Avatar of Skyswimsky
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  • Old Guild Username: Skyswimsky
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Rin-Rin was like a sitting duck. Kneeling in pain as if she was simply waiting for something mean to hit her. "Gosh darn... This isn't the time to be napping." She complained to herself. "Listen, oh so fragile human body that can barely contain the awesomeness that is I, Rin-Rin. I'm telling you, commanding you, to obey, so: Obey and staaaaaaand uuuppp!!!" With one quick motion, the girl actually managed to stand wobbly on her feet for a moment; just to fall on her butt the second another big explosion shook the ground. "Aaaargggh! That thing's so small it should be dead now, right!?"

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Fortunately, one of her team members actually decided to protect her from any possible future harm by turning herself into Rin-Rin's personal ride. "Is this going to be a frequent thing? It will, right? Oh please don't tell me it's going to be a frequent thing. Although... you're comfy!" Was all she had to say before getting hit by a healing flash of light, coming from Hiro's Gungnir.

"Thank you! And don't worry, I'm too awesome to die." Were words spoken over com to him in return. Easing the pain on her body, but not the mind. Nonetheless, it was a welcome gift. Right, thinking about it, they had quite a few people capable of healing, didn't they? Too bad that Rin-Rin wasn't the type of girl who'd easily ask for help.

With some refreshed vitality, and getting tired of listening to all this too-much-planning, she was happy when Yui essentially read her mind. "Now, that sounds like something I can get behind... am already behind. If it doesn't die, just hit it harder! Jeez, it's not so hard to understand." Still being carried by the other girl, Rin-Rin simply nodded. "You want full power? You get full power!"

Speed? Strength? Dexterity? Reaction time? There was so much small print she didn't understand about Re:Phrase, but concentrating on the essential and just boost physical fighting power or something abstract surely had to work, right? Right.

"You'll better take me somewhere nice to eat after this." She added before her eye flashed red. A second passed. Another one, and a third. Little by little, in an accelerating fashion, Yui could feel everything... different. Stronger. Better. The deed was done: The back of Yui's uniform now tinted in crimson.

If there was one regret Rin-Rin had right now, it was that she didn't think ahead. Saying something along the lines of 'Give it a show of the century!' when she was still able to speak. Because now, she couldn't move a single muscle in her body as she dropped to the ground from Yui's back. For the uneducated, one could even think she just died. Good thing she told one of their healers she is undeadable, right? Right.
Added the rest. (Transform, Mana Crystal, and Theme)
Everything's done except getting a theme and a majicl girl outfit which goes hand-in-hand with the Mana Crystal, but I'm sure you can take a look nonetheless?

Yay, it's up \o/.

I'll work on a CS as soon-ish as I'm home! Pretty much got most laid out in my head except a majicl transform costume.

Not sure what exact virtue yet, but definitely something along the lines of being headstrong, to never give up. Someone who goes full fisherman until all the mind-breaking happened, hehe.

Also, just to confirm, melee focused people are a thing, too?
Will there be a Discord?

@LuckyBlackCat wanna go with my usual headstrong delusional genki justice gal. 'Virtue' is a pretty generic term, is there some sort of list? Like only the 7 virtues opposite of the 7 sins in Christian? Or essentially anything that can be reasoned up to being a 'good' in a sense?

@ERode Eyyy. Alright, here just a general recap.

Basic Premise
RP takes place in a more-or-less medieval generic fantasy world that benefits from a relatively long-lasting era of peace thanks to the Church of Eins - commonly simply referred to as 'Church'. The Church's influence transcends that of a Kingdom, State, etc.. They were the ones who brought magic back into the world and have enough sorta-charity services and so on. Kings, Lords, and so on are more-or-less puppets. They also have the whole secret police schtick going on although it mainly hits criminals.

Amidst all this, one day, a girl arrives at your doorstep. Telling you how this Paradise is a farce and beckons you to join her in a Crusade against God itself. To reveal the true nature of those who portray themselves as saviours and start a revolution.

200 or so years ago, a catastrophic event happened that is referred to as the Spellblaze. A calamity that killed every single person capable of magic in an instant. A mass genocide, of sorts. While the exact cause is unknown, the common explanation is that it had been a grand ritual gone awry. Following this, a time of chaos and turmoil followed until the Church of Eins emerged.

The epicentre of the Spellblaze is known as the 'Mark of the Spellblaze' and is essentially a deformed, lifeless, piece of land. Entering this place is forbidden and it's tightly guarded by the Church.

Before the Spellblaze, magic had been accessible in a wide variety of ways. One mainly needed to have some innate talent. After the Spellblaze, magic was believed to have gone extinct. Until the Church of Eins made the discovery of Runestone. Runestones are minerals containing magical energy needed to use magic - theoretically allowing anyone to use magic (again).

A Runestone alone is not enough, however. While it serves as the source, there is also the subject of execution. Unlike before, where people used magic via chants, song, feelings, whateverelseyayforfreeform, it became way more structured and science-y. A spell can't be cast unless the caster understands the underlying theory. Requiring knowledge from many fields, it mostly boils down to calculations based on math though.

Essentially, there can be magicians who rely on fixed formulas, making their magic inflexible but without many errors. While on the other hand are also more flexible ones, doing the whole math-schtick on the go. Allows more fine-tuning but more prone to errors. Everybody could now use magic, as long as they studied (hard).

Runestones play a diverse role in all of this but can be simplified into 'affinity' and 'capacity.' Runestones have a certain amount of magical energy stored that is being used up, but they also have a certain affinity towards certain types of magic that makes them use more/less energy. The profiency of the magician casting the magic also plays a role, however.

It is worth noting that some Runestones are also be inscribed with a spell/effect. Imagine a runestone simply lightning up an area around itself rather than a torch. Thus, technology has also advanced in certain areas.

Mostly medieval fantasy with some 'Steampunk Rune Shenanigans' thrown in. Like a freezer which is essentially just a box which inner area is under constant effect of a high-efficency 'make the area colder' spell. (Said Runestone would need to be bought again regulary however).

Church of Eins
Most of the Church has already been explained more-or-less through the other parts. The Church of Eins is spread throughout the entirety of the continent, but they do have a city-state of their own called Chisato. At the center of it is a tower that extends into the heavens, with the God 'Ein' on top. Watching over the world. Or so they claim anyway. They have a monpoly on Runestone production and research. Schools and academies teaching mages also belong to them.

Runestone needs to be mined. All known mines belong to the Church. People inside the mines have it rather rough, but are still treated human. Most workers consist of small-time criminals or fathers who want to support their family. Once you're inside the mine, you can't leave, however.

The religion of Ein is basically state religion everywhere and worshipping other religions is a crime. The religion in itself is based on a single god and without going too deep about its doctrines and so on it's really easy comparable to what the catholic faith did inside europe at medieval times.

Other tidbits
Eh, that's more-or-less all. Other random things coming to mind/repeat on what we talked about in Discord.
Monsters aren't really a thing anymore. They are still around, but the Church takes care of them and they aren't a threat anymore.
Human masterrace Unless you really want other races like elves and dwarves, the world conists mainly of humans.
Woman aren't oppressed, but it's the typical 'stand in the kitchen, man on the fields' stuff.
Despite the Church of Eins bringing prosperity to all and keeping elite in check, there are still distinct difference between poor, rich, and middle class.
Sure there can be customs and traditions, but the design of the various places/kingdoms isn't something I have done. It's not that important for the overall plot. So feel free to inject if you'd like.
Education to become a magician is actually a 'free' thing from the Church, but the exams aren't that easy.

That's more or less it? Just msg me once you're around/back from camping.

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