Avatar of Saltwater Thief


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6 yrs ago
Current Gonna be without power for a bit today, apologies if I don't speak much.
7 yrs ago
Have a few days off. Look for posts for sure today & tomorrow!
8 yrs ago
Just found out an online friend I used to RP with passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly. Didn't know them super well, but the news is saddening all the same =(
8 yrs ago
Family ate Thanksgiving a night early because of schedules. Will be tending to all my various posts tomorrow since I'll have time to do so!
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Long timer roleplayer, been at it for... god, almost 15 years now all told. Hasn't been all sunshine and roses, but I like to think I've improved somewhat steadily as time has gone on.

I generally like to play older characters, or at least toward the higher end of an age range. Also, just about all of my characters are caring and protective in some capacity, even the rare meanie that I make.

I play a mixture of male and female characters. I myself am a guy.

Generally speaking I try to post at least once per week.

Most Recent Posts

I hope we're not letting this die already folks.

It wasn't long before they got within sight of the town square, but as they started to move around the ground beneath them turned to slippery mud and slush. Alexander managed to keep his balance again with some quick footwork, but Hannah fell to the ground in its wake. "Try side-stepping," he offered to her as she got off and cleaned her clothes as best she could, "It'll give you more traction from more of your foot fighting the ground." There happened to be a small slope right at hand, so he decided to demonstrate as he turned sideways and crab walked down it.

"Now then, let's see here..." he said as he looked around for anybody that looked connected to a castle in some way. That failing, he'd keep his eyes peeled for the local watering hole. When in doubt, go where the booze is, as they used to say back home. And it had yet to fail him in his life.
Keeping an eye on this one.


It wasn't long after the third rookie joined the ragtag band that there was a deafening crash nearby and dust filled the air, only to be gone in a rush of wind. Kurena had been forced back a few feet, but had instinctively assumed a combat stance that she maintained until she saw the bandanna the new arrival was sporting; it meant he was multiple ranks above them, and from the sound of it he was their overseer for this mission. Well, he was nothing if not bold, given the dynamic entry. And it certainly seemed like he had a martial artist's physique. Maybe she could pick up a few things by watching him work? "Yes sir!" she said as she jogged after him to his ship.

As it turned out, due to Fuzei's method of piloting his ship, she had little else to do but observe him. His movements, his stance, the way he balanced... Kurena had always been more of a tactile learner, but watching a more experienced martial artist move was always a treat. Especially when he harnessed the wind to such a degree that he launched them out and away from the waves that had been threatening to drown them. It wasn't all that applicable to her style, being of entirely different aims and substance, but perhaps...

She was taken out of her musings by Fuzei explaining their objective. A fugitive by the name of Goldann the Wild was on the loose, and he was to be their target. There was some caution to be taken; they were not the first group of rookies to attempt the takedown. And neither of the previous groups had been heard from. That was especially concerning, because it meant Goldann and any of his cronies knew the Corps were after him. "This is probably a good idea then..." Kurena said out loud as she reached up, untied her bandanna from her hair, and stuffed it in her pocket out of sight. She shook her hair loose to it hung around her head and neck, then started walking toward the Salty Spitoon. She glanced around as she walked in the door, and smiled sweetly at all the patrons before making her way to the bar, regardless of the glares she was sure she was earning.

"Afternoon," she said as she sat down, "Anything the barkeep recommends for a girl just off a rough ocean ride?"

Small talk first, she thought, then information can follow.

It was starting to get cold. VERY cold. Cold enough to make Alexander shiver, even with his leather jacket and what he'd thought was ace tolerance for the temperature. He'd been soaked inside a cloud before, but that wasn't really comparable here. Still, there were things to do and timely manners to do them in, and a little chill wasn't allowed to stop them. Even if it wasn't that little.

"Right," he said as he started moving down the road, "To the market square we go then. Oh night's a-coming quickly, it will be here ere long... so grab your lines and hoist the sail, we must be moving on..." Sky only knew why the old shanty had popped into his head, but whispering it under his breath certainly helped keep him upbeat and moving forward. "The sun is setting fast lads, the cold is closing in... but once we reach the port lads, we'll warm up with some sin..."

Lucia looked over at the sound of someone else speaking. It was a young woman, more less in Lucia's own age range, lounging on a chair in a monochromatic swimsuit that accentuated her scarlet eyes as much as it did her curves.

“Oh, it was nothing," Lucia said dismissively, "Boys only see the rose, sometimes you just have to remind them of the thorns under it. Oh, but where are my manners. I’m Lucia Juste-Enfant, and you…?”

The girl met Lucia’s eyes, placing her glass at a nearby table before saying, “It’s still impressive nonetheless. Not everyone has this kind of resolve. Anyway, I guess I’m being the rude one, saying these thing without even introducing myself. Elysia Greyhardt, but you can call me Ely if you wish.” She finished with a small smile gracing her lips as she brushed some of her hair that had fallen over her face.

Lucia returned the smile. “Very well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Ely." Greyhardt? Where had she heard that name before? It sounded German, but Lucia could've sworn she'd noticed the surname before. "As for my resolve, I suppose it’s just how I was raised. Although… having to deal with blockheaded classmates on a daily basis will also improve such things,” Lucia chuckled. Not that she thought poorly of her comrades, but some of them DID tend to act first and think through it later.

“I suppose so. You really do look like kind of person who was raised to be a knight, or some other kind of hero."

Well, Lucia thought, she supposed that wasn't entirely inaccurate. Even if she didn't feel much like either one lately.

