Avatar of Shoe Thief


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Cleaning day! Made a ton of progress and even found my long lost DS and my missing laundry card that still has a lot of credits on it. Found it in my winter coat of all places go figure.
3 yrs ago
Finally got into D&D. Now I feel trapped and I am in love. Should I ask for help or ask where I can get more dice?
3 yrs ago
Breaks ups are weird. Not sure how to feel about the other person, or about yourself. It hurts for sure, but it's weird and uncomfortable just how different things seem now.
3 yrs ago
I get that dude. Could be one of those days, in the smae boat myself. Hope you're doing better soon though!
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3 yrs ago
It's an ass kick ass world out there. And all we can do about it is keep kicking ass .


Welcome to my profile! I decided I needed to update this, and I don't have much for updating... Only in a single role-play right now, so far it's going really well!

Most Recent Posts


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Alley behind the silver smith --> Public House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn booked it out of Mallard's Silver Smith. Though she was a bit of an oaf at times, she was able to place her steps well and keep things hushed. And as far as she could tell, the rest of the party was doing okay as well. The body she was carrying didn't help. Awake he was a problem, comatose, he was a liability. Kathryn had attempted to do the right thing and it was biting them in the ass. Though they would make good time getting back, she was finding it harder and harder to know just what the right thing was. Baronfjørd brought up a rather valid concern about keeping him covered. "We'll ditch and gag him for now. We can't risk taking him back with us, and he is too much of a problem on his own." If they wanted the best chances of winning this fight, she's take her sword and lob his head off. Then he couldn't rejoin the fight, he couldn't harm anyone else, and couldn't spill the beans on anything they were doing. Sure, it felt wrong to execute a prisoner, and sure if someone in town figured out what they had done it would be harder to explain their situation later. But it would make the mission as a whole a lot easier. That's not something she could bring herself to do. So she got to struggle with him instead.

But Baronfjørd was right, something needed to be done. As they ran Kathryn saw a few places they could try and stash the guard. She may not have had it in her to kill him, but she wanted him out of the way and not in a position to hurt anyone else. She spotted a few places she could try and hide him. Some more appealing than others, but the more she thought the more she wanted to make sure that no one would accidentally find him. She saw an abandoned cart, though worried that he may stumble out of it once he came too, and worried the owners may return to find him. She saw an ever so tempting refuse bin. It would be quick, easy, and out of sight. She may be able to hide him in such a way where no one would find him until after all was said and done. Then he could stand trial and face proper punishments for his crimes. "I'll be right back Blackberry. I wont be long." Kathryn spoke softly so more vengeful party members wouldn't hear or have their attention drawn to what she was doing. Kathryn broke off the tail end of the group, and made her way to the bin. Once she got close, she saw something that may serve a bit better for her needs. An empty barrel. He wouldn't be a perfect fit, but he would fit. Kathryn started by undoing his binds, and bringing his knees to his chest, and his feet above his head. Then using his arms to wrap around his legs, and then tied his hands behind his head. To make extra sure, she used what was left of her rope to tie up him up tightly and firmly. There would be no wiggling his way out of these binds. But, he could still wake up.

Kathryn looked down at her man-rat filled barrel after setting him in, and decided this wasn't enough. He had proven his mouth was almost as much of a problem as his spear. Which ironically would be some kids first weapon. Good for them. It's important the young know how to defend themselves and others by the time they grow up. As for this one? Kathryn took off both his boots, and wedged them in such a way where moving about wasn't an option. But what she was really after? His socks. She took both off, balled off one, and wrapped the other tightly around it cramming it into his mouth to wrap things up. She chuckled at the image. "Heh..., Put a sock in it." she jested before putting the lid tightly back on the barrel, and pushing it behind a few other items nearby. Attempting her best to make sure that no one would find it again. It did mean if she didn't come back for him there was no telling how long it would take for him to be found. But he proved himself to be too risky to keep.

