Avatar of ShiningSector


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Congratulations to our new Co-GM @ShiningSector! If you have any complaints from here on please submit them in writing to him as it will probably be his fault in the first place :p

Yep. Count on it.
After being cooped up for two weeks and running surveillance during that time, Cyne was pleased to finally leave the dull yet sturdy confines of the Legion's End. Their initial tour of the system was unremarkable to say the least. Travelling to the system was an understandable given and Cyne certainly wouldn't complain about that fact. Finding the Balrog however was a different matter entirely. An average solar system held an unfathomably proportioned emptiness between stellar bodies where practically anything, easily dwarfed by even the smallest of moons, could traverse the blackness of space undetected, unbeknownst to all but the most efficient of sensory arrays and spectrum analysis equipment. Unfortunately, their quarry was a sly object and annoyingly avoided detection for more than a week. Cyne at one point nearly convinced himself that the ship they sought was intentionally hiding away and leading them astray.

Their run was then made more difficult, if not however interesting when the additional ships belonging to different factions began pouring into the system, their goals quite similar to that of the crew of the Legion's End. Days passed and Cyne swore his ears could have very well given out as he attuned them to the constant transmissions skipping about the Poseidon's Belt. Most were standard reports; nothing interesting however he held some thin sliver of hope that any one of the interlopers in-system could have, just maybe, found some sort of lead to go by. However, that was not to be as the latter half of the transmissions covered mostly of combat and in-fighting records. In a sense, it was somewhat amusing to Cyne, considering that with everyone killing each other, no one truly bothered to ask what exactly they were dying for. The simple answer would've been for secret and classified information; encrypted details that could genuinely tip the balance of power in the sector.

But was that truly it? No one however knew for sure and only time would tell once the accolade was in their grasps.

Sure enough, they eventually stumbled across their prize, having found the Balrog as a derelict once it's short-range sensor pings wer picked up. Initial imagery revealed a vessel that once looked like the Balrog but was now reduced to a battered and gutted hulk of metal. The question that everyone was asking couldn't be answered; what happened? The mere thought was eerie at best and indulged only in mysterious vagueness.

Within the shuttle destined towards the beaten husk of the Balrog, Cyne checked the HUD readout from his visor as it compiled the necessary booting data, having just powered up the life-support systems of his compact extravehicular mobility suit. The suit's OS normally would have taken ten or so minutes to ensure the life-support gear was reliable enough for safe usage. But with his trusty drone, Pathfinder docked to a modified assembly at the rear of the suit and procedurally interacting with the suit's main systems, the process only took seconds to complete.

After a small green ping illuminated on his HUD, Cyne directed his attention to his rifle. While a powerful marksman firearm, its Cartridge based design forbade it from participating within unsuitable environments. At least not in its usual state. Cyne systematically broke the frame down, having removed the elongated barrel and upper receiver assembly before storing them away. He eventually produced a newer and bulkier frame that would replace the uninstalled sections. The newer assembly was blocky and rectangular in appearance however maintaining a smooth and sleek design, boasting an ergonomic build where the horizontal handle would be. The new framework bore a complex lineup of internal mag rails, purposed for functioning in vacuum-like domains. The installation was relatively simple, simply requiring him to set the upper assembly in place atop the rifle itself, there it would then make a satisfying snap and then a low whine of its electronics synchronizing with the rest of the weapon's systems.

They were close now and it certainly wouldn't be much longer until they were live.
@Arthanus Updated the CS and I will have a post up very soon.
@CaptainSully Ah, understood. Thank you for clarifying.
@Arthanus What is @CaptainSully required to edit again? The request didn't appear clear to me.
@Arthanus More is always better, perhaps mentioning the other peeps again on the interest board could increase our number. Of course we have seemingly reached the minimum of participants requested, assuming everyone here is totally on board. Your call, boss.
Name: Cyne Zarubin

Alias: Spyglass

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Age: 32

  • Custom light-armor fatigues. Installed with electronic warfare and communications equipment, as well as optical camouflage.
  • Multi-purpose high-powered sniper rifle, shotgun (dependent on mission parameters), suppressed pistol, and a combat knife.
  • A sarcastic combat and utility drone called Pathfinder.

Personality: Cyne has been though quite a bit in a matter of years prior before joining up with the legion. Once a more pure, optimistic and supporting type of individual with a sense of duty, Cyne's psyche took an unfortunate downward spiral, taking on a cold loner persona driven by contempt which resulted in his removal from the SSA military. Thankfully, through continuous depression therapy sessions, Cyne eventually returned to his former ways but in turn, carrying over many of his grim revised actualities as well. Having trained as a soldier, he tends to look for the value of someone based on their skills, while trying his best to look past the personality quirks and tendencies of others.

