Avatar of Solaris
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    1. Solaris 7 yrs ago


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@Red Alice interested
@DeadDrop I like it

Sebni Butrais

Name: Sebni Butrais
Nickname: Seb
Age: Eleven
Gender: Male
Relation: Ward (unrelated)

Height: 4’7
Weight: 71 lbs
Skin: fair, light freckles
Hair: very light, like the clouds in the sky, and somewhat long
Eyes: Very light grey, like a winter tundra

Personality: Sebni is reserved and intelligent, the outsider of the family. He doesn't really speak much, and has grown quite close to the Ardin family as well as some members of their court. He grew up alongside the Ardin children and often accompanied them. He was trained alongside them as well, greatly preferring the lessons of Olan Toures as opposed to Master Juko's combat training, although both of his teachers claim that he shows great promise in their respective subjects.

He spends most of his free-time reading books in the castle library. There he learned a great many subjects and molded his mind into a sharp and effective tool. He even attracted the attention of some of the court's scholars.

Other then that, Sebni is a sweet child who would never harm a fly. He also has a very calming presence and many find it difficult to phase him. He sees the Ardin family as his own, and is of course extremely loyal to them. His general demeanor would have most people mistake him for a pacifist. I can assure you however, that if the Ardin family was in danger, he would do anything to save them.

Bio: Sebni was born as the only son of king Leon Butrias and Queen Melanie Butrias. He spent his entire infancy in the capitol of his homeland, Okaria, but was sent to the Kingdom of Monaxer when tensions began to rise between the separatist nobles and the loyalist nobles. A few months later a short and bloody civil war erupted, and Sebni's parents were imprisoned, and many of the loyalists fled, seeking asylum in Lotens. Sebni would spend the rest of his childhood in Monaxer as a ward of the royal family.

There he pursued his dream to return to his homeland of Okaria, but not as its rightful king, but as an aspiring alchemist, or engineer and to study in the legendary League of Tovern to learn of all sorts of forbidden knowledge. Therefore he spent most of his free time in the castle library along with the intellectuals and mages of King Tir's court. He caught the attention of another frequenter of the library, Enchantress Mazi, who was very impressed with the boy's diligence as well as the materials which he studied. Mazi therefore frequently commented on how if he keeps up his work that maybe in a decade or two he could become a great sage.

He trained and studied alongside his friend, Prince Vetras Ardin, whom Sebni formed a brother-like bond with. He greatly prefered the teachings of sir Olan Toures to those of Master Juko and Sir Beverly Gard, but he did enjoy the lessons taught to him by those two more than he let on.

Though his relationship with the Ardin family was generally good, some of Sebni's behavior concerned Tir and Lilas. One night Queen Lilas caught Sebni engaging in a full and developed conversation with... nothing. She listened to Sebni's words and he appeared to be speaking about his homeland and how he had no interest in returning. After telling her husband about it, he had doctors and mages examine him, they all came to the same conclusion. There was nothing wrong with Sebni, even Enchantress Mazi didn't find anything wrong with him. Considering the topic of his conversation, Sir Olan Toures concluded that Sebni was consciously talking to himself in order to cope with what happened to his homeland. Then for a while, there was peace. Unfortunately though, in a tale that would rival one of Vetrusis's war stories, the family that took him in and protected him for so many years would be torn apart

@Nightscape Should be good to go
@Nightscape need to finish the bio, thats it
@Nightscape would you be alright with a character that was raised as a ward from another kingdom? Similar to Theon Greyjoy?

even though it looks like you have more than the amount of people you intended to start with committed, I would like to stake my interest anyways @Nightscape
lovin it
I like this and will begin working on my CS, but I have a question for @codex and @jakeb1993
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