Kathryn booked it and returned with the rest of the party at a soft sprint. Still working to not draw too much attention. And good thing, they were closing in on the public house. Looking at Robert and Lea, there was tension in the air. The patrons not seeming to notice the tension. But seeing the relief in Robert's face helped assure that they were doing the right thing. Kathryn gave a subtle nod to Robert's question as she walked up. She didn't personally have the box, but Marita did. She watched as Robert rushed the others out of the public house and he asked his question. "Lots, short version though. We got it, Cavendish was there as well, and things turned into a physical altercation where he fled. He's down a man as well." Kathryn spoke matter of factly. She knew they couldn't share everything with Robert. He was still under the effect of the Geas. But his life was on the line too, and she figured he deserved to know something. And it was all information that Cavendish already knew shy of why the party was there. She made no effort to hide the hammer resting on her belt. At least now it wouldn't be used as a tool for his bullying and petty abuses of power.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside Silver Smith --> Alley behind the silver smith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Things were looking dicier and dicier by the moment. Kosara despite her efforts, had handled the situation with their new guests poorly. Though Kathryn enjoyed her new friend, and she had her pleasant moments, she had a tendency to not approach any situation with delicacy. Blackberry already seemed to be taking control of the situation, preparing the party for a rapid departure away from Mallard's. "Thank you Mr. Mallard for your help. We'll do what we can to fix this quickly." They were only now starting to figure out what this was. Though they were getting a better idea of what, they still didn't know the why, or the how. And for all they knew, there was a lot more to the what. But Cavendish was connected. Marita's idea to search the municipal building may be their next best step once they helped Robert. She wondered if it would be good to sneak in under cover of night, but she had no idea how those kinds of jobs were done. And without Hugh, she figured it would be a lot harder than sneaking up on a bunch of drunk goblins.

As Kathryn was deep in thought prepping her gear to leave, she heard the all to recognizable sound of blunt force trauma being exerted on the human body. She turned to see Marita as shut the guard up rather effectively. Kathryn couldn't even be upset in this case, despite her best attempts at not letting him be tortured or to be left for dead in the streets, he still insisted on causing problems. It did seem Marita stabilized him. But it was clear they would not be able to use him. Not in their current state. Kathryn booked it to the rest of her supplies, throwing on her pack and making sure her weapons were all in their respective places to be drawn as needed. Then there was the guard... Kathryn ignored Kosara's glares. Kathryn fucked up yes, but Kosara also had a share of the blame in this case. Now it was damage control, and getting the mission done. "We can talk about this later Kosara." Kathryn then picked up the guard roughly by his bindings, not caring as much if she ruined his broken arm more this time around, and was really just concerned with getting him out of the way.

Kathryn took note of the dagger attached to the package. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, but as things started to rapidly get more and more out of control, she began to worry more and more. "I think we'll all be heading out. I don't think it's a good idea for us to split up after what happened with Cavendish. If he comes at us again, half a party may not be able to keep him at bay. Especially since now it seems to be open war. We'll keep an eye on her, she's just... enthusiastic about things." For better or worse. "We'll be back with your dagger and anything we can't bring with us. Give us a call if you need help." Kathryn booked it out the door carrying the guard like a carry on bag, looking for a place to stash him out of sight.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside Silver Smith
Action: Deception
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: Readying Action


Kathryn listened closely as Victoria described the hammer she had confiscated from Cavendish. Though really, she wanted to make sure that it wasn't cursed, and she was about yo go ballistic on the party. Though she was sure that the party could get her to stop quick enough if that was the case, it wasn't something she wanted to see happen. There was no telling what kind of damage could be done in this confined space. But hearing everything else about the hammer was really just a great bonus after confirming it wasn't cursed. But confirming that it was a mighty fine weapon was nice, hearing it could emit light in the dark was also great! It meant she didn't need to forgo a shield for a torch in dark environments now. Being able to keep that extra protection would be huge. She was familiar with the concept of attuning to magical equipment. Ser Lucas had explained some of that to her some years prior. And so had her mother and uncle briefly. But until she was on the road with Ser Lucas, she hadn't really seen it in practice. But there was more... Though Victoria had said that there was nothing malicious about it, the unknown wasn't something Kathryn fancied. "Is there a way we can tell? Some... spell or ritual to uncover it? Or is it something like... luck." Maybe she should have studied more in the Arcane when she had the chance. But she hadn't. As a kid the idea of fighting with swords and fists appealed to her far more than of books, magic, and politics. Looking back, if her home hadn't fallen she likely wouldn't have made the best leader if she kept ditching her studies. She'd like to think she'd make a great household knight while her future husband handled other lordly duties. She still had the chance to be a proper Knight though. "Could it be a timing thing or..." She paused a moment considering what Mallard had just told her about the full moon.

