Avatar of Pyromania99


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2 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
4 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Hmm. Well, the Fomorian was right. These elves were definitely some tough folk. Well, it should be fine for now at least. "Sucaria, your heart is in the same cavity in your chest it's always at. You can't fool me." Luna said, missing any semblance of figurative speech her maid might have been attempting. That made her a little more confused at the hearty laugh the Fomorian had let out. Perhaps it's just because of how close they have always been the thought never really crossed Luna's mind.

"And... Yes. Sure. We'll sleep together so you can't go wandering off again without my knowning." Luna mentioned, more worried about Sucaria wandering off without her than any implications it might carry. "Just don't go pulling your heart out in the middle of the night alright?" With that, Luna turned to head back down the way they came up. "That said, perhaps we should just head on back to the camp."

She had no intention to be out in the open where they might get caught by an army of Fomorians. As strong as their new cyclops friend seemed to be, she doubted the three of them could fight off an army. "That said, I haven't caught your name." She mentioned to the cyclops as she started head down the hill with Sucaria in her arms. "I'm Lunalel Lightsword and this is Sucaria." She offered their names first, "Would you grant us your name as well?" She asked, curious. As far as Fomorians went, he didn't seem all too bad. Perhaps it was out of a sense of unease of his kind being enthralled by this Elder Beast, but he did inform Luna of Sucaria's situation.

"Oh! You wound me Lady Meridan! Such harsh snappings at my person wound my spirit." Serrica said, hardly serious about the matter. The rich noble didn't mind having one person that tried to put her down. And of all people, Lady Meridan would likely be the best out of anyone. Well, her and von Afah.

"And treat this place as a hunting ground? I think you will find that a place of learning is in fact the peak setting to find those with innate or hidden talents that one needs to draw out." Serrica mentioned, looking at Anne in particular. "And, if you must know what I was doing here, it's something I'm sure you would do in the same situation. Some unruly students knocked a girl over so I escorted her here and then met Lady Marielle here." None of it was false at the least."

With a smirk, Serrica looked towards Lady Meridan once more. "And, lest I forget, you should hurry up and get together with that Prince of yours. If you sadly aren't interested in me, that is." The woman teased. "I believe that would be in the best interests of everyone involved, wouldn't you agree with me, Lady Marielle?" The student had to ask the other, wondering if the Heroine found any interest in the prince.
Akyasha put the blacksmith down gently and took a step back to look at the place. She wasn't exactly surprised to see all the barrels. Or the forge. As she quietly observed, she heard another approaching and it was Luna. "Luna, how pleasant to see you again. No life threatening situations I hope." Akyasha asked, thinking back on the situation she and the blacksmith girl had just been through. Well, hopefully, they had some small minutes to catch their breath. "We ran into a situation just some minutes ago but it's all but taken care of by now. Luckily, Giselle showed up at just the right time."

Luckily, the cleric's body was starting to fix itself full and she felt somewhat just fine. "This is... The Blacksmith Girl... I suppose." Akyasha mentioned. Come to think of it, the girl had yet to introduce herself. "Hmm. I think I mentioned mine before, but my name is Akyasha. What is yours, miss, if you don't mind me asking." The cleric asked, looking toward the girl hoping she would answer it. Akyasha had on her usual smile as she waiting to see if the girl replied.
As the two made their way up the hill, Luna was at a little bit more than brisk pace. She had considered the worst but was pleasantly surprised that Sucaria was just standing at the top of the hill, transfixed on the shoreline below. Looking toward where the girl was looking, Luna joined in gazing towards an oddity on crawling along with a Fomorian entourage. It was a terrifying sight, realistically, even so far away. The tide could have easily swept her and Sucaria up if it wanted.

As she looked on, horrified by what she was witnessing, the cyclopian formorian spoke. Informing her as to what they were seeing. Ollipheist. A beast. "An Elder Beast?" She had heard rumors, perhaps, of an Elder Beast this way but she had never really put much consideration into it. "One that can control an army of Fomorians is... Do the Elves know just how close they were to this?" The Knightess asked before turning her attention back to her maid.

Frowning, Luna was worried of what Sucaria might do in such a state. Perhaps because she was only part Fomorian she could resist it to an extent. Concerned, Lady Lightsword trotted over to Sucaria and swept her up like a bride on her wedding day. "Sucaria?" She questioned as she walked back towards the one-eyed fomorian. "Snap out of it." An order seeded by worry.
With Leoniya gone, Katherine walked over to the now leaving Bernadette and wrapped her up in a hug. "Come on, Bernadette~ I gave you a real easy out. Can't you at least give me a little thank you?" Katherine was internally smirking as she stopped the poor girl from going off to where she wanted but that wasn't the Firbolg's problem. She deserved a small thank you, didn't she? She rubbed her cheek against the smaller girl's as she was being quite obnoxiously annoying about it.

Still, if Bernadette just said thanks that would be enough for Katherine to just stop. "Alternatively, I could just show you what got me tossed off the ship earlier first hand. It was a little fun. Not the thrown off the ship part, of course." She continued to tease. It wasn't an empty threat though. She would follow through quite happily.
While the girl questioned them once more, Akyasha grabbed the bat that had been bothering Giselle and brought it to herself. Then she spoke to the one that had brought her to the human girl. Quietly. "Go find the others and report to me their whereabouts later. No snacks."

Still such worries about beasts and evil things pretending to be gods. "My, you seem quite insistant on there being no gods or anything of the such, but I continue to draw strength from mine. For example." Akyasha tread forward and scooped the human girl into a princess carry.

