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@Burning Kitty I'm with @soren on this. Tifa is a bit on the crazy side right now, and we really do need to start advancing the plot.
Valanx walked over to the cryo-pod in the cargo bay. It looked pretty banged up, but there had just been a major fight with some of the most vicious aliens in the galaxy, so that could explain it. The interior was also more padded that most cryo-pods were, particularly at one end, indicative that it had, indeed, held a living creature, perhaps the girl he had seen with the captain - the size of the pod looked to be about right for the girl.

He looked at the screen near the pod's control panel. "Warning! Motherboard damaged. Emergency backup systems active," blinked on the screen. He cursed. Now he would probably have to dismantle the entire thing to get the hard drive out and access the manifest. He tapped a few of the keys to try to see what he could before the backup systems failed. When he tried to access the hard drive, a window popped up requesting authorization. He entered his credentials, and waited for a moment. Soon, a message appeared. "Insufficient clearance," it read. Valanx growled. He would probably have to get the captain to authorize access to the hard drive. He had the highest clearance of anyone on board, so unless the information contained on the hard drive was incredibly high security, he should have the necessary credentials.

Valanx touched the comms device in his ear and spoke. "Captain, I've looked over the cryo-pod. The circuitry is pretty damaged, so I'm going to try to transfer the critical components to a more stable system, and I'll need your authorization to access the information on the hard drive."

@Jones Sparrow@Esailia
Velu relaxed as the monster dissolved, but it's final words kept him on edge. He watched as the mist that had been the monster, and two of its minions entered one of the crystals in the room, then turned back to the moogle as it began explaining more of what was going on. Suddenly, the crystal the moogle had given him began to glow, and a wave of knowledge filled his mind - enough to leave him reeling. "So, you're saying that something - perhaps an agent of this god Chaos - is trying to gain control of these crystals," Velu summarized, gesturing to the four crystals in the library which looked very much like the four crystals that existed in his own world. "And he and two of his minions just entered into one of them. I think we need to get going on this before we waste too much more time."
Isaac once again nodded to the satyr and headed back out of the Big House. He decided to check the archery range since that was the most likely location for the children of Apollo. He found them practicing shooting at the targets while their counselor, Will Solace, helped individuals with aim, trajectory, or anything else they may have been struggling with. "Hey, Will, could I borrow one of your healers for a bit?" Isaac asked as soon as he got close enough. "We have a new camper unconscious in the Big House, and we're not quite sure what's going on with him."
Will looked back at the other campers, then called to one. "Justin! Could you go with Isaac to the Big House? Someone needs your help."
"Sure thing, mister boos man," a lanky teen answered.
Isaac explained what he knew to Justin, which admittedly wasn't much. "I found him unconscious on the top of Half Blood Hill, right next to Thalia's Pine. Chiron and Redwood were there and helped carry him to the Big House while I got a cot ready for him. I think Redwood or Chiron might have actually seen him get there, so they might know more. Redwood gave him some nectar and ambrosia, but last I saw he hadn't woken up yet." As he finished, his explanation, he brought Justin into the room where the unconscious camper was laying.@soren
Valanx was in the lab looking at the Ulnar venom again. The newest anti-venom should have worked. All the data suggested that it would neutralize the poison, so why hadn't it worked? He injected the anti-venom into another vial and placed the sample under a microscope. He watched the reaction again. After watching the anti-venom do it's job, he separated the remaining solutions. The reaction had proceeded as normal, but there was something weird about what was left over. There was either an unexpected product, or a reactant that didn't react. He placed the unknown substance under a microscope and began an analysis. He rushed over to the body of their deceased loadmaster and extracted a vial of brain fluid. He put this new sample under another microscope and began an analysis. Somehow, there was a powerful neurotoxin in Anderson's system, identical to the substance he had isolated from the neutralized Ulnar venom. But if the Ulnar venom contained both a hemotoxin and an neurotoxin, why were they unable to isolate the neurotoxin from the venom until they had neutralized the hemotoxin? With a few swipes of a gloved hand across the displays, he logged the data for further analysis. Maybe Rae would be able to make more sense of this. This poison stuff was more her territory anyway. He just worked on this sort of stuff on the side when he had nothing else to do or the matter was of greatest urgency as it was here, or at least it had been, and probably would be again. Those rats were still out there in certain places. The Marauders had just wiped out a large portion of them, but they hadn't annihilated the entire race.

He had just saved the new information on the venom when a call came in for him over the comms. "Valanx, we have a cryo-pod in the cargo bay that needs to be examined. Please see if you can find any information and report back to the Captain once found," Rae instructed.

"Affirmative," Valanx responded. "Also, I found some new information about the Ulnar venom. You'll want to take a look at it ASAP. It's... confusing." With that, Valanx left the lab and made his way to the cargo bay to examine the cryo-pod. Why did they have a cryo-pod? Was this something to do with the mysterious "precious cargo" they had picked up? Was that why the Ulnar had chased them until they wiped out their entire fleet? Hopefully this cryo-pod would provide answers. If it was a commercial transport cryo-pod it likely had an internal memory card that would describe the contents, the route, the ultimate destination, and any special notes regarding hazardous materials or other dangers the contents presented when released. He should be able to read any information with a quick scan as long as the internal circuitry was intact. With the amount of jostling the ship took, though, it may require some repairs before he could read it.