Kathryn wasn't one to normally pay attention to the moon shy of looking up from time to time, and thinking how nice it may have looked that night. As Kathryn gripped the hammer from Victoria there was a slight look of dread on her face. The Were rats, the full moon, and Cavendish's hammer. A moon touched hammer. "Could the hammer be a ritual component?" Kathryn asked concerned. "You said it's not common for a hammer to be moon touched, and with everything going on with the full moon and..." She paused looking over at the restrained guard. "And with our new friends." She wanted to say more, but she wasn't sure how much she was willing to say in front of the prisoner. He was rapidly adding to the complications of their mission.

Speaking of the Guard, Blackberry was attempting to get some information from the man. It seemed he was on her side for how to treat him. Though he seemed rather guilty all things considering, they were not the law. And they were not lawless bandits. Kathryn wasn't sure how she felt on attempting to intimidate him using Kosara, but it wasn't torture. And after the tough situation she put the party in, she wasn't planning on getting too choosy with how they handled the situation. Kosara on the other hand, was getting difficult. "That is why we are better. How we are on the side of good. He wouldn't likely offer us the same treatment. The fact we are despite that fact is what sets us apart." She wasn't a fan of the twisting comment. But she understood Kosara's fury. Kathryn was ready to retort to Kosara's comment about taking the blame for any damage this caused, but found herself flustered and red faced on Kosara's comment on their well shaped hinds. Kosara would have the last words, but not because she won. Kathryn was just unsure how to react to her fellow party member describing her ass like that. She didn't think that her armor showed her figure enough to be gawked at. But it seemed, she was wrong.

Kosara's reaction to the door didn't help things. Thankfully, it just seemed to be a concerned citizen that Kosara was just freaking out a bit. Kathryn let out a sigh of relief. Mallard seemed to have things just fine, until the prisoner called out. Bullocks, he was continuing to be a worse problem for the party. With their problems worsening, Kathryn figured she had to do something to help mend the situation that she had indirectly put them in. So in a moment of panicked irrational thought she blurted out loudly "Oh Honey, you gotta stop saying things like that. No one can tell when you're joking or not." Kathryn realized the moment she spurted out the lie she fucked up. It sounded like a kid trying to plead her case to her parents after being caught stealing a cookie, and claiming they were grabbing it for her parents despite the crumbs on her blouse and chocolate on her face. She was only digging a deeper grave for herself, and now her party. Victoria didn't seem too pleased with the situation, and Kathryn couldn't blame her. Things were rapidly getting out of hand. But Mallard was right, they needed to get the guard out of here.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside Silver Smith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: Readying Action


Kathryn was glad to get some information on the Dagger. It wasn't much, but it was a lead. Next area over, near where Victoria's weapon was likely forged. High quality at that. This worried Kathryn, and only added to her fears that someone had planted the goblins there to stir up chaos. But without knowing their motives to do so, and without being able to translate the note, she had no way to get any further conclusions. "Thank you. You've been an amazing help to us." Kathryn said softly with this new information presented to her. She then held a puzzled look seeing the stones that Mallard had pulled out. Kathryn watched in amusement as the smith explained what they were and how they could be used. She saw the logic in his plan. Though the party lacked the means to actively protect him, the ability to reply as soon as they could would increase his chances by a ton. And Kathryn had to admit, the place was as close to a fort as a personal dwelling could be shy of being purpose built from the start. "We'll keep this handy. And if we can help, we will. Our hope is to have this whole mess cleaned up as soon as possible." Kathryn took the stone putting it into a pouch on her belt. It may come in handy before long she worried. The Sheriff being gone didn't help. They had some leads, places to go. But without anyone to give those leads too, and local support from someone in power, they would be on their own for a time. Kathryn was pleased to hear that Jacques was willing to teach her how to silver equipment. it would be a good excuse to reforge her family sword. It was likely damaged beyond repair, though it could be reforged. And if it could be lined with some silver as she did so? Even better. But something caught her attention with his comment. "What... What's happening over the next three days?" Kathryn spoke with hesitation. Were things about to get worse? How much worse could it be outside of the local law being run by corrupt monsters?

Kathryn was relieved at least that Victoria was almost done. Though she didn't feel cursed, could she really tell if she was? Then again, Robert knew. She felt off, but she wondered if that was her over thinking a topic she knew frightening little on. If she was cursed, what could she do about it? Likely nothing at all shy of resisting it once the effects kicked in. Then there was the concern of the prisoner. A prisoner she had hoped would talk, but instead hissed when she offered him food and water. A prisoner that now was restrained, she didn't know what to do with. "It's still here as an offer, let me know if you're up for it." She spoke with a defeated tone. She wasn't for the idea of killing him. And if he didn't talk willingly, she had no idea how useful he would be for information. But she saw it too cruel to just ignore his basic needs. But they were in no position to keep prisoners. Or too carry him about as they settled things. Especially if he fought back. And the last thing she wanted on the table, was torture. She could stomach a lot, but causing pain to someone just to cause pain? That was a line she could not bring herself to cross. She would soon find out, it's not one she would let others cross without her thoughts put into it.

