"When one stays "human" as long as yourself, rest would be good after a long day and before an important event." The Elf said. "But yes, I will take you up on your offer if you don't mind putting me up somewhere. For now though, don't worry about me, go get your rest." Astrid added, looking off and finding a maid of the mansion. "I'll go bother your staff, if you don't mind." With a small curtsy, the small Elf ran off to a certain maid and her icy friend.

"She was a big cat. A nekomata I thought but I guess she was just a cat familiar. Either way, I took her to Miss Aetheria. She was nicer than she seemed though. She gave me this cake!" Mugi said, presenting her spoils of war to her ever unimpressed looking love. "But that's how my day has been." She said, proudly making her chest puff out.

"Oh my, that looks delicious." Astrid said as she approached the pair. "A teacher at this school made that?" She giggled a bit, feigning friendliness. "How precious. None of my teachers back home would ever do such a thing." She also forgot to mention that she backstabbed all of them when she could. "Ahhh, but where are my manners? My name is Astrid... Dokkalfar. The new apprentice to one Miss Livia Fiore. A pleasure." If Cynthia listened well enough, she might have even heard a small, "I'm sure." Under the Elf's breath.

Lunalel Lightsword and Katherine Lindall

"But I just want to pet your cute little head." Katherine teased as a doll made it's way over with a little feather duster and started to fluffle the fox's little tail. Katherine would hardly notice a shock as is, though she knew this fox was a trickster and might try something any time. Either way, she continued to pet the fox's head gently.

Meanwhile, Luna and the rest of the class listened to Sorcha. "Vortigern? The name is familiar. A King of Briton, though stories of long past I've yet to hear. I should assume that's to come next?" She asked.

Eith the Shellagh

Eith looked pouty at Khira as she got up and put her arms around Miren. "That is true, but she's my Miren. And my noises." The Shellagh said as she kept her arms around the bunny's neck, almost lovingly. "Ahh, but I should leave you to cooking. It's probably difficult to do so when you have my arms around your neck." She added, taking her arms off and taking a step back, though keeping her eyes on what the bunny was cooking. She was feeling especially hungry with what she was cooking.
The Ogremon's eyes went wide as his foot slid on the piece of meat for a couple of seconds before flopping to the ground. He was mostly unable to react aside some obligatory thrashes. Some cries of anguish came from the two Ogremon as they were practically tortured. But, alas, all good things come to an end... Well, good things for Rex at least. "Cowar--" One managed to stutter before he was cut and disappeared into nothingness.

Meanwhile, on Fumi's side of the field, Dinohyumon and Lekismon seemed to know how to work together, even a little bit. "Damn..." The Ogremon muttered as he was shot in the center of his body. Luckily for him, he took a couple of steps back so the next arrow missed by a hair's breadth. Unluckily for him, the half-dinosaur half-human digimon didn't miss quite so closely. It was more than enough to be considered a fatal blow and the green digimon disappeared. Then, as Dinohyumon went to slice the next one, he'd notice it was gone... Looking around, the green thing could be seen running into the hallway the whole group of Digimon originally came from. "All ye' gits are monsters!" He screamed, seeming to forget that all Digimon were, in fact, monsters. With that though, all the Ogremon were vanquished or retreated. The room was a mess at this point though.
Astrid Dokkalfar

"A dinner party with such important people?" Astrid questioned. Bah! That would be annoying to be subjected to. She had no desire to be tangled in such a mess so she was lucky Livia pretty much told her to find something else to do in the meantime. "I suppose I could walk around town a bit and figure out some things that I hadn't before. Perhaps enjoy some sweets or something of the sort. Though, I would take you on your offer of a living space, if you are still offering." She added, ready to go for such a thing. If it meant she could be closer, it was a great idea to her.

Lunalel Lightsword and Katherine Lindall

"From what I have noticed, history is a unsure. Since pulling Caliburn, Arthur would have been King so I believe it would be safe to assume that this would be the time that he gathered his Knights of the Round Table." Luna said, giving her best answer. There were plenty of stories that went around about the Greatest King of England so there were many things he could of done next, so only someone that was there could know. "Of course, I can only know the legends, and only someone there could know the truth." She said, looking to Sorcha with curious eyes.

Meanwhile, Katherine stayed over a little bit. She of course paid attention to what everyone was saying, but she was also still petting the fox. "Anywhere specific you little fuzzy thing?" She had to ask.

Eith the Shellagh

Eith would almost seem embarrassed about being called a shameless glutton. Too bad she couldn't really show such things yet. Still, she was happy when she heard Miren was going to cook. "Good. Me and Khira both love your food, Miren. It'll be good to go into this on a full stomach with the best food in the world." She looked at Khira, wanting the Chimera to agree with her. It wasn't something to dispute was it?
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