Avatar of Silvan Haven
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@hagroden@Agent 47

Justin Harken

"I'm sure we can find a McDonald's that won't mind the business." Justin said as he draped a large grey trenchcoat over his tactical gear. The guy might be unnaturally creepy but at least he had a sense of humor.

The combination of clothing was hardly going to win him any fashion awards. Fashion wasn't the point however. Eld Fen wasn't always there to teleport them around the city, which meant occasionally going out and travelling to trouble spots. Even in a car it was best not to take chances. That meant covering the collection of weapons and gear attached to the tactical harness on his torso.

He quickly scribbled "HERE" in big bold letter on a sticky note, slapping it atop the big red dot on the screen. If any of the other Saints arrived while they were gone it would be very helpful if they knew where to head. Preparations all done he turned and took the proffered hand.

It was hardly surprising that Nakreyya couldn't find seams or joints. The technological portions of the ship had been constructed using energy/matter conversion technology. "Beamed" into existence the entire interior walling of the ship could be considered a single piece of metal.

"A little of column A, little column B. Mostly B though. This vessel performs best when it has a full crew of magically gifted individuals. Some two to three hundred people. However it was designed to be able to function with as little as a single crew member, a fact I am currently taking advantage of. Guardian has a limited artificial intelligence that allows it to perform most basic ship functions with minimal input from crew members. Fly places, fire weapons at their most basic level, perform maintenance on the less delicate technological systems. That sort of stuff."

As they walked Fionn had led them into a small room with a glowing screen on the back wall. The door closed as they stepped in and he pushed one of the shining icons on the screen. The room flashed white for half a second and the door opened back up. This time to a very obviously different hallway. Whereas the last one had been clearly utilitarian this one clearly had some effort put into the visual appeal. A deep blue carpet covered the floor and the silver white metal walls were covered in what looked like intricate crystalline magical circles.

Walking forward Fionn continued talking. "This is the command section. Mostly an area for officers and higher ranking crew members. Since it's a civilian ship the designers put a bit of effort into making it look good. Helps make potential buyers feel like they got their money's worth."

"Excellent!" Fionn said as he idly waved a hand at the open bay door. It closed significantly faster than it had opened, no need for the drama this time. Outside the air around the ship shimmered as the cloak reactivated. The physical gesture was not strictly necessary as the ship responded to the mental command of any registered crew members. However Fionn had discovered that most people found it less creepy if they had some visible sign to attribute the vessel's obedience to.

A slight hum ran through the deckplates beneath their feet as he turned Grug. The orc seemed to be settling in to meditate for the duration of the trip. Never one to be a bad host he spoke up. "If you need anything or have any questions feel free to ask them. Speak your request aloud and your needs will be seen to. Now if you will excuse me Oracle, I have some things that need seeing to." He gave a slight bow and turned once more, this time heading for the nearest door out of the cargo bay.

Said doorway looked like nothing more than an archway set into the material of the wall. The silver white metal within appearing no different to that outside. But when Fionn approached it the metal split along a nonexistent seam and slid into the walls on either side. The Captain and single crew member of the ship called over his shoulder as he walked.

"Why don't we start with the bridge? I need to head there anyway, Guardian always throws a fit whenever I try to command major ship functions anywhere else. And you can poke and prod at whatever you feel like along the way. Anything that might be disrupted by an active magical aura is so heavily shielded you'd need access codes and an engineering degree to get at it." He paused before continuing in a thoughtful tone. "Or heavy weapons."

"Kindred Registered Ship." Fionn answered as he gestured to a nearby corner of the immense bay they were in. The spot he was pointing at cast an odd image. It looked as if someone had set up a small stable minus the walls and roof. "I don't fly the flag the same way a Kindred Navy Ship would, but most nations will accept a ship registered with us even if they don't recognize the make of the vessel or the species at the helm. Want a tour?"

He couldn't help but feel a smidge of pride at the way Nakreyya's eye flew across the ship. He hadn't helped design, build or majorly modify the Wandering Guardian so it was a bit silly of him to feel so. Still...

The trip wouldn't last long. Hardly enough for them to do general overview at best if she accepted. In the meantime he might be able to see if the database had any languages the elf could read. Maybe if she stayed around he would give her low level library access. If the young mage was any judge of character engineering was one of the few passions Nakreyya had left. Feeding that passion was the least he could do considering what she was putting on the line for them.
That sounds like a really helpful power to have.
Either trying to find the Saints or get them to find him.

Pretty sure everyone else either is a Saint or wants to become one.
@hagroden@Agent 47

Justin Harken

"Long day I think." Justin said without turning to look at the disturbing visage beside him. The other man always gave off an aura of slithering scales and breaking minds. Like he drew his power from somewhere that shouldn't exist. "She just got back in but it's been an unusually quiet night so far. I'm starting to wonder if someone found our link into the police databa-"

A red spot had appeared on the map. A larger one so it was more than a simple mugging. Perhaps a multigang shootout or large building fire. Or both. Things were starting to get a bit strange with so many super powered people in the city. Lines of text started to appear next to the dot, details added as they came through the law enforcement network.

"Multiple reports of shots fired. Although how much shooting is going on seems uncertain. Minimal police response but that's not surprising." He did turn to look at Eld Fen now. "Looks right up our alley. Are you going to head out now or do you want to wait for the rest of us?"
Justin Harken

In front of the massive screen stood an equally massive man. Impressively muscled arms were crossed over a broad chest as he all but glared at the view before him. No crimes all night? In a city as heavily populated and crime ridden as Independence City that was unheard of. Justin didn't trust the calm. It was always like this before the really bad stuff started happening.

He turned when he heard the door opening and nodded to Olivia as she entered. He would have gone to greet her if she didn't look so utterly exhausted. Justin understood the feeling. Vigilantism didn't exactly leave a lot of room for a normal sleep schedule. Keeping up an ordinary life while simultaneously patrolling the night meant you grabbed what rest you could and sucked it up when that wasn't enough.

Olivia deserved her rest. Rather than disturb her Justin turned back to glaring at the display on the wall.

It’s less the fact that it could be used to copy other people’s power and more the fact that this ability encompasses every power come up with so far...and than an infinity more. And even with limits, the ability to bend reality almost to your will is pretty flippin godlike.

So the first one is essentially "I am a god."

That's basically every power combined. Even with the limits.
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