Avatar of Shiva


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3 yrs ago
Oh don't get me started on the whole Chris Pratt as Mario thing. I love him, but this is a blatant middle finger to the voice over community and it's definitely being felt. All my buddies are livid.
3 yrs ago
I finally made a new thread for my art stuff. I can't stand to look at the old one anymore lol roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
She was lookin kinda dumb
3 yrs ago
Roll a constitution save. On a fail you take 150....... Bludgeoning damage? Piercing damage?
1 like
3 yrs ago
As a GM I love when people get excited and do that (as long as they're not doing anything game breaking). Getting excited and passionate for characters and the story is what it's all about! I love it.


Ew I need to revamp this

Most Recent Posts

Oh hai there.

A lot of you know me, but for those who don't, hi! I'm Shiva, nice to meet you. I've been rping for somewhere around a decade, and I started out as a wee lass script rping warrior cats on a site called Horseland (ah, those were the days). I have (thankfully) come a long way.

As far as genres I like, I'm pretty much fine with anything that isn't NSFW, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and things like that.
I love sci-fi, fantasy, western, medieval, romance, adventure, and pretty much anything.

I repeat: I do not do NSFW. Ya nasty hoes.

Not gonna lie, I am particularly biased towards rps with romantic tones in it, but only if there is actual substance as well. I want a story and an adventure, not a romance novel. Think of "Me Before You" VS like... "Black Panther," or "The Lunar Chronicles" series. There's romance in all of these, but the last two are mostly about the story, less about the couple(s). There's a difference in a roleplay that has romance just for the sake of romance, even if the characters aren't compatible, and a roleplay that has a good plot with romance in it that was carefully forged and built, that lets the relationship between the two characters develop naturally. I personally absolutely adore the latter, and would love to make a new friend that will obsess over our OCs and the story with me.

On that note, I am (perhaps wrongly) very picky about my 1x1 partners. I've done a lot of rping with newer rpers to help them learn over the years, and I'm just not in the mood to be someone's teacher, you know? I want a partner, not a student where I have to hold their hand. So uh... Yeah.

If you're interested, feel free to hit me up! I don't have a particular plot in mind, I've just been stuck at home for the last month and I'm bored.

Please Note: I am a fulltime caregiver for my mother, and as such I don't have the time nor energy to post every single day, so if that's the kind of partner you're looking for, then I'm afraid I'm not your gal.

Fake it till you make it
Captain Maria Thorne

"I need to go... do something," Maria informed the android before taking her leave as well. Neither of their newcomers seemed to be in any condition to be causing trouble, so Maria figured leaving them unsupervised for a little bit would be fine. Or at least she hoped it would be. The captain jogged her way up the stairs and to the catwalk, trying to decide what she needed to check on first and making a mental to-do list as she passed by the different rooms on the ship.

She needed to find out where the Judge had put their prisoners. It hadn't really been discussed in the moment, nor had she had the time to talk to him since, but she'd need to talk to those guys at some point. If by talk you meant beating them to within an inch of their life. The rest of the ship also needed to be looked over by an actual person; you never knew when a sensor would malfunction and not pick up on some damage somewhere. The whole ship was so damaged Maria was fairly certain they'd never get her completely fixed again. Though she wasn't doing that well to begin with, so it wasn't really that surprising that she needed some TLC. The crew would be in desperate need of a break too. They needed to get to the Glao dock, get the ship repaired, and give the crew a few days to recover. Oh, that was a load of credits that Maria did not want to see go, but she'd put it off as long as she could. It'd been months, if not over a year since the crew had rested properly or the Veritas had been in good working order, and it was definitely costing them. Maria was even thinking about perhaps trying to throw at least a small bonus into their paychecks if she could. Ansgar could get some new tools, Kai some herbs (though Maria wasn't convinced as to the legality of his wares), Andrea could buy some more figurines, and Kev-

Oh. Andrea.

Maria had momentarily forgotten the other tragic loss that day in amongst all of the other chaos. Andrea's body probably still hadn't even been collected. What was left of it, anyway. Heaving a large sigh, Maria gathered up her strength to continue on the catwalk to the now sealed off bridge. The alarms for a hull breach had stopped, meaning the blast shield had engaged and it was at least safe to enter, but the captain still hesitated before manually unlocking the hatch to the ship's bridge. She didn't want to see the charred remains of someone she lived and worked with. Unfortunately, this was also a part of the job she signed up for, and it was better that she have to do it than anyone else.

