Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.61 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
5 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
5 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
5 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
5 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

Missed notes for this. I'll read when I'm not half asleep.
And suddenly she was being covered. This wasn't the plan.

Edith found herself suddenly panged with a bit of panic as she felt herself drift a little bit away as she felt formlessness, numbness. She felt, nothing, nothing but to eat and grow, curiosity but as if that of a child. It was merging with her own, and she screamed back to keep it away, to keep such feeling and thoughts away from her. She began to fight back, channeling the stoic straight faced guardianship of something far away, but closer, something boring and unmotivated save their own strength. She used that, latching onto its memories to destroy.

Then it released her.

The reaction was enough even to make Edith yipe and shake a little bit. The big slime acted as a conduit and it seemed to scream at the sudden intrusion of something more 'complex'. Thats the only thing she could figure out. It was detecting that they were different than she was, maybe because of the intelligence, the emotions, the memories.

It made Edith realize a single thing. The Slime tried to eat her, and she wasn't hit with a moment of mortality. No, she was angry. Angry that something so vile and mindless would even dare try. In a moment she knew that she was better than that stupid thing and lashed out.

"You... YOU BITCH!" She shouted, almost scaling the wall herself. "TRY THAT AGAIN! WE'LL SEE WHO EATS WHO!"
Seems to be two boys, one of them being my cabin mate, anyone volunteering to get some companionship.
Welcome welcome!

I hope you have some great stories!

The presence of the Infestor was not ignored by the Dominion either apparently. They knew what it meant, they knew that using the Reavers was a calculated risk, but they so far had shown to be completely in adequate for taking the city, and now they would cut their losses and send their nano clouds to turn it and the planet into a ghost town.

Suddenly the Reaver Cruiser above the city began to take incoming fire from all directions. The Dominon Ships, mostly Destroyers turned their attention to the Reaver craft, their cannons echoing by the dozens as they attempted to blow the horrid thing out of the sky.

The Reaver ship responded in kind, its batteries began to fire back at the Dominion ships, and a war waged between them.

Being composed of metal, and having very little else within their simple, small, systems, being seized by Garamms grip was almost all too easy. The on board computers could barely register what was happening and couldn't compensate for the essence and force that seized them. There was nothing could do aside from trying to straighten themselves out.

One by one, they collided with eachother, exploding in a ball of orange and green. Sometimes it was enough for them to only collide with a building or sail wildly in a random direction. Each one acted as a conduit, her power running out from one to another until it reached its target. A mere three hundred above the surface, the gunships that hung around the infestor, It colided with it, one by one smashing into its form. The Infestor wobbled from the blows, each ship blowing off a piece of it upon impact. It teetered wildly to one side before it over compensated and sailed careening into the ground.

"What the hell?" And for a moment the radio chatter went dead, probably for the first time in atleast ten minutes.

There was a moment of aww as something unseen saved countless lives and no single person that saw the spectacle could figure it out... Except those that know of such power.

Katrina's efforts along with the spectacle had resulted in the ships ceasing their assault. She had taken down another few before the Reavers broke off. There was only the barest wisps of their squadrons left and with that, she, and everyone else that took to the air would be free to finally reach safety. The battle was temporarily one.

But there was still an armada above them.

"Nows our chance! Listen everyone! While they fight we're making our escape!" It was a woman's voice, that captain again. "Pilots, once we get to air the Dominion is going to be on us! Cover us and we'll cover you! We have a hanger open on our port side for you if you need repairs and refueling."

While the H.F.A.K would easily deal with the remaining gunships, above them it would be apparent as the Dominion destroyers began closing in to barrage the Reaver ship. It was their best time to escape if desired. Sir Kindle's drone ship would be loaded along with the rest, his carrier a rather large target over the city. In the ensuing battle, only one of Sir Kindle's drones took a plasma hit, their speed and mobility showing in their craftsmanship and performance.

