Avatar of RyuShura
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ryushura
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 853 (0.22 / day)
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    1. RyuShura 10 yrs ago
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Hello, there really isn't much to see here. :^D

In case you were wondering, yes, I drew my profile image. Do you like it? I think it has a depressing sort of beauty.

Disclaimer: I can sometimes be a little too honest, and my standards might be too high. People don't like that. But let it stand on record that I also view myself with the same light. I would not criticize others if I am not willing to take criticism myself. Be mature. Don't hold stupid grudges. If you've come here to scope me out, to find some shameful detail or quench some personal spite because my honesty upset you in some way, -- I'm sorry but there is nothing here for your desperate attempt at self-validation. I will settle the pettiness with an apology. Sorry. Happy?

I can't do anything more than that.

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um. What the bloody hell just happened right now?

Sheesh. And I bought the extra strong weeb repelent too... Guess we'll need to upgrade to the Insectoid Gatekeeper.
I'm having fun. :^D But thats because I'm the bloodthirsty GM who enjoys watching things go horribly wrong...

*queue Palpatine's 'Do it' line.

Minev smiled underneath her hood as the fox-eared Amali defended her, swallowing the bitter taste of their words with the sweetness of watching the Paladin retinue driven off indignantly and irrefutably by Sayuri's clever intimidation. Though she made sure to wave at Halcine before they exited her view, giving her an apologetic gaze. No doubt the young Sentinel would get in some form of trouble over the matter, as they tended to blame her for many incredulous things. But this was all she could do at the moment. She was sure to pilfer some sort of treat for the poor girl later. Such a grace of kindness was incredibly rare, and the few people who gave her such a thing she tried to keep in best interest. One day, these debts will be repaid in equal. She would make sure of it. Though, somewhere in her heart, she couldn't help but think these things were out of pity than of mutual trust.

Whatever it may be, the tattooed woman whispered Saiyuri a soft response. "Thank you, I cannot repay you enough..."

She then stepped out towards the crowd and streets beneath them with a firm grin. Though the expression was merely a mask, tenuous at best as she faced this new threat. The cloaked figure stared at the bustling parade with hesitation, her eyes darting back and forth at the laughter and cheer. Though that might be what was in reality, all she could hear were snide jeers and cruel words.

It almost seemed as though she did not know where to first begin, the gloomy woman having been cast to an unfamiliar environment. Granted this brief moment of peace and joy, she did not want to first delve into gritty business. Not while the celebration has struck its full stride. I would be a shame to let this freedom go to waste, to let this victory go unannounced. She wanted to commemorate the occasion with Saiyuri, as was fitting. However, it was difficult. All Minev knew were the ancient tales and scriptures, being the guidelines with which she ordered and conducted herself. The rest being the things she made habit in her isolation around the mucky swampland surrounding Altamea, spiritual conducts to ensure her rituals and magic went unhindered by otherwise inharmonious auras. And out of all of this, none of them spoke of such joyous things in detail.

It occurred to her now more than ever that the only bits of history anyone cared for was the tragic and horrific.

With a practiced smile to hide her true feelings, Minev looked back at Saiyuri confidently. "Well, what would you recommend? Ah, I am not picky, so don't worry about that..."

Within her dress, the pale-taloned hands grasped tightly, hoping her companion would not notice how she shook.

@Erode Oh, well, I can change my post slightly. My mistake.

But the fact that he was out of range remains, so he'd still have to lug that pillar if he wanted to continue with it. Whatever he does, I assumed he finished the action regardless and I've left it up to either of you to deal the finishing blow. Well, actually the three of you now.

EDIT: With my changes, @Eklispe Solomon now has a wound marker.


Another flash of fire filled the whole chamber as the entire cast moved at once. Many tried to pull out difficult maneuvers all at once without a real focus. This might've lead to failure on many fronts, but with all their combined efforts, the brutal combat came to a resounding climax.

The Unknown was among the first to act, though only by a split second, having cast out a nearby rock at the gun ghoul and picking up a nearby sword from the rubble to deal with the other. The piece of debris was merely an annoyance as it smashed into pieces against its thick metal-capped skull. The round exploded at Aiv like a firework, who tried to time a dodge with the bullet. The shot seemed like it was off-center, and perhaps such a thing might've worked if it was but a single round. However, a splatter of molten metal escaped the barrel in that direction. With his speed, he managed to evade most of the shards. But when he tried to follow forwards, it seemed he underestimated the distance he could separate from the black weapon that was an extension of his existence. He made it perhaps 3/4th of the way in the short instant, but was yanked unceremoniously a few yards from his target, much like an animal on a leash. He was left to either drag the black pillar behind him or turn back for it to complete the action. Either way, he was delayed. And if it was not for the efforts of his companions, the remainders of the bullet might've struck true in this fumbled action.

