Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
4 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"How do I feel? It feels like a stab in the back of sorts. I know what kind of person she is, but I wish she would have at least discussed it with me." The lab assistant turned field assistant mentioned, mindlessly handing her ID over to the other assistant. "What do you need it for?" She asked before seeing her level was increased. That was really nice. Then, when Frieda gave her her phone number and told her to call her if anything came up, she couldn't help but let a small tear come to her eye. She tossed her arms around Frieda and brought the other assistant into a hug. "This is why you're my best friend, Frieda." She said, happily. "Best of luck on the babysi-- Watching over the professor." Camila commented before releasing Frieda and sighing a small bit. "Sorry. Just a bit happy about that. I'll try not to call you too much. Maybe I'll just head straight out and try to get the task done as fast as I can." She mentioned, looking at the other people in the room. One had challenged the others to a double battle. Well, outside of catching Pokemon, that wasn't her cup of tea really. She'd rather just surround herself with the cute things and note their characteristics instead.
The demon girl was much more effective than Katherine had expected. She had managed to get the possessed woman to release the idol which was a great thing. In the madness of the moment, Katherine had ordered two of her dolls to move. One to the side of the conflict, hopefully out of notice and another to the other side empowerer with wind magic. Her plan was a bit reckless perhaps, but she hope it would work. If she could use a wind enhanced bullet to shoot the idol to her other doll, it would be in their hands. She didn't want to preemptively do anything though.

As the little demon, Xivi, came skidding back to her after biting into the possessed woman's wrist, Katherine smirked. "I knew keeping you around was a good idea. Help us out and I don't mind getting you some food when we get back. The good stuff too... Not humanoids or anything though. Beef. Pork." The Firbolg mentioned, thinking it pertinent to mention considering the demon had just said she would eat her whole. "Maybe you like some good bread?" She asked, looking up towards the two mothers in one.

"You're not going to let it happen?" The firbolg asked with a sly smile. "If you ask me, it doesn't matter what you think will happen, you know?" She mentioned. Her teammates had her back right? Katherine, Lyssa, two demons and a squad of gunner dolls against one weakened demon? It should be a piece of cake, really. "Reality has a harsh way of coming down on all of us." She wanted the demon's attention off the idol long enough for the one doll to take the shot and blast the idol to the other doll. With that much in the way, everyone else should have an easy time restraining the possessed woman, right?
"And I'm not a 'cat-thing' I'm a Firbolg!" Katherine complained. "Saving humans... Well, if it's a side-effect. Mostly, I'm concerned with making sure demons don't run around willy-nilly. Personally." The firbolg crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "Though, I do like to go out of my way to save pretty women where I can."

Lyssa was right however. They were in some odd standoff. They couldn't really do anything than aim at her and she could take her hosts life and feed the idol blood. But.... She had a... A really bold idea. There was something fairly similar between the demon that had fought in the town center and the ones they fought to get there. Something of an aquatic nature perhaps? She spoke under her breath to Lyssa. "This may go well or it may go bad... But I think I do have a small bit of a plan." She bit her lip a small bit and reached under her skirt. Out from there, however she was hiding it, was the spherical capsule that held the demon they had captured the other day. As it seemed, she did not turn it in somehow and had done something with it. Not that Lyssa or Eliz would know what was in it of course.

She pulled an arm back and threw the ball forward. "Demon girl, I choose you!" She exclaimed, unsure of why exactly she said such a thing, really. She just hoped this might have a small effect that she wanted.
Well. The Isla situation was taken care of for now at least. She'd likely use her Pokeballs to catch Pokemon and that was a net boon for everyone involved of course. Now that they were back with the professor, she listened along to the woman's words, nodding along where needed. Yep, she could sure help them figure out the Pokedex if needed. Everyone's Pokedex came to life as they got registered and she was happy enough to see...

That is, until the professor handed her Pokeballs. "Eh?" She questioned, looking at the balls before being handed a Pokeball with a Pokemon in it. "W-w-w-wait! P-p-professor? What do you mean field agent!?" The professor, however, shrugged her off. "Prooofffeessooorr..." The woman complained as she was ignored once again. She would practically be sobbing if it wasn't in public. "Haaaa...." Instead, she sighed and looked around at all the people the Professor had hired to go catch Pokemon for her. They were discussing where to go and plotting out their courses... She had no idea where she would even go at this. She just released the Pokemon from it's Pokeball and she had an idea what it was. Something she had mentioned wanting to get her hands on. A Vulpix. Not just any Vulpix, an Alolan Vulpix.