Trained as a solider, Cyne understands the value and necessity in working as a group and will go out of his way to assist a comrade in need. This is also true in the case of how he views innocent non-combatants. He can however be aggressive and cold at times regarding certain subjects and scenarios and even speaking his mind to get his point across. Whether he himself realizes it or not, he takes some kind of unusual satisfaction of eliminating his enemies.

Bio: Born to a near low class family, Cyne lived a somewhat normal childhood; had good home, plenty of friends, and decent grades. One day his father, whom was a Scout at one time, taught Cyne how to camp, hunt, and live off the wilderness. The occasional camping and hunting trips every so often had peaked Cyne’s further interest and eventually like father, like son, Cyne quickly got the hang of living outdoors and practically excelled at it.

Many years later, Cyne would graduate at his colony's university with an A.A.S. degree and join up with the SSA military, believing that he could make a real impact through ensuring security and safety through human-held worlds. Through his time in the SSA Military academy and eventually through training, Cyne would soon discover his newfound career as a sniper, thanks in part to his survivalist taught demeanor. While only seeing a few tours, Cyne had further honed his skills, taking charge of communications and working with a reconnaissance drones while fighting in numerous combat zones, marking enemy targets and positions for elimination.

Much of the action he participated in typically involved him with fending off unwanted pirates and crushing the occasional unruly insurrectionists threatening to destabilize regions in SSA territory. Tragically during one fateful engagement, Garret’s childhood friend whom paired up with him in the same unit, met his grisly end after pushing Cyne out of the way an incoming of mortar round. The loss apparently changed Cyne’s outlook on life and slowly eroded his perception of justice, driving him forward with vengeful determination.

Unfortunately, Cyne would eventually found himself being kicked out of the SSA military through a court martial after putting his personal vendetta ahead of his orders. While the fateful mission he participated was ultimately a success, his actions put many of his fellow operators into unnecessary risk, some even receiving serious by passable injuries as a result. Cyne soon fell into a depressive state after coming to terms with what he had done. He took seminars to rehabilitate himself though he had hardly found the relief he really needed. However that was not to say that it didn't at least inspire him. Utilizing his academic skills from his university years, Cyne created himself his own drone, built around the framework of a SSA hovering droid and programmed with a personality of its own.

What he had finally constructed was someone - or specifically something that he could relate to and converse with. While the Cyne he was before had seemingly died along with his friend, the person that he was now stood above his past convictions and conceived renewed purpose. Looking to make a difference that he saw fit through his trained skills with his time with the SSA, Cyne did the best thing he could think of; becoming a mercenary. This eventually lead him to signing on with the Crimson Legion and thus far saying with outfit currently for more than six years.

Silas Cross - "Silas kinda reminds me of my old squad leader to a certain degree. He evokes plenty of, positive memories, during my service with the SSA. However it is to my understanding it didn't play out similar for him. Quite the opposite in fact. Nevertheless, he's someone I can trust and willingly get behind...except when it comes to caring and handling beloved pet hamsters..."

Sventillus Septimus Hamkito - "I like Sven. He has that personality I can get along with quite well. I've found his set of technical skills very impressive; he would prove useful logistically...can't say the same about his shooting, unfortunately. I'll seriously need pull him aside one of these days to hold a gun right."

Therak oz Mizol ost nil Gerad - "Gerry's rather straightforward and wouldn't seem like the type to beat around the bush. I can respect that. His cultural morality however is something I can't get a bead on; he seems, maybe, too accepting of certain situations. Still, his skills will be handy to have on board."

Macklyn Setzyr - "He seems to know his way around this kind of business, much better than I do even. A very good shot from what I hear and quite resourceful too. I can't help but feel that there is, something a tad off with Macklyn; his commitment perhaps?"

Ghazruk Krushklaw - "I can't deny Gaz's uncanny efficiency in causing mayhem, nor can I ignore his out-weighing experience. He's a valuable asset, however one that will need to be monitored...within one-hundred, meters at least."
@Arthanus Nice! Will do.
@Arthanus Gotcha, I went ahead and updated my CS to contain that.
@Arthanus Whoops! That was an oversight. I would say that he was in the outfit for some time. Speaking of which, how long would this group have existed? From when it was formed till now?
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