Avatar of Renny


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4 yrs ago
Current "An apology is a promise to do things differently next time, and to keep the promise." - Ging Freecss
4 yrs ago
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
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4 yrs ago
“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.” – Albert Einstein
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4 yrs ago
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi
4 yrs ago
“Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.” ― Javik
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I'm here and accounted for. Been a rough couple of days but I'm gonna start on my character sheet now.

Gonna finish this tomorrow, I gotta prepare for work in the morning.

@ARedneckWizard There are some good pre-made ones online. I like to wait for the official one just to know what's expected on it and that way I won't have to go back over it and move things around later.
@Balthazar007 Looks good. I'm guessing the darker greens are heavily forested areas and the light green are plains. The light greys and dark greys however are a bit harder for me to guess. I'm slowly building on my character in my mind but waiting for an official CS before putting him down in great detail in any one place.

How's everyone else doing in that department?
Considering an Rpers burnout is refreshing. Has this worked out in a different RP you ran?
I'm leaning toward the yellow crystal. Not too sure on the specifics of his personality yet besides him being soft-spoken and decisive. Still battling with myself on the arrogant part.
Sophist now Amrit is ready for review.

A moment of genuine surprised turned Sophist' attention towards his allies. A gilded dome, glorious with light had arose to protect them and like a melody of elements, things had begun to irrevocably change the terrain. There was ice rippling out, shimmers of dark blue and explosions. Other bright and powerful effects were spurting up and dying out. "Hmm, I don't think I've ever seen this many powerful Arms Masters working together... Its a beautiful si-"

The air-shattering boom of a missile cut off his observation as it angled towards him. With a downward slam of his hand, the missile went falling into a weary battalion of Chinese soldiers. A soft sorrow touched him before a hailstorm of bullets and artillery barraged around him. He was fast enough to dodge the first and his mind was sharp enough to guess what was coming next.

Mentally, he admonished the soldiers. "Guns... such uncivilized weapons." Simultaneously, a glass-like energy rushed out, then instantly retracted around him. The finer-element condensed and manifested, halting the ammunition in their tracks. The bullets and missiles, of all shapes and sizes floated harmlessly. The golden sphere at his side glowed a bloody hue.

He floated at the center of the bullets and missiles, the space around him clean and untouched. He wondered for a second, if his range had always been so grandiose as to reenact the cosmic dance of a planet and its debris. His posture became slouched as he folded his arms, fiddling with his chin. "...No, no. That's impossible. My Noble Arms isn't affected by planetary alignments or elementary advantages..." He spared his allies another glance. "Perhaps a boon from a friend," he thought with childish amusement.

His instincts bellowed at him suddenly. REACT FAST! FASTER THAN EVER BEFORE!

A powerful wave of energy raced towards him from his allies. It was massive though controlled. A ruckus of high-pressured winds shook up the space. Alas, thanks to the boon, Sophist used his powers of gravitational forces to redirected it heavenward. The wave bending with his upward clawed-gesture. "Come onnnnn!" he growled, before finally finding the strength to bend it once more and scorch the enemy with the blast.

A scar of super-heated crimson rested on the enemies side of the beach now. He could hear a cacophony of teeth chattering, of fearful moans and cries. Desperate leaders trying to regather their team's morale.

Sweat beaded on his face now, even as he scowled towards his allies. Even as he begun to descend to the earth. "What the hell? good thing I'm quick on my feet. That 'just became a three-pointer for the home team." he decided with a smirk.
Thom moved Gundam Beleth near Holly's new mobile suit in the smaller debris field. His red suit managing to shield away behind a cluster of floating gray rocks. He moved a claw hand onto Stolas' shoulder, speaking through the private line established. "Holly, you know letting Martyn control the situation is crazy dont'cha. Just listen to him. Don't he know that the Gundam Frames are rare treasures, a person's greed overcomes their fear. Specially if they think a bunch of useless space-rats is all that stands in the way. The Jolly Rogs are all about possessing trinkets." He spat the word trinkets out with venom.

"Its too late after all his talk but I'm suggesting we attack anyway... Bosun, especially Bosun, that bastard." A touch of fear was laced in the anger of his words. "I won't give him a chance to head-hunt us. He dies today."

For some reason the lamentations of the others were stark in his head for a quiet moment. His heart slowed and he grew somber but he forced it away with zealous effort. Come on, they were just there... like you were just there. Your bonds are forced circumstances urged on by survival. Focus on the fight in front of you.

Gently, Thom pushed Beleth away from Stolas careful of Carrot's deadly aim. "Damn, we need a way to get close to her or at least draw her in. For all my big talk, I'm the only one who didn't grab any weapons." He gripped his controls with frustration. There was so much frustration and uncertainty in him that it felt suffocating. "DAMMIT!" he cursed to himself.

He would have to wait for the others to give him an opening.

"Pitiful..." thought Sophist with a modicum of sorrow.

The clouds around him were grayish, not yet dark. Yet overhead the countless soldiers, over the waters more specifically was a weighty behemoth preparing to drop its downpour. Carelessly, Sophist wrapped a thin, repulsive veil of gravity around his person; he left imperceptible openings to allow oxygen but mostly shielded his clothes from the approaching storm.

Below him were other teens and adults, soldiers and volunteers; humans and Arm Masters, all fighting for a cause that ultimately meant nothing. If not for the tautness he felt when approached with the request; Sophist would've outright denied them his assistance. But there was a cause here, a keystone to some universal event perhaps.

Sophist sighed, his leisurely posture floating some hundred meters above the others displaying his nonchalance at war. The voice speaking through his earpiece however grounded him in this reality. He shook his head before imposing a sense of duty on himself. I'm as arrogant as ever. Careful about that Sophist, Master says it'll be your undoing.

He dropped his arms to his sides and launched his own offensive. War was cruel, that much he knew. He wouldn't allow the enemy to coordinate an attack.

He flew off with astounding speed, leaving a boom in his wake. His hand formed a claw gesture as he gripped a corral of landing crafts in spheres of dense gravity and begun crushing them. The grinding and tearing metal was resounding. The cries of poor souls still inside blood-curdling and overshadowed. Yet still they deadened and in a show of mercilessness; Sophist viciously slammed the metal meteors across the enemies' battleground.

His torso swiveled with alertness. No way they'll let that go unanswered.
So much happened while I was asleep. Good to see this is moving along smoothly. I posted my guy Sophist in the character tab. Now I'm wondering if anyone would like to establish previous connections or relationships with him?
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