Inside there lay the motionless, battered body of their pilot. It thankfully wasn't charred as she'd expected, but it was still unnerving to see someone she knew gazing lifeless into the void, and Maria took a moment to close the young woman's eyes before lifting it up and beginning to carry it to Kai's infirmary. She didn't bother the doctor as she entered. He was busily tending to Teg, and he looked as exhausted as she felt. Andrea was lost to them now; there was no rush. She sat the body in the corner relatively out of the way, then covered it with a sheet to give Andrea some sort of dignity. Not that it mattered, but it made Maria feel better.

"How're they doing, doc?" She asked, referring of course to Teg and her first mate.

Ansgar & Persephone

Collab with Eisenhorn

It took Persephone a moment to find the catwalk that Maria had gestured to. She'd been distracted by the android's distress, and had forgotten the exact place it was supposed to be in, but after a second or two of jogging towards the direction she thought the captain had indicated, the catwalk appeared and she went down it. It wasn't a very long catwalk, and almost immediately after going down it she could see the doorway that lead into the engine room where the engineer was supposed to be.

"Hello?" She called out, looking around "an angry Scotsman." What was a Scotsman anyway? Was that some weird subrace of human? Were they all angry or just this one? "I think I'm supposed to be looking for Ans... Uh-oh. Ans...ma? Ansma? No that's not it. Ansgar! There we go."

Of all the things that Ansgar was not in the mood to put up with, it was strangers wandering into the engine room calling out and sounding confused. Butchering his name didn't help either, and he finished what he was doing beneath the deckplate before shoving upwards, plate swinging on a hinge and flying open, the irritable mechanic that she was looking for popping out. What wasn't in view was the hand on his sidearm, though it was effectively a canon masquerading as a pistol, since he didn't even remotely recognize the voice at all. What he saw was, well, not expected, but he still narrowed his eyes and glared at the intrusion to his work. He hadn't been paying close attention to any of the comms, busy with trying to fix what he could prior to docking the ship, and he was not pleased with someone interrupting his work.

"W'o's askin' and w'at are ye bot'erin me for? As ye can no doubt tell, t'is bucket just got s'ot t' 'ell and back an' I'm the onl one qualified t' fix the bloody mess."

"Yeah I uh... I kinda got a front row seat. You guys were in some serious hot water, huh?" The cyborg didn't seem unnerved by his irritation, and carried on with a very casual demeanor as she glanced around the wrecked tattered engine room. She then turned back to him.

"Hi, I'm Persephone! I am sorry about taking you from your work, but I have a bit of a problem. There's an android in the cargo hold in the midst of a slight mental breakdown -don't ask- and his arm is kind of... not... attached. Also my fighter is literally falling to bits. See I can fix both of these things, but my tools are as shot as this engine room and I was hoping maybe you would have some spares that I could barrow? As kind of a, you know, thanks for helping you guys not get blown up? I'd give them back of course! I'd only need them for a little bit, and maybe I could even use them to fix my own tools."

She flashed her most winning grin after finishing that little spiel, pressing her palms together in a "please" sign.
"Oh nay, t'at wasn' 'ot water, oh not at all. Getting our asses shot off wasn't 'ot water in t'e slig'test, not at all! Ye were watc'in', course ye s'ould be aware..." He narrowed his eyes slightly as she glanced around the engine room, that was very much a work in progress at the moment. Between the attempted sabotage, then the pirates, it was a gods damned miracle the place was even remotely up and running. Still, even Persephone could tell that, the moment she mentioned an android, the scotsman froze and looked at her, dead pan but clearly unhappy. If before was irritated, he was about ready to march down there and start raising hell personally.

"W'o in t'eir rig't mind decided t'at revivin' a tin man was a fucking good idea?! T'ose soddin' t'ings ain' not'in but trouble. Ah swear, ah ain' gettin' paid enoug' to put up with a fucking tin man. Also, as ye can plainly see, yer bucket o' bolts ain' t' only t'ing fallin' apart rig't now. Course, ah say no, captain'll 'ave m' fuckin' 'ead...." Grumbling, and spitting curses to himself, the man hauled himself out from under the deckplates, all lean muscle and sweating from the exertion of digging around the literal and figurative guts of the engine room trying to get things as up to speed as he could, moving over to a section of the engine room that looked a bit more lived in than the rest, and had not fared well during the attack. Growling, he dug through some boxes and pulled a ragged looking toolbox clear, marching back and setting it by the open deck plate, reaching down to fish out the tools he had been using.