Kosara's outburst on Kathryn's treatment of the prisoner left a sour taste in her mouth. The more Kosara talked, the more Kathryn's face looked disappointed. "He is not the same as some goblin Kosara! He is a disarmed and disabled prisoner. And I will not allow for that cruel kind of treatment. We are not in any drought here, there is no shortage of food here. Yes, he is a cruel man who has done cruel and evil things. And if given the chance may do so again. That does not mean we have to cross that line. We're on the side of good Kosara. We are not going to do evil things just because we may benefit from it." Kathryn took a deep breath. Her tone was sharp, but still calm. Kathryn found herself caught off guard that this woman she has had such a pleasant afternoon with would say something so... cruel. Kathryn wasn't sure how she should react to it. What she did do was stand herself between Kosara and the guard. "I will not let you lay a finger on him. Or anything else. If he makes a run for it, or tries to harm anyone, I will kill him myself. But we are not going to stoop to such levels as torture Kosara. I'm sorry he damaged you're coat. It was a nice coat, and you didn't deserve to be stabbed either. But the moment we cross that line, it's the moment we stop being on the side of good. Even if our intentions our pure." Kathryn hoped that her idea of Storytale morality held up in this case. But she was unsure. She was unsure about a lot of things, and she worried that maybe she had less experience than she thought on how the world really worked. Kathryn was determined to not let the line be crossed easily though, and she held herself firm Ironically defending the enemy she was ready to crush moments ago.

What nearly threw her off her response, was a knocking at the door. Kathryn bent over briefly to see what was up. And saw a human with dark hair, and a chef's apron. She couldn't see his face, but she could make out the sign that had previously been on the door. She stepped away from the boards over the windows and looked around at the others. She wasn't sure any of them were up for another engagement like before, and if this was a trap they would have to choose to face it head on or get out fast. They couldn't hide in here forever. Maybe she was just on edge though? "What do we do?" Kathryn whispered trying to not draw any additional attention.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside Silver Smith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn rolled her eyes a bit when Victoria seemed concerned she couldn't physically part with the hammer. She did offer it up, but apart of her wanted to jest with her a bit and resist giving her the hammer. That was until she took note of her stance, she was prepared to gain distance from herself if she had lost self control. The thought made her sad, but she supposed it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities with everything else going on. Apart of her worried what would happen if herself, or one of the others here had lost their own self will. What do you even do in that situation? She passed on the hammer with a bit of an awkward almost dumb grin on her face in her best attempt of innocence. "Here ya go." Kathryn spoke coolie as Victoria began her ritual. She did take note how Victoria seemed to not want to touch the hammer, and how she treated it like how others feared it. Kathryn wondered if maybe it was a mistake to grab the hammer so rashly as she did. Her main thought was to just get it away from Cavendish, which she thankfully did. But those concerns were there now. Maybe Victoria would figure out all of this soon enough? Kathryn's jaw about dropped when she saw the femur pulled out of Victoria's belt, and she began to play it like a flute. Kathryn personally had never witnessed ritual magic,and most of the magic she had witnessed had been closer to enchantments, runes, and lighter arcane stuff. Where she came from, you got more respect and social influence with physical might than abilities with the Arcane. But seeing this now, she was mesmerized. She had barely noticed the small bones as the ritual continued.

Mallard had pitched in from her comments before. Kathryn listened but she was disappointed. Kosara brought up one of the biggest concerns though. "There aren't enough of us to guard them, and fix things here." Technically, she was pretty sure their job was only to figure out what was going on and let the Sheriff know when they did. Solving was something only supposed to be done if they had a reasonable chance too. She wondered if the Sheriff had the manpower to do both? Was it worth sending for help? Apart of her wondered if they should have the Cecile ride back to the fort and get help? But what if things were rough there too? What if they had no one to send, and what if their guards were also turned by now? It was too risky. Could be more goblins, and Kathryn had no doubts that among those turned, at least one was a competent rider and could catch up. Even worse if that one had legal credibility like Cavendish. As for Mallard's comment on making weapons, and not having any he could loan out... "I have a couple then if you could please work on them. Just so they have something to protect themselves with. As well, I don't suppose you recognize who could have made the dagger? And where it came from?" Kathryn pulled out the near brand new knife she took from the goblin loot, and the wood cutting axe she had been using as a throwing axe, and set them on a shelf near Mallard. She had hoped for better, but if she knew this was an option, she would have grabbed some more of the short swords. But what Kathryn had to offer were far from ideal.

