Avatar of Sofaking Fancy
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  • Posts: 124 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Sofaking Fancy 6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Phone tells me a joke: "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." I think I've been lied to about who is my real dad.
6 yrs ago
That awkward moment when you're playing Monster Hunter World, and you know that young you would have been sexually awoken by that Field Captain.
6 yrs ago
That awkward moment when you need a young person to explain a meme to you, and all you can do is shake your walker at them and scream "get off my lawn and stop explaining the I-TER-NETS to me!"
6 yrs ago
When you screw up a word so bad that even spell check is like: "I got nothing for yah, bro."


Hoot, hoot...
People words. People words. I'm definitely a person.

A person who roleplays bad boys with hearts made of cookie.
I also enjoy flying at night breathing.


Most Recent Posts

FAIR WARNING: To anyone with a Luck under 5, I will take advantage of it in all situations. So, please don’t be angry when a bullet ricochets off a wall and enters your kneecap.

@Zoey White
After revewing Sylvia, I think she’s a solid character. She's got a lot of layers. You have obvious flaws, obvious strengths, and most importantly an obvious reason to be in this group. Your writing sample was a fast and entertaining read. I usually don't care for characters that manage to take out numerous characters in their prompts. But you bring up the moral quandary of it, and you have Sylvia get injured. You also show the varying state of her mental readiness and addiction.

I’m interested to see the duology of her personality on drugs and off of them. I like that they both have their bonuses and negatives.

The only thing I ask of you is that you re-read the rules. There's something you're missing in your CS.

Your CS is well written. I have found little wrong with it in regards to grammar and word usage. The biggest problem I have with your CS is the fact that Felix is rather bland. Even after reading his backstory, he feels like a generic character. Not to say he isn’t a good character. He just needs a little something-something. Perhaps go through their Appearance and add something about interaction. Their personality also felt less like someone describing them and a description of personality. Your Writing Prompt was good. Your backstory is also very interesting.

Your weaknesses need some work. The strength and charisma are okay, but your character’s Luck is not that low to warrant it being a weakness. Make up an interesting weakness, something that would affect your character in certain situations. Possibly a combat weakness, since you really don’t have one of those. You don’t HAVE to base this off your SPECIAL I was just saying it could be helpful in forming them.


Please re-read the rules, because you're missing something from your CS.

I like “T”, he’s an interesting character. You’ve incorporated your SPECIAL really well into the CS. Low charisma with unnatural synth-ness.

Just a few things:

Your appearance needs a little beefing up. You manage to tackle a lot of things in the personality and equipment section, but I need a little bit more. I do like the mention of him trying to play human, and failing a lot of the time. It offers an uncanniness that can lend itself to the RP. I just need a little bit more, becuase it is lacking.

Not having a combat skill and having a gun will limit your accuracy with the gun. That being said, you’re not going to be entirely useless, just less proficient than someone with a combat skill.

Just reconfirming, the HUD only displays information previously gathered on people? Like a database? Not like a way to know meta-information?

Your Writing Prompt is good, a little trope-y, but man it’s hard not to be trope-y in this situation. The only think I want to note is that you change tenses a few times throughout the prompt. Just keep an eye on this. I didn’t see it in your backstory, so I’m not worried about it. Just calling it like I see it.

Also, the added backstory fleshes out a few of the quandaries I had in your CS, so I’ve redacted a few points I’ve made on here. I liked it.

I enjoyed all of Frankie. I understand that his 10 Endurance and 1 Charisma come from an obvious place. So, I’m not going to say anything about that. Your backstory fills in the gaps where your CS doesn’t. And we talked about him being an intelligent supermutant. Everything looks in order. You might want to add to your Appearance because I find it a little lacking in clothing and general demeanor.

That being said, re-read the rules. There's something you're missing in your CS.

@Simple Unicycle
Call us “Team Huge Ass Dudes.” To be fair, they all vary in the way they handle their problems and the weapons they use. So, I’m digging it. Still, waiting on that combat sniper. I know you’re out there somewhere.