She knelt down and pet the little thing. "I guess we'll be traveling together then little one." She picked it up in her arms and moved on with Frieda. She didn't really have much to add to those around her. Perhaps she'd join someone but... For now, she would walk near Frieda and trying to get a feel for those around her.
The damage she dealt was about as she could expect against such a beast. Luna frowned however, hoping it would do a little more damage. "Damn. Dragons are tough as they say." Luna muttered to herself as she unsheathed her sword. She started to move as the dragon reared back, expecting it to slam down once again, only to see something else. Smoke billowed from it's snout and the knightess' eyes went wide. "Fire." She muttered once again. Quickly, she brought up a light barrier to shield herself from the incoming fire breath. It was shaped much like an arrowhead to allow the fire to quickly push past her and require less focus on keeping the barrier up. Once she was free from having to shield herself from the deadly flames, she would drop the barrier and summon a javelin of light to throw at the beast's eyes as well. She'd aim for the side that Cecil wasn't on. After tossing that, she would close in on the monster. If she cast her magic on her blade, there was a good chance for her to do some damage.
Katherine watched in awe as Eliz did something very.... Special. Time crush? What the hell did that even mean in context? Whatever it truly meant, she did not want to experience it first hand. It seemed to have some unpalatable consequences. "Well. Good work then, Eliz." The firbolg mentioned scratching the back of her head. That was easier than expected, truthfully. She watched as one doll pushed the other off the new hole in the ground and, immediately after Lyssa's gauntlets fell in, she slapped that one doll over the top of the head. "Don't knock your sister into holes."

After she jumped in the hole, falling to the the next level followed by her dolls. She used the same wind magic she did after being thrown off the airship prior to carefully hit the ground level as well as her dolls. Once down there, she checked on the one that fell to make sure there were no damages on it. It was mostly fine so she turned and followed after Lyssa with her squad of gun-toting dolls. After a short saunter down the hall, the group found themselves in front of the demon-possessed mother. "Talk? I'm not sure what we have to talk about, demon." She pulled out her pistol and aimed at the woman, her dolls lining up and ready fire at a moments notice." She considered trying to shoot the idol out of the woman's hand though figured that she would only be marginably successful. "Perhaps you want to discuss a surrender?" She asked with a smirk before quickly looking around the room, seeing if there was anything out of place or perhaps something to take advantage of.
"A tunnel or vault? Guess that's where we need to be." Katherine calmly mentioned as all the carnage is going on around her. Her dolls were more than capable of turning these demons to mincemeat in due time but Lyssa and Eliz just expedited the process more than a little bit. "Thanks for the support Bernadette." Katherine continued to mention with a smile as she moved forward toward Lyssa and Eliz with her small column of dolls behind her. "Scout out where the entry-way to this tunnel or vault are dears. If you find any more of these demons report back with due haste. Lyssa, Eliz, shall we?" The firbolg smiled, walking forward. "Unless you two could break through the floor and get us there much faster."
The bandits were easily dispatched realistically. Hardly a warm-up even. It was then that something was flying in the air. A large, mountain wrapping dragon? "What in the world is this?" She questioned. It was quite a bit bigger than the one she was expecting them to have to fight. This thing destroyed the very stone beneath it. She had a thought that, in fact, this was not quite the beast that had taken their friend's hand. And it was trying to crush them? Luna ran to safety, lest she be crushed by such a large beast. She summoned a blade of light behind her as she ran, wondering if her magic would be enough to pierce the creature's scales at all. For now, she needed to keep herself from getting crushed.
Camila Willows

Mentions: @Thayr

The professor's entrance was about as one could expect if they knew her at all. Short and to the point... Her speech that is. Nothing else. Camila found the professor to be somewhat cute really. Not that she'd openly admit that of course. She, for the most part, just stayed quiet and followed along with everyone as Camphor led them to the habitat. She was happy enough to just watch every do what they did. After all, she wouldn't have much a chance to see so many trainers in one place for a while. Perhaps some of them might even make it to the League tournament. She didn't have too many thoughts about the new trainers so far. Some of them seemed to know exactly what they wanted and others... Well, not so much.

The group seemed to be dispersing to get their Pokemon. That much was fine of course. Since the professor had the rest of the group showing her their current Pokemon, perhaps she should go out and talk to the ones that were getting their partners. The habitat was how it was the last time she was here. Relaxing if one enjoyed such a thing. The first person she ran into was Isla trying to coax an Eevee closer. Well, it seemed that she was pretty successful in it. That was a good thing. "My, my. Isla was it? Trying to make good friends with the Eevee before you use the Pokeball?" She had to ask, pondering how exactly it go to the point that Isla was in whatever awkward position she was currently in.
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