"I-- I’m not trying to judge you by appearance. It’s just that you look so athletic and beautiful, and even your body language is pretty refined and trained,” Elysia said as a deeper shade of red took over her cheeks. “I’m probably bothering you with my rambling, am I not?” she asked in a sheepish way before picking up her juice and taking a sip of it.

Lucia blushed visibly at the compliments. She wasn't exactly accustomed to direct praise, but more than that she'd never had anybody say things like THAT to her. “Oh no, not at all,” she said as she strolled a little closer, “It’s actually quite nice to socialize with somebody as charming as yourself, I so rarely get to meet other people. Or get time to myself for that matter, usually it’s spent- look out!”

Out of the corner of her eye Lucia saw a small metal object falling out of the air straight toward them. She used a little bit of basic psychic reinforcement on her hand and whipped her arm out to knock the thing away, breaking some piece of it in the process and causing it to kick up several chunks of sand.

“Ahh!” Elysia exclaimed in surprise as something came crashing down close to them, spreading sand all over the place, followed shortly by a boy asking if they were alright while apologizing for the crashed drone.

"Oh, Hiro," Lucia said as the Linker came trotting up, "We're fine. I think your toy's seen better days though..." She decided not to chew him out for carelessness; accidents happened, after all. Not far behind him were Kuni and Mila came over, Mila decidedly taking the lead... in very awkward fashion.

"Ah, oui," Lucia said, returning handshakes and nods, "Introductions! Ely, these are some of my classmates. Hiro, Mila, and Kuni." She said pointing to each in turn, "This is Ely. She and I were just having a conversation. So, what brings you three here? Aside from remote control flying devices gone rogue, anyway."

@Sync@SimpleWriter@Mr Nim
@EpicKDP Will should be 12 my dude, it's not included in the averaging (so it's Total/4).

It was a weekend off. A rarity in and of itself, there was only one thing to do on such an occasion; hit the beach!

Well, sort of. There wasn't an ACTUAL beach worth visiting in the city, but there was an indoor, artificial beach with a water park included that could be visited. It wasn't even close to what Marseille could offer, but then again what was? It would suffice though, so Lucia donned her swimsuit, packed a towel, and set out to have a relaxing day by the water.

The building with the manmade beach was entirely temperature controlled and featured artificial sunlight to simulate a beautiful summer day regardless of season or weather. It was crowded, but that was expected given it being a weekend. By some miracle Lucia managed to find an open umbrella and quickly spread out her towel to claim it. Once that was done she carefully took off her street clothes and folded them inside her bag, then laid down in her sky blue bikini to soak up a few artificial solar rays.

"Hey hot stuff, need some lotion applied?" came a voice from nearby not long into things. Lucia looked up despite knowing what it would be, and to her disgruntlement she was right; a mid-teens boy who thought he was being witty.

"Non, merci," she replied nonchalantly, "I should be good for at least another hour before I need to reapply, and I'll do that myself. Run along now."

"Aw, come on! I just want to spend some time with you," the hormone-addled youth continued, "Who knows, maybe we could..."

"For your own sake," Lucia cut him off, "Do NOT finish that sentence. Au revoir."

"Really now, can't a guy-"

"D'accord, that is it. I am going to take my sunglasses off, and if by the time my eyes adjust to the glare- which will be around seven seconds, give or take- if you are still here I am going to bury you up to your head in the sand," she said as she closed her eyes and began to remove her shades, "And I'll make sure you don't come out for a while. Now then..."

It actually only took her 6 seconds to adjust, but the boy seemed to have taken her seriously because he was nowhere to be found. With that handled, Lucia propped herself up and gazed out at the wave pool that formed the "ocean" of the beach. It was plenty relaxing, and it helped take her mind off of the mission and what had happened. Which, she thought to herself, was exactly what the proverbial doctor ordered.
Not anymore you aren't :)


Kurena had gotten up early, as she usually did. Life at the Monastery had instilled that habit in her, mostly because it proved the easiest way to get her morning workout done without interfering with anything. It was nothing too strenuous, mostly some jogging in the morning mist around Marineford, and then some kata drills in one of the bamboo glades on the southeastern edge, where the plant life proved very good for striking practice. And yet, for all their quality at it, they hardly helped her ability to unlock the remaining three forms of Kamiken. She couldn't really call herself a martial artist until she mastered all of them, nor would she realistically be an asset to the Mercenary Corps until she at least learned them, but it seemed there was always something stopped her from making a break through. It was aggravating, to a degree, but at the same time she wasn't too worried. There was plenty of time still, and something told her the doors would open when she needed them to.

As she finished her drills she wiped her face with a towel and headed for a rock outcropping on one of the island's cliffsides, where she climbed to the peak and sat to watch the sun finish cresting over the horizon. She'd managed to time it pretty well today, and she'd be able to watch it for a good while before heading back to her small apartment in the residential area. A little bit into her not-so-much meditative session, a paper crane came fluttering toward her on the wind, with some writing visible on the wing. Kurena caught it deftly and opened it carefully, reading what was inscribed. Her face lit up as she read; it was time for a mission! Meet at noon... that gave her a couple of hours to herself still. "Well," she said out loud, "Should at least take a bath first, don't want to be all sweaty at the start..."

A couple of hours later she was walking through the South Port of the island, trying to stay out of anybody's way while still looking around for a gathering of recruits with bandanas. She spied someone wearing the same color, a dark skinned woman loaded for bear with firearms, and with a wave and a smile Kurena strolled over to her. "Hi," she said, "Merc Corps, right? Same here. I'm Kurena. Haven't seen anybody else yet, so I guess this is as good a gathering spot as any?" she supposed, looking around for anybody of a higher ranking.
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