Avatar of Rilla


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6 yrs ago
Current It turns out that you can, if you message your friendly neighborhood moderator.
9 yrs ago
Working, essentially, second shift blows. I hate getting home after midnight. xD
9 yrs ago
Any day now, I'll have my first kid. Mini Rilla. #Awesome


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Do you want it ranked?
What. What's going on?
You two. Both out too. I'll go over it and provide judgement. At some point probably when I get a new phone so you'll both be waiting. Neither of you will probably like it.

I implore you both to play nice in the future, or stay away from each other. This devolved into a shitfest bigger than anything I've seen in a while. They already have a bad rap for us, and this is doing it absolutely no favors - at all.
Would you like me to read your thread over & tell you what I think?

- Lust.

No. Out. Like I sent the rest of them.
Everyone head out. Dont lemme play the mod card. I dont like too.
Out of curiosity.

How does Beardforce work exactlt? Is it a powerup at the beginning or does he need to see exactly what they are capable of?
Alriggt. I wanna get started soon though
DJ, Vordak? Liaison will obviously be there.
Mentors. Who are you all using.
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