Avatar of Sini
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sinistred
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 564 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Sini 10 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current The Empire Strikes Back
9 yrs ago
Off to visit the little sister. Shall be back by Sun/Monday.
9 yrs ago
Trying to wrap my head around the new tools and bits of the site. Well done, Mahz.


Née 1991. I feel old already.

Been roleplaying from the age of 15, write on solo projects in my spare time. I heartily encourage interaction when it comes to writing and creative efforts. Like to think I'm an understanding but stern and solid GM when I host games, and a collaborative and creative individual. Used to draw. Write in advanced section.

While I might not be as omni-present a some of you are on RP:G, I have been a part of it since 2009-2010 (if my memory serves me right). However, I must admit that post Guildfall, my activity also dropped. Slowly getting back into things.

I attended university to acquire my master's degree in history. I already had an educational degree for history and English, and am teaching both in secondary school. Any questions? Ask.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sini>

Surely they love the upjumped stewards being in charge..

I was going to make one of my sons squire somewhere in his past. Not sure if Oldtown would be a viable option?

Also I was just wondering what the situation is with the Kingsguard? Are you guys sticking to canon with who was in it at this time, or is it open to players at all? No worries if it isn't.

Sure thing. Ser Bryndon is a renowned knight. Unless you want to pair him with the heir: Ormund (but he's been travelling a lot in the past 5 years).

I think that regarding the Kingsguard there can be a few spots open for OCs.


I've been in talks with Ellri and got the concept of a Force Sensitive Mandalorian approved beforehand, if that helps!

An untrained force-sensitive who knows how to use his powers like this? Seems like a stretch.

Why did you include 'Sith' in the name?

This sheet is very problematic to me. We do not want a Force Using space lizard leading the Mandalorians by way of Battle Medition (a Force Technique which cannot be learned on one's own, by the way). Additionally, Ellri only tentatively agreed on the proviso that your character would cease being a Mandalorian upon joining the ranks of the Jedi or Sith. Mandalorian Force Users in itself are a no-no. If anything, the concept as you have it now is likely to be a target for both Jedi and Sith - it's an abomination to be cut from the Galaxy.
Great thanks!

Great. Now I have to pay lip service.

... I mean, greetings m'lady.

Let me know if you want to include some Hightowers.

Mission briefing:
Many agents died to get us this information. Intelligence painstakingly assembled, coerced and bought from several sources has been corroborated by the Emperor’s Voice. It has confirmed the findings. That should tell you about the gravity of the issue.

After a series of calamitous events on Tython resulted in the capture of the Dark Force User operating under the sobriquet of ‘Selene’, actions must be taken to minimise the threat she poses to the Galaxy. She has been an elusive, disturbing presence for far too long. The Empire wants her. The Emperor wants her.

Her capture provides an opportunity which cannot be ignored. She is detained by Jedi, with the intent to transport her off-world. The vessels assigned are few. Your mission is to intercept the Republic convoy, and take custody of ‘Selene’. The strike must be surgical, quick and clean. Due to the haste in which the strike team has been assembled, outside elements have been recruited to augment our forces. It is rag-tag, admittedly, but work with what you have. Failure is not an option. When you hear my head hitting the ground you know yours will be next.

Gather your gear. You ship out within the hour.


While the prompt’s been written from an Imperial point of view, this story is actually open for almost anyone. Republic characters have an easy ‘in’ by getting on the convoy as guards. Imperial characters will obviously be part of the strike force. Independent characters can be on either side, though as you have read, the Empire recruited several hastily to bolster their contingent. This is really also a chance to get your Sith on. You're welcome to make a temporary character, or bring in your existing one. Just make sure the character's presence is justified and plausible. The mission takes place in 6ATC, after the events on Tython involving Selene. The mission leader/coordinator will be my own Collem Corvinian.

Please express your interests, thoughts and apply below. Let's blow some shit up.
1. To prove that being a bounty hunter was profitable and to encourage the 'next generation'.
2. Good question, we still haven't exactly figured that out yet... @februari?
3. Her father was a bounty hunter and now another bounty hunter is giving her his 'blessing'. Seems like destiny!
4. She gets all her contracts from The Empire.
5. With caution and disdain.

Hope this is ok! <3 xx

I did not mean for you to address these questions like this. I want you to think about these and add the information to your sheet.

I actually addressed #2 in the CS for Ryndi:

"After an exotic performance on Zeltros, Ryndi was approached by Nahtisse Ratinde, a bounty hunter who'd tracked a fugitive to the planet. The pair struck up a conversation and quickly became lovers, ultimately turning a casual evening into a two-week affair and head start for Nahtisse's quarry. Feeling obligated to assist after having detained the bounty hunter for so long, Ryndi used her contacts to locate the fugitive, and thus began a sort of partnership and on-and-off relationship between her and Nahtisse. The couple have since entered a martial union and Ryndi has relocated to Alderaan to live with Nahtisse, to whom she is very much attached. That said, in concession to the Zeltron, Nahtisse allows her to continue her career, having redefined fidelity as loyalty rather than physical exclusivity."

I know you did, but that is your sheet, not hers.
Questions needing to be addressed:

Why did this Trandoshan give her that many credits? 100k is a bit of a shortcut.

How did she meet her girlfriend?

Why did she become a bounty hunter at all? It's a long shot (pun intended) from being a carnival sharpshooter to becoming a professional (wo)manhunter.

Why does she consider the Republic her enemy?