She briefly considered her family sword, getting it silvered would be helpful, and it would be another weapon should the warhammer not be usable. There were a list of complications. The sword was big, it was battered beaten and chipped, and by old clan laws only those within her family could work on the sword. "Can you show me how to do what you are doing? I am an experienced smith, but I've never worked with silver." Kathryn lifted her sword off her side keeping it sheathed. "And as my family's household weapon, only those from my family can work on the sword." She paused a moment realizing she had already pushed her relationship with Mallard today. "If that isn't something you are willing or able to do please know I won't take any offense. You're already doing us a huge favor as is." Then she heard the stirring. Kathryn turned to see the guard beginning to wake.

Kathryn took her sword, and set it up against the shelf where she put her hatchet and the Goblin Dagger, the sheath and flat tip resting comfortably against the floor. Kathryn steps were heavy in the quiet room, each steel clad boot hitting the floor with force and weight as the chainmail rattled. She made her way over to the guard, bound and restrained. She pulled her bag off herself and began rummaging through it. Out of it she pulled some of the bread and her water skin. Once she had them out she set her bag on the floor outside of the reach of the restrained guard. "You're in rough shape." She said as she kneeled by the blindfolded man. "Your arm is busted and the rest of you is in rough shape as well. If we can we'll get you looked at by a professional, but until them I would try to avoid putting any strain on your arm. Otherwise it may not heal right." Maybe it was the fact he was restrained, or the fact that she was considerably bigger than him, or the fact that he felt so small sitting in the corner like this, but Kathryn found herself unable to be mad at this man. Not in his state anyways. Maybe apart of it was how human he seemed. A large portion of her life she had spent either in human and Elvin keeps, and with human and human like sell swords. Without her home men like him were the closest to her people she still had a relationship with. Those who used their might to put food on their table, and were the shield to those around them. She had to remind herself that this man was not one of those men. t least anymore. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? I got bread and water if you need it." Kathryn spoke with a soft tone that seemed like it should come out of someone nowhere near as big as she was. And though this man was an enemy, she was determined to make his time as her prisoner as comfortable as reasonably possible.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Inside Silver Smith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


As Blackberry explained about his situation with the guard, the one who he struck with the sword. All Kathryn could think about was Lizbeth and Cecily L'Rose. She had seen them this morning, but by then Kathryn was still distracted on her own petty issues. She had no idea how much was really going on. She thought of the axe she had given Cecily, and how it likely would do nothing more than piss off someone if they were to go after her or Lizbeth. "Mallard, first I would like to apologize for how things went earlier. You have been really helpful since. And knowing what we know now, I can see why you were so cautious. I know you offered, but I hate to ask with how things went before. But we have people who we are keeping tabs on to keep them safe. But there's not enough of us to actively watch them, and try to deal with everything going on. Could we borrow a few weapons that we can return once this is over for our friends so they can protect themselves?" The axe she gave Cecily was the better of her two axes, relatively new as well. She looked at the one she had one her person now. The handle was beginning to rot, though still structurally sound. But it wasn't any sort of battle axe or tomahawk. It was more of a convenient wood cutting axe, looking more worse for wear every time she used it for its non intended purpose of battle. Like much of her kit, it was in need of replacement. "An axe or short sword for the L'Rose's. Hearing what Blackberry has to say about his incident, I don't think the protection I left them will be enough." She wasn't sure it would be enough before either. But she figured a fighting chance if they couldn't be present would be best. Apart of her wanted to update her own kit as well. Shy of Cavendish's hammer, most of her stuff was out of date and beaten to pieces. But she was already asking for extra weapons for the L'Rose's and others who may need it. Unlike her family for the past several generations, she didn't own a keep to let those she wanted to protect hide in. Or an army to use to fend off the threat. She did have a small band of determined adventurers ready to do what they could to save the day. That had to be a step in the right direction.

