Avatar of RoflsMazoy
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
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  • Posts: 2020 (0.57 / day)
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    1. RoflsMazoy 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Is there a way to clear all your statuses from 3 years ago :| I don't want this stuff on here
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I just remembered that I once read a creepypasta about slenderman killing Hitler and it was actually pretty good. Grammar-wise and stuff I mean, but it was about still slenderman killing hitler :|
8 yrs ago
I wanted to find out how to communicate to wild Buns that I am their ally but it's a bit late because there's only one around our house now ;_;
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8 yrs ago
"I'm pretty sure if a Panther could go golden after slitting the throat of an Antelope and watch it bleed to death, it would." - youtu.be/sD_92oGkDXI?t=54s


Something something it'll be years

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@mito there's a framework listed under each class for how skills are supposed to go as well as depending on your character's rank as well. All characters are new-ish to the Agency so they're starting relatively small. Although you can be a more senior agent if you want to, and I'd certainly say you'll only have the 65 foot dragon form completely at will if you're a really senior agent. It's just a sort of rank=competency type of thing with your powers. I think in this case it's possible to keep all of this if she can't really control it that well.

I'd advise picking a Rank for your character and we can go from there. Starting Ranks are 1 to about 4 for all classes for a 'newbie' agent.

As far as how to format the listed powers, go with the general rule of listing only combat relevant abilities as abilities. Stuff like aging slower or the dragon form weaknesses can go in somewhere else (you can just put it on yhe bottom as misc stuff or something along those lines.) I'd even say the power bestowal may as well be in there really.

Weaknesses are combat relevant, but the powers section should only really be for like... powers and stuff that you're using to fight. Just try to keep it clear and focused as a section as what your character would commonly do that affects other people.

You've specified that she's human in default so that means she needs to transform into dragon form before she can actually do anything right? I'll need to know the details of the transformation as well. I need to know stuff like is there a time limit in dragon form? Is there a condition? It's also probably a good idea to make that a separate ability.

And then a couple other things

Draconic Element Manipulation is never gonna come up. There's not going to be any other dragons unless something funky is happening or you want them to and I approve so probably don't bother with that one.

A bunch of things could be lumped together as one 'ability', like all the resistances could realistically be grouped together in something like Dragon Resistances. I think power bestowal and then the blood version should really be in the same description. One's just a minor version of the other, as you've said. Also it's sort of redundant to list all the abilities the dragon has again in power bestowal.

The part in power bestowal where it says 'self sustenance linked to the dragon', I don't know what that means. Firstly are self sustenance and perpetual nourishment supposed to be different? I'm assuming the Linked to the Dragon part applies to all of the abilities and not just the self sustenance part.

All the stuff (like the fire breathing and stuff I mean)under where you put down the dragon form's physical appearance should really be included up top with the rest of the abilities, above weaknesses. They're all stuff which she only can do in dragon form at this point right?

Also what do you mean she grows when she eats in dragon form in the Consistent growth and Adaptive development section? Is it if she eats anything? Does she have to eat something specific?
Oops I messed up the mention @Vega7285, but posted everybody! I might change Aki's text color later on but this'll do for now. I'll post the sheet for her once I find a way to hide the details you shouldn't know about her yet.
A Twist of Fate

"Well then, it's settled!" Amari Sakura said, with a slight laugh. "I'll have you registered on the board. You can leave right away if you'd like, but you should at least stay until your drink is rea-"

The words died on her lips as she seemed to take sharp notice of something in the air. There was a point in space she was staring at, right in the center of the room.

"Oh dear…" Was all she said before a very familiar patron to the regulars of the bar made her very dramatic entrance.

All of a sudden the lights in the bar dimmed, the music changed to a soft, smooth jazz. The door burst open, and in waltzed a certain dark haired Kitsune with what could only be called a shit-eating grin on her face.

She held aloft a slip of paper much like the one Sakura held.

"I have an emergency mission everyone!" She loudly, and proudly exclaimed.

Amari Sakura could only sigh and shake her head as Gotou came sprinting back to the barfront with finished drink in hand.

"Oh, Aki-san." He simply said.

He raised a hand in the air and snapped his fingers a few times and the lights and music turned back to normal.

"Please refrain from disturbing the Tsukumogami too much Aki-san, they're still developing so they're very susceptible to outside influence."

"How many times have I told you?! You will refer to me by my true name!" She shouted angrily. "Kurenai-hime demands the respect she is owed!"

Yes, Kurenai-hime, as she liked to call herself, was a regular sight at the bar. With her short stature, and prone to tantrums as she was, anyone could easily mistake her for being just a child.

But she was a Kitsune. Many Kitsune could change their form at will, so appearances were often deceiving. A Kitsune with even just a few tails often outstripped any human in pure power. Aki was one such Kitsune. Ordinarily she would be very powerful by human standards but…

"The name on your identification card says otherwise, Aki-senpai," Amari Sakura said with a smile on her face.

This clearly irked the tiny Kitsune. Yes, Aki would have certainly been a higher ranked Agent than Amari Sakura, although Rank and station were rather separate to begin with. But she was mainly taking a jab at the very reason Aki was even here.

She was on probation.

She'd committed several misdemeanours and the Agency had finally decided to take regulatory action. All of her tails were sealed except for one, and she'd been forced to earn her Ranks back one by one by running missions.

Ranks were earned both by your ability and the merit of your deeds. Kurenai-hime had the talent to be sure, but she had always been loath to use it.

She gave Amari Sakura a scathing look as she continued to speak.