If the Republic, Jedi, Sith, criminal cartels and other bounty hunters are 'out' as potential employers then who does she work for? How do you see this character interact with the rest of the player base?

Public Service Announcement Incoming...

Time progression, location and roleplay in the SW PG

Roleplay has kicked off. We’ve had around one hundred IC posts so far. That’s a nice start, so: well done all of you, and very well done to a select prolific few. I speak for myself, but am sure the rest of the players and staff agree, that it has been a very enjoyable ride so far.

However, it has become apparent that a few pointers are in order to keep our RP well… orderly. As you might have gleaned from the title, it has to do with IC time and how it is measured. Additionally, we will explain the difference in RP thread types – notably hub threads and story threads. It is our only hope *cough* to facilitate structured roleplay. There is a time and place for everything, and this announcement is about anchoring roleplay in temporal and spatial dimensions. Basically where and when action takes place. Let's address this. After all, Star Wars itself begins by referring to it: "A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away".

Below you will find an explanation which builds on (and quotes from) the already published Time Progression Guide. Most of it is covered, but we recommend reading it for further info.

Time is of the essence

How should time be handled?
Through timestamps. Up to now this has not been enforced, but it will be starting next month. We believe this will enable stories and RP to better fit together, like beads on a string.

Why timestamps?
As the Persistent Galaxy grows, the need for tracking time will increase. We want to be ahead of the curve and instil a habit in all of our members. This is necessary if we want to avoid future problems with conflicting timelines. Characters cannot be in different places at the same time.

What are timestamps?
At the beginning of every new roleplay thread, the first poster will define the location, time and date on which their roleplay begins. This is key to assist the Lorekeeper(s) in correctly situating different roleplay threads within the overall Persistent Galaxy and its timelines, ensuring that key events are known and available for easy reference to other writers. This needs to be readily comprehensible and differentiate between events that have happened (and characters should be aware of) and events that will happen (and so characters are not aware of yet but remain fixed points in the future).

Who looks at timestamps?
It is generally recommended that you review other pre-existing plots using the same locations or characters prior to beginning your new roleplay thread. You’re the first line of defence against meandering timelines. Furthermore, your Lorekeeper(s) will advise if existing posts of yours contradict existing Persistent Galaxy canon and recommend a solution to reconcile the plotlines. They are our ‘timecops’ who work in tandem with the GM staff. While that means GM staff will keep an eye out, it does not mean that it is their core business.

What about moving through time?
Overall, we expect most stories to continue towards the future in the general timeline, with opportunities for salient flashbacks to fill in gaps in the existing plot line. This means that, using the appropriate timestamp, you can RP in the past, present and future.

How do we track years?
The Republic records years ATC (After the Treaty of Coruscant). At the start of play the PG “now” will be 6 ATC (day and month to be fixed). The Empire currently records Years PRE (Post-Reconstitution of the Empire). There is no Year Zero. The year of the Treaty of Coruscant was both 1 BTC and 1 ATC, depending on whether the time in the year was before or after the event. Thus, Year 1 BTC and 1 ATC were shorter than year 2, lasting only from/to the next/previous new year until/from the treaty. The PG began in 1 ATC / 1333 PRE though this does not mean all new stories need to begin on this date.

What does that mean for existing stories?
It means those stories currently in progress are set in 1 ATC, unless those involved wish to assign a new timeframe to them. For example, the events on Nar Shaddaa might be moved back in time to have taken place before the Treaty of Coruscant. Moreover, assigning dates to stories will allow characters to drop in and move around threads in a structured, uniform manner.

What does a timestamp look like ICly?
For consistency, it is recommended that you put the timestamp at the top of your post, right-aligned with the time (if relevant) and date followed by the plot location one line below. It isn't necessary to include a time-stamp in every post you make.

Location, location, location… Hub vs. Story

Tying in with ‘clocking’ threads, we will be differentiating between two types of threads: hub and story. We have talked about placing a roleplay on the timeline, now we will look at 'locking' threads in place.

What are ‘hubs’?
The former is a rather free-form, casual roleplay location where players can easily drop in and interact with other characters. Being an open thread, where IC time is less of an issue, the principle largely correlates with an MMO lounge where people meet up, hook up, make contact and then (can) go on adventures together. Action takes place in sequence, in real time. The location where the roleplay takes place is fixed, but time is less so.

What about 'story' threads?
As opposed to the open sessions of the hubs, we will have closed story threads. These operate much in the same way of regular roleplay, as in that they necessitate player interest, a title-topic, a cast, a plot and a plausible reason for characters to participate in them. Players can be their own GM for this story. Time and place play important roles here, as these threads will form the building blocks of your character’s (and by extension our Galaxy’s) history. Time (progression) is fixed here, but location less so as characters and parties may traverse the Galaxy as part of the story arc. This does, nevertheless, not mean location cannot be fixed. A current example of this type would be Corellia in Flames. Story arcs can lead to the acquisition of rare tech or powerful objects. Two obvious examples would be a successfull quest for a holocron, or a ship heist. We will elaborate more on acquiring IC goodies later.

What does that mean for existing RP?
A decision will have to be made by the writers whether the RP within a thread happened in a hub (i.e. real time sequence) or was part of a story arc (i.e. framed in time).
A few typos - recommend rereading it to take care of those. Concerning content I see no issues, other than maybe the kybuck inuendo. But that might be just me.

The relationship with Nathisse Ratinde is provisional, until that character's approval.
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