Kathryn turned to see Victoria chatting to her about the hammer. "It's such a strange thing. It's surprisingly light. Though feels like it strikes with the force of lead weight. It's just so... Strange really." Kathryn said. At it's mention she had pulled it up, holding it just under the head to she could look at it closely. At first she figured she had just been giving Cavendish such a beating that she would kill him if she kept it up. Hearing what Blackberry said about the short sword though? Maybe Wererats were weak to Blunt force? Or if bones broke they didn't heal as fast? Then she wondered if this was tied back to that area of the world she lacked knowledge in. Magic. "At least Cavendish wont be able to use it to threaten or scare anyone anymore." She figured if he was ever at any real risk of recovering it she could try to break it. Though if it was magic could she? There was no denying she was a strong woman, and snapping the shafts of the weapons of men was something she could do in many cases. She wasn't sure, but if it came to that she supposed she would figure it out then. Then, Victoria wanted to see it. There was visible hesitation on Kathryn's face. "Is... Is that something you can do?" She wasn't sure how the undead, music, and magical warhammers all related to one another. But there might have been something she was missing. And plus, it wasn't that she didn't trust Victoria. But between the night shifts, trying to take the coin from the table without anyone noticing, and a few other small bits here and there. Kathryn had put together that Victoria was a bit... Self motivated to put it nicely. "I guess you can take a look yeah. You'd probably be able to figure out more than myself honestly." Kathryn said in a bit of a joking tone before holding out the hammer head for Victoria to inspect. Though her own grip was still held tight on the shaft. Apart of her hesitant to let it go.

Kathryn did debate asking Kosara for some healing as well. Though she was a lot better than she could be, she had still taken a beating. And a few spears. But she wasn't sure how much Kosara's magic could go before she was tapped out. She could hold off for now. She figured with a good rest she should be able to bounce back well enough. Mallard brought up the prisoner again. Kathryn was way out of her league in this case though. "I don't think I thought that far ahead. I've never been responsible for a prisoner before... When it came to job prisoners were returned to those who gave the jobs, or chased off. And when Ser Lucas and I ran into trouble..." She thought of how she was able to finally get the armor that could fit her. Belonging to a man that Ser Lucas had dealt with by caving his skull in with a mace. Sure, the man had been sent to kill them, but Ser Lucas had been rather thorough in making sure that anytime someone had found them they weren't able to report back to those who had taken her home from her. "I guess we'll see if we can get him to talk? Share the beans on what's going on. Or at the very least, keep him out of trouble until we can figure out who in the legal system we can trust. Maybe he could tell use how to fix this mess before it gets out of hand?" It was clear this was way outside of Kathryn's realm of experience. She was good at avoiding conflict, or at least good enough. And she was good at resolving it quickly. After the battle? She had little experience.

She took a brief glance out the window. Though she wasn't sure on the exact time, they were on a time crunch. "I think we'd be needing to head back to the public house soon. If Cavendish gets a chance to regroup, he may try to stop us returning." She wondered if he was the one to put the Geas on Robert. But thinking of how the L'Rose's were also in danger with how quickly things were escalating, reminded her of Mallard. "Mallard." Kathryn spoke before turning to see the silver smith again. "They came for you. And we were here to stop them this time. But once we leave, I don't know if we'll be in their path again. If you want, we'll take you back to the public house with us. Or to our camp. I can't promise it'll be more fortified, but we'll be closer by to react should he make another move against you." She wondered what the Constable's plan was for getting in originally. Was it to beat on the door until it caved? Honestly, after feeling the hammer she might have if she were in his shoes. Plus, Mallard wouldn't be able to do a lot about it if he did return. Sure, he could hold up a couple hours. But if the constable was determined enough he would get in eventually without someone forcing him off. "I think we should also extend this offer to Cecile and Lizbeth. Now that we are essentially in open war with the constable, I doubt he will take the moral high ground and leave those who have helped us alone." She wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of babysitting those closest to them in town. But Cavendish had more bodies then the party did. At the very least if they could keep those who had helped them somewhere safe, they could improve their chances if the party found a lead they could use.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: L17 (Outside) --> Inside Silver Smith by western window
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn wasn't used to this. She has a prisoner, a fellow living being that was now in her care that if let loose, would most likely try to kill her and those around her. She also didn't believe that she had the legal authority to hold him. She would have to ask the Sheriff for a pardon later. And a pardon for the punishment she gave to Cavendish. Though an argument could be made for self defense, he was still a town official. And beating the shit out of a town official never looked good. With blackberry's comment about tightening the ropes, Kathryn hesitated worried she'd cause further injury. But hearing about the incident earlier, she tightened anyways. He was still a threat, one she couldn't risk getting free. "Good idea. Thank you." She said softly as finished up. He shouldn't be able to break easily, but that didn't mean he couldn't cause harm should he choose too. She listened closely to Kosara and Blackberry as they talked about what they would do to the man. Blackberry clarified, but Kathryn wanted to set a president. Marita thankfully beat her to the punch. "Though information may be helpful, we are not here to torture. He's still a living breathing person, and has already been defeated and made passive. Anything else would just be immoral. To add onto things, he's still a town guard. Even if he is corrupt and cruel to an extensive degree there are standards we should keep." She found that harder and harder to follow. But that wouldn't stop her from trying.