"'ere, ah'd say scrap t' fuckin' tin man, but t'ats beyond my call at t'is point. Clear out so ah can focus on tryin' to get shit workin', and rig s'it against tin man tamperin'. Fuckin' mad fuckers, t'e lot of ye..."


The cyborg didn't seem to pay him too much mind as he ranted with an increasingly more colorful vocabulary of expletives. She paid attention to him, of course, but didn't really seem to get offended or take it personally as he cursed and carried on with his condescending vent. She'd grown up with pirates after all. They were constantly drunk; screaming, cursing, arguing, insulting, and every other unpleasant form of communication one could stand to think of, so her metaphorical skin was rather thick, and she also understood that he was probably worked way beyond his abilities right now. This ship was way too large for one person to repair by themselves.

"Thanks. You know," she said, taking the tools from him, "once I get the uh... "tin man's" arm reattached, I could probably help out a bit with the repairs."

Continued mutterings and complaints aside, Ansgar would have supplied the strange visitor with suitable tools, and seemed to almost bristle at the idea of someone else getting in the way and attempting to 'help' fix up the ship. Oh hell no, if anyone was going to get this bucket up and running again it would be him damn it. Last thing he needed was to account for other idiots breaking things in an attempt to fix things. Just because she could patch up a scrap fighter didn't mean he trusted her to lay a hand on the engine room. Still, the offer would require some sort of response, and after grunting as he hauled himself back through a deck plate with his personal tools, planning to get back to work since he really didn't have time to be sitting around jawing with someone who was humoring a fucking tin man's needs. Nothing but trouble, those damned things were.

"Nay, not a snowball's c'ance in 'ell. Stick to yer scrap fig'ter and t'e fuckin' tin man. Ah'll not 'ave ot'ers runnin' around buggerin' t'ings up tryin' t' 'elp. Now if you'll 'xcuse me..."

With that he'd haul the deck plate back shut, and one could hear muttering, cursing, and the sounds of repairs being undertaken again. She'd been effectively dismissed, regardless whether or not she intended to have any further remarks on the irritable scotsman. He had no intents to play nice when he had far too much to do.

"Nice meeting you!" Persephone called as he disappeared again. It was a pity he wouldn't let her help, but oh well. That was his problem she supposed. Happy to at least have some functioning tools again, she skipped her way back to the cargo bay to start the task of repairing the android.
In Forsaken 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The Genasi had just started to wind down a bit. She'd taken a seat at the bar, ordered some whiskey and a bowl of manticore stew, and was just about calm again when the little kobold from upstairs jumped up beside her and proceeded to assault the poor waiter. Cinder had side-eyed the creature while sipping her drink, but made no move to intercept. It was none of her business. Sure, he was probably a little crazy and she'd be traveling with him for the gods only knew how long, but as long as he didn't start pestering her then whatever the dragon-wannabe did was up to him.

And then he started pestering her.

“Excuse me, I don’t mean to pry upon your private affairs but I happened to spot you and that Moon elf having quite an amiable conversation together." He'd said. "Are you and that moon elf fiances by any chance? If so, please know that I am available to officiate your wedding as a chosen cleric of Garrakg.”

Just like that, her hair lit up again like a match and the glass shattered in her hand as her skin temperature shot up. She placed a few coin on the counter to pay for the broken glass and a new drink, then turned to the kobold.

"Well," She started, feigning a smile that did little to cover up the murder in her gaze. "for someone who didn't mean to pry, you sure are nosy, aren't you? No, we are not fiancés. I hate moon elves, and most especially that particular one as she's been ruining my career and any plans I had of retiring early. To speak nothing of the fact that I don't fancy women. And were I to ever be married, it would be by someone who shares my own beliefs, thank you very much."

The Genasi had obviously done her best to be as non-hostile as possible. She had also failed miserably, and was aware of this fact, but was too irritated by the implications to apologize at the moment. She'd need to skin the male genasi alive later for ever putting the thought into people's heads. It also occurred to her that at some point they should probably put some effort into learning all of the other party members' names, but they had the rest of the day to do that, and right now she really just wanted to sit in peace and have her stew without someone prying into her personal affairs and making assumptions based on a five minute interaction. The genasi had already been through the needless tradition of being married, and it had turned out about as well as she thought it would. She had absolutely no desire to do it again. All Cinder wanted to do was get through this job, get paid, maybe get some evidence to put away the thorn in her side for good, collect that bounty, and then retire to the middle of nowhere with a few dozen hydra. Maybe somewhat near a town so she could make friends with whatever poor soul was just as bitter as her.

