Avatar of Rithy
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    1. Rithy 10 yrs ago


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@Rivaan Your up for posting! :O


Hurry teh up, @Rivaan!!! xD

Nuzzled by a tentacle-daemon, oh joy; couldn't have been the Krieger it got close to.

Ohhh, Nergui will be fiiiine as long as nothing weakens the barrier further ^_^

Besides, Astartes Power Armor offers very good protection for one's chastity in most cases!
"Word Bearers."

"That would explain the ritual activity that I sensed... " Adrianne muttered, searching her memories for references to the name.

"They are welcoming you!"

Adrianne was no expert on the lore and history of the adeptus astartes; and she did not understand Nergui's particular hate for these kinds of traitors above the rest, whom to her were all equally despicable and fallen; yet she nonetheless possessed a rudimentary layer of knowledge, especially pertaining to chapters or warbands that could be of particular interest to her role as a Psyker.
The Word Bearers were no Thousand Suns, yet they were able to reave and manipulate the warp through vile rituals and blasphemous acts.

There was little doubt in her mind that whatever was weakening the barrier to the immaterium on this Forge World, the Word Bearers were playing a key role!

"Our situation is becoming clear." Adrianne started, switching to her squad comms so that the rest of the people could hear.
"The fallen Astartes known as the Word Bearers are involved in this. They are most likely,-"

Adrianne was about to continue, but suddenly trailed off as her mask passed over the heavily armored form of Nergui, where the Psyker saw a completely dark, multi-armed shadowy humanoid form rubbing itself against the side of Nergui's armor. Despite the more than intimate contact and the fact it was all painfully visible to Adrianne, there was no way any of the blunts in the group would notice an ethereal void entity so clearly; which was still yet only an echo from the other side; and so the Psyker conveniently choose to ignore it and pretend like nothing as she continued.

" ... they are most likely at the center of the strange warp anomalies that we have been seeing here. There is strong ritual magic at work here, on a large scale. It is unclear whether this ritual is only on a planet-based scale or on a system based scale, but the possible consequences of allowing the Word Bearers to complete their ritual will range from massive demonic incursion, century long warpstorms and possibly the entire planet being shunted into the warp!"

She knew she might have exaggerated the threat a little bit; while it was all a possibility some of it was more likely than other. But when it came to matters as serious as the ritual magic practiced by the Word Bearers, it was usually better to overestimate rather than underestimate the threat!

<Snipped quote by Rithy>

Indeed, it's odd that he's taken this long to go fast...gotta go fast!

Also completely forgot that he had this bad-boy, which may have helped and provided a gorier scene.

I remember wondering just how Nergui destroyed their progonoid glands so easily; or if he simply fingered through their astartes armor xD

As for those chaos marines, sometimes people just make mistakes in life... just like this kitten!

Oh great, the Psyker is hearing voices, this isn't going to go poorly at all.

You are talking as if that's a new thing.... ! ^_^
"Adrianne, any idea what the source of all this ... demonic bullshit could be?"

"I feel... "

Pausing her teasing of the Krieger, the Psyker focused on the unnatural sensation. Not that it was even really necessary for her to do so in the first place, given as how while the blunts around her could only hear whispering voices, Adrianne would feel more like she was in the center of a particularly noisy crowd in a party with malignant voices all around her and even see the outline of the half-finished forms of quasi-humanoid forms standing with them in the Rhino around the Krieger and Skitarii, all of whom were oblivious to their presence!

" ... there is a rift somewhere, growing. A conscious force is purposefully attempting to weaken the barrier to the immaterium here!"

"Hello there again, Val! It has been so long since last time... " One of the echoing voices spoke in the back of her mind, though Adrianne duly ignored it.

"Whatever it is, we are coming closer. It is... "

"You have become so strong since last time we spoke! I am so glad to,-"

"Quiet, Zirael! I am busy... !" Adrianne called out aloud in the Rhino; momentarily distracted; causing her to fail to sense the incoming danger as the Rhino was suddenly brought to a halt! The Psyker was promptly thrown into a nearby wall with a thud, fortunately(or unfortunately for Adrianne) not hitting any of the other passengers in the process!

"Oafh!" She groaned, looking around to see the Rhino being evacuated already! Being already behind many of the other passengers to the exit, Adrianne simply managed to stagger up and flick her wrist; causing herself to vanish from the back of the Rhino at the sound of an unearthly shriek before appearing two feet above the ground outside of the vehicle, landing with her boots.

"Heh, that was... " She started...


She shockwave of the exploding Rhino promptly threw the Psyker onto the ground, her shimmering refractor field unit activating to deflect random pieces of shrapnel that came close to her, and the systems of her helmets mercifully drowning out the larger noise to prevent the explosion from deafening her!

"Owhhh... " She groaned, raising her dirty skeletal mask off the ground.
"White Scars might know how to drive, but Emperor forbid I'll ever let him drive again!"

The Psyker muttered under her breath, though raised an eyebrow behind her helmet at the sight taking place across the tunnel of the Space Marine Apothecary dispatching what looked to be traitor chaos Space Marines!

" ... though maaaybe I'll give him a pass for almost blowing me up... this time!"

"Do you enjoy watching big, muscular men kill each other? I do!" The voice spoke again, but Adrianne had gone back to ignoring it; along with the other twelve craving her attention!

"This is Adrianne; advancing!" The Psyker announced as she got up and began running towards the other end of the tunnel, yet she would soon leap up into the air as the Psyker used her powers to levitate herself just a foot above the ground; flowing forward like a wraith, her cloak billowing behind her as the Psyker easily caught up to the running(and injured) Krieger, and promptly passed him!

As she reached the barricade with Nergui, the Psyker levitated over it and dropped down onto her feet as she scanned the surrounding area; focusing her powers in order to better detect any threats or sudden traps before she focused her visors towards Nergui and the corpses.

"Which warband?" Was the Psyker's first question.

Wooot! Suddenly the thread went from dead to sprawling with activity!? :D


If you don't like it I can edit it, but I'm tired of Nergui sitting around and doing nothing but bandage people up. So, there you go.

I find this comment all the more fitting and amusing given Nergui's chapter origin xD
Just FIY, I'm waiting for either @Andromedai or @Eisenhorn to make a postie then I'll add my next one ^_^

Get going, slowpokes!!!

I shall posteru by monday.


Was originally waiting for @rivaan the slowpoke, but I can post something anyway to help out our Krieger ^^
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