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In the morning they would find a small circle of trodden crops and a mix of dirt bone and blood. The wolf had eaten the rest.

It was only after your latest post when I realized that I had misinterpreted your previous one, lol. Good job playing it off though.
I just had to make the Game of Thrones reference.

The Night Owl had vanished before Eliezer could respond, but him finally revealing his face and his mention of the orphanage confirmed that he was indeed Raven's close companion back in Dainia. The prince finished his drink and turned to his knight, only to nonchalantly make a statement.

"I believe you may have upset the gentleman, Sir Hildebrand."

The knight scoffed, getting up from his seat and walking over to where the dagger was stuck in the wall, before yanking it out. "Gentleman indeed. I know that he has not had the easiest life, Your Highness, far from it, but that does not change the fact that he is still an impolite, unrefined ruffian with no respect for you or the property of our host. I sincerely doubt that Sorene shall continue to be as hospitable if he goes around damaging walls, or worse. I am aware that you trust him and that you do not wish to constantly keep track of his whereabouts, Your Highness, but as he is here with us, he is still a guest of Sorene and our responsibility."

"His mannerisms are understandable, Sir Hildebrand. He does not know our ways," Eliezer replied, standing himself. "We are here due to my business. Therefore, the both of you are my responsibility. I greatly appreciate your concern, but pray do not fret over these things."

Hildebrand made his way back to Eliezer, presenting the Night Owl's dagger to him. "As you wish, Your Highness. We might not have a chance to return this to the Night Owl until we are set to leave Sorene. You could probably do with an additional weapon in the meantime."

Eliezer hesitantly took the dagger, but he wished to offer his knight a chance to keep it. "Perhaps it would be of better use in the hands of one who is more skilled with it. I have never trained with this weapon before."

Hildebrand did not take the dagger back, but only smirked. "You stick them with the pointy end, Your Highness. Have a good rest tonight."

A couple of days had passed with Robynne lying low at the palace. When the servants were released for the night, the Red Robin appeared once again, this time at the alleyway behind Gloomvale Tavern. However, while she had sent four to spy on the Moon Raven, only two had returned to meet her. She, of course, immediately requested an explanation for this.

"We have learned something of great value from the palace butler, Miss, and our companions were going to betray you with such information by passing it on to whoever was still loyal to Lunar, so we disposed of them immediately."

The palace butler? What was Allister doing near the orphanage? So, she was right, Allister really was up to something. "Well, let's hear this information."

The spies stepped in closer and whispered. "It would seem from his words, that the Moon Raven is the missing heir to Lunar's throne."

The Red Robin let out a gasp. "The butler just volunteered such information to you?"

"Not directly, but it was heavily implied. He said that the Moon Raven was under his protection."

She only chuckled. "That old fool! You have done well, take this and leave."

The Red Robin tossed them a coin bag each before watching them disappear into the night, knowing that although majority of the patrons were loyal to Lunar, there were still a handful whose allegiances were to no one, and would do anything just to get their hands on some coin.
She slumped against the tree that hid her once the injured predator was out of sight, sliding down to rest on a large root. For how long she had sat there still and in silence, her mind void of any thought, she could not tell. It was as if the psychological shutdown had been an automatic response to the overwhelming and traumatic experience once she had registered that she was no longer in any immediate danger. Perhaps it had been a subconscious effort to block out the memories of that night when she had her first encounter with a werebeast, when she could only watch on helplessly as the savage monster devoured her mother.

As she slowly started to become aware of her surroundings once again, she noted that the forest around her was dead quiet. The wolf was probably long gone, and it was almost unbelievable that she had managed to survive the ordeal. She had to get used to this if she were to continue serving the town as their protector, and she knew that not many were able to. Only the best were recruited, and even then, their numbers still dwindled with every encounter. The entire event had her eager to return to town as soon as she could, causing the bounty to nearly slip her mind. With not a single sound left that could warn her of any other potential dangers lurking around, she stood, albeit a little shakily, and made her way to the site of the battle. Her view falling on the bloody carcass of the dead werebeast, she decided there would be no harm in lugging it back to town.

Back at Lightstal, she was subjected to another overwhelming encounter, this time with questions from the townspeople regarding the events that had led to the death of the great werebeast, when all she desired to do at such a point was to clean up and rest. She would have been glad to be reunited with her companions, who had been separated from her during the attack, though, they currently seemed to want nothing to do with her. Perhaps it was guilt, but she was unsure if she could blame them, for had the focus of the ferocious beast been on someone else, she did not know what she would have done if all seemed lost. With a lack of energy to immediately spend the coin she had just earned, she merely took the bag home for some much-needed shuteye.