"Sir. We are being hailed by a heavy Cruiser. We have been receiving their distress signal for some time and they are asking for our assistance. Shall we respond?" the H.F.A.K has already began moving out away from the battle field. Considering the battlefield would no doubt show some collateral fire. The way was clear however, but the carrier would not have the speed the drones would and its scanners could pick up over three dozen corvette sized airships and larger, some of them bringing more accurate projectile weapons to bare.


"Sounds good. But why you have to make everything weird?" He said with an odd sensation on his lips and in his stomach as he held his blade forward holding it low. As he gripped the blade, the blade itself seemed to heat up, like the odd hilt itself held some sort of power within.

The Reaver numbers were dwindling. The last dropship had transported the dead and dying Reavers into its hold and a new one seemed to take its place. Due to events elsewhere, it seemed like that would be the last of the resources. "Really funny if you could smoke out the ones up there." But as he tried to think of a plan in order to do so, the last five began to fire their plasma.

Eilsel would have a very capable shield this time as his companion seemed to be quite adept at charging forward and deflecting the blasts, cutting through the molten energy with his blade and dispensing it harmlessly. He was just wall closing in, he would let Eilsel be the hammer...

When the last of them were dispatched. His companion would flourish his blade with a slice, spreading the ichor across a wall to make his blade clean. He set it on a clip in his back before getting back to Eilsel. "Not a clean fight but whatever." He held out a hand. "Name's Rook. Chief of Security for the Cerberus Gate. Rides yours if you want it, least we could do after helping us out."

It was then, behind him, that Eilsel would notice that there was a half dozen others, some of them wearing similar uniforms despite the race. They were carrying bags and moving out to make sure that a nearby truck still held its contents.

"Cargo's secure sir!" Shouted one of the females before she made a bowing motion to Eilsel. "Thanks for the help!" She then set out to make sure that the rest of her crew was okay and ready to get the truck started. It was obvious they seemed to be stealing it, considering how they had to rip out a panel.

Rook looked back to his Eilsel. "What do you say?"
Jacob was listening to his playlist on the bus ride to the camp, the ear buds firmly in his ears. He was lounging his leg up on the seat infront of him as he listened to the same piece of a track over and over again, his guitar and bags fill the seat next to him. The entire ride over he seems to be stuck in his own little world. He hardly even takes his eyes off the tiny little screen to enjoy the natural splendor that rolls past the window.

Sometimes his face contorts into a frown. Sometimes he closes his eyes, tapping he knee rhythmically. Sometimes he gets a nearby pad and starts writing down gibberish. And sometimes he just talks to himself.

"you have to keep-- mov-ing forward-- no
you -- baba have to beat beat moving forward-- no...
You - have - keep moving for-ward... bah bah bah mmm maybe..."

And he'll jot it down.

Finally the bus stopped and he felt his body move forward. "That didn't take too long." He said surprised before he raised to get his things together. Backpack, Gym Bag, Guitar case, he stepped off the bus and surveyed the scene before him. He whistled, he was expecting less. "Not too bad. I wonder if we get wifi here." He approached, going up to what looked like the people in charge. They had the camp name on shirts and clip boards. He heard what they said, boys in even cabins. "Hey, nice place you got here." He whipped his hair with a charming smile. "Jacob Foster, where can I throw down my stuff?"
She shivered with the slimes touch. "brrrrrr shed cold." she said wriggling but then she felt the touch. Heard what she said. Edith felt a little... surprised. Surprised in a good way. "she seems nice. Simple but nice."

Edith thought a moment. "Asura, what did she say to you? She doesnt know me and she's confused by my singing. But I'm establishing repoire." edith tried to return the favor.

She crawled up on the ledge and formed a psuedopod and tried to touch the slime. She tried think really loud, but ended up just talking. "Ahem. Me Friend. Noise Happy. Small me happy big me. Small me become big me?" hoping that might get them somewhere.

Shoot Im sorry I put the profile in the wrong page. Sorry!
I'm in the market for something silly. Room for 1 more?

Might do something with vibrations or music? Would that work?
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