It's been forever but here.
"Oh, just a weary traveler," the white-haired woman replied, following them into the house as requested. "My name is Mira. I met our prince here on the road, and seeing as I haven't really spoken to anyone if a couple of weeks I thought I might strike up some conversation. Then we stumbled upon your lovely home, and you know the rest. And something hot to drink would be lovely."

Alastor raised an eyebrow at the woman, who was now dabbing her neck with the towel, a dubious expression overtaking his features. He wasn't exactly certain how truthful she was being as to the coincidental nature of their meeting. However, she hadn't done anything to make him think she was malicious or aggressive as of yet, so for the time being he would endure her company as long as the Khrysopos did. She was awfully casual about the whole situation, meanwhile he dumbfounded and blubbering like an idiot because of the creature in front of him. One moment he was looking for shelter, and the next he was being ushered into the home of the very being he'd been searching so fervently for, and now she seemed to know exactly why he was there- though that last bit probably shouldn't have surprised him. Al did his best to cover up the panic shock.

"Thank you very much for your kindness," He said, taking the towel gratefully and starting to dry himself off a bit. "I'm sorry to have dropped in on you so suddenly. I'm sure having visitors must be alarming, and I wish I could say that I just wanted to come by and have a simple chat. But you probably already have some idea of why I've come to you."

"I hate to ask for more hospitality, but could we possibly move this conversation closer to a fireplace?" Mira asked. "I'm sure the prince is just as chilled as I am."

"I'm sure you're very concerned for my health."

In Rebirth 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
He said eight hours ago...
Captain Maria Thorne

Collab with Redthorn Anvil

"You're a damned fine mechanic, Ansgar," The captain stated, and she meant it. He was an irritable ass, yelled a lot, and wasn't the easiest person to get along with, but in spite of all of that he was the reason the Veritas was still running and they all owed him a lot. He was definitely irritated at the moment, but Maria was willing to overlook it. It was going to be a miracle if they made it to the glao port. At least most of their important main systems were still working, so they weren't completely dead in space.

"By the way, I'm completely serious about giving you that raise," She remarked. "I'll leave you to this mess. Comm me if you need anything."

Maria set the engines to full stop, then started up the catwalk to check on the rest of the ship herself. Now that they were out of immediate danger, she needed to actually lay eyes on everything (and everyone) for herself, and this was as good a place as any to stop for a moment and catch their breaths. It was unlikely the pirates would come back, as they were just as damaged as the Veritas. Maria would give Ansgar some time to figure everything out, move the stuff in the cargo bay around so Persephone could dock, check on everyone, and then they'd be on their way again. The gods willing, this day would end soon.

Maria was just entering the cargo bay when a flash of movement caught her eye. From behind a crate, a pirate was aiming a gun at Teg. Both she and Judge were facing away from him, and so neither had time to react before he pulled his trigger and a burst of energy rocketed towards the mercenary. At the same time Maria was drawing her pistol. However, it wasn't fast enough to save Teg, and the energy collided with her body, knocking the woman off of her feet and slamming her into a few of the other crates. Immediately after Maria pulled her trigger, taking down the pirate just as swiftly as he had done to her mercenary.

"Can you take care of these two by yourself?" Maria asked the Judge. He had whirled around upon hearing the blast, and was now holding his swords to the surviving pirates as Maria approached the fallen mercenary. Her pistol remained trained on the surrendering pirates.

"It would be my pleasure," he replied to her.
"I will enjoy seeing what you two will have to say to save your skins. Get a move on - and leave your weapons."

Judge secured their weapons, and now that she was satisfied that they were going to be properly handled, Maria turned her attention to Teg and attempted to assess just how bad off she was. There was a faint, barely noticeable rise and fall to her chest, and her pulse was... relatively normal. It was there. Maria was no medical expert, so she couldn't tell much more than that. There was also a rather nasty gash on her forehead. Maria assumed it was from the impact of hitting the crates, but it didn't really matter either way. She needed to get Teg down to the infirmary. Maria spent a moment hoisting Teg up, then proceeded to carry/drag her up the stairs and down the corridor to Kai's infirmary.

