Avatar of Renny


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4 yrs ago
Current "An apology is a promise to do things differently next time, and to keep the promise." - Ging Freecss
4 yrs ago
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
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4 yrs ago
“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.” – Albert Einstein
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4 yrs ago
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi
4 yrs ago
“Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.” ― Javik
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Third Impressions
Ryoichi Seiten

His body was aching but he was use to just pushing through those kinds of pains. When his love for Gunpla Battle fizzled out all those years ago, he found a silent strength in persevering. So he did just that. After chugging back his still warm coffee and leaving a small tip, he slid from out the booth and sauntered off behind Naoki. All the while, he thought of those little things that tended to drift through an idle mind. He thought of his new partner, of the performance numbers his mentor and he clocked in the last battle, of its tricks and gimmicks, of its overall power. Before he knew it, as he fiddled in his head with the Baelstrom's new name, Naoki was jumping up on a arcade table and they were standing in front of Team Imagine Victory.

Ryoichi looked around, laying crystal blue eyes on the arcade. "Heh," he smirked. It looked so "ordinary" compared to when the passionate fans and competitors from the Tournament filled its walls, this ordinariness felt nostalgic in a way. Hearing the singular applause, Ryoichi performed a half-assed bow, all the while teasing a chuckle. "Thank you, Pops. Thank you. I appreciate the warm and hearty welcome."

As he raised back into his signature slouch, which still made him appear a bit too slender and a pinch too tall, Ryoichi managed to answer, Naoki's question rather swiftly. He wasn't sure how he felt about everyone, not truly, but his mind did stick to the Guppy and the red-haired boy. The Guppy because he managed to leave a sour taste in his mouth and the red-haired boy because he managed to tie with him...

I shouldn't be too hard on them, isn't like they had much choice in pissing me off that day.

He pointed in the direction of those two with the index of both his hands, "You two... from here on out I'm calling you," he nodded towards Jun. "Guppy and you..." Blade next. "Little Red. As for everyone else, its nice to meet you," he greeted, bowing slightly. "It'll be a rollcoaster battling alongside you all."

Then he noticed Naoki on the arcade table, looking him up and down. "Dude, that's rude." he commented before striding off to the side.
The dear-things part is adorable and I’m using it every blue moon in my real life dealings from here on out lol
Well here's Ryoichi's second phase Gunpla. I've packed him with some devious abilities and perks.


O'Menus was beginning to appreciate the presence of the other Gods a little. Many of them were solving problems before they bloomed into situations. Though he showed no interest in the others, only tirelessly pushing ahead, he kept his ears out for the priestess. The warmth of the forest was heavy with damp soil and tiny lives, the meek sound of the priestess being straddled atop the horned-Goddess gave him pause. When he heard the Goddess' soft warning he strode ahead briskly, making up for the second he wasted.

As the others spoke, O'Menus observed and listened beyond their conversations. He pondered if any creature roamed the land with the proper sense. His jaw tightened with swift frustration. They were Divinity, at one point their presence created awe and respect. Now... now even the lowest of the beast deigned them of interest. He turned his sharp gaze to the horned-Goddess, maybe the priestess could be of use.

"All this chatter is getting us nowhere," he spoke. "Flower, does any of this look familiar?"
@Crimson Lion Quick question: Are we adding our own points to our new gunplas or are we still stuck at the 25 point limit?
@VitaVitaAR Forgives me, I was on and off (mostly off) the Guild the days up to Christmas. I'll try better to notify you before vanishing. I'll get to work on a post.
Diner, A Planned Meeting.
@Crimson Lion - reFORGING

Ryoichi leaned back into the cold leather of the booth, the exhaustion on his face receding as a weary smile propped itself up crookedly. The clarity in his eyes seemed to return as well, an almost relief sweeping up and down his body. In his head, he had ticked off all the boxes his Mentor had predicted would spell out a worthy proposition. Honesty, sincerity, and most importantly a genuine joy for Gunpla battle.

He glanced at Naoki's hand carelessly, his head tilting before he sat back up and pulled out his left hand from its pocket. His palm and fingers were heavily calloused from the last decade or so. "Y'know at first I wasn't too sure about you, Kid. You or your group of misfits but quite frankly, I don't think that matters anymore. I'm not okay with losing and I don't think I will ever again with your team," he said oddly intense before firmly grasping his hand. "That being said, I want to reach the pinnacle. If I feel like you guys are slipping on me, I'll turn my Baelstrom against you guys."

With that bit of warning out of the way, the young man released his hand. "I can't believe I'll be on the same team as that guppy..." he commented with a snarky expression. "I owe him a beating y'know? I keep my promises."
I’m still here.

O'Menus' stoic expression remained, impatience growing as the Gods and Flower interacted. They had their goal, the little priestess knew where to go and as such they should move. Still he would be patient or as patient as he could. Her incessant tearing up, her whimpering, it was all becoming hard to listen to. As God of the Sun, he represented all that it was. A harsh and yet true rendition of the reality of the world. He never shied away from the truth but he supposed, if it meant moving things along, he could be a nice source of warmth.

"Then guide us, Flower. Our time here is over," he told her matter of fact, standing firm and facing away from the God's resting place and the dead knight's corpse. O'Menus threw his mind to the the white blade and carried it by the handle, being sure to place his claim on the piece of treasure. "A treasure worthy of the Sun God," he said to himself.
Diner, A Planned Meeting.
@Crimson Lion - reFORGING

Tired was an understatement meant to insult the sheer exhaustion on Ryoichi's face. His mentor's voice still lorded in his head; a confident, sincere, passionate baritone that overwhelmed any protest he could muster up. Even if he felt dirt tired or his mind was glazed over with an unfaltering insistence for sleep; it was no excuse. Ryoichi was more or less forced to agree to the meeting with Imagine Victory's team leader based on his mentor's "hunch". They were rarely wrong but still... still... he felt so dead tired and sore to boot. Physical training was tough but it was the mental exertion of his tactical studies and therapeutic sessions that he dreaded the most. His mentor was dogged about uncovering where his trauma came from and what exactly it was affecting.

Ryoichi entered the Diner after a burning jog from his apartment complex. He could smell the bitter-sweetness of the coffee and that small pleasantry perked him up, gave candlelight to his dead blue eyes.

He knuckled his cheek lightly before sliding into the booth unannounced, hands tucked nicely into his pockets. His white hair was unkempt and his signature tea-shaped glasses was missing from his face, still he eyed Naoki with a degree of annoyance. "Before we start, did you catch that match Sunday after the tournament?" he let out a fatigued sigh that belied his words. "Those guys are the pinnacle, I want to be on that stage with them one day. My mentor says I can get there with Team Imagine Victory, tell me, honestly, what do you think?"
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