Though Kathryn had offered to stay outside both due to her own short history with Mallard, and also maintaining the care of a prisoner who moments ago was about to take Mallard in for a likely less than ethical questioning session, the general thought was it was best for her to step inside. "Let me finish with him real fast, then I'll be in. I won't be long." She searched the guard over looking for something to act as a blindfold. Kathryn had a few bits of clothing items on her, but nothing particularly strong she wasn't actively using, and nothing designed for this purpose. She decided to look into solving this later on. She decided the guard would have to pay for his own blindfold. Taking her hand axe she cut off the sleeve to his undershirt, attempting to take it off without removing the bonds. Easy enough if there were no plans to ever reattach it. Taking it she wrapped it around his eyes twice over making sure to cover every edge to his sockets to keep his peeping to a minimum. "Okay, I think we're good." Kathryn put her gear away and picked up the guard as if he weighed as much as a small child or a sack of goods from the local market before carrying him inside, and placing him in a seating position against the wall.

Kathryn listened as best as she could to Mallard without drawing any attention away from her prisoner. As things went on she would make sure to check him periodically for any sign of movement or being awake. Apart of her wanted to talk to him and ask questions so she could understand more of what was going on. But she had few hopes of that. Most likely, he would hurl insults, maybe try to provoke them, or butter up to them looking for a chance to escape. She hoped for better though. Maybe he would side with them? Or tell them how to end all of this with as few bodies as possible? But she knew that wasn't likely.

Kathryn watched as Mallard worked. He had offered his services which would be a great help, but it appeared she had found a rather effective way to deal with the local wererats. Her hand slid over the head of the hammer, much like Cavendish did the many times he felt like emphasizing its power. It felt so light, so easy to use. And so effective for any problem that decided to escalate things with her. She briefly wondered if Cavendish was currently feeling the way that he had made herself feel when he passively threatened her? Was he anxious? Was he concerned of what would happen should she be allowed to have her way with him? A part of her hoped so, another part of her wondered if this sort of thinking is what led to people ending up in his position. Drunk with power. Taking a breath, she decided she was okay for now. She had the means to defend herself, and the rest of her team needed to make sure they were prepared for anything that may come up. Though she would still ponder the shop, see what was around and see if anything caught her eye. While keeping one eye on their new friend.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Battle Master, Level 03
HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: K4 --> J1 --> L17
Action: Rope
Bonus Action: Medicine Check x2
Reaction: N/A


So it was done. At least at a glance. Those who could flee were gone, and those who came here to cause harm had been chased off like the rapid street dogs they were. With their objective of getting to the silver smith ruined in the process. Though it wasn't a cake walk. Nearly everyone in the party had taken a beating of some kind. But nothing life threatening it seemed, and nothing that couldn't be patched up. She had taken a beating herself, to the point where she wasn't sure how much more she could take. But she had been patched up. Though still in pain it wasn't enough she outwardly showed it. Blackberry at a glance looked worse off but livable. Infact, looking around it seemed everyone else was doing rather well shy of herself and blackberry. Kathryn spoke up to him as he walked up to her. "You did fine. You held your ground and chased them off. Good job." She gave it simply. An over complicated hero speech could be just as harmful as ripping someone a new one for failing if they felt the victory wasn't earned. Though the battle could have been better, they could have taken Cavendish out of the picture, they could have taken them all out of the picture, but they kept Mallard safe. And Cavendish gave the courtesy to the party to confirm he was not only an openly hostile foe, but directly connected to their problems. She wondered just how high up he was in things. Was he causing this? Or just another pawn in this massive game of chess. But they were beginning to put things together, she just hoped that things didn't get too out of hand before they could fix it.