If she and Giselle waited on her to waddle all the way back home it would take ages. Sure, they would be fine, but she'd likely die of old age! Well, probaly not. "I have no problem carrying a young girl such as yourself. Please do not fret, however. I merely plan on carrying you until we reach your home. Do enlighten us on how to reach it."
Serrica merely smiled somewhat entertained as Lilian spoke harshly to her. There was always something entertaining about her interactions with the girl. Few people truly troubled her and Lilian Meridan was no exception to that. "Nice to see you as well, Lady Meridan. Looking as beautiful as ever." She mentioned as the girl just stared her down. Perhaps she would feel unsettled with the daughter of His Majesty's chief advisor staring her down... But a merchant couldn't let such trifles bother them.

She went silent mostly as Lilian introduced herself to Anne. It didn't bother her a bit. So long as she didn't plan on trying to snatch her new recruit from under her like a bitch. Which is not what it seemed like. Rather, she seemed rather focused on her for some reason. She always seemed wary.

Perhaps it was because she was not exactly polite to the royalty? Well, she didn't have to nor did she particularly want to. He was fairly boring as far as it went but, realistically, she didn't really focus on that sort of thing in her few playthroughs.

As soon as introduction was over... It was back to being stared at. Serrica couldn't remember being particularly mean to Lilian or anything of the sort. In fact, she had started trying to be.... Somewhat nice. She has consistently invited her to tea parties. Or, tried. A good ally is the daughter of the king's advisor after all. Now, however...

"Well, I had come this far out originally to assist a girl that had been pushed aside and scraped her knee. There I met this cute little miss." Serrica mentioned, defending herself in a small way. "And I always have time to make small talk with the new students, Lady Meridan. It's always wonderful to meet the new faces we'll be seeing until we graduate." She added before staring Lilian back in the eye. "My, you know, Lady Meridan, you stare at me like that much longer and I'll wonder if you have a thing for me. I thought you had a thing for the Crown Prince." Serrica teased, taking a step closer.

"Well, you may find that my refined taste includes people with beautiful golden locks if you're curious." The Duke's daughter took one more step forward towards Lilian. She was curious if she hit the hammer on the nail, though she somewhat doubted she did. Likely, she was just always irritated with the way Serrica treated the Crown Prince.
The night went fairly smoothly for Luna. Other than a few instances of a certain elf woman drunkenly clinging to her at the least. The knightess had removed her weapon from her waist and shield from her arm but kept her armor on. It wasn't all too uncomfortable to sleep in but she wanted to be ready in case something happened. Sucaria had such an off look about her.

Not to much surprise, someone had woken her up because something had gone wrong... It just wasn't who she had expected. It was the cyclopian fomorian that Sarah had fought earlier and he mentioned that her maid needed help. "Maid... Sucaria needs help?" Luna said, half-sleepy still. As soon as the meaning of those words clicked into place in her mind, she hopped out of her rest to her feet and quickly gathered up her sword and shield. The instant lack of Sucaria's presence was more than enough for Luna to trust that much from this Fomorian. Though... Well, she was obviously skeptical of his words.

"What Elder Beast do you speak of?" Luna asked, taking note that her head was feeling perfectly fine by now. Sucaria's healing salve was doing great. "And where is Sucaria? The maid?" Luna continued to question before looking up and seeing the yellow lights at the top of the hill. "There?" She asked a last questioned as she secured her shield to her arm and her sword to her side. She was ready to get moving to help Sucaria from whatever Elder Beast was a threat. The thought that this may be a trap never left the back of her mind though.
Well, that girl and Lyssa were going to be taken care of. "What do you even mean by romance? It's nothing to do with romance." Katherine mentioned in response to Lucrecia doing her best to hold her hand back from delivering a blow. Luckily, Leoniya had came up and started speaking to them about the mission. Telling them that despite the loss of most of the forward team it was a job well done. She lost her chance, thankfully, to tease Lucrecia and her rear end.

Then, Bernadette appeared and mentioned that the comms were back up which was a good thing for the maid troops. Leoniya seemed excited to make Stroganoff to which Bernadette seemed to no exactly seem excited about. "Drowning in alcohol?" It's not like Katherine was too bothered by alcohol but drowning food in it...? Well, Polina and Lucrecia went off on their own thing. Lucrecia to get her wounds treated and Polina to clean up a bit. Katherine wasn't really sure what to do with herself. Perhaps she'd save Bernadette from her fate.

"Hold yourself, Leoniya. I needed to speak to Bernadette a minute if you wanted to head down first. I'll come help out as soon as we're done talking." Katherine mentioned, walking up to the pair and trying to stop Leoniya from dragging the poor girl down. "It'll just be a minute." She would add, trying to give a sneaky wink to Bernadette.
Akyasha spoke back to the gorebat that had asked if it could eat the human ignoring said human's blade with nary a care. "No." She commanded back before turning her attention back to the blacksmith girl and Giselle. After Giselle was done, Akyasha knew what she was implying. How frustrating, trying to encroach when Akyasha already had her sights set on her.

"As for me, please call me Akyasha and I am no 'fake' holy woman. I am fully devoted to my Goddess, though perhaps she is one foreign to you. She is benevolent to her children." Well, no more was needed said than that. "As for what I am doing here... Supplies I suppose? And also to see if more would follow my faith, of course, though that is hard to ask in the best of times forget these current ones." To the both of them there, it was obvious which of the two reasons Akyasha really thought she was here for. Of course, to an outsider, Akyasha did sound like she belong to a religious cult... To her fellow vampires as well.

"And can you put the blade down? If I wanted to harm you, I could have done it long ago." If Julene had seen her fight, it was quite obvious a blade as such meant nothing to the cleric. "Instead, how do you fair? Do you need me to carry you into town?" Akyasha asked, wanting to make sure the human girl were in great shape. "My Goddess has instilled within me great strength." Akyasha mentioned, a good portion of her issues healing up. If it were some broken portions of her body, she could fight through it.
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