Avatar of Rabidporcupine


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4 yrs ago
Current I eat negativity and shit out hopes and dreams. Like a tree, but for pessimism.
5 yrs ago
Good news, I'm not failing out of my cooking course tomorrow! Bad news, it's only because I nearly sliced a chunk off my finger practicing for it and needed stitches.
6 yrs ago
Desu before dishonour.
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6 yrs ago
It's days like today that I truly believe this ADHD is both a blessing AND a curse.
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Gonna start working on my post a bit later today, once I've finished everything I've gotta do.
Oh no damn it! I just realised I picked nearly exactly the same name as you! Sorry, that wasn't intentional.
Maybe I'll have Daiji start a odd jobs/helpers club, so he can take in all the clubless dregs and become a leading player in this power struggle. And also so he can make friends. At least one. Maybe. please.
Whoa whoa, hold up a second. I get that all the other clubless losers are losers, but we haven't started playing yet. Chances are I will end up joining a club before the first day is over. But yeah, accurate for the others.
Also I'll try to have Daiji join a club soon, but it's still his first day.
By the way, just to justify Daiji's height and genetics, here's the picture I'm using for his parents.
And finally, after a good few days of finding a scary looking character for his picture, I'm done. Yes, he went through a few changes over the course of writing the character sheet alone, but I'm hoping he's still ok!

Hey, so is the name of the town Shiroyama as well? Because I need to know the name of the town so I can talk about how he always gets attacked by animals in it.
So how much of the school year has passed? Is it possible for me to have my guy be a new student who doesn't have any BP yet?
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