"Doc, I've got another one for you," She announced upon entering. Without waiting for much instruction, Maria put the mercenary on a vacant bed and left. On any other day, she would have been there helping in whatever way she could, but at the moment they were down by two crew members and couldn't exactly spare the manpower, so Kai would have to make do without her. He would probably be a little overwhelmed, but he'd be alright. Or so she hoped.

The cargo bay itself was a mess. Crates and containers had been broken and shattered, or at the very least thrown againd the walls, and their holdings had been strewn across the floor. Maria just prayed that most of the goods weren't horribly damaged. They needed the money from this shipment. Maria bent down and got to work, sifting through the rubble and finding wgat was salvageable and what needed to be tossed. She grabbed a few crates that were still intact, lined them up, and started to slowly clear the cargo bay so that their friend could dock.

In Forsaken 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Cinder had been quietly standing in the corner, having shaken off the initial dread shock of seeing the horrid moon elf, and was listening to the others' questions. So far everything she'd wanted to ask had been answered. In spite of herself, Cinder felt a small pang of sympathy for the old man. He seemed very lonely, and obviously worried for his wife. He must love her very much to spend so much money searching for her. He seemed like a genuinely good, caring, generous person, and that was something that was incredibly rare these days. The gods knew Cinder wasn't one of those people. However, she could still appreciate them when she saw them.

There was still smoke rising from her hair as she quietly fumed in her little corner, arms crossed, face fixed in a perpetual scowl as she tried to calm her temper down so she could actually pay attention to what was being said. Then the other genasi made some comment about "star-crossed lovers," and her hair immediately became engulfed in flame.

"I would rather be forever trapped in the eighth hell as Mephistopheles' personal punching bag," she growled, her teeth clenched as she turned her perpetual scowl to the other genasi. "And it only gets in the way of things if you're not a professional. Long as I get paid, I don't care who I have to work with."

And it was true. Valanthe had been #1 on Cinder's hitlist for a long time now, but no matter how hard she tried, the genasi could never actually pin anything on her. It was infuriating, and it got in the way of her getting paid. There was nothing Cinder hated more than people getting in the way of her payday. Not to mention that moon elves in general were just snobby, arrogant, self-righteous pricks, and their arrogance was enough to make Cinder want to puke. Still, as previously said, there was nothing she hated more than people getting in the way of her payday, so she could endure it for this one job. Just one more job, and she would never have to work again. Besides, maybe she could manage to pin a crime on Valanthe in the process, and then it would be a win/win!

"Speaking of pay, I have with me a little gift for each of you as an upfront payment, as promised," The old man cut in, evidently wanting to end the current line of conversation. He produced from his inner pocket a very large wad of cash, which he then started counting and distributing to each one of the adventurers in turn. As promised, Cinder received $500.

"Use it however you see fit, be it for food, board, supplies for the quest, or whatever else you might need it for. Should you succeed on your task, y'all will get a reward that makes this look like pocket change."

"Are we done here, then?" She asked, looking at Abraham again.

He shrugged, then stood up, grunting a bit as he leaned heavily on his cane. "Unless anyone has any more questions, then yes. Should you need to contact me for any reason, you can send a telegram to the Garrick estate. I'll get it."

"In that case," the genasi started, already walking out of the door. "I'm going to get a drink."

The tavern down below might not have the best liquor ever, but Cinder was more than willing to bet there would be something decent enough for her. It was probably going to be her last opportunity to get an actual meal and drink for a while, so she was definitely going to take advantage of it while she could. The gods only knew what crazy backwoods cabin they'd get sent to on this rescue mission, and whatever "food" Abraham had been talking about being provided, Cinder had her doubts as to the quality of it. After all, even if they somehow got a chuckwagon, it was still going to be a limited menu. Eager to actually eat something relatively decent (and for a drink to take her edge off), she stomped her way down the stairs.

Wow, I had forgotten why I was subscribed to this thread... just been waiting for intro opportunity. Lol.

Well I’m still here :)
It’s gonna be interesting playing a character I nearly forgot about.
Anyway hope everyone is well :)

Yeah it's taking a bit longer than I expected, sorry lol. The holidays delayed things quite a bit, but hopefully we'll be to that point soon. I'm glad you're still interested in being a part of the roleplay!
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