Avatar of Rin


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1 yr ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
1 yr ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
2 yrs ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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Let's see how this goes I guess.
This turned out kind of short but she's not exactly a complicated character so I guess it works out.

Okay right I am going to try as hard as I can not to fuck up this time.
I guess I'll try and get something figured out.
I guess we could see how that turns out. Might be tempted to at least try for the Mikazuki replacement but we'll see I guess.
Rhea Ramone

It had only been a few weeks since Rhea began studying in Paldea but it was long enough to notice the differences between it and Galar. Curries weren't as popular here, for one thing, with the trendy food being big elaborate sandwiches. The areas surrounding Mesagoza seemed a lot more open than her home region too, to an extent only really comparable to the Wild Area. The Pokemon League was different too, although admittedly she knew that Galar was more an exception to how other regions organized things. But the big difference she was really noticing right now, as she sat in a shady area of the schoolyard...


...Was how much brighter and warmer it was here. It could've been worse, she supposed. She could've transfered to somewhere tropical like Alola or something, which would've been utterly unbearable for someone from such a dark and dingy place as Spikemuth, but still... At least her Pokémon seemed to be enjoying the weather, the two of them tossing a Pokéball between each other playfully. Of course, since Mudpie lacked arms she had to keep heading the ball, and Gigantor kept getting hit as it stopped to flex at anyone who passed by, but they seemed to be having fun at least. Good for them. At least no-one was bothering her right now, unlike that poor goth kid nearby.

Even if they were being bothered by a cute tomboy. Not that Rhea had a thing for tomboys or anything (obvious lie). With nothing else to really do right now, she leaned forward a bit to get a better look at what was going on. Just because she was curious, of course, and not because there was a cute tomboy involved (obvious lie). Really, she just wanted to see where this was heading, and it had absolutely nothing to do with a cute tomboy's back being in her line of sight (obvious lie).

And here I was thinking that G-Witch would've brought in a bunch more Gundam RPers. :(
It's villainess time!
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