Instead, the round blasted past him and exploded off the rusted staircase at the center of the mirrored atrium, blowing off bits of metal as the gunner was stuck by Ihosha who came from the flank, followed by Unknown with his pilfered weapon.

It snarled and swung their other arm with a dagger embedded in their knuckle at the interrupters. But it was only a paltry effort. Now with Aiv coming to the aid, however way he managed to pick himself back up, it was only a matter of time before the sole thing was finished by the trio.


Nearby, the last Twisted being entered conflict with Solomon. He managed to deflect the initial swipe of the claws with a heaving swing of his monstrous bow-blade. The black wolf head seemed to snarl in unison to the fury of its master, snapping the rusted nestled bladed-claws in half. Nonetheless, as Solomon continued the swing for his severing strike, it stabbed underneath the arcing weapon. Its free hand aim towards his torso in an serrated uppercut. It seemed to already understand the lost battle, and was simply looking to deal a gruesome blow to Solomon for overreaching. There was a glimmer of hope that the retaliation might be hindered when silvered staff from Ihosha soared overhead and knocked it over the head. But the ancient soldier seemed undeterred by the mild effort, continuing regardless and Solomon would feel a wormy hand dig into his skin and into his abdomen.

The creature gurgled one last remark. "Sinners... wearing sheep skin..."

Before -- Slice!

The twisted head rolled off into the water, the rotten corpse making a following in hollow splash alongside it. For a moment the large mold-grass boils on its back shuddered. However, they quickly slowed to a halt, presumably the left-over compulsions in their death.


With the last drop of blood, nothing else stirred in the darkened chamber except for the heaving breaths of the victors. Though some of them paid a heavy price for their victory. It would take only a few short moments to recover their stamina, but the wounds were an entirely different matter. Isabella would find that her infection seemed to halt, lingering there underneath her skin menacingly and Aiv would feel the weight of the shrapnel trapped in his side. It might have stopped the blood from flowing free. But it did not cease the pain. Solomon was the newest addition to this, having been gored by his enemy in the final moments. Similarly to Isabella, if he inspected the thing in the dim light, he would see an umbra that dyed his skin and blood.

Regardless, they were left with a few options now. Though with the stirring from the Western hallway, along with the emergence of a few familiar glimmering pale lights, perhaps that option was made null now too.

There was also the question of where Dwyn had gone off to. Suddenly, a grisly scream from the Eastern hall filled their ears.

In that same shocking turn, a combined chorus of moans resounded in call to the scream and fire detonated again as blazing rounds exploded into the chamber, blasting off more of the ancient stairway at the center. Whatever lay at the top of them existed only in speculation now that the inhabitants of the temple closed in on the party. Not only did they pose a hazard themselves, but the ensuing blasts of fire gradually took apart the frail spiral making such a flight ever more treacherous. Though one can't help but think of what secrets were so valuable to be kept hidden up there. Then, as though to add to all the chaos, Ezain, who had missing this whole time emerged from the Southern chamber, bloody and barely alive. He was clearly missing a few parts, horn chipped and all.

His eyes were cold and distant. But incredibly determined.

"This way was no good either... I only managed to escape..." the horned man coughed, spilling black blood from his mouth as pale essence-like energy poured from his missing arm, "I cannot continue... I was foolish... This journey cannot be made on the strength of one alone. I learned this too late..." he then pointed to the last option, down the dark-lit Eastern passage, "Now go, finish our task! With whatever strength I have left, I will buy you time..."

He then stepped to the center and urged them on, snarling. "GO! NOW!"

Welp, that's everyone... I think. For the main encounter at least.

Once I get home, it'll be time to start on this mega-phone post because my PC is dead... woot! If I missed anyone, feel free to shove in a post before I manage to get mine out.
Will have something up in the upcoming days. My laptop charger broke and I'm looking for a replacement.
Hit me with something, Jack. I like to test my luck on the dice.
Hey! @thelonerook Welcome to my humble little roleplay.

Sorry I couldn't invite you formally, but I made this quite a while ago and I figured you were also busy managing your own rp and that weird thing called 'life', whatever that is. And as much as I'd like to extend that invitation now, I just turned down another person just today actually. It really is too full atm.

If another spot opens up, you'll be the first I poke for sure. Otherwise, feel free to chill here. My home is your home. :^D

@Crabs Also. No.
Thats it. All future enemies will only consist of waifus with waifumaterial.voicepack installed. You're all fucked now.
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