Anyway, I have a soft spot for guys that are too beat up to be conventionally attractive *stares at all their male characters* Yep. So, Joe is an A+ for me in that regard. Your sheet is good, I just have a couple of things.

The biggest thing with your sheet is your Charisma of 1 and then your personality section showing that he’s a talkative likable guy. A Charisma of 1 should really be someone who looks someone in the face, spews out offensive words, probably burps, and then grabs them inappropriately. Or maybe a whiny internet neckbeard who thinks “incel” is actually a thing. Eugh. While I wouldn’t say Joe would need a Charisma of 5, considering his looks, probably 3 fits your description a bit better. You can probably take the points out of Intelligence, Agility, or Luck. No one looks like that by being sorta unlucky.

After you tweak your SPECIAL a bit, maybe give your weakness a bit more pop. Your strengths are justified by the SPECIAL, but they’re very strong. You could use a weakness that really tempers your strengths.

Man, oh, man. This Writing Prompt should be called: “I love me some bar fights.” Nah. I enjoyed it, and Joe was different from T in that respect, showing the way that they handle trouble.

Okay. First things first. What is that picture? Is that a frozen man? Is he porcelain? I’m not complaining, I’m just VERY confused. Also, I chuckled WAY too long at “St. Jack City.” I can’t even. Good job.

I like Franz. He’s odd and quirky. I’m also glad we finally have someone that capable of charisma and speech. Seems like a lot of characters here have taken a hit to it. Which makes sense, the world is a tough place. But it’s good to have someone with some charisma. And your strengths and weaknesses are really even. Just like… a thing.

“jerky-like face,” beautiful descriptor. Let’s see. The Appearance section needs a little more attention. You actually put a lot into few words. Which I appreciate and envy. I just need a smidge more about interaction. You do a good job with the personality section with this. Just some first impressions.

Beyond that, it’s a solid character. I like him, and really the only thing I might have negative to say is that he’s very one-type. That being said, I feel like you’ll develop him well.

Alright. Drawing up on the 48hr, or we've already reached it. Honestly, I wish there was more of a timestamp on these things. Anyway, I'll review the COMPLETED CSes this evening and give just a preliminary overview on my the thoughts regarding the characters. I haven't read anything until now, letting you guys change things if need be. So, that's why I've been silent. I probably won't touch backstory unless there's something really egregious there, and I'll PM you.

EDIT: Also, DAMN this is a sausage fest. XD
There we go! I finished up the Governor's daughter's CS. So, if you have any questions, you can see two entirely different CSes. Also, you don't HAVE to read them, but both the Writing Prompts set up a bit of mystery. I was trying to make them helpful to the actual plot instead of waxing poetic about my characters.

Because you'll have to know something about them. Usually when I GM game, I try to avoid making obviously protagonist characters. I like this game to be a group effort, and I like my characters to be more like MacGuffins and/or Cat Herders. So, the spotlight is more on your characters than mine. That being said, that means they're expendable in the course of the RP. Things can happen in this RP where they'll die, leave the party, or switch alliance based on your, the group's, decisions. Just thought I would let you know because I dislike those group RPs where it is apparent the GM's character is the only important character and the rest are window dressing.

Roxanne 'Rocket' Cassom
Magnolia Ranch
Political Heirarchy

If "curious" had a sentient form it would be Roxanne Cassom. No matter where you are, or what you are doing, you'll see her tinkering with something, reading something, or generally annoying various people about their various curiosities. She's a short woman, but not lithe and dainty as her title might imply. While her strength isn't made for hitting, she can haul and lift and move. It's apparent that she's put more hours into finagling with equipment than into the finer graces. Not to say she doesn't have charisma, it's just of her own making.

Her hair is usually pulled up and sloppily placed atop her head, and her lips askew in a wild grin. She looks much younger than she is, which is unfortunate when she tries to get people to take her seriously. She has wide honey eyes and a face covered in freckles. Most of the time she also has a smudge or two from the mechanical things she enjoys working on. Much to her father's chagrin, she doesn't wear the finer things. She's prone to thick, long shirts that swallow her frame, hide pants, a large jacket with a hood, leather gloves, and boots. She also always has a pair of welder's goggles on her head. Of course, for the mission she's about to embark on, she's been clothed in the finest of combat armor--though don't tell her father, she still brought along her favorite red hoodie and her goggles.

