Avatar of Shiva


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Oh don't get me started on the whole Chris Pratt as Mario thing. I love him, but this is a blatant middle finger to the voice over community and it's definitely being felt. All my buddies are livid.
3 yrs ago
I finally made a new thread for my art stuff. I can't stand to look at the old one anymore lol roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
She was lookin kinda dumb
3 yrs ago
Roll a constitution save. On a fail you take 150....... Bludgeoning damage? Piercing damage?
1 like
3 yrs ago
As a GM I love when people get excited and do that (as long as they're not doing anything game breaking). Getting excited and passionate for characters and the story is what it's all about! I love it.


Ew I need to revamp this

Most Recent Posts

“Oh- Please, just- just call me Al. If anyone should be bowing, its me,” Alastor replied, in a bit of shock as he stared at the creature in front of him. Yellow eyes, white hair and fur, on the island where the Khrysopos is supposed to be located. “You’re the- You- I found- Wow.”

“What my friend here is trying to say-” The strange woman cut in, throwing her arm around the prince’s shoulder, “-is that it is an honor to make your acquaintance.”


“Yes, friend.”

“I don’t make friends with witches,” Al raised an eyebrow at her, looking her attire up and down pointedly.

“Just because my clothes are battered and dark doesn’t mean I’m a witch. Honestly, your highness, I expected better from you.”

“You sound like my father,” he sighed, before turning his attention back to the other two. The prince was a bit more composed, having been properly annoyed out of his initial shock. “You must excuse me, I wasn’t expecting to find you so soon.”
@Leo Khan Oh that might be interesting, as long as you can put up with me being a mildly uneducated moron, but I'll try to do my research lol History wasn't my best subject.

Fantasy medieval is right up my alley. Any particular plot in mind? If not, I can like... Go hunt around for prompts or something.
So I'm in the mood for a 1x1, and all my usual rp buddies are busy, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to meet some new buddies and come up with a fresh rp plot!

A few facts about me:
-7+ years rp experience
-Will do any plot that doesn't involve the supernatural (ghosts, demons, angels, etc) werewolves, vampires, and that kind of stuff. Absolutely nothing NSFW.
-Will try to post as often as possible, but I'm very busy and you may have to wait a little. On the flip side, if you need a while to post, I'm not going to be on your back about it.

I don't really have a plot in mind, but my favorite genres are definitely romance, sci-fi, fantasy, or medieval. I'm pretty much open to anything that has a good plot. If you want an example of my writing, I shall direct you to my recents.

I can do advanced, but I rather do casual due to how busy I am. But again, if you don't mind waiting on a post, I'll give it a shot.

So, thank you for reading this far, if you're interested then hit me up!
Welcome to RPG! Let me know if you have any questions
Welcome to RPG! Most everyone is pretty friendly, just stay away from the dark shadowy area of... certain... people. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask! Also don't be scared to ask the staff for anything, they're all super chill.
The prince sighed as he waited for someone to come to the door, praying that they wouldn’t just ignore him. It had been a very long journey. He was wet, tired, hungry, cold, and at the moment all he wanted was a hot meal and somewhere to lay his head for the night other than the dirt. Surely they would be kind enough to provide him with that, right? Alastor needed to restore his strength so that he could continue with his mission; finding the Khrysopos.

To be completely honest, Alastor wasn’t even sure how the mystical being could help, but it was the only thing that he could think of to stop the war, and at the least he could do was try. This war had gone on for too long, and it was time for someone to stand up and say enough.

“You look brooding and dramatic.”

Alastor’s eyebrows furrowed at the sound of a voice behind him, and as he turned, there was a white haired woman leaning on the trunk of a tree staring at him. A long scar across her left eye caught his attention, but he tried not to let it show.

“”Do you live here?” He asked.

“Do I look like the castle type to you, lad?” Her eyebrow raised at him, and he had to admit that her frankly battard appearance didn’t suit the domain they were speaking of.

“I suppose not,” he replied. “So who are you?”

“I am no one to be trifled with.”

“Well that’s specific.”

“I try my best, your highness.” The woman curtsied to him, clearly being sarcastic.

Alastor was surprised. “You know who I am?”

“Nope, I took a wild guess by stereotyping your fancy clothes. Nice boots, by the way.”

“...” Alastor didn’t bother replying to that.
In Staff changes 6 yrs ago Forum: News
I'm sure things will pick up as long as everyone sticks with it. We just all need to get on our feet a bit.
Um... Idk. My favorite genre is probably Sci Fi or fantasy, so if you like one of those maybe we could start with that and work out a plot from there?
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