There was a call from Victoria to go inside. With the rain coming down like it was, she was tempted to go in after her, but then she noticed something. The guard Kosara had blasted (Many times) didn't get away. He was laying on the ground, a mangled mess and likely dead. Likely. She began walking over to him without saying a word. There was a ton running through her mind in this moment. If he was dead, how would they explain it to the townsfolk? The Sheriff? Sure, they know the truth of it. But in the end, the truth only mattered when those listening wanted it too. A story she was far too familiar with. But if he was alive, he may have answers for them. He may be able to explain what was going on, he may be able to share with them how to stop everything going on. Or he may be a stubborn prick who will scream and spout at them when he comes too. But she had to know. If he was alive they couldn't leave him there. He may come back to attack them later. But the fighting was over, it felt wrong to leave him there. She bent down beside him, her knees barely a foot from his face. Leaning on the hammer, and bringing the shield to her back she looked down on him. She was no medical expert, but she had seen enough death to recognize it.

He was dead. She felt rather indifferent about it. He was a corrupt official using his power to torment his own people. But this wasn't something she felt worth celebrating over. They had won, but gained little from this battle. She thought back on Robert and her comment on curing the afflicted came to mind. She wondered if this guard was even in control of his actions or if he was a brain washed tool for Cavendish to use. "Damn." Kathryn sighed softly. Though there were moral implications, there were practical problems as well. If he lived he could have answered so many of their questions if they could get him to cooperate. And now they had a body on their hands. One that could be left here. She noticed his eye sticking above the puddle and decided, foe or not the dead deserved some peace and rest. She bent over to close it and found herself slipping. Only briefly, and barely noticeable to anyone who may have been looking at her, but she jerked none the less partially pushing his face into the puddle. had she not caught herself she may have crushed his head, but thankfully she did little more then shift it. It was what happened afterwards that nearly caused her to lose her balance. He gagged. "Oh fuck he's alive!" Kathryn stood up surprised and looked nearly ready to bring the hammer down on him. But he was still out cold.

Realizing her mistake and the danger their would be prisoner was in she set down the hammer and pulled the broken man from the puddle so he could breath again. Thinking quick, she grabbed the rope from her bag and began tying the guard up. Though she didn't want to cause more harm to his clearly shattered arm, she had little choice. He was likely to lash out and fight back once he was awake and mobile again. She tied his arms behind his back, and to his torso. She then used an extension of the rope to tie his feet together so if he did somehow standup again, he wouldn't be able to move faster then a shuffle. Using the remaining slack from the rope and one of her torches, Kathryn braced the man's arm as best as she could. But he seemed stable. Rough shape sure, but stable. Maybe they'd be able to begin to figure out what was going on in Avonshire. With the call to go inside, Kathryn wedged the hammer under her belt to it would stay tucked and secure. And would rest the shield on her back. Picking up the guard with both arms as effortlessly as one may pick up a hand bag she walked her way to the door of the Silver Smith. Mallard was already spooked, she had no intentions on bringing one of the men who meant him harm into his hideout. Though she was vaguely aware that if this guard woke up while she was carrying him things would get rough rather fast. "I am going to wait with our prisoner here. Make sure he doesn't run off." Kathryn said as she set him up against the wall on the outside of Mallards.

@Remipa Awesome Well then, if I may, got a suggestion. Why not have an enchanter knight. They would use enchanting magic to create different magical artefacts, including single use wands that push out projectiles.

So this isn't too far off from one of the character concepts I was toying with. A little less one use magic items, and more baseline magical abilities like Prestidigitation and Thaumaturgy from 5E. I'm on the fence about which kinds of abilities but I will be able to put more of that into writing once I finish up with some games I am playing with a friend today. Thanks for the input though! I really appreciate it!
@Remipa Awesome Why would you need firearms when you've got projectile magic available? You could have a mage that throws fireballs or whatever else from a wand or staff. Similar to a gun but not an actual gun 😁

In d&d I have a strong love for martials. To add to that, I have recently been reading up on the time period where European knights would fight with lances and pistols, great swords that when turned upside down would be a hip fired mini cannon, knights who would topple into mud in the middle of a massive battle, draw a pistol or aquabus and blast the first peasant soldier who tried to shank them while they were down and then draw their weapon to fend off the rest in knee deep mud. That time period of warfare prior to the napoleonic era was insane for stuff like that. Though very short. And that’s what I wanted to recreate.
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