One doesn't need an invitation to talk to Rocket. She'll probably start talking to them instead, or she'll entirely ignore them for something she's found more interesting than conversation. She's a bit of toggle like that.

It's hard to tell if Rocket actually likes someone or likes an aspect about them that makes them interesting. Her interest comes and goes like the tide. One moment, she's speaking rapidly about the interesting gun on your waist, and then the next she's done examining it and taken to doodling it down in her notebook. She's not rude, but she's not naive either. She wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, but she always curious and touching things. Sometimes, those things might be dangerous. In forced social situations, she's quite civil and practical. Someday, she might be a good leader.

5 5 3 7 8 7 5

Good Natured: You're a generally friendly person and are hesitant to employ violence to solve problems. Your help others. However, when your actions seem to harm others, specifically in combat, you often stand in your own way by doing less damage and racking less kills.
Active Skills
Repair: The fixing of broken equipment, machinery and electronics and also the reprogrammaning of robots.
Science: Covers a variety of hi-technology skills, such as computers, biology, physics and geology.
Fathers in High Places: As Governor Cassom's favorite child, Rocket has the wonderful gift of getting away with a lot just by her name and face alone. She also may have quite a bit of caps for bribery. It may be risky putting her up front, but it may pay off. Who knows who the governor has influenced.

  • Curiosity Can't Kill: Rocket is always into something--everything. As such, she's an encyclopedia of both helpful and useless information. She's able to deduce things at a quicker pace than some, but she's far from a computer in that regard.
  • Armored Cats: Rocket's expertise are robots. She loves them. If you run across a robot, expect her to run at it and then duck if it's hostile. She's pretty good at making them love her, though
  • With Death Lasers: Being the brunt of her brothers' ire, made her quite good at getting out of tough situations by wriggling her way from their grasp or leaping out of a building or just running. So, oddly enough, that's a real life skill that'll definitely come in handy.

  • But Curiosity Can Kill: On the other side of that coin, Rocket can and has gotten herself into trouble by being too inquisitive. She can run into situations unprepared or insult someone who could kill her quickly and efficiently.
  • a Sheltered Woman: Rocket is not naive. She knows she hasn't seen the world for what it is. But at the same time, she hasn't seen the world for what it is. She doesn't know how a lot of things work, and as such, she's bound to make mistakes others could easily avoid.
  • With no Combat Skills: Rocket can't attack anyone, and she can't defend herself.

Top of the Line Laser Gun: Her Father gave her a laser gun with a sight on it and a few modifications to make it fire quick and fast. Someone should probably take it away from her.
Top of the Line Combat Armor: Thick, green armor that's over the top of her "adventure wear", nicer clothing that her father thought might help her make friends. Over that, though, she still wears her red hoodie and has attached her welding goggles to her helmet.
  • 3 Stimpaks
  • 2 Nukacoloa (to share with a new friend if she makes one)
  • 1 Radaway
A Switch to the Bomb: *waggles finger* Not going to find out what that looks like.
Handy Dandy Unbreakable Lockpick: Of her own design, may actually be breakable.

Rocket tossed her brother's, Sampson, underwear halfway across the room as she rummaged through his things. "Ew, Sam, seriously." She was looking for her homemade lockpick. Her brother thought it might be amusing, the night before she was to leave on her big mission, to steal and hide several things that she needed. The last of these things was her lockpick. Older than her, Sampson shouldn't have even been attempting these childish things. He was currently courting some politician's daughter and was looking into purchasing a house of his own. Yet, here he was, tormenting her one last time before she left.

Exasperated, she just pulled the drawer out and tipped it onto the floor. There was a metallic clack against the wood flooring that told her she'd found it. Upon pocketing the lockpick, she heard voices. Oh no. She'd looted the room too heavily to hide what she'd done, and so she needed to get out of there--fast. Unhinging the windows, she jumped through them, landing on the balcony outside. She slowly shut them, hoping that her brother wouldn't notice they were unlocked.