As Valanx neared the door to the cargo bay, the captain stormed by with a girl that Valanx had not seen before. Valanx would have asked about this, but the captain's mood was not one he wanted to test at the moment based on his facial expression and the way he was walking. Besides, he was needed elsewhere, and hopefully where he was needed was also the place where the answers to the myriad questions swarming through his brain lay.
Velu caught the crystal that the moogle tossed to him. He examined it carefully, unsure what it was, but it seemed to have no other properties besides allowing him to understand what the moogle was saying, which was certainly welcome since it seemed that this moogle was the one responsible for Velu and the others showing up here. Unfortunately, the moogle was unable to explain what was going on before a door burst open and a giant smoke monster burst forth. "Okay, explanations can wait," the red mage decided. He ran at the beast at the same time that a woman with advanced weapons that Velu had never seen before did the same. She froze the monster's legs then used it's tail to mount its neck. Velu rushed forward, sword flashing. He leaped at the monster and slashed his sword at it's ugly face, slicing it from its left eye, across its nose, and to the right side of its mouth. He landed on his feet and jumped back in a defensive posture, watching what would happen next.
Velu and his companions, a knight, a monk, and a black mage, stopped at the nearby village. It was getting late, and the four heroes were tired from fighting monsters that had been dogging them for the past three days. They went to the various shops in town to see if there were any weapons, armor, magic, or miscellaneous items that they had any need of (Velu purchased a new sword and the Heal spell), and then went into the inn to sleep for the night. Velu feel asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, but when he woke up, he was no longer in the inn, and the people surrounding him weren't the companions he had been traveling with for the past week. He blinked and looked around. "What's going on?" he asked, unsure who he should be addressing. "And where am I?"
Name: Velu
Age: 16
Gender: male
Species: human
Appearance: tall and slender, fair skin, white hair, wears a red fedora with a white feather, a red shirt, a red cape, brown pants, and brown boots
Brief Bio: Velu was just an explorer traveling the world until one day his travels brought him to the shrine of one of the four crystals in his world. The light of the crystals was dying as darkness began to rise in the world. To combat the darkness, the crystal gave its light and power to Velu, allowing him to become a red mage. Along with three other companions, he had to journey across the length and breadth of his world and into the very heart of the world to confront the darkness and restore the power of the elements to the four crystals.
Summons: Bahamut, Ifrit
Weapon of choice: sword
Magic: fire (1-3), ice (1-3), thunder (1-3), cure (1-4), heal (1-3?) (starting with these at lv 1, will gain others later) will also acquire: life (1-2), mute, slow, stop, sleep, dark, confuse, haste, break, exit
Weaknesses: his only real weakness is that he doesn't have any particular strengths
Strengths: as a red mage, he is versatile in his ability to use black and white magic as well as physical attacks, but about halfway through the game he tends to level off and fall into a second or third position in terms of usefulness. He is also unable to use any ultimate spells/weapons. Overall, a fairly well-rounded character with no particular strengths or weaknesses (jack of all trades, master of none).
Isaac nodded at Chiron and dashed down the hill and into the Big House as quick as he could. He prepared a cot for the unconscious boy and was just about to walk back out when Chiron arrived. "Should I get a healer?" he asked the centaur. He had planned on doing that, but if the boy was just unconscious that was probably unnecessary, so it was probably a good idea to ask first rather than potentially waste someone's time.
Name: Velu
Age: 16
Gender: male
Species: human
Appearance: tall and slender, fair skin, white hair, wears a red fedora with a white feather, a red shirt, a red cape, brown pants, and brown boots
Brief Bio: Velu was just an explorer traveling the world until one day his travels brought him to the shrine of one of the four crystals in his world. The light of the crystals was dying as darkness began to rise in the world. To combat the darkness, the crystal gave its light and power to Velu, allowing him to become a red mage. Along with three other companions, he had to journey across the length and breadth of his world and into the very heart of the world to confront the darkness and restore the power of the elements to the four crystals.
Summons: Bahamut, Ifrit
Weapon of choice: sword
Magic: fire (1-3), ice (1-3), thunder (1-3), cure (1-4), heal (1-3?) (starting with these at lv 1, will gain others later) will also acquire: life (1-2), mute, slow, stop, sleep, dark, confuse, haste, break, exit
Weaknesses: his only real weakness is that he doesn't have any particular strengths
Strengths: as a red mage, he is versatile in his ability to use black and white magic as well as physical attacks, but about halfway through the game he tends to level off and fall into a second or third position in terms of usefulness. He is also unable to use any ultimate spells/weapons. Overall, a fairly well-rounded character with no particular strengths or weaknesses (jack of all trades, master of none).
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