Avatar of Saltwater Thief


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Gonna be without power for a bit today, apologies if I don't speak much.
7 yrs ago
Have a few days off. Look for posts for sure today & tomorrow!
8 yrs ago
Just found out an online friend I used to RP with passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly. Didn't know them super well, but the news is saddening all the same =(
8 yrs ago
Family ate Thanksgiving a night early because of schedules. Will be tending to all my various posts tomorrow since I'll have time to do so!
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Long timer roleplayer, been at it for... god, almost 15 years now all told. Hasn't been all sunshine and roses, but I like to think I've improved somewhat steadily as time has gone on.

I generally like to play older characters, or at least toward the higher end of an age range. Also, just about all of my characters are caring and protective in some capacity, even the rare meanie that I make.

I play a mixture of male and female characters. I myself am a guy.

Generally speaking I try to post at least once per week.

Most Recent Posts

I'd be up for joining as well.
I will begin work on a post once the weekend is out. Any suggestions/recommendations for where I should come in?

Apologies for the silence, had a few long workdays. CS is ready for review.
@TalijaKey Sounds good to me. I should have the time to do that later this week.
Seth Halen

All hell broke loose the moment Jaden's hand left the switch. Alarms sounded, red lights began to flash, and everybody in the building began to scramble. Most notably, however, was the release of the various Pokemon from their captive containers. In particular, as soon as the Ninetails he had seen earlier hit the floor, Jaden was already rushing toward her. That, Seth reasoned, had to be Vix then; why else would Jaden fly to her side like that? Furthermore, it looked like she was waking up. Well, if they already had who they came for, there was no reason to stick around, was there?

Snapping his head around from where he was still hiding, Seth looked for and soon found the hallway back toward the entrance in the forest. From there, he moved as quickly as he could toward his compatriot, keeping the path they had to take in mind as he went, until he was close enough that he could address Jaden such that only the other trainer would hear him over the klaxons.

"I've got the way out over here," he hissed, "All three of you, let's go. NOW."

With that, he began to move toward the exit, keeping one eye on the direction where the boy and girl had been standing. He had two hopes; one, that Jaden and his partners had heard him and were following close behind, and two, that neither of them tried to stop them...


Sounds good, I'll take a look at the kind of characters that are already present and get to cooking up a CS!
Hi there! I don't really know any of you, but I've had a real bad itch to get into a high fantasy roleplay of late, and it looks to me that this one fits the bill very nicely. If you're still willing to accept new players, I'd love to make a submission.
Alright, in an effort to keep things speedy, I'll be posting tomorrow evening after work. If Feisty's gotten hers in before then, that's wonderful. If not, I think my post can still work. Either way, it will be done before I start my 3 15-hour workdays on Thursday.
@Saltwater ThiefYou said this six days ago...If school is taking up your time or delaying you, then I need to know these things out of courtesy. I tend to skip people or even drop them from my games when they go AWOL due to this site housing so many people with short-attention spans. Six days wouldn't be when I'd do it, but if you hit 14, even when it says I'll go looking for you, I won't. If it takes 14 days for someone to post without any sort of notice or heads up, then I know their muse is shot/dead and I don't try to fix it.

I've actually been waiting to see your response to Feisty's question so I could figure out if I should let her post first for the sake of sequencing. But if this is a concern of such significance, I will go ahead and ignore that. Your concern is appreciated.
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