The door opened. "I can't believe he'd trust her over me. I'm the eldest," Sampson said, probably to their other sibling, George."What the hell. Ugh! Roxanne must have figured out I stole her shit. She didn't have to leave my room like this." Oh, yes she did. She smirked.

"Calm down," George said, the youngest. "She'll be out of our hair tomorrow, and you can continue your plans on being the next Governor."

Rocket rolled her eyes. He'd pry that position from her cold, dead fingers. She was about to sneak away when Sam started talking again. "Do you believe the rumors?"

"What rumors?" George asked, his voice getting louder. Rocket pressed herself against the side of the house so hopefully, he wouldn't see her.

"About what's in the caravan." There was a noisy thump of Sam plopping down on the bed.

"Dad's had that on lockdown."

"I know, but I used some of Roxanne's gadgets to hack one of this Mister Handys." Oh, he sounded so assured of himself. He'd never been able to do that without her tech. "Whatever is in there... is alive."

That caught Rocket's attention. She straightened up only to hit her head on the windowsill. It made a low, but obvious noise. SHe heard Sam stand up, and George rush to the window. She quickly got away from the window and lept to the next balcony over. It was for their grandmother. She'd apologize later.

Rocket laid flat on the balcony as both her brothers stuck their heads out and looked around. She didn't make a sound. She didn't even try to breathe--which was easy considering what she'd just heard. Even with her face flat on the balcony's floor, she could still see the silhouette of the caravan in the pale moonlight. What was in there...

Oooooh. Thanks for all this interest! I'm excited to read things... and finishing writing things because my lazy butt didn't get to it. I was like: "I gotta enough" *barfs roleplay out*

So what you're saying is definitely make a super mutant synth NCR Veteran Ranger with a 10 in Intelligence and Endurance who's a descendant of the Vault Dweller and was best bros with the Courier, and also a BoS Paladin for two years on the east coast, right.

That is a beautiful character. Absolutely astounding and original. With obvious layers. Nuanced to the perfect degree.

good job formatting by the way holy toleto

Thanks! It totally didn't take me all day or anything. *sweats* That's why almost everything is not behind hider because it throws the formatting off. Also, I have no idea why... but everything in hiders gets me confused on what I have and have not read. I'm like a puppy with a cup game.
Thank you for the clarification.
Also, Would it be possible for me to join this RP?

No problem!

Just follow the Character Creation whatnots and submit a CS for a review! I will have to approve it, but you have a while to work on it. So, no rush!


That being said, I'm going to be a bit picky given that I have a pretty fab group, and I don't want to accidentally invite a murder hobo into our midst. But I'm not going to be THAT picky. If your character checks out, then they check out! See the list below for the changes you need to make to the CS, and some RP work you'll have to do to work yourself in seamlessly.

  • Instead of the sample post being about Shreve's Port, make it about Alexandria. That is where the group will end up next. All you need to know is in the description for Centerland.
  • Create a reason for your character to be hard up for caps or need to get out of town or otherwise join a caravan of people escorting an exploding package and the daughter of a Governor.
  • It will be one of my GM NPCs that offers the quest. No solid character yet, as one or both of them might die. So, we'll work out how they offer it, and what leads you to them.
  • Please re-read through the accepted CSes to make sure your character is varied from the one's presented.
  • As always, I'm here for any questions you might have.
Greetings. Regarding the quality of posts, How many sentences would you say is the minimum and maximum?

It just matters what is going on, really. I wouldn't say there's a hard set minimum or maximum. Because action/combat posts will be shorter than investigation and talking posts. As long as it is readable and covers what it needs to cover. As the rules state: "like a skirt: short enough to be enticing but long enough to cover all the important parts."

Roxanne 'Rocket' Cassom
Magnolia Ranch
Political Heirarchy

If "curious" had a sentient form it would be Roxanne Cassom. No matter where you are, or what you are doing, you'll see her tinkering with something, reading something, or generally annoying various people about their various curiosities. She's a short woman, but not lithe and dainty as her title might imply. While her strength isn't made for hitting, she can haul and lift and move. It's apparent that she's put more hours into finagling with equipment than into the finer graces. Not to say she doesn't have charisma, it's just of her own making.