The huntress would awake after sunset, just in time to hear the pitiful howl of a wolf that would echo through the streets and past the establishments of the little town. At the sound, she peered out her window to see her neighbors shutting and bolting theirs, as well as their doors - a standard procedure for the people of Lightstal every single night. Until they found a permanent solution, the town would continue to live in fear. She let out a sigh, silently wishing the best for the team on patrol this night before bolting the entrances to her own home.

She would still be awake in the morning, to first hear that the team that had ventured out into the forest the night before had been much more fortunate than hers, and then of the attack on the livestock of a certain farmer who resided near the outskirts of Lightstal. She kicked herself in her mind, regretting the decision she had made the night she was out in the woods. She had spared a wolf while it had been down, and the very next night, a wolf had entered the town and destroyed a farm. She considered the possibility of both wolves being one and the same, though, she could not tell at this point. She would have serious conversation with the residents of the farm that was left in ruins, and the following night would find her camping out on that very farm in hopes of catching the same beast in action and taking it out once and for all.
Banned for lack of capitalization.
Any chance we might have a face claim for Andy soon? :D
Eliezer: If he were here, I would have invited him to join us.

*Andy appears out of nowhere, casually plonks onto a chair, and grabs the bottle.*

Andy: How nice of you to do so, Princey Boy!

(Why do I keep thinking up these scenarios? Also, Andy shouldn't be complaining. He'll be away from the mess that's gonna happen back in Dainia XD)
The moment Robynne received the instructions, she knew that she had to be even more wary of Allister. Even if a servant was found to be incompetent, such a decision made by him would be a hasty one, one he would make with an ulterior motive. He had no reason to suspect her of anything, unless he had spies of his own. Regardless, it was apparent that he had an eye on her. She just had to lie low for the next couple of days so that he could not confirm any suspicions he might have, and if he would continue not to leave her be, she knew that she could take it up to the royal family.

Allister might have authority over the servants at the palace, but the members of the royal family were the ones who decided on who took that position. She was certain that Mathazar would have a word with the butler if she were to lodge a report against him. In addition, she was well liked among the other servants, who would definitely vouch for her if necessary. She did not have to leave the palace this night, for she had already instructed some spies to keep watch at the orphanage.

After getting treated followed by some rest, Eliezer had noted that the Night Owl had vanished, and hoped that he was behaving in this foreign state. The Sorene authorities were immensely supportive of Dainia's crown prince, always taking into account the hard time he and his companions had on the way. Hildebrand was by his prince's side for the most part, accompanying him to all official meetings. It was night when Eliezer had just finished speaking to a couple of Sorene nobles in the private lounge that the Dainian group was allocated, and when they had left, the prince poured two glasses of wine and turned to his knight, who was standing by his seat.

"You have been diligent the whole of today, Sir Hildebrand. Take a seat and join me for a drink," Eliezer said, gesturing to one of the empty chairs at the table.

Hildebrand was surprised. "Me, Your Highness? I appreciate the invitation, but I... really should not."

"The Sorene soldiers are alert, Sir Hildebrand. I do believe that you can afford a rest."

The knight nodded, awkwardly sliding into one of the seats. His mind raced for a moment as he took a sip of wine, wondering if there was something he should say. Not everybody had a chance to have a drink with the crown prince of Dainia, after all. Thankfully, Eliezer spoke up first.

"I would just like to say, Sir Hildebrand, that I am extremely grateful for your company. What had happened must have been hard for you, and despite your loss, you still chose to take up this duty. When you finally do see your family again, let them know that the crown prince extends his condolences to them as well."

"Thank you, Your Highness. I hope that my letter has already reached them."

Letter? The mention of it jolted Eliezer's memory. He had promised to write to Raven once he had arrived in Sorene, but he had been too busy to remember. He decided that he would do it right after this. The two men sat in silence for quite some time, before the knight brought another topic up.

"You really trust this, Night Owl, Your Highness?"

"I do not have a reason not to, the man saved my life. I can only hope that he does not have any intention to come with us to Sorene, other than what he had said."

"Still, I cannot help but wonder of his whereabouts at this current moment."

"If he were here, I would have invited him to join us."

A messenger from Sorene would arrive at the orphanage in the morning with a letter bearing the familiar royal seal. It would be handed to Raven, and the following message would be read upon opening it:

My dearest Raven,

I trust that you and the orphans under your care are doing well. I have arrived in Sorene, but not without difficulty. I am unsure if you have already been informed of the attack on my convoy on the way to Sorene. Only a few of us have survived the ambush, and I would like to express my gratitude to you for sending the Night Owl after us. I might not be alive if it was not for him. He is currently not right by us, but as you have trusted him to be in our company here in Sorene, so shall I. I assure you that we are well taken care of, as we shall be under the protection of the Sorene authorities until we return to Dainia. Until we meet again, my lady.

Best regards,
Eliezer of Dainia
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