"Headquarters approved the emergency mission and sent me to oversee it. That means you don't even get to choose the members," She gloated.

"That's fine Aki-san, but I'll need to take that notice so I can register it on the board." Gotou said, leaning over the counter.

"Do as you like, I've already memorized it," She replied, (meagre)chest puffing out in pride.

As Gotou went to take down the details, Aki scanned the room and called to the members she was selecting to be part of the team.

"I'll pick you, you, and… you! And I won't take no for an answer!"

[@Vega2875] @Crowvette @TheMushroomLord

((Feel free to respond to her however you'd like, this isn't mission start time yet))

Ok I'm back in it. Gonna be doing more stuff this week but I can focus my attention to here again. I'll be starting on that post soon, I think. I got asked by someone potentially joining in so I may hang it back a bit for that to pan out, sorry for being like completely gone for a bit, lads.
Alright, I think I want to get into the plot right away at this point, actually. As punishment for those forgotten tv-dinner cold puns i am taking away your vote for warm up mission @Crowvette. JK, it'll actually just be a lot easier for me to do the plot mission first, and I think I can sort of commandeer a character which I really like to fill in the 4th slot. I'll just ask the person first, but it should be good after that. Well, I'd have to write the post though, and short as that may be, I've got some things I need to take care of this week.

I'll try to get it done by the weekend or over the weekend if possible though.
Alright, well, I'll have to rejig things a bit but I will ask this on reflection, @Crowvette @Vega7285 @TheMushroomLord do you wanna do a short mission to start with to try things out or do you wanna get into the plot right away? For the former it'll likely be the mission currently on offer for the latter it'll be, well plot right away and I also think I'd like to have a 4th for that who I may have to consider making myself. Still, either way it's not gonna be more or less work for me to make it happen so it's all up to you guys.
Well I got my laptop back, can I get a show of hands for anybody still here? It might do alright to re-configure things a bit if there's still some people still wanting to play the setting. I can re-define a few things to tighten the focus to a small group instead of what I was planning before and it'll probably work out pretty well. Wanna know if there's at least like 3 or 4 people so I can keep going.
My laptop's broken for a couple weeks so I'll be kinda real slow on the replies. I can borrow another laptop but it's actively being used half of the day basically.
@Vega7285 @Crowvette "You've never asked for a drink before but I do consider you a regular, Homura-san. Also, hello Karine-san." Gotou remarked while giving a small nod to the second newcomer.

"Ojii certainly thought well of you. If thought up a usual, I'd certainly make it for you as far as I'm legally allowed to of course." He said.

While he spoke to Homura and Karine, he was simultaneously preparing the latter's drink of choice. This was a spectacle that was sure to be unusual to one who wasn't used to daily life in the Agency. Before he even touched the glass he was intending to use for the young lady's drink, the finger closest to it blazed to life and it began to float on its own and fly through the air.

It traced a precise path before setting itself down on the counter while he tended to the other ingredients, which all followed the same path soon afterwards. Milk, cocoa powder, a generous amount of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon for flavor, and a small square of dark chocolate poised on top.

As they watched, the young bartender had another finger at the ready, and it came to life with a small burst of flame, not unlike the flames of a lighter. He traced a circle small circle in the air in front of the drink, and the special platform the drink was poised on seemed to begin to heat up. Soon the hot chocolate began to bubble and steam, being stirred all the while.

Carefully, with his first finger which was covered in a light blue aura, he lifted it close, and with a third finger blew a fine spray of ice crystals, which seemed to adhere to the surface of the glass.

"Cool to the touch, warm for the heart," He said as he finally served Karine her drink. @Crowvette

Drinks were rated at the Sentouji South Shokuden by the amount of fingers required (By Gotou) to make them. It's an aspect which forms a part of a drink and a show, which attracts many customers, human and Yokai alike once Agency missions are handed out and the Bar assumes regular operations for the night. And he can make many drinks alone by himself, which was a rather large bonus.

"We mostly just carry non-alcoholic components to make alcoholic drinks, but with extra quantities for this kind of occurrence to make these types of drinks as well," Gotou explained. @Vega7285

"We have a number of common mixer ingredients like orange juice or tonic water which still make for fine drinks when combined with themselves. Shall I try to make something simpler for you to sample out?" He said.

"You better just do it Gotou," Amari Sakura cut in with a sly laugh. "I don't think this girl will ever know what she wants unless she gets a taste for it."

As she paced over, Gotou stepped aside and allowed her the room to do her bidding.

"We're familiar with that sword of yours, you don't need to hide her away." She continued. "She may not personally have a history with me or my Grandfather, but she has certainly had history with the Agency. Regardless, you want a mission, do you?"

She leaned over the counter and fixed her gaze on the two young girls before her. Her long blonde hair fell past her shoulders and reached past the edge of the countertop. Her intense purple eyes belied a sense of hunger about her. But they still had a playfulness behind them.

"Ah yes, I do believe I have the perfect mission for you two." She said with a wide smile, as she stood up and went to fetch the job posting from the board behind the counter.

"An Oni disobeying the Night Mandate has shown up recently near the Park." She said. "He's assembled a small gang, and they don't appear intent on obeying the law, so by the Agency's rules we have to punish them."

"No killing, the Kami simply want them to be taught a lesson. Oni are particularly tough anyway so it would be difficult to do it if you were determined enough not to." She continued. "Are you interested?"
@Dog Understandable, do you wanna jump in a little bit just to save a spot for your character? It feels like it'd be weird for the soldier to be late
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