Her hair is usually pulled up and sloppily placed atop her head, and her lips askew in a wild grin. She looks much younger than she is, which is unfortunate when she tries to get people to take her seriously. She has wide honey eyes and a face covered in freckles. Most of the time she also has a smudge or two from the mechanical things she enjoys working on. Much to her father's chagrin, she doesn't wear the finer things. She's prone to thick, long shirts that swallow her frame, hide pants, a large jacket with a hood, leather gloves, and boots. She also always has a pair of welder's goggles on her head. Of course, for the mission she's about to embark on, she's been clothed in the finest of combat armor--though don't tell her father, she still brought along her favorite red hoodie and her goggles.

One doesn't need an invitation to talk to Rocket. She'll probably start talking to them instead, or she'll entirely ignore them for something she's found more interesting than conversation. She's a bit of toggle like that.

It's hard to tell if Rocket actually likes someone or likes an aspect about them that makes them interesting. Her interest comes and goes like the tide. One moment, she's speaking rapidly about the interesting gun on your waist, and then the next she's done examining it and taken to doodling it down in her notebook. She's not rude, but she's not naive either. She wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, but she always curious and touching things. Sometimes, those things might be dangerous. In forced social situations, she's quite civil and practical. Someday, she might be a good leader.

5 5 3 7 8 7 5

Good Natured: You're a generally friendly person and are hesitant to employ violence to solve problems. Your help others. However, when your actions seem to harm others, specifically in combat, you often stand in your own way by doing less damage and racking less kills.
Active Skills
Repair: The fixing of broken equipment, machinery and electronics and also the reprogrammaning of robots.
Science: Covers a variety of hi-technology skills, such as computers, biology, physics and geology.
Fathers in High Places: As Governor Cassom's favorite child, Rocket has the wonderful gift of getting away with a lot just by her name and face alone. She also may have quite a bit of caps for bribery. It may be risky putting her up front, but it may pay off. Who knows who the governor has influenced.

  • Curiosity Can't Kill: Rocket is always into something--everything. As such, she's an encyclopedia of both helpful and useless information. She's able to deduce things at a quicker pace than some, but she's far from a computer in that regard.
  • Armored Cats: Rocket's expertise are robots. She loves them. If you run across a robot, expect her to run at it and then duck if it's hostile. She's pretty good at making them love her, though
  • With Death Lasers: Being the brunt of her brothers' ire, made her quite good at getting out of tough situations by wriggling her way from their grasp or leaping out of a building or just running. So, oddly enough, that's a real life skill that'll definitely come in handy.

  • But Curiosity Can Kill: On the other side of that coin, Rocket can and has gotten herself into trouble by being too inquisitive. She can run into situations unprepared or insult someone who could kill her quickly and efficiently.
  • a Sheltered Woman: Rocket is not naive. She knows she hasn't seen the world for what it is. But at the same time, she hasn't seen the world for what it is. She doesn't know how a lot of things work, and as such, she's bound to make mistakes others could easily avoid.
  • With no Combat Skills: Rocket can't attack anyone, and she can't defend herself.

Top of the Line Laser Gun: Her Father gave her a laser gun with a sight on it and a few modifications to make it fire quick and fast. Someone should probably take it away from her.
Top of the Line Combat Armor: Thick, green armor that's over the top of her "adventure wear", nicer clothing that her father thought might help her make friends. Over that, though, she still wears her red hoodie and has attached her welding goggles to her helmet.
  • 3 Stimpaks
  • 2 Nukacoloa (to share with a new friend if she makes one)
  • 1 Radaway
A Switch to the Bomb: *waggles finger* Not going to find out what that looks like.
Handy Dandy Unbreakable Lockpick: Of her own design, may actually be breakable.

