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    1. Skelm 6 yrs ago


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I saw that you are accepting established characters – would you be open to having Han? I suppose that would probably include Chewie as well. They are like a packaged deal.
Dwight Kelly

With a thin smile, Dwight disengaged himself from the sports page and glanced up to appraise the delicate features of the brunette sitting across from him. Judging by the way his eyes roamed freely over her gentle curves, pausing ever so briefly on her midsection, he was thoroughly enjoying the view. Like so many other men who frequented her quaint establishment, it hadn’t taken Dwight very long to discover Ede Blanche’s charm. She was captivating in an odd sort of way, luring unsuspecting customers in with her eccentric attitude and lavish hospitality. While some folks in town viewed her curious behavior as disgraceful, others lauded her for her artistic ingenuity, both for her culinary expertise and her poetic prose. But beneath all of that, Dwight knew that she had something else to offer. Only a select few were invited to learn of her more...remarkable talents. That revelation had sparked a daily routine that bordered on the obsessive.

Every weekday was the same – Dwight would arrive at the restaurant among the patrons of the breakfast rush to seek out the same corner booth, overlooking the same busy thoroughfare, with the same newspaper tucked under his arm, and ordered the same cup of black coffee to start his day. Occasionally, he would change it up and order a pastry, or some other specialty item featured on the menu that day, but overall, it was the same ritual – day in, day out – for weeks on end. All of it culminated in the fleeting chance that he would gain the opportunity to talk to the elusive proprietor as she made her rounds. Fortunately, on most days, she went out of her way to indulge him, and on this particular morning, it was no different. They had reached a mutual understanding in that regard, and as a result, had exchanged their fair share of intimate secrets along the way. At this point, it was safe to assume that Dwight had been accepted among the lucky few to partake in her favors.

“Hi, Ede,” he returned coolly, leaning forward and folding his hands on top of his paper. He noted the use of his nickname, something that had developed in the sales sector, but had apparently seeped into other facets of his everyday life. Not that it mattered; he found that he liked it when she used it. Maybe he even preferred it that way. That thought made his smile grow even wider.

“I see you’re keeping everyone on their toes again this morning.” He quirked a brow and glanced beyond her to observe the different reactions to Ede’s ‘half-off’ deal. It wasn’t exactly bedlam, but it was enough to generate a handful of extra sales, and in turn, increase her profits for the morning till. A slow shake of his head showed that he approved of her methods. Anything for a bargain. In that sense, they spoke the same language.

Exhaling softly, he reclined back and brought the coffee cup to his lips. “I take it those custard tarts weren’t working out for you?” Another grin. “You know I’m always good for inspiration. All you have to do is ask.”

@Skelm Oh, I meant as Rp characters! Sorry for not being too specific. And no, I haven't read Bloodline. Sounds like a good read, though.

Oops...sorry about that! But yeah, I do see what you mean. I have to admit, it was a bit of a gamble when I first came up with the character since it was such a departure from what I was accustomed to, but things seemed to really gel for me. It was a nice change from the plethora of Jedi and Sith you see in games. Nothing wrong with those characters, but I've personally always strived for the non-FS type. A politician seemed to fit that bill.

@Famotill you mentioned that you may need some help with your backstory? I like what I see so far! Just a few ideas to get you started – I take it that she will be a member of the Alliance at this point? Or do you intend to have her working as a freelance mechanic? I can see her going either way. I also wanted to note that I find her fear of Jedi to be rather interesting, especially in this time period where they are pretty scarce. I would definitely try to develop that a bit further and work that into her backstory. Is it an irrational fear borne out of stories her parents told her? Or maybe it was something she witnessed/heard growing up? Is that how her father died? You have a lot of possibilities with that one.

If you want to discuss it further, please feel free to shoot me a PM.
@Skelm What's funny is that I never really see political characters on SW.

Yeah, aside from the Prequels and briefly in Rogue One, they're pretty scarce.

Have you read Bloodline? It takes place six years before the events of The Force Awakens and it focuses on Leia's time in the Galactic Senate. It has a lot of political themes and deals with the inner workings of the New Republic. It's actually where I got the inspiration to create my character.
Hmm...this sounds rather intriguing. I've always loved a good western.
It looks like the senator will be joining those on Jedha shortly. Just working out some minor details, and then I will get started on my post.
@AnnaBeth Here is my CS. If you see any issues, let me know!

@Skelm I think that could be awesome!!!!

Great – thank you!

I'll go ahead and fix up the CS and post it over in the other thread.
I got my start with Star Wars, so I'm always down for a game set in the GFFA.

Would you be open to having a politician/senator? I have a character that I've used in a previous SW game, and I would love to see if I can adapt him for this timeframe.
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