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    1. Spiffy 7 yrs ago
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Cicero Bladewalker

Cicero smirked as he watched his opponents come forward. It was like being back in the Colosseum again. Ah yes! The Colosseum that he would not see until his name was cleared for the framed murder of his own king! What a cruel fate. Cicero's smirk turned into that of a fierce continence. Then he went to block his opponent with his left and gave a haymaker punch to his opponent's jaw at the same time with his right.

Even though he was more suited to using weapons, he was no slouch in the many bar fights he found himself in. His fault or otherwise. Even still, his shoulder did ache as he went for the move, but he was confident some scallywag sailor would be no match for him. If they ganged up however...
Lethal Developments, Part 4: Deus Ex Meets Reality

@cyrania the first time I played I outright killed most of the characters because I thought I had to. I was very sad to hear I was wrong haha.
Cicero Bladewalker

Cicero nodded as Gwyn revealed her plan to him. The crew looked more and more oblivious the longer the evening went on. It was now or never. He whispered back to her, "Be careful and stick to the shadows. I only need my weapons, leave the armor. Not like you could lift it anyway." Cicero smirked at her. Despite their situation, a little levity could be helpful.

He turned back to the merry crew. Cicero walked over to the tankers, picked one up and filled it with grog. It wouldn't hurt to play along with them and enjoy a drink while at it. Cicero took a long swig from the beverage. By no means was it good quality. Though it had the effect of getting someone drunk, "This is quite the crew you have here Captain Joss! Finest band of sailors I've seen this side of the sea!" Around them lay several incapacited men. Some drooling others snoring. A few stumbled around the deck, clearly drunk.

That's when he spotted someone out of the corner of his eye. The former Captain. He snuck along the railing and headed for the Captain's quarters. Cicero took another swig of his drink thinking to himself, "Should I give him away or distract the crew more?" Cicero did not trust anyone who called this vessel their own. However, perhaps having another man to fight the crew if it came to it would be advantageous.

Cicero began laughing boisteriously. He stood up suddenly and announced, "I'M IN THE MOOD TO FIGHT! WHO HAS THE GALL TO STAND UP TO MY CHALLENGE?!" Cicero began shadow boxing at the various crew members. Any drunk sailor worth his salt would step up to the plate. Cicero smirked to himself. Despite his previous injuries, he figured he could put on a good enough show to distract the men.
@Dynamo Frokane
Hey man no problem! We like the lore you had set up and look forward to continuing it for some time. Message me when you are finished.
I am going back to school soon and will not be able to GM this game indefjnately. @Cyrania, has agreed to be the GM until further notice. Thanks all!
Sorry about the lateness. I want to get to it this next week.
Reign: Kingdom Come
Chapter 3:C - The Last Stand

The icy winds blew the leaves around Col and Bastian. While they took Colley's equipment they began to shiver. Not even a minute had passed when they found their movement had slowed down considerably. They could see their own breath when not minutes prior they barely needed a cloak. This wind was unnatural. It was not on their side. Col's shouts went unheeded by the others to come to them. Meanwhile Bastian devised a plan. To set fire to the leaves around them. But would it work? If he could pull it off and ignite a few leaves, perhaps the wind would blow the fire even larger. They were running out of time.

Bastian took his flint and steel out. He proceeded to strike them, making sparks fly toward the leaves around them. The wind howled and swirled about. It was unclear whether or not he could actually start a fire in the midst of this icy wind.

Lorenzo yelled to Col about trust and purposed it in his mind to flee the scene. He was well aware of his own handicaps. However, as he began to take charge over Merlin, Lorenzo found him completely unwilling to move. Not one inch. Merlin was remaining as close as he could to the key-stone Marque was fascinated by.

Marque attempted to interact with the warmth he felt from the stone for some time. He faintly heard the sounds of his allies and the winds. However, the warmth of the stone consumed him. It was a comforting feeling and he never wanted to let go. He began to search deep within himself for all the joy within his life he had ever experienced. A war raged within him. A war between the death around and the love he experienced before. The stone helped draw out these feelings and Marque resonated with them. Suddenly the keyhole began to glow under Marque's hand in a brilliant orange-red light.
Marque could feel the stone beginning to shake ever so slightly. Something was happening. he could only speculate as to what exactly. Merlin and Martyrdom didn't seem very surprised. They moved even closer to the stone and its' warmth. A welcome contrast to the icy wind. Even Lorenzo could feel the warmth now.

Col and Bastian shook from the cold that whipped through their clothes. Afterward, the wind did something strange. It tossed all the leaves up high into the air. They began to descend as if something that held them had let them go at the same time. The leaves danced and twirled all around the two until they rested upon the ground. It was eerily quiet for a few seconds. Then they both heard the crunching of leaves in the trees before the clearing they were in. About two dozen Wolfborn. They were waiting for something. An order? A signal?
Then a single red leaf descended ever so slowly directly in front of Col and Bastian. Twirling in the windless air. It landed softly upon the other leaves. That's when every Wolfborn advanced toward the two isolated companions. As they approached, Col recognized the one he had done battle with the night before. The left side of its face was still slashed. Its eye useless. But it moved with a purpose toward the squire. The beast's intentions were apparent..

There still was a gap between the stone, Col, and Bastian. No Wolfborn blocked their path. Bastian worked franticly to set fire to the leaves around them with flint and steel. Sparks flew in the air. Col took up a defensive position behind the physician with Colley's shield. If he died he would die fighting. They were both cold and moved slower then before the wind.

When the beasts perceived the sparks from Bastian they charged forward toward the group. For their size, they moved very fast. Closer and closer they advanced. Massive creatures with no other purpose then to extinguish life. Martydom howled in anguish upon seeing them. Within a few seconds they would be overtaken. That's when in a final strike of desperation, Bastian's flint and steel ignited a clump of leaves in front of him. Those leaves caught ablaze alarmingly quickly. It spread for a good few feet around in less then seconds. The Wolfborn skidded to a halt at the sight mere feet from the two.

If they did not move quickly they would be burned. If they moved too quickly they would be mauled. Was their journey to end in this field of death?
Captain Cedric D. Boone - Cannon Castle VIII

The match with Trickshot Joe had ended in her defeat. It was close for some time but ended with her being pile driven into the ground and shot repeatedly. She would need to recover from that. Then Bonekid explained his excitement to join the next match, but asked if Boone wanted to jump in. Cedric grinned widely and replied, "I can't let you all have the fun now without me can I?"

Cedric came off the bleachers, his blunderbuss resting on his right shoulder. He strolled toward the referees and announced, "Captain Cedric D. Boone here! I'll have the next bout!" This opponent seemed like a good challenge. That's exactly what Boone wanted. Let the best marksman win...
@Gardevoiran How is that post coming bro?
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