Rocket tossed her brother's, Sampson, underwear halfway across the room as she rummaged through his things. "Ew, Sam, seriously." She was looking for her homemade lockpick. Her brother thought it might be amusing, the night before she was to leave on her big mission, to steal and hide several things that she needed. The last of these things was her lockpick. Older than her, Sampson shouldn't have even been attempting these childish things. He was currently courting some politician's daughter and was looking into purchasing a house of his own. Yet, here he was, tormenting her one last time before she left.

Exasperated, she just pulled the drawer out and tipped it onto the floor. There was a metallic clack against the wood flooring that told her she'd found it. Upon pocketing the lockpick, she heard voices. Oh no. She'd looted the room too heavily to hide what she'd done, and so she needed to get out of there--fast. Unhinging the windows, she jumped through them, landing on the balcony outside. She slowly shut them, hoping that her brother wouldn't notice they were unlocked.

The door opened. "I can't believe he'd trust her over me. I'm the eldest," Sampson said, probably to their other sibling, George."What the hell. Ugh! Roxanne must have figured out I stole her shit. She didn't have to leave my room like this." Oh, yes she did. She smirked.

"Calm down," George said, the youngest. "She'll be out of our hair tomorrow, and you can continue your plans on being the next Governor."

Rocket rolled her eyes. He'd pry that position from her cold, dead fingers. She was about to sneak away when Sam started talking again. "Do you believe the rumors?"

"What rumors?" George asked, his voice getting louder. Rocket pressed herself against the side of the house so hopefully, he wouldn't see her.

"About what's in the caravan." There was a noisy thump of Sam plopping down on the bed.

"Dad's had that on lockdown."

"I know, but I used some of Roxanne's gadgets to hack one of this Mister Handys." Oh, he sounded so assured of himself. He'd never been able to do that without her tech. "Whatever is in there... is alive."

That caught Rocket's attention. She straightened up only to hit her head on the windowsill. It made a low, but obvious noise. SHe heard Sam stand up, and George rush to the window. She quickly got away from the window and lept to the next balcony over. It was for their grandmother. She'd apologize later.

Rocket laid flat on the balcony as both her brothers stuck their heads out and looked around. She didn't make a sound. She didn't even try to breathe--which was easy considering what she'd just heard. Even with her face flat on the balcony's floor, she could still see the silhouette of the caravan in the pale moonlight. What was in there...

The Soldier

When looking at Soldier, one would see a person that had truly experienced the world and its cruelty. He stands a head taller than most, with broad shoulders, and thick muscle cording through him. He doesn't look like the sort that would jump out of the way of an incoming onslaught. No, he looks more like that type to fight it. He's strong-armed, broad-shouldered, barrel-chested, and has a healthy middle that shows that his past few years have taken to drinking. He wears a mixture of combat armor, it's shiny and steel, on his chest, forearms, and thighs. One can assume there's some on his back, but it's hidden by his large green jacket with fur trim around the collar. The other pieces that cover him are dark brown leather. He wears clunky combat boots that have mismatched laces from wear. A holster goes over his chest that holds his huge, customized sledgehammer. He also has an old Pre War revolver on his hip that seems to barely get any use.

The first thing one might notice about the man is the massive burn scar down the right side of his face. His ear no longer a prominent feature, he tries to keep it hidden with bandage and gauze when he can. Unfortunately, he can not camouflage his entire scaring. Yet, past his neck, he does hide it with bandages, gloves, and clothing. His blond hair is cut close to his head and usually disheveled. His brows are strong and offset his pale blue eyes. He has a strong nose that has probably been punched in a few too many times. Full lips are always twisted into a frown.

Soldier only ever crosses his arms or holds his weapon. He's not the sort to have a stance that isn't defensive. Ask him about something, and he'll roll his eyes. Try to talk to him, and you'll get a dismissive grunt. Actually, have to work next to him, and you'll find out how much he dislikes anything that isn't combat.

He tries his best not to be very approachable. If anything, he might go out of his way to seem like that. It seems intentional and not a defense mechanism. When spoken too, he's insanely dismissive. Also, I believe he once punched a guy for touching his hammer. Yet, there's something about the way he stares at his surroundings and hte people around him that make me feel as if a fight broke out, he'd know what to do.

9 2 8 4 7 3 7

Bruiser: You're slow but you are powerful. Your punches can knock someone’s lights out. You won’t hit them fast, but you’ll hit them well. Hopefully, you have the Strength for that.
Combat Skill
Melee Weapons: Using non-ranged weapons in hand-to-hand, or melee, combat. Knives, sledgehammers, spears, clubs and so on.
Passive Skill(s)
Danger Sense: You’re aware that something is about to go down via body language or actual language. You have a jump all dangerous situations.
Brotherhood of Steel Training: Soldier has had years of military training under his belt and the knowledge that comes with the Brotherhood. He unfortunately also has their racism and idealism.

  • Literal Strength: He's built himself up to the point that he's a practical juggernaut when it comes to strength-based combat.
  • Resiliant: Soldier's going to have to take more than a few hits to go down.
  • Looks Dumb, but Isn't: He has a deceptive intelligence hidden behind his eyes. People think he's an idiotic brute. Far from it.

  • Debilitating Injury: Soldier's right ear effectively doesn't work. He also can't touch or feel with the right side of his body. He has bad tinnitus that can sometimes keep him from hearing someone approach.
  • Slow Moving: He's big, strong, and can take a punch. What he isn't about to do is avoid an attack. Or at least that's what he tells himself. It might because he's not very agile.
  • Less Charismatic than a Supermutant: Soldier has a way with words, an assaulting way with them.

Crushy McCrushface: A huge, modified sledgehammer. One side is blunt and made for crushing, and the other side has been curved into a nasty spike. It's also a lot heavier than other sledgehammers. It's been weighted so that when it's in motion, it's in motion.
Dad's Revolver: An old PreWar revolver. It has a sight on it, but it isn't an overly complicated one. Soldier uses it for when people think it's a great idea to run away from him.
Customized Combat Armor: Cannibalized pieces of Brotherhood armor along with basic combat armor, make up this amalgamation of protection. It's accented by a nice, green jacket with fur.
  • 2 Stimpaks
  • 3 Pyschos
  • 1 Mentat
  • 1 Water
Silverfish Tooth Necklace: It's old and well worn. When Soldier doesn't think anyone is looking, he rubs it.

"You alright?" a voice erupted through the darkness. Soldier's head felt like someone had slid an icepick into it--more than once. His vision was blurred and shiny around the edges, and the light hurt when he tried to open his eyes. His hearing was broken up in the squealing of tinnitus.

"Who--uh--face?" he managed to groan out. Placing his hands on either side of him, he was aware with his left one, that he was on a cushioned piece of furniture. He tried to push himself upwards, but his muscles thought that was hilarious.

"No," a hand, soft and warm, pressed against his chest. "Lay down." There were sounds of them standing and rifling through something.

A soft sigh slid from their lips. "I don't know who you pissed off, but if you had not been a figher--they'd killed you."

He brought his hand to his chest and found himself without his shirt. While he may not have been able to piece the night together entirely, he knew that he'd at least been wearing his clothes. Curious, and not quite ready to open his eyes, he reached down. Oh good, he still had his pants on.

"I just treated the obvious injuries," the voice joked. "So, who did you fight?"

The memory came back like cap being forcefully inserted into his nostril. "Ghouls. Melty faced sons-of-bitches."

A dissenting 'tsk' left the voice's lips. "I was wondering what half that burnt off tattoo was. It makes sense now. Brotherhood?"

He waved his hand in the air. "Not anymore."

There was a soft tap of feet, and he felt the person lean in close. Their breath was warm. "I know why you left," they said in a sing-song voice. "Your humanity isn't as intact as you like to think it is. And that's perfect for us.."

Soldier opened his eyes, the glare of light gave him pause. He looked around the room. It was a run down doctor's office. His armor sat on the side of the bed, along with his weapons and belongings. Suddenly, a form was in the doorway. "Who left my door open?" the man asked, his voice not the one that Soldier heard before. "Oh good, you're up." He smiled. "Was someone in